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The Lachlan River system of inland New South Wales, which extends into semi-arid areas, is prone to natural extremes of climate and water quality and has been almost entirely modified since European settlement in Australia. We used this system as a proving ground for the mainly qualitative bioassessment metrics for river macroinvertebrates that are used widely in Australia – the EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) index, the SIGNAL (Stream Invertebrate Grade Number Average Level) biotic index and the AUSRIVAS O/E (Australian River Assessment System Observed over Expected) index – plus a recently developed qualitative index, the observed proportion of potential taxa (OPP). We tested these metrics on their ability to discriminate between sites judged to be less disturbed by human activities (reference sites) and sites selected by a semi-random process and therefore expected to have a higher average level of human disturbance (assessment sites). All metrics except the AUSRIVAS O/E index differed significantly between the two types of sites at higher altitudes, with SIGNAL showing the greatest discrimination. Assessment at these altitudes was more effective if based on composite data from multiple mesohabitats rather than data from single mesohabitats. No metric differentiated the two types of sites in the more arid, lowland, floodplain region of the river system. We suggest that Australia relies too heavily on bioassessment concepts developed to assess water pollution in well-watered regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Effective assessment of human impacts on macroinvertebrates in the rivers of inland Australia requires a better understanding of the roles of flow regimes, including flood and drought sequences, and of microhabitat structure and invasive alien species. Quantitative approaches may also be required.  相似文献   

The Mid-Atlantic Highlands Assessment (MAHA) included the sampling of macroinvertebrates from 424 wadeable stream sites to determine status and trends, biological conditions, and water quality in first through third order streams in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands Region (MAHR) of the United States in 1993–1995. We identified reference and impaired sites using water chemistry and habitat criteria and evaluated a set of candidate macroinvertebrate metrics using a stepwise process. This process examined several metric characteristics, including ability of metrics to discriminate reference and impaired sites, relative scope of impairment, correlations with chemical and habitat indicators of stream disturbance, redundancy with other metrics, and within-year variability. Metrics that performed well were compared with metrics currently being used by three states in the region: Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Some of the metrics used by these states did not perform well when evaluated using regional data, while other metrics used by all three states in some form, specifically number of taxa, number of EPT taxa, and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index, performed well overall. Reasons for discrepancies between state and regional evaluations of metrics are explored. We also provide a set of metrics that, when used in combination, may provide a useful assessment of stream conditions in the MAHR.  相似文献   

大气二氧化硫采样对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附,样品的放置时间,吸收液的放置时间,采样高度等方面进行了试验,结果表明,导气管的吸附是使二氧化硫的监测值较五日采样法明显偏低的主要因素,其余方面无显著影响。  相似文献   

The choice to use or not use a preservative before sorting macroinvertebrate samples (i.e., dead specimens vs. living specimens) is based on studies not solely focused on the effects of preservation. Using identical sample processing protocols, we compared preserved and unpreserved samples for the following parameters: (1) the number of taxa and individuals for each major macroinvertebrate group, (2) ecological quality classes calculated with a multimetric index developed for the assessment of small Dutch lowland streams, and (3) costs of sample processing. We collected macroinvertebrate samples from three lowland streams in the Netherlands. At each site, we collected six replicate samples, of which three samples were preserved and three were not. Significantly different numbers of Ephemeroptera individuals and Hydracarina taxa and individuals were collected from preserved samples compared to unpreserved samples. In assessments based on these individual metrics, standardization of sample processing will be required. In streams with Ephemeroptera, the preservation of samples is necessary to optimize the number of Ephemeroptera individuals collected. In streams that contain Hydracarina, the preservation of samples will result in an underestimation of the number of Hydracarina taxa and individuals present. In only one instance there was a difference in ecological quality between preserved and unpreserved samples, indicating that assessing small Dutch lowland streams does not require standardization of sample preservation as part of the sample processing protocol. We detected no significant differences in sample processing costs between preserved and unpreserved samples.  相似文献   

PM2.5的化学物种采样与分析方法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对PM25的化学物种组成及其采样方法进行了概述,侧重介绍了主要的半挥发性成分硝酸铵与有机碳的采样问题.按照无机多元素、水溶性离子和含碳组分概述了PM25主要化学物种的分析方法.  相似文献   

通过瞬时采样、等时采样、等比例采样测算结果的分析和比较 ,说明用等比例采样法采集水样并核定出污染物的排放总量 ,解决了水样的代表性问题。  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study is to compare wet versus dry sampling methods for three different media, (Whatman 41 filter papers, GhostWipes, and SKC Smear Tabs), These media were selected because they are the most commonly used means for the collection of beryllium from contaminated surfaces within the DOE Complex. A range of known concentrations of beryllium was introduced onto a smooth nonporous surface. All three types of media were tested for collection efficiency in both the wet and dry mode and analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).  相似文献   

生物监测在跨界河流中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析了生物监测在跨界河流流经国家间的协调管理、生物类群的选择以及监测技术的选择方面所面临的问题;选择欧洲多瑙河、亚洲湄公河以及非洲尼日尔河等跨界河流作为典型案例,对比分析使用不同生物类群(例如底栖动物、浮游藻类以及鱼类)进行跨界河流生物监测的技术方法,阐述了跨界生物监测项目中的资金来源、管理办法和运行机制等;并对未来的跨界河流生物监测提出建议,以期为中国的跨界河流生物监测提供实践依据。  相似文献   

挥发性有机物污染土壤样品采样方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苯系物污染土壤样品的采集为例,比较了4种不同采样方法导致样品检测结果的差异。其中,方法 1将样品装填至广口瓶内并压实密封,方法2采用非扰动采样器采集10 g样品后转移至加有10 mL甲醇保护剂的Vial瓶中密封,方法 3用非扰动采样器采集10 g样品后直接将其密封于采样器内,方法 4用Encore采样器采样后将其密封于采样器内。结果表明,方法 2采集样品的检出率最高,其余3种方法的差异不明显,方法 2采集样品的检出结果 71%以上都大于其余3种方法。而且,对于挥发性较强的苯与甲苯,以方法 2采集的样品91%以上都大于其余3种方法,最大及平均检出浓度高出2~3个数量级。5种不同土质样品检测结果表明,对于有机质含量较低的细砂,方法2的最高及平均检出浓度均高于其余3种方法 1~3个数量级,差异随土壤有机质含量的升高而降低。可见,对于苯系物及挥发性强于苯系物的其他挥发性有机物污染土壤样品的采集,方法 2效果最优,可指定为VOCs污染场地土壤样品的采样方法。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of subsample size on the accuracy of information obtained from aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage samples. Subsamples containing 100 organisms or 300 organisms were compared on the bases of processing time and the ability to discern ecological differences among samples. Independently of subsample size, assemblages differed between study streams, primarily reflecting an intermittent vs. permanent stream difference, and between seasons at most streams. It required, on average, two additional hours to process the larger subsamples. Larger subsamples gave significantly higher estimates of total richness and Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) richness, but the relative abundances of many assemblage subsets (e.g., EPT organisms and most functional feeding groups) were similar using both subsample sizes. Larger subsamples did not typically enhance the ability to discriminate between samples from different seasons, but did more accurately distinguish among streams when differences were subtle. They also appeared to avoid Type I error in comparisons of compositionally similar reaches within a study stream.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted with the goal of comparing the performance of three recently developed or modified sampling and analytical methods for the determination of airborne hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). The study was carried out in a hard chrome electroplating facility and in a jet engine manufacturing facility where airborne Cr(VI) was expected to be present. The analytical methods evaluated included two laboratory-based procedures (OSHA Method ID-215 and NIOSH Method 7605) and a field-portable method (NIOSH Method 7703). These three methods employ an identical sampling methodology: collection of Cr(VI)-containing aerosol on a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) filter housed in a sampling cassette, which is connected to a personal sampling pump calibrated at an appropriate flow rate. The basis of the analytical methods for all three methods involves extraction of the PVC filter in alkaline buffer solution, chemical isolation of the Cr(VI) ion, complexation of the Cr(VI) ion with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide, and spectrometric measurement of the violet chromium diphenylcarbazone complex at 540 nm. However, there are notable specific differences within the sample preparation procedures used in three methods. To assess the comparability of the three measurement protocols, a total of 20 side-by-side air samples were collected, equally divided between a chromic acid electroplating operation and a spray paint operation where water soluble forms of Cr(VI) were used. A range of Cr(VI) concentrations from 0.6 to 960 microg m(-3), with Cr(VI) mass loadings ranging from 0.4 to 32 microg, was measured at the two operations. The equivalence of the means of the log-transformed Cr(VI) concentrations obtained from the different analytical methods was compared. Based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) results, no statistically significant differences were observed between mean values measured using each of the three methods. Small but statistically significant differences were observed between results obtained from performance evaluation samples for the NIOSH field method and the OSHA laboratory method.  相似文献   

Multimetric indices (MMIs) are routinely used by federal, state, and tribal entities to assess the quality of aquatic resources. Because of their diversity, abundance, ubiquity, and sensitivity to environmental stress, benthic macroinvertebrates are well suited for MMIs. West Virginia has used a statewide family-level stream condition index (WVSCI) since 2002. We describe the development, validation, and application of a geographically- and seasonally partitioned genus-level index of most probable stream status (GLIMPSS) for West Virginia wadeable streams. Natural classification strata were evaluated with reference site communities using mean similarity analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination. Forty-one metrics spanning six ecological categories (richness, composition, tolerance, dominance, trophic groups, and habits) were evaluated for sensitivity, responsiveness, redundancy, range and variability across seasonal (spring and summer) and regional (mountains and plateau) strata. Through a step-wise metric selection process, 8–10 metrics were aggregated to comprise four stratum-specific GLIMPSS models (mountain/plateau and spring/summer). A comparison of GLIMPSS with WVSCI exhibited marked improvements where GLIMPSS detecting greater stream impacts. A variation of the GLIMPSS, which differs only in the family-level taxonomic identification of Chironomidae (GLIMPSS (CF)), was comparable to the full GLIMPSS. These MMIs are robust yet practical tools for evaluating impacts to water quality, instream and riparian habitat, and aquatic wildlife in wadeable riffle-run streams based on sensitivity, responsiveness, precision, and independent validation. These models may be used effectively to detect degradation of the naturally occurring benthic community, assess causes of biological degradation, and plan and evaluate remediation of damaged stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring programs are often required to assess streams for which assessment tools have not been developed. For example, low-gradient streams (slope ≤1%) comprise 20–30% of stream miles in California and are of particular interest to watershed managers, yet most sampling methods and bioassessment indices in the state were developed in high-gradient systems. This study evaluated the performance of three sampling methods [targeted riffle composite (TRC), reach-wide benthos (RWB), and the margin–center–margin modification of RWB (MCM)] and two indices [the Southern California Index of Biotic Integrity (SCIBI) and the ratio of observed to expected taxa (O/E)] in low-gradient streams in California for application in this habitat type. Performance was evaluated in terms of efficacy (i.e., ability to collect enough individuals for index calculation), comparability (i.e., similarity of assemblages and index scores), sensitivity (i.e., responsiveness to disturbance), and precision (i.e., ability to detect small differences in index scores). The sampling methods varied in the degree to which they targeted macroinvertebrate-rich microhabitats, such as riffles and vegetated margins, which may be naturally scarce in low-gradient streams. The RWB method failed to collect sufficient numbers of individuals (i.e., ≥450) to calculate the SCIBI in 28 of 45 samples and often collected fewer than 100 individuals, suggesting it is inappropriate for low-gradient streams in California; failures for the other methods were less common (TRC, 16 samples; MCM, 11 samples). Within-site precision, measured as the minimum detectable difference (MDD) was poor but similar across methods for the SCIBI (ranging from 19 to 22). However, RWB had the lowest MDD for O/E scores (0.20 versus 0.24 and 0.28 for MCM and TRC, respectively). Mantel correlations showed that assemblages were more similar within sites among methods than within methods among sites, suggesting that the sampling methods were collecting similar assemblages of organisms. Statistically significant disagreements among methods were not detected, although O/E scores were higher for RWB samples than TRC. Index scores suggested impairment at all sites in the study. Although index scores did not respond strongly to several measurements of disturbance in the watershed, percent agriculture showed a significant, negative relationship with O/E scores.  相似文献   

We conducted an aquatic macroinvertebrate assessment in the channelized reach of the lower Missouri River, and used statistical analysis of individual metrics and multimetric scores to identify community response patterns and evaluate relative biological condition. We examined longitudinal site differences that are potentially associated with water qualityrelated factors originating from the Kansas City metropolitan area, using data from coarse rock substrate in flowing water habitats (outside river bends), and depositional mud substratein slack water habitats (dike fields). Three sites above rivermile (RM) 369 in Kansas City (Nebraska City, RM = 560; St. Joseph, RM = 530; Parkville, RM = 377) and three below (Lexington, RM = 319; Glasgow, RM = 228; Hermann, RM = 94) were sampled with rock basket artificial substrates, a qualitative kicknet method, and the Petite Ponar. We also compared the performance of the methods used. A total of 132 aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa were collected from the lower Missouri River; one third of these taxa belonged to the sensitiveEPOT insect orders (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata, and Trichoptera). Rock baskets had the highest mean efficiency (34.1%) of the methods, and the largest number of taxa was collected by Ponar (n = 69) and kicknet (n = 69) methods. Seven of the 15 metrics calculated from rock basket data, and five ofthe nine metrics calculated from Ponar data showed highly significant differences (ANOVA, P < 0.001) at one or more sitesbelow Kansas City. We observed a substantial reduction in net-spinning Trichoptera in rock habitats below Kansas City (Lexington), an increase in relative dominance of Oligochaeta in depositional habitats at the next site downstream (Glasgow), and lower relative condition scores in rock habitat at Lexingtonand depositional habitat at Glasgow. Collectively, these data indicate that some urban-related impacts on the aquatic macroinvertebrate community are occurring. Our results suggest that the methods and assessment framework we used in this studycould be successfully applied on a larger scale with concurrentwater and sediment chemistry to validate metrics, establish impairment levels, and develop a specific macroinvertebrate community index for the lower Missouri River. We recommend accomplishing this with longitudinal multi-habitat sampling at a larger number of sites related to all potential sources of impairment, including major tributaries, urban areas, and point sources.  相似文献   

Before-After Control Impact (BACI) sampling designsare commonly used in environmental impact assessmentand are considered the most effective for detectingchanges due to anthropogenic disturbances. Thesedesigns handle local spatial variability throughrandomized placement of samples into a treatmentstratum and a control stratum. When a contaminantdisperses with distance from a point source it issuggested that a gradient design will be moresensitive to change than randomized placement ofsamples. This requires allocating samples according todistance, rather than by random placement withinrandomly placed blocks. In this paper gradient versusrandom sampling designs were compared using data froman oil field in the North Sea. The gradient samplingdesign was more powerful than a randomized CI sampling design.  相似文献   

本文阐述了地衣样品的规范的采集;无污染的采样工具、运输工具、盛装容器及加工器械是保存技术的先行条件。全程序的质控是保存技术的基础,温度、压力、光则是保存技术决定性的因素。通过三种保存技术的研究筛选出了既经济又简便的保存技术  相似文献   

通过采用玻璃纤维滤筒采集、吸收液吸收和S材料滤筒采样三种不同采集原理的油烟采样方法的试验,研究出一种油烟采样新材料--SM材料,其填充后制成的S材料滤筒的油烟采集效率大于96%的采样方法.  相似文献   

发生增塑剂 DEP雾 ,粒径主要分布在 0 .48~ 3 .4μm。使用不同容积、不同类型的吸收瓶 (管 )在不同的采样条件下进行 DEP雾样品采集 ,将采样效率和采样过程发生的现象进行比较 ,选择出合适的采样方法和采样条件  相似文献   

根据等速采样原理,探讨在标准状态下,采样体积的计算公式.当气温在0℃以下采样时,略去累计流量计、流量计前压力表、流量计前温度表,即不再用上述仪表测得参数求算采样体积,实现了冬季采样又简化了设备的结构.  相似文献   

The objective of the research work was to evaluate the efficiency of three different sampling methods (Ghost Wipe?, micro-vacuum, and ChemTest?) in the recovery of Be dust by assessing: (1) four Be compounds (beryllium acetate, beryllium chloride, beryllium oxide and beryllium aluminium), (2) three different surfaces (polystyrene, glass and aluminium) and (3) inter-operator variation. The three sampling methods were also tested on site in a laboratory of a dental school for validation purposes. The Ghost Wipe? method showed recovery ranging from 43.3% to 85.8% for all four Be compounds and for all three quantities of Be spiked on Petri dishes, while recovery with the micro-vacuum method ranged from 0.1% to 12.4%. On polystyrene dishes with 0.4 μg Be, the recovery ranged from 48.3% to 81.7%, with an average recovery of 59.4% for Operator 1 and 68.4% for Operator 2. The ChemTest? wipe method with beryllium acetate, beryllium chloride, and AlBeMet? showed analogous results that are in line with the manufacturer's manual, but collection of beryllium oxide was negative. In the dental laboratory, Ghost Wipe? samplings showed better recovery than the micro-vacuum method. The ratios between the recovered quantities of Be in each location where the Ghost Wipe? was tested differed substantially, ranging from 1.45 to 64. In the dental laboratory, a faint blue color indicating the presence of Be was observed on the ChemTest? wipes used in two locations out of six. In summary, the Ghost Wipe? method was more efficient than micro-vacuuming in collecting the Be dust from smooth, non-porous surfaces such as Petri dishes by a factor of approximately 18. The results obtained on site in a dental laboratory also showed better recovery with Ghost Wipes?. However, the ratio of Be recovered by Ghost Wipes? versus micro-vacuuming was much lower for surfaces where a large amount of dust was present. Wet wiping is preferred over micro-vacuuming for beryllium forms, but this conclusion probably applies to the ultra-low particulate loading levels (0.4 micrograms or less) which was tested in this study.  相似文献   

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