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Pollution-related lead (Pb) andmercury (Hg) in mor layers of Southern Swedenmight have effects on soil biology, although inthe literature effect concentrations have beenidentified at much higher levels. Considerablesmall-scale spatial variability in heavy metalcontents and microbial respiration in mor layersof forest sites was used to calculatecorrelations that could reveal toxic effects.Negative correlations were always strongest atsites with high loads of Pb or Hg, which was considered to indicate metal toxicity. The highload sites were found in Southwestern Sweden,locally at a motorway and at a chlorine-alkalifactory. Other factors of possible influence,such as other pollutants, age of organic materialor climatic differences, would affect high andlow load sites alike. Negative correlations withrespiration were found for Pb at sites with 74 g g-1 of mean Pb content in Of-layer and for Hg at 0.25 g g-1.  相似文献   

Concentrations and Pools of Heavy Metals in Urban Soils in Stockholm,Sweden   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb andZn) and arsenic (As) were surveyed and the metal pools estimatedin soils in Stockholm Municipality. The sampling sites were distributed all over the entire municipality with a higher sampling density in the city centre. Soils were sampled to a maximum depth of 25 to 60 cm. Soil texture, total-C content, electrical conductivity and pH were analysed. Heavy metal concentrations were determined after wet digestion with boiling7 M HNO3.The results showed a wide range in heavy metal concentrations, as well as in other soil properties. The city centre soils constituted a rather homogeneous group whereas outside this areano geographical zones could be distinguished. These soils were grouped based on present land use, i.e. undisturbed soils, public parks, wasteland (mainly former industrial areas), and roadside soils. The city centre and wasteland soils generally hadenhanced heavy metal concentrations to at least 30 cm depth compared to park soils outside the city centre and rural (arable)soils in the region, which were used to estimate background levels. For example, the mean Hg concentration was 0.9 (max 3.3)mg kg-1 soil at 0–5 cm and 1.0 (max 2.9) at 30 cm depth in the city centre soils, while the background level was 0,04 mg kg-1. Corresponding values for Pb were 104 (max 444) and135 (max 339) mg kg-1, at 0–5 and 30 cm, respectively, while the background level was 17 mg kg-1.The average soil pools (0–30 cm depth) of Cu, Pb and Zn were 21,38 and 58 g m-2 respectively, which for Pb was 3–4 timeshigher and for Cu and Zn 1.5–2 times higher than the backgroundlevel. The total amount of accumulated metals (down to 30 cm)in the city centre soils (4.5*10 6 m2 public gardens and green areas) was estimated at 80, 1.1, 120 and 40 t for Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn, respectively. The study showed (1) thatfrom a metal contamination point of view, more homogeneous soilgroups were obtained based on present land use than on geographicdistance to the city centre, (2) the importance of establishing a background level in order to quantify the degree of contamination, and (3) soil samples has to be taken below the surface layer (and deeper than 30 cm) in order to quantify theaccumulated metal pools in urban soils.  相似文献   

In southern Sweden, where exposure to long range distributedheavy metals is about the highest in Scandinavia, depositionsof cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) decreased about 20 and 70%,respectively, between mid-1980s and mid-1990s, as estimated bytheir concentrations in moss. Concentrations of Cd and Pb in tissues of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) were also lower in 1996and 1997 compared to 1981 and 1982. It is concluded that the decreased deposition rate of these elements in southern Sweden had caused decreased exposure, and thus also to decreased potential risk of detrimental effects on insectivorous birds andherbivorous mammals. There was no indication that breeding results of pied flycatcher was influenced by the decreased deposition of toxic metals.  相似文献   

硫酸锰渣污染土壤中重金属的形态分布及生物活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了硫酸锰渣污染土壤中Cu,Zn,Cd,Pb,Mn的总量和各形态含量.结果表明重金属总量远超过环境背景值和土壤环境二级标准.重金属各形态分布特征:Cu,有机态>残渣态>铁锰氧化态>碳酸盐态>可交换态;Zn,残渣态>铁锰氧化态>有机态>碳酸盐态>可交换态;Cd,铁锰氧化态>可交换态>碳酸盐态>残渣态>有机态;Pb,铁锰氧化态>残渣态>有机态>碳酸盐态>可交换态;Mn,铁锰氧化态>残渣态>可交换态>有机态>碳酸盐态.重金属的生物可利用性系数和迁移系数均为Cd>Mn>Pb>Cu>Zn.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution: Focus - To investigate the urban land-useinfluences on transport of heavy metals to lakesand metal concentrations in fish liver (perch andcrucian carp), ten lakes...  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of Fe(III) reduction in mining lake sediments amended with organic substrates, we performed a large (10 m diameter) enclosure experiment in which sediments were amended with Carbokalk, a waste product from sugar industry containing organic carbon and lime. Fe(III) reduction rates were determined monthly by measuring the accumulation of Fe(II) in the sediments in the field. Fe(III) reduction rates were also determined by incubating sediment samples with synthetic Fe(III) oxyhydroxide under in situ temperature in the laboratory. Sulfate reduction was selectively inhibited in the Fe(III) reduction experiments by addition of sodium molybdate. Sulfate reduction was measured by accumulation of reduced inorganic sulfides in the field and by 35S radiotracer using a core injection technique. Sediment incubation and determination of sulfate reduction rates with radiotracer showed that sulfate reduction and direct microbial Fe(III) reduction occured simultaneously in the upper centimeters of the sediments and that both processes contributed to alkalinity generation. However, Fe(III) reduction was the initial process and rates were at least 3.5 fold higher than sulfate reduction rates. The results indicate that the presence of suitable anions for Fe(II) precipitation as carbonate or sulfide is needed in order to prevent loss of potential alkalinity by Fe(II) diffusion and reoxidation in the water column.  相似文献   

Traunsee, an oligotrophic Alpine lake, has suffered from inputsof industrial tailings (soda- and salt-mining industries) forseveral decades. The effects of the industrial sludges on thespatial distribution of the littoral and profundal invertebratefauna was investigated along three transects at five dates. Inthe littoral zone, no negative impacts were found. A distinctgradient in faunal composition and diversity was, however,observed along a profundal transect relative to the distance fromthe waste emission. Near the industrial input, the enhanced pH,the substrate instability, and the poor sediment quality forsubstrate- and deposit-feeders were the main factors that loweror prohibit colonization of the industrial sludges. Along atransitional zone between the waste emission and the deepestbasin, recolonization was delayed, but did occur as soon aslayers of a few mm natural sediment seal the sludge. Mobile,epibenthic organisms are the first to settle these areas, whereasrecolonization by tube-building oligochaetes and chironomidsrequires thicker sealings of the industrial sludges. Differencesin the abundance of benthic invertebrates at different profundalsites were not only related to the waste emission, but also tothe influence of the main tributary, the River Traun. Theenhanced availability of allochthonous organic matter wasprobably responsible for high densities of tubificids near theinlet in the South of Traunsee. Moreover, a higher proportion oftolerant oligochaete and ostracod species in the lower profundaloutside the influence of the industrial tailings was interpretedas reflecting the increased trophy of Traunsee in the 1970s,which forced sensitive species to shift to the upper profundalwhen the oxygen climate deteriorated.  相似文献   

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