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The measurement of urban population carrying capacity is the basis for cities' sustainable development. However, the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area. This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future, which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capacity. This study would also provide a reference to the measurement of the urban population carrying capacity for other cities and districts in China.  相似文献   

This article will briefly discuss the implications of recognition of ecological justice in relation to environmental education(EE) and education for sustainable development(ESD).It is argued that the present conception of environment taught through EE and ESD negates the subjectivity of non-human species and ignores the ethical imperatives of ecological justice.Evocating environmental ethics,major directions integrating ecological justice into EE and ESD are proposed.  相似文献   

The concept of carrying capacity is derived from ecology, with widespread contentions of its theoretical connotations and applications in the international academic community, especially the impact of human activities on the environment. Disputes on carrying capacity have been occurring not only among biologists and ecologists, but also among mainstream economists. Based on their efforts, the author makes an attempt to describe its origin, connotations, problems, measurement, and at the same time note the latest international progress in this field.  相似文献   

This article will briefly outline the origins, structure and functions of United Nations Environment Program and the Commission on Sustainable Development in the context of the goals of ecologically sustainable development (ESD). Economic development, social development and environmental protection form the three interconnected parts of ESD. The achievements of the key UN environmental institutions and programs in opening up the global system to civil society, the private sector and a diversity of actors and interests, promoting the role of poverty alleviation as part of ESD through the Millennium Development Goals, and facilitating important Multilateral Environmental Agreements should be recognized. However, with these notable exceptions, organizations such as United Nations Environment Program and the Commission on Sustainable Development have become weak in scientific and technical leadership, global policy, co-ordination (inside and outside the UN) and has few achievements in the inter- national and national implementation of obligations and standards in Global Environmental Governance - including enforcement, compliance and effectiveness. This article will outline the key reasons for this inadequacy. Attention will also be focused on the way forward through of a new United Nations Environment Organization. This will require a clarification of purpose and function (within the UN system and as part of global governance structures) as well as consideration of whether it depends on system-wide UN reform. It is recommended that medium and long term strategies for reform are necessary.  相似文献   

The Bali Roadmap, as the breakthrough on intergovernmental negotiation of climate change mitigation, having brought United States on track, is still a result of compromises. The major compromises of the Bali Roadmap are centered around three issues of quantifying emission reduction targets, developing countries' obligations as well as quantifying developed countries' financial assistance in developing countries' capacity building on climate change. It is found that the rationalities behind these compromises are the national interests. Due to the fact, achieving cohesion among all nations in climate change actions is very difficult. Therefore, the Bali Roadmap may lead to a tough way with distant hope. However, technology innovation and well-designed economic instruments would be helpful and supportive for further international negotiation and cooperation.  相似文献   

Despite its tiny territory,Macau boasts a large volume of tourist activities,which serves as the pillar of its economy.Environment and natural resources are the cornerstone of tourism,but are also subject to the negative impact of tourism.Based on the theory and methodology of ecological footprint analysis,this paper calculated the touristic ecological footprint and deficit of Macau in 2009,in an effort to bring to light the current status of excessive consumption of resources by tourism.As the findings show,the non-transferable touristic ecological footprint and touristic ecological deficit of Macau in 2009 are respectively 18 300.891 gha and 12 737.584 gha,and the former is 3.29 times as large as the touristic ecological carrying capacity.Touristic ecological footprint of Macau is highly efficient in economic sense but currently tourism is developing in an unsustainable manner,so appropriate initiatives are in need to strike a balance between tourism development and resource conservation and to promote the sustainability of tourism industry of Macau.  相似文献   

In recent years, China’s energy demand and Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have grown very fast, quite an amount of which was exported as energy embodied in goods in international trade rather than consumed domestically. Starting from the concept of embodied energy, based on input-output energy analysis approach, in this paper the energy embodied in goods in international trade of China during the period from 2001 to 2006 is calculated. The results show that although China has become a net importer of petroleum since 1993, China is a net exporter of embodied energy due to international trade in goods. In 2002, the total amount of energy embodied in exported goods was about 410 million tce (ton of coal equivalent, hereinafter referred to as "tce"). Eliminating the amount of energy embodied in imported goods of about 170 million tce, the net export of embodied energy was about 240 million tce, accounting for 16% of the aggregate primary energy consumption of that very year in China, and the net export of embodied emissions was about 150 million tons of carbon. With the rapid growth of China’s international trade, assuming no structural input-output changes of among sectors, in 2006 the net export of embodied energy went up to about 630 million tce, an increase of 162 % over 2002. In addition, this paper also analyzes the possible sources of error in calculation, and also discusses the policy implications according to the result of the calculation.  相似文献   

The measurement of urban population carrying capac- ity is the basis for cities' sustainable development.However,the traditional study on population carrying capacity which was based on food supply is not applicable to the single urban area.This paper built a model for the analysis of urban carrying capacity, and took Haidian District in Beijing as an example to calculate the urban carrying capacity of Haidian District in the future,which was the basis for the improvement of the population carrying capac...  相似文献   

This paper begins by analysing the mutual influence between international trade and the environment, and then proceeds to explore the environment and trade conflicts. On the basis of sustainable development theories and the above discussion, the article suggests taking sustainable trade as a solution to the existing conflicts. This paper aims to find the way to strike a balance between international trade and environment based on the present situation in China.  相似文献   

Either from the perspective of the finite supply capacity of global resources and energy,or from the perspective of global environment restrictive conditions,developing countries can not repeat the old development road of developed countries,either in view of the international pressure China is currently facing,or in view of China’s own resources endowment and stages of development,we must actively face such a challenge of climate change.We must recognize that the issue of climate change may be a great restraint to the present and future eco-social development,and may also be an important driving force and new opportunity to push forward the transformation of development pattern,to take a new road of industrialization and to realize sustainable development.This demands us,on the one hand,to take the Scientific Outlook of Development as the guide to make efforts to control the emission of greenhouse gases and continuously increase the capability of adapting to climatic change,and set up the overall plan to respond to climate change of our country,and on the other hand,we should unswervingly take the road of sustainable development,save energy,optimize energy structure and strengthen biological protection in slowing and adapting to climate change.  相似文献   

“一带一路”战略背景下金属产业国际产能合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济发展放缓,金属资源国内需求结构变化,资源约束压力、产能过剩等问题更加突出。如何通过国际产能合作化解金属产业难题是亟待解决的一个现实问题。本文从中国金属产业的现状出发,借鉴美、日产能转移的成功经验,在"一带一路"战略的大背景下探索适合中国金属产业开展产能合作的新模式并提出相应的政策建议。研究认为,中国已成为世界金属生产和消费大国且工业化进入中后期,具有进行国际产能合作的现实需求,"一带一路"战略为中国金属产能国际转移带来了历史契机。这种契机主要表现在沿线国家的基础设施建设热潮带来全球金属资源消费新的增长点,中国主导的"一带一路"战略构建了一种新型地缘政治格局,既能增强中国在沿线国家中的贸易话语权,也为中国开展国际产能合作提供了条件。研究指出,在"一带一路"战略下,中国金属产业的产能转移应以"互利共赢"为基础创新产能合作模式:即以产能合作推动产能转移,达到产业互补经济互惠的目的;以产能输出取代产品输出,有效回避西方国家针对中国的"双反"政策;以基础设施援建消化部分产能,在帮助沿线国家发展基础设施建设的同时消化自身部分富余产能。在合作策略上,应注重六个方面:一是充分利用"一带一路"的战略合作关系;二是实施低端转移高端做强的策略方针;三是全方位开放和深化产能合作;四是开展境外产业园区建设和有色金属精深加工工程;五是大力鼓励民营资本参与;六是创新金属矿业投资模式。  相似文献   


The concept of carrying capacity is derived from ecology, with widespread contentions of its theoretical connotations and applications in the international academic community, especially the impact of human activities on the environment. Disputes on carrying capacity have been occurring not only among biologists and ecologists, but also among mainstream economists. Based on their efforts, the author makes an attempt to describe its origin, connotations, problems, measurement, and at the same time note the latest international progress in this field.  相似文献   

承载力:从静态到动态的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
承载力的概念来自于生态学领域。随着该概念应用范围的拓展,尤其在人类活动对环境影响中的应用,被赋予了不同的内涵,在国际学术界引起广泛的争议,不仅生物学家、生态学家对其提出质疑,而且生态经济学家和主流经济学家也在一些与之相关的观点上存在着严重的分歧。本文试图从承载力的起源、内涵的演变、存在的缺陷和定量的测度等方面对其进行刻划,同时揭示了国际上有关承载力研究的进展。  相似文献   

发展中国家正处于工业化起始和发展阶段,煤炭的开发和利用逐年增多,这将造成对环境的污染。因此,包括中国在内的发展中国家,面临着能源结构和能源利用方式一次新的战略变革,这种变革使资源消费型发展模式,转向资源节约模式。中国本着负责的态度,在发展经济的同时始终把环境保护作为一项基本国策。但限于发展中国家财力和技术条件有限,我们希望国际社会建立保障环境安全和发展的国际资金机制,包括以优惠或非商业性条件转让环境保护有益的技术和提供足够的、新的和额外的资金以推动新技术的应用。  相似文献   

2016年《巴黎协定》的正式生效是全球环境治理的重要里程碑,是国际社会在应对气候变化的艰难进程中迈出的重要一步,标志着全球环境治理从此进入履约阶段。本文基于宾夕法尼亚大学智库与公民社会项目(TTCSP)公布的《2015年全球智库指数报告》,选取其中排名前十位的国际环境智库的研究报告和环境领域中代表性学者的相关论文,对国外学术界有关《巴黎协定》履约前景的分析进行了系统梳理,并对此做出简要评述。文章在肯定《巴黎协定》有力推进国际气候治理进程的同时,也指出在新的国际形势之下,尤其是在英国正式启动脱欧进程和特朗普新任美国总统后,其履约过程中更是存在着协定之内和协定之外的众多挑战和不确定性,本文的基本结论如下:首先,协定之内面临着协定缔约方国内批准程序上的挑战;国家自主贡献的实现与发展中国家能力建设;2℃温升目标的实现前景;审评和盘点的效力评估;碳市场机制能否有效运行。其次,协定之外面临着英国脱欧的潜在气候政策变化及影响;美国气候政策的可能变化及其影响。基于对以上智库报告和相关研究论文的分析,笔者对《巴黎协定》的履约前景得出几点看法:(1)正视国际气候合作的机遇与挑战;(2)对具体议题的落实需充满信心;(3)理性冷静看待英美气候政策的可能变化;(4)鼓励环境类国际组织之外的非国家行为体展开通力合作。对此,我们应正视履约中的挑战与不确定性,做好充分的应对之策,确保履约进程的顺利完成。总之,《巴黎协定》的履约前景不容乐观,国际社会任重道远。  相似文献   

人力资源的开发是可持续发展能力建设的重要组成部分 ,也是国家财富存量的决定性因素。它涉及教育、培训、科技、扶贫、就业与劳动力转移、体制改革和国际合作等众多领域 ,直接影响到一个国家的可持续性。本文从实现国家可持续发展的目标出发 ,阐述了人力资源理论研究的进展 ,分析了中国人力资源能力建设的现状 ,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

One of the most important and yet difficult challenges that modern societies face is how to mobilize science and technology (S&T) to minimize the impact of human activities on the Earth’s life support systems. As the establishment of inter-disciplinary education programs is necessary to design a unified vision towards understanding the complexity of human nature, the Research Institute for Sustainability Science (RISS) launched a new program on sustainability science in April 2008. The program expects to address the issue of how to use knowledge more effectively to understand the dynamic interactions between nature and human society. This paper first offers an overview of international and Japanese initiatives on sustainability education in which we highlight the uniqueness of the attempt by the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S). The paper then introduces the RISS program for sustainability science, addressing the principles and curriculum design of the program. The paper discusses the main problems and constraints faced when developing the program, such as institutional barriers in building a curriculum and obtaining cooperation from faculty. To challenge these barriers and limitations, the RISS uses the program as a platform to disseminate the idea of sustainability science across the university. This attempt helps us to obtain the continuing cooperation necessary to improve and maintain the program.
Michinori UwasuEmail:

长江三角洲是我国重要的经济区域,是参与国际竞争、提高国际分工地位的代表地区,也是最主要的人口聚集区。随着国家贯彻落实科学发展观,推进人口分布、产业布局和经济环境在空间上的均衡发展,长三角在产业和人口方面的集聚效应将更加明显。从生态景观和经济发展的分析入手,开展了人口承载力和人口集聚的研究,大胆提出未来长三角人口集聚的规模以及在空间上的分布,同时提出建设六大都市圈和六大国际门户,形成网络化的城市空间布局,有效承接大量流入的人口和支撑产业的发展。  相似文献   

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