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Soil washing is a treatment process that can be used to remediate both organic and inorganic pollutants from contaminated soils, sludges, and sediments. A soil washing procedure was evaluated utilizing about 100 g samples of soil that had been field-contaminated with arsenic, chromium, copper, pentachlorophenol (PCP), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). The highest level of mobilization/detoxification was achieved in three soil washes with a mixture of 0.1M [S,S]-ethyelnediaminedisuccinate ([S,S]-EDDS) and 2% Brij 98 at pH 9 with 20 min of ultrasonication treatment at room temperature. This combination mobilized 70% of arsenic, 75% of chromium, 80% of copper, 90% of PCP, and 79% of PCDDs and PCDFs, so that the decontaminated soil met the maximum acceptable concentrations of the generic C-level criteria regulated by the Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs for the Province of Québec, Canada.The organic pollutants were back-extracted from the aqueous suspension with hexane. Heavy metals were virtually completely precipitated from the aqueous washing suspension with Mg0 particles at room temperature. The PCP was detoxified by catalytic hydrodechlorination with a stream of 5% (v/v) H2-supercritical CO2 that transported the organosoluble fraction through a reaction chamber containing 2% Pd/γ-Al2O3.In toto, this soil washing procedure demonstrates that persistent organic pollutants and selected heavy metals can be co-extracted efficiently from a field-contaminated soil with three successive washes with the same soil washing solution containing [S,S]-EDDS and a non-ionic surfactant (Brij 98) in admixture. An industrial-scale ex situ soil washing procedure with a combination of a non-ionic surfactant and a complexing reagent seems to be a plausible remediation technique for this former wooden utility pole storage facility.  相似文献   

重金属-多氯联苯复合污染土壤同步洗脱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子垃圾拆解区土壤具有重金属与有机物复合污染的特性,尤其以Cu、Pb、Cd和多氯联苯(PCBs)的复合污染较为突出。为了同步脱除土壤中重金属与PCBs,选用增溶物质:Tween 80、TX-100、SDBS、β-环糊精与螯合剂柠檬酸依次组合进行复合污染土壤淋洗实验,应用批量平衡震荡法研究它们对重金属(Cu、Pb、Cd)与PCBs(Aroclor 1254)的洗脱效果。通过比较洗脱效果、环境友好性等方面,得出非离子表面活性剂Tween 80与天然螯合剂柠檬酸2种淋洗剂复合最佳;进一步研究两者的淋洗先后顺序、浓度配比、洗脱时间及淋洗剂pH对污染土壤洗脱效果的影响,结果表明,在Tween 80和柠檬酸均为10 g/L、pH=6、淋洗时间12 h时淋洗效果达到最佳,对Cu、Pb、Cd及PCBs的洗脱率分别达到98.77%、55.92%、66.82%和58.01%。因此,利用Tween80和柠檬酸组合可同时有效去除土壤重金属和PCBs,是复合污染土壤淋洗修复的有效淋洗剂。  相似文献   

柠檬酸浸出土壤中铜、锌的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某工业废弃地土壤为供试材料,采用批次实验方法,研究了柠檬酸对重金属Cu、Zn的浸出效果。并在单因素实验基础上,探讨不同pH值、柠檬酸浓度、固液比和浸提时间等对浸出效果的影响,进而对实验条件进行正交优化组合,确定优化工艺参数为:pH值为3.2,柠檬酸浓度为0.4 mol/L,壤土固液比为1/10,土壤中Cu、Zn接近平衡的时间分别为1 h和1.5 h。结果表明,在此条件下,对这2种金属来说,Cu较Zn易释放,Cu、Zn的最大浸出率分别为74.8%和65.3%。柠檬酸浸提前后,土壤中有机质含量下降范围为0.61%~3.16%。单从土壤有机质含量来看,柠檬酸对土壤质量影响较小,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

In the present work, the efficiency of rice husk to remove Hg(II) from river waters spiked with realistic environmental concentrations of this metal (μg L?1 range) was evaluated. The residual levels of Hg(II) obtained after the remediation process were compared with the guideline values for effluents discharges and water for human consumption, and the ecotoxicological effects using organisms of different trophic levels were assessed. The rice husk sorbent proved to be useful in decreasing Hg(II) contamination in river waters, by reducing the levels of Hg(II) to values of ca. 8.0 and 34 μg L?1, for an Hg(II) initial concentration of 50 and 500 μg L?1, respectively. The remediation process with rice husk biowaste was extremely efficient in river waters spiked with lower levels of Hg(II), being able to eliminate the toxicity to the exposed organisms algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus and ensure the total survival of Daphnia magna species. For concentrations of Hg(II) tenfold higher (500 μg L?1), the remediation process was not adequate in the detoxification process, still, the rice husk material was able to reduce considerably the toxicity to the bacteria Vibrio fischeri, algae P. subcapitata and rotifer B. calyciflorus, whose responses where fully inhibited during its exposure to the non-remediated river water. The use of a battery of bioassays with organisms from different trophic levels and whose sensitivity revealed to be different and dependent on the levels of Hg(II) contamination proved to be much more accurate in predicting the ecotoxicological hazard assessment of the detoxification process by means of rice husk biowaste.  相似文献   

EDTA及其回收溶液治理重金属污染土壤的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验结果表明,EDTA能够有效地萃取土壤重金属,由于其价格较贵和不易被降解等特点,限制了它的广泛运用.在运用MINTEQA2模型对萃取液中重金属离子形态分析的基础上,选用Na2S沉淀法将重金属从EDTA萃取液中有效分离.同时将回收的EDTA连续进行萃取土壤重金属,由于回收EDTA浓度下降的原因,其效果比新鲜EDTA的要稍微差一点,但从经济和效率上来说,仍旧可以用来治理重金属污染的土壤.  相似文献   

Fragments of antifouling paint and environmental geosolids have been sampled from the island of Malta and analysed for total and bioaccessible metals. Total concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sn and Zn were two to three orders of magnitude higher in spent antifouling composites relative to respective values in background soils and road dusts. Paint fragments were visible in geosolids taken from the immediate vicinity of boat maintenance facilities and mass balance calculations, based on Ba as a paint tracer, suggested that the most contaminated soils, road dusts and boatyard dusts contained about 1%, 7% and 9%, respectively, of antifouling particles. Human bioaccessibilities of metals were evaluated in selected samples using a physiologically based extraction technique. Accessibilities of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the most contaminated solids were sufficient to be cause for concern for individuals working in the boat repair industry and to the wider, local community.  相似文献   

针对电子垃圾拆解、焚烧场地周边污染土壤中的重金属和疏水性有机物的复合污染问题,对重金属和有机物同步高效洗脱方法进行了研究。将皂素、吐温-80和柠檬酸按照不同浓度配比组合并制成混合洗脱剂,采用批量平衡振荡的方法,研究其对Cu、Pb、Cd和多氯联苯(PCBs)复合污染土壤的洗脱效果,以及浓度配比、pH和洗脱时间对洗脱效果的影响,并找出最优的洗脱条件。结果表明:在混合洗脱剂中皂素、吐温-80和柠檬酸的浓度分别为12、10和5 g·L-1,pH值为5,批量平衡振荡洗脱时间为6 h的条件下,洗脱效果最佳,对Cu、Pb、Cd和PCBs的洗脱率分别为88.32%、82.75%、94.89%和80.56%,实现了复合污染土壤中重金属和疏水性有机物的同步高效洗脱。  相似文献   

土壤重金属复合污染及其化学钝化修复技术研究进展   总被引:74,自引:3,他引:74  
土壤重金属污染往往是2种或2种以上的多种重金属并存的复合污染。与单一污染相比,重金属复合污染中元素或化合物之间存在相互作用以及对生态效应的综合影响,对其污染土壤的修复具有挑战性。目前,土壤重金属污染的修复主要集中在单一元素上,而对土壤多种重金属并存的复合污染的同时修复研究较少。化学钝化修复是基于向土壤中添加稳定化剂,通...  相似文献   

上海市桃浦垃圾填埋场封场植被的重金属吸收和积累特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市垃圾填埋场的生态修复问题越来越受到重视,选择合适的封场植被对生态恢复至关重要。本研究对上海市桃浦垃圾填埋场的土壤和29种优势植物的重金属含量进行检测,结果显示,该填埋埋场土壤呈现Zn和Cd的中度复合污染。在研究的优势植物中,杨树、雪松和夹竹桃吸收Zn的能力较强,杨树、紫薇、金丝桃吸收Cd的能力较强。荆芥表现为重金属Zn的富集型植物;龙葵表现为重金属Cd的富集型植物;麦冬和狗尾巴草则表现为重金属的根部囤积型植物。可综合选择这些植物用于城市垃圾填埋场的植物修复和植被恢复。  相似文献   

The contamination level of 92 samples (12 species) of wild edible mushrooms and underlying substrates with heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in the Slovak Paradise National Park that borders with a region of historical mining and processing of polymetallic ores, were determined. The collected samples were analyzed using of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The metals were determined separately in hymenophore (H) and rest of fruit bodies (RFB). Bioaccumulation factor as well as ratio of metal content in H and RFB were calculated. Cadmium and lead contents in hymenophore exceeded statutory limits of the EU (Cd: 0.5 mg/kg dry weight (dw), Pb: 1.0 mg/kg dw) for edible mushrooms in 96% and 83% of the samples, respectively. The risk from the consumption of the collected mushroom species was calculated based on the provisionally tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) values, and the highest health risk arising with consumption of particularly Macrolepiota procera, Marasmius oreades and Russula vesca from the observed area was demonstrated. It was shown that average weekly consumption of tested mushrooms species results the threat of exceeding of PTWI limits in the case of cadmium values (by 164%, 86% and 4% of PTWI for M. oreades, R. vesca and R. puellaris, respectively) and of mercury (by 96% of PTWI for M. procera) but not lead.  相似文献   

以废旧印刷线路板粉末(WPCBs)为原料,采用矿浆电解法回收WPCBs中金属,研究CuSO4·5H2O浓度、NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度、电流大小、WPCBs加入量和电解时间对矿浆电解过程中金属的浸出和电沉积规律的影响。结果表明:CuSO4·5H2O浓度、WPCBs加入量对WPCBs中金属浸出率影响不大,增加NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度、电流和电解时间有利于WPCBs中金属浸出;增加NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度和电解时间有利于WPCBs中金属沉积,而增加CuSO4·5H2O浓度、WPCBs加入量和电流不利于金属沉积。当CuSO4·5H2O浓度、NaCl浓度、H2SO4浓度、电流、WPCBs加入量和电解时间分别为30 g·L-1、60 g·L-1、170 g·L-1、0.5 A、3 g和9 h时,WPCBs中金属的浸出率和沉积率分别为92.28%和67.04%。  相似文献   

Zn accumulation in Solanum nigrum grown in naturally contaminated soil in the presence of different types of organic amendments was assessed. Under the same conditions, the response of the plant to inoculation with two different isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Glomus claroideum and Glomus intraradices) was also evaluated. S. nigrum grown in the non-amended soil always presented higher Zn accumulation in the tissues, with the addition of amendments inducing reductions of up to 80 and 40%, for manure and compost, respectively, and enhancing plant biomass yields. The establishment of S. nigrum in the Zn contaminated soil combined with the application of amendments led to a 70-80% reduction in the amount of Zn leached through the soil. The use of S. nigrum in combination with manure appeared as an effective method for reducing the effects of soil contamination, diminishing Zn transfer to other environmental compartments via percolation.  相似文献   

The oxidative stress in the digestive gland of the land snail Helix aspersa was considered as a bioindicator for atmospheric pollution with heavy metals from several industries and vehicular traffic in Kafr El-Zayat city. Regional means of heavy metals concentration of all sites were 0.71, 7.09, 0.71, 2.68, 41.44 and 18.01 mg kg−1 wet mass for Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cu, respectively. In addition, the highest values of Cd concentrations were found 1.22 and 1.73 mg kg−1 wet mass in S1 (Potato International Center) and S4 (The Nile bank), respectively. Lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH(and recorded lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels were significantly high in S1 and S2 (Traffic station). On the other hand, the highest activity of catalase (CAT) was found in S2 (194.04% of control), while the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) reached the highest significant value in S1.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of biomonitors of trace metal contamination are relatively scarce. We took advantage of a point source pollution in a reservoir (Flix, Spain) to compare trace metal (Hg, Pb, Cd, Se, As, Zn, Cu, Cr) bioaccumulation patterns among 16 food web components. Our results indicate that most organisms are suitable for Hg biomonitoring, whereas other metals are better monitored by only some of them. Biofilms and zebra mussel were the organisms with larger and more diverse biomonitoring capacity. However, we show that using groups of biomonitors increase the scope and strengths of the conclusions and specific goals can be better addressed. We conclude providing an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the main organisms considered for biomonitoring trace metals in rivers and reservoirs.  相似文献   

Fungi can effectively accumulate various metallic elements, metalloids and non-metals in fruiting bodies. This study provides information on the accumulation of Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cs, Cu, Cr, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Tl, U and Zn in the edible mushroom Sarcodon imbricatus (L.) P. Karst. using the technique of inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry with a dynamic reaction cell mode. Mushrooms were foraged from four regions in Poland. Baseline concentrations of minerals, expressed in mg kg?1 dry biomass (db), were in the composite samples of caps in the range: for Ag (0.27–0.29), As (1.0–1.9), Ba (0.31–0.45), Cd (4.5–6.3), Co (0.23–1.9), Cu (28–35), Cr (0.19–0.29), Cs (20–38), Li (0.013–0.020), Mn (5.9–8.8), Ni (0.81–1.4), Pb (0.94–1.6), Rb (490–700), Sr (0.14–0.19), Tl (0.058–0.11), U (0.002–0.002), V (0.044–0.054) and Zn (140–160). Concentration levels of Ag, As, Cd, Cs, Pb and Zn were higher in caps than in stipes of S. imbricatus, whereas for other elements the distribution between caps and stipes was nearly equal or for some differed depending on the location. Certainly, the content of toxic Cd in S. imbricatus was elevated (0.45–0.63 mg kg?1 in fresh caps) and therefore eating this mushroom could increase exposure to Cd. In addition, the content of toxic As in S. imbricatus was elevated.  相似文献   

White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is an annual crop that has been used for phytostabilization of acidified multi-contaminated soils. Once the culture cycle is over, after shoot harvesting, a progressive transference of contaminants from roots to soil may take place as decomposition of roots occurs. An incubation experiment with Cu, Zn, Cd, and As-loaded roots of white lupin and soils with different pH values and concentrations of these contaminants from the area affected by a mine spill at Aznalcóllar (near Seville, Spain) was performed in order to assess the effect of the decomposition of the roots to the pH and (NH4)2SO4-extractable levels of these pollutants in the soils. Pollutants loaded-roots were mineralized (56 d) at a ratio similar to animal manures (15.8-19.4% of total organic carbon) in soil. The estimated root inputs of contaminants in comparison to their extractable concentrations in soil were high, especially in the control, non-contaminated and neutral contaminated soils. However, the extractable concentrations of the toxic elements in the soil were mainly governed by soil pH. Hence, the correction and maintenance of the soil pH within the range 5-6 after lupin culture is essential for long-time phytostabilization of acidified multi-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Maturi K  Reddy KR 《Chemosphere》2006,63(6):1022-1031
Thousands of sites are contaminated with both heavy metals and organic compounds and these sites pose a major threat to public health and the environment. Previous studies have shown that electrokinetic remediation has potential to remove heavy metals and organic compounds when they exist individually in low permeability soils. This paper presents the feasibility of using cyclodextrins in electrokinetic remediation for the simultaneous removal of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from low permeability soils. Kaolin was selected as a model low permeability soil and it was spiked with phenanthrene as well as nickel at concentrations of 500 mg kg-1 each to simulate typical mixed field contamination. Bench-scale electrokinetic experiments were conducted using hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin (HPCD) at low (1%) and high (10%) concentrations and using deionized water in control test. A periodic voltage gradient of 2VDC cm-1 (with 5 d on and 2 d off) was applied to all the tests, and 0.01 M NaOH was added during the experiments to maintain neutral pH conditions at anode. In all tests, nickel migrated as Ni2+ ions towards the cathode and most of it was precipitated as Ni(OH)2 within the soil close to the cathode due to high pH condition generated by electrolysis reaction. The solubility of phenanthrene in the flushing solution and the amount of electroosmotic flow controlled the migration and removal of phenanthrene in all the tests. Even though high flow was generated in tests using deionized water and 1% HPCD, migration and removal of phenanthrene was low due to low solubility of phenanthrene in these solutions. The test with 10% HPCD solution showed higher solubility of phenanthrene which caused it migrate towards the cathode, but further migration and removal was retarded due to reduced electric current and electroosmotic flow. Approximately one pore volume of flushing resulted in approximately 50% removal of phenanthrene from the soil near the anode. Sustained higher electroosmotic flow with higher concentration cyclodextrin and maintaining low soil pH near cathode should be investigated to increase removal efficiency of both phenanthrene and nickel.  相似文献   

Five sorption materials were studied with a focus on polishing pretreated stormwater: crushed limestone, shell-sand, zeolite, and two granulates of olivine. These materials are commercially available at comparatively low cost and have been subjected to a minimum of modification from their natural states. The sorbents were tested for phosphorus, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc at concentration and conditions relevant for typical stormwater. The materials were tested for sorption capacity and kinetics. Desorption was tested under neutral and alkaline conditions and in the presence of chloride. For most sorbent/sorbate combinations, significant sorption occurred within the first minutes of contact between sorbent and sorbate. Treatment to the low microgram per liter range could be achieved by contact times of less than 1 hour. The study indicated that sorption filters can be designed for long life expectancy at comparatively low cost by applying the materials tested.  相似文献   

The fate of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) in soils and waters in a northern boreal catchment was explored through the development of a chemical fate model in a well-characterised catchment system dominated by two land types: forest and mire. Input was based solely on atmospheric deposition, dominated by accumulation in the winter snowpack. Release from soils was governed by the HOC concentration in soil, the soil organic carbon fraction and soil-water DOC content. The modelled export of selected HOCs in surface waters ranged between 11 and 250 ng day−1 during the snow covered period, compared to 200 and 9600 ng/d during snow-melt; highlighting the importance of the snow pack as a source of these chemicals. The predicted levels of HOCs in surface water were in reasonable agreement to a limited set of measured values, although the model tended to over predict concentrations of HOCs for the forested sub-catchment, by over an order of magnitude in the case of hexachlorobenzene and PCB 180. This possibly reflects both the heterogeneity of the forest soils and the complicated and changing hydrology experienced between the different seasons.  相似文献   

We evaluated the distribution of 15 metal ions, namely Al, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, La, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zn and Zr, in the soil of a contaminated site in Piedmont (Italy). This area was found to be heavily contaminated with Cu, Cr and Ni. The availability of these metal ions was studied using Tessier’s sequential extraction procedure: the fraction of mobile species, which potentially is the most harmful for the environment, was much higher than that normally present in unpolluted soils. This soil was hence used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with vermiculite to reduce the availability of the pollutants to two plants, Lactuca sativa and Spinacia oleracea, by pot experiments. The results indicated that the addition of vermiculite significantly reduces the uptake of metal pollutants by plants, confirming the possibility of using this clay in amendment treatments of metal-contaminated soils. The effect of plant growth on metal fractionation in soils was investigated. Finally, the sum of the metal percentages extracted into the first two fractions of Tessier’s protocol was found to be suitable in predicting the phytoavailability of most of the pollutants present in the investigated soil.  相似文献   

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