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国际现有公海保护区及其管理机制概览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前在全球范围内已经建立了几个公海保护区,它们是南奥克尼群岛南大陆架海洋保护区、地中海派拉格斯海洋保护区和大西洋公海海洋保护区网络。本文现就各个保护区的建立、管理制度及潜在的战略利益分别作一介绍,并总结了现阶段公海保护区的管理特点及其战略利益,以期对我国参与并建立公海保护区提供政策参考。  相似文献   

对公海海洋环境和生物多样性的保护刻不容缓。介绍了法国公海保护的管理和实践,包括:先进的海洋保护管理机制,法律和政策,与其他国家合作建立了派拉格斯公海保护区等。提出了给我国相关工作带来的启示。  相似文献   

介绍了美国海洋保护区的主要管理模式和管理机构及相关法律与政策,建立公海保护区的立场和实践活动,提出了我国参与公海保护区建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

<正>公海保护区指的是对海洋资源、生物多样性等进行有效的保护以及管理,在公海选定一部分的海域,通过使用不一样的管理方式,对影响海洋生物资源多样性的活动进行约束。现阶段社会各种活动对海洋环境带来了较大的破坏,有的国家毫无节制的开发海洋资源,如果长此以往,则会在很大程度上影响社会发展的稳定性。海洋环境保护是沿海地区社会经济可持续发展的关键,实施海洋环境保护标准化,就是使用规范性的文件进行海洋环境保护工作,以此推动我国海洋环境保护事业的可持续发展,使其朝着更加标准规范的方向迈进。  相似文献   

介绍了欧盟建立公海保护区的立场和态度及相关实践活动,从欧盟公海保护的实践来看,我国不可能置身其外。综合考虑我国现有情况,提出我国应开展的工作。  相似文献   

正全球海洋委员会近日发现,18个国家正以燃料补贴的形式来补助资金,由此渔业公司的船队就可以进入公海捕获金枪鱼以及其他鱼类资源。大型船队控制了公海捕鱼工作,挤走了发展中国家较小规模的作业船只,而且其捕鱼方式不可持续。报告显示,西班牙政府提供的燃料补贴数量最多,达到约10.73亿美元。此外,法国、  相似文献   

正渔业捕捞是对海洋生物和生态系统影响最大的人类活动,也是约占全球海洋面积2/3的公海(即国家管辖范围以外的海洋)上规模最大的开发活动,是公海生物多样性面临的主要压力之一。公海渔业自1950年后迅速发展,目前已遍及至少48%的公海面积。与此同时,过度捕捞,破坏性的捕捞方式,非法、不报告和不受管制的渔业等问题也被带到了这片"全球公地",对公海生物和栖息地造成了严重威胁。  相似文献   

建立海洋保护区是保护海洋生物多样性,实现海洋可持续发展的重要措施。本文通过美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、菲律宾,以及欧洲-大西洋公海海洋保护区的案例分析,概括了国外海洋保护区在体系完善、管理实践和协作维护等方面的经验。合格的海洋保护区管理机构需要有效的指导、监督及管理,应具备专业性、执行力和稳定性。对我国的启示:在国家层面上,需要一个经过充分研究制定的海洋保护区系统规划,对国家级海洋保护区应立法确立。沿海省份要配合国家系统落实本省辖区的国家级海洋保护区,也可以建立省级海洋保护区,并就特殊保护目标申请上升为国家级保护区。具体的海洋保护区应做好保护区管理规划和日常管理工作。地方社区可通过文化遗产保护、地域风俗传承等方式,培养地方性人才直接参与保护区管理。  相似文献   

为了更有效地参与海洋世界遗产申报工作,加强海洋保护与治理,分析了海洋世界遗产的发展趋势及其在海洋生态环境保护、海洋资源开发利用、公海极地治理等方面的影响,提出了我国参与海洋世界遗产工作及全球海洋治理的建议,为我国海洋世界遗产申报奠定了基础.  相似文献   

全球海洋保护区保护成效堪忧 美国《自然》杂志日前发布研究称,在保护海洋的五项关键保护指标中,达到其中三个以下指标的海洋保护区仪占到了全球海洋保护区的59%,保护区岌岌可危。这篇名为《影响全球海洋保护区保护成效的五项核心指标》的通讯调查了全球87个海洋保护区中的964个站点。研究者认为以下五个因素构成核心指标:开放渔业许可的程度、强制保护的水准、  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for determining reductions of SO2 emissions from coal- and oil-fired power stations, oil refineries and large industrial units in the UK taking into account their pollution potential. The method is based on the use of two gridded data sets: critical loads, which represent the sensitivity of the environment to acid deposition and modelled estimates of total (wet + dry) sulphur deposition for 646 point sources within the UK. An iterative method is used to identify and subsequently reduce emissions from point sources that contribute most to areas of critical loads exceedance. This paper demonstrates how the method may be used to determine an optimal allocation of emissions across the UK which yields the maximum amount of environmental protection per unit of emission.The paper then goes on to consider the changes that will have to take place within the UK power generation industry in order to meet the revised EC Large Combustion Plant Directive which comes into force on 1 January 2008. Particular emphasis is placed upon proposed emissions trading schemes and the environmental implications of allowing trading between stations with high and low pollution potentials. The paper concludes by suggesting that the emissions trading process should take into account the pollution potential of each source, irrespective of whether the proposed emission is within the plant's agreed emission limit. An approach based entirely on minimizing environmental damage rather than one which takes cost into account, as in current integrated assessment modelling, could provide an interesting approach across the rest of Europe.  相似文献   

Aging coastal defences around the UK are challenging managers to redesign schemes to be resilient to extreme events and climate change, be cost-effective, and have minimal or beneficial environmental impact. To enable effective design, reduced uncertainty in the assessment of flood risk due to natural variability within the coastal forcing is required to focus on conditions that pose highest threat. The typical UK standard of protection for coastal defences is to withstand a 0.5% annual probability event, historically also known as a 1 in 200 year return period event. However, joint wave-water level probability curves provide a range of conditions that meet this criterion. We examine the Dungeness and Romney Marsh coastal zone, a region of high value in terms of habitat and energy assets, to quantify the uncertainty in flood depth and extent generated by a 0.5% probability event, and to explore which combinations of wave and water levels generate the greatest threat.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years the UK Government has strongly promoted the more effective use of science to inform policy-making and regulation. In response, the Environment Research Funders’ Forum (which brings together the main UK Governmental funders of environmental research) has carried out studies, reported in this paper, to establish what is working, what is not, and why in respect of the linkage between science and environmental policy-making and regulation.The findings indicated that there was potential to improve effectiveness in: establishment of research questions and agendas, accessing information and expertise, the role of interpreters, and transparency and evaluation. These findings are re-enforced by those of previous studies conducted in the UK and EU. The studies found that current practice in using science to inform policy-making has not yet caught up with guidance, and they identified potential actions that could be taken by the Forum and its members to narrow the gap.  相似文献   

There has been resurgence in interest in new nuclear power stations over the last couple of years. The UK Government has taken steps to encourage the private sector to build new stations in the UK, a change in its previous neutral stance toward nuclear power. This paper examines the change in government policy asking what drivers have led to this decision and what barriers were preventing new nuclear power in the past and what barriers are still faced by both government and industry. Three main drivers are discussed: security of energy supply; diminishing energy generation capacity; and climate change. The paper also examines other key factors that play a part in facilitating a shift in government policy, namely economics, public perception and waste management policy. Barriers are identified through examination of public perception, and policy. The changes to the planning system are also discussed. The paper concludes by comparing drivers and barriers for other technologies and contrasting the UK experience with that of other countries.  相似文献   

Night-time OH levels have been determined for UK urban surface environments using two methods,the decay and steady state approximation methods.Measurement data from the UK National Environmental Technology Centre archive for four urban sites(Bristol,Harwell,London Eltham and Edinburgh) over the time period of 1996 to 2000 have been used in this study.Three reactive alkenes,namely isoprene,1,3-butadiene and trans-2-pentene were chosen for the calculation of OH levels by the decay method.Hourly measurements o...  相似文献   

以英国废弃烹调油的回收、处理和再生利用的产品为主线,结合与其相关的政策、法规及有效激励方法在废弃烹调油再生利用管理过程中的作用,详细介绍了英国废弃烹调油再生利用的管理现状,以期对我国废弃烹调油及其他废弃物的循环经济实践提供具体的参考案例。  相似文献   

Night-time OH levels have been determined for UK urban surface environments using two methods, the decay and steady state approximation methods. Measurement data from the UK National Environmental Technology Centre archive for four urban sites (Bristol, Harwell, London Eltham and Edinburgh) over the time period of 1996 to 2000 have been used in this study. Three reactive alkenes, namely isoprene, 1,3-butadiene and trans-2-pentene were chosen for the calculation of OH levels by the decay method. Hourly measurements of NO, NO2, O3, CO and 20 VOCs were used to determine night-time OH level using the steady state approximation method. Our results showed that the night-time OH levels were in the range of 1 105–1 106 molecules/cm3 at these four urban sites in the UK. The application of a t-test of these analyses indicated that except Bristol, there was no significant di erence between the OH levels found from the decay and steady state approximation methods. Night-time levels of the OH radical appeared to peak in summer and spring time tracking the night-time O3 levels which also passed through a maximum at this time.  相似文献   

喷洒消油剂作为溢油应急的一种方法,简单、快速且能在大多数的海况下使用,在溢油应急中发挥了不可替代的作用。但由于消油剂是一种化学物质,对环境具有二次污染危险,所以消油剂的使用广受质疑。英国将消油剂作为主要的溢油应对措施,经过30年不断改进已形成了完善的包括消油剂在内的溢油处理产品批准和使用许可制度。通过对英国消油剂制度总结和分析,梳理并提出对中国政府主管部门改进、完善消油剂管理制度的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,监管成为自然生态保护的重要议题,考虑监管体系的全面性和实用性,社区参与自然生态保护监管是必要和有意义的。本文以成渝地区双城经济圈为研究区,梳理近年四川省与重庆市在生态保护红线、自然保护地、绿化提升及生态保护与修复方面取得的成效,指出生态退化仍未根本改变、行政区划隔断生态保护的连通性、自然生态保护监管能力有待加强等自然生态保护困境。从社区参与的角度,对社区参与自然生态保护的现状、社区参与自然生态保护监管的可行性与必要性进行分析,并从适应新要求新定位、注重操作实施、构建参与流程办法以及系统评价评估和典型区域试点示范方面提出对策建议,以期为成渝地区双城经济圈自然生态保护监管提供决策支撑。  相似文献   

The Natural Environment White Paper represents the most important conservation policy shift in the United Kingdom (UK) in twenty years. It formalises the ecosystem approach within national policy objectives and emphasises the economic value of ecosystem services. By analysing the use of various evidence sources, the involvement of science entrepreneurs, and the development of policy narratives, our goal was to understand factors that influenced adoption of an ecosystem service framework in the UK. We interviewed 48 policy actors and found that centrally-sponsored synthesis reports with entrepreneurial authors provided the most influential expert-based knowledge in the development of the White Paper. More recently published reports had greater influence, yet the window of opportunity for scientific evidence having policy impact was greater in the problem-setting stages of policy development. The interaction between teams preparing syntheses and expert entrepreneurs helped influence the construction of strategic policy narratives. Those narratives increased the impact of scientific evidence by communicating and framing key policy-salient messages, and brokering between broad ecosystem-based and environmental economics narratives. The combination of ecological and economics evidence was particularly salient in the UK case due to the context of continued biodiversity loss and the acceptability of valuation narratives within central government. Our findings suggest that evidence impact varies at different stages of the policy process, and that this is driven by the interplay of contextual factors like policy timing, personal influence, and the competition between different sets of actors and narratives.  相似文献   

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