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选择由小麦秸秆、玉米秸秆和花生壳经350-500℃热裂解制成的生物质炭,研究生物黑炭对水溶液中Cd2+和Pb2+的吸附特性,分析了pH值、吸附时间、溶液初始质量浓度、生物质炭粒径和投加量对吸附效果的影响。结果表明:生物质炭对Cd2+和Pb2+的吸附约10 min即达平衡;3种生物质炭对Cd2+和Pb2+的等温吸附均可用Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程拟合,玉米秸秆炭对Cd2+和Pb2+的最大吸附量远大于小麦秸秆炭和花生壳炭;在生物黑炭投加量为150 mg(6 g.L-1)时,3种生物黑炭对溶液Cd2+的去除率均在90%以上,玉米秸秆炭对溶液Pb2+的去除率达90.30%,而小麦秸秆炭和花生壳炭的去除率仅为52%和47%,玉米秸秆炭有望成为处理重金属污染废水的新型吸附材料。  相似文献   

Pb2+、Cd2+和Cr(Ⅵ)抑制球形红细菌生长的毒性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用评价化学品对水生生物毒性的标准方法,得到Pb2 、Cd2 和Cr(Ⅵ)对球形红细菌生长的最小无差异浓度(LNOEC)分别为85.9mgL-1、22.1mgL-1和17.7mgL-1.根据实验结果采用几率单位进行数据处理,得到抑制球形红细菌生长的96hEC50分别为195.0mgL-1、91.2mgL-1和77.6mgL-1,并对各剂量反应方程进行χ2检验,结果均符合精度要求,计算出的96hEC50真实可靠.研究结果表明,抑制球形红细菌生长的毒性由大到小的顺序是Cr(Ⅵ)>Cd2 >Pb2 .不同金属离子与细胞壁亲和性不同或能通过菌体内生物化学转化形成沉淀,可能是导致金属离子抑制球形红细菌生长毒性差异的主要原因.图1表2参15  相似文献   

优势菌种活细胞对天然水体中Pb^2+和Cd^2+的吸附   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对天然水环境———伊通河中优势菌种活细胞吸附Pb2 、Cd2 的研究发现 :pH对Pb2 、Cd2 吸附的影响是不同的 ,对Pb2 的吸附量在 pH =5 .0~ 7.0时变化不大 ,对Cd2 的吸附量在 pH =6 .0~ 8.0时变化不大 ;温度对活细胞吸附Pb2 、Cd2 影响明显不同 ;活细胞对Pb2 、Cd2 的吸附量随着细菌密度的增加而增大 ,随着渗透压的增大而降低 .图 5表 1参 8  相似文献   

采用丝网印刷电极,通过同位镀铋膜阳极溶出伏安法对工业废水中重金属Pb2+和Cd2+进行了快速测定,考察并优化了镀铋膜及测定金属离子的实验条件.实验结果表明,Pb2+和Cd2+在铋膜电极上可得到灵敏的溶出峰,在优化的实验条件下Pb2+和Cd2+在50—500μg.L-1范围内呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.9947、0.9969,检测限分别为4.45μg.L-1和2.98μg.L-1.测定了工业废水中的Pb2+、Cd2+,结果与ICP-MS方法一致.  相似文献   

冷诱导RNA结合蛋白(CIRP)是第一种在哺乳动物细胞中被发现的冷休克蛋白,伴随着细胞冷应激过程过量表达.为进一步研究冷诱导RNA结合蛋白CIRP的生物学功能,构建重组BALB/C鼠CIRP的原核表达载体,重组BALB/C鼠CIRP蛋白经NI-NTA亲和树脂纯化后免疫獭兔制备抗CIRP多克隆抗体,以间接ELISA和Western blot检测抗体效价和抗原特异性.本实验成功构建了CIRP的原核表达载体,在E coli XL-1-blue得到了高效表达,利用原核表达包涵体蛋白免疫獭兔获得了高效价的CIRP多克隆抗体,该抗体能识别肝脏和睾丸中天然的CIRP蛋白.图5参14  相似文献   

Seeds of two rice cultivars (Oryza sativa) cv. PR-116 and Pant Dhan-12 subjected to heavy metal lead (Pb2+) and mercury (Hg2+) exposure showed an inhibition in germination percentage, shoot and root length, and lower fresh and dry weight after 7 days. Both Pb2+ and Hg2+ inhibited the solubilization process of starch due to reduction in α-amylase activity, which is also evident from greater starch content and reduced soluble carbohydrate content of endosperms of treated seeds of the two cultivars. Mercury was more tolerated by Pant Dhan-12 when grown under in vitro culture medium containing 2% sucrose. The inhibitory effect of Pb2+ on embryo growth was not only abolished but also accelerated by 2% sucrose. The inhibitory effect, however, was not significantly blocked in Hg2+-treated embryos grown in vitro in sucrose containing medium. Embryos did not grow normally in a medium devoid of sucrose in either case. Data indicated that Pb2+ inhibited germination and seedling growth by impairing the solubilization of endosperm starch without markedly affecting the embryo, while Hg2+ inhibited germination and seedling growth by damaging the embryo itself.  相似文献   

Bioavailability of Pb in contaminated soils can be highly decreased by conversion of labile Pb species into pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl, induced by amendment with a phosphate source. However, PO4 3− can be specifically adsorbed on goethite α-Fe(OH)3 present in soils. We demonstrate that despite the stability of phosphate ions adsorbed on goethite surface, the reaction between goethite-adsorbed phosphates and aqueous lead in the presence of Cl results in crystallization of pyromorphite. Two morphological forms of pyromorphite formed on goethite were observed: 1) incrustations, indicating direct reaction of Pb and Cl ions with PO4 3− adsorbed on goethite surface, and 2) aggregates of pyromorphite crystals indicating that the reaction with PO4 3− ions took place in the volume of the solution. This suggests that precipitation of pyromorphite is faster than desorption of phosphates and that aqueous Pb may serve as a sink for phosphate ions by shifting the equilibrium and inducing PO4 3− desorption.  相似文献   

利用噬菌体随机十二肽库对金属N i2 进行了结合肽筛选,经5轮生物淘洗、噬菌体扩增和DNA测序,获得8条多肽序列,分析发现其中富含组氨酸(4~6个/肽).结果表明,组氨酸的存在对蛋白质和金属N i2 的结合起着关键作用.图1表1参11  相似文献   

Cu2+、Zn2+和Cd2+对蟾蜍蝌蚪的联合毒性   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以蟾蜍蝌蚪为试验材料,采用联合指数相加法,研究了重金属铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)和镉(Cd)离子对蟾蜍蝌蚪的急性毒性和联合毒性效应.结果表明,Cu2 、Zn2 和Cd2 对蟾蜍蝌蚪的毒性顺序为Cu2 >Cd2 >Zn2 ,48 h的半致死浓度LC50分别为0.514、9.224、33.56 mg L-1;96 h的半致死浓度LC50分别为0.288、8.142、30.76 mg L-1.联合毒性试验结果表明,Cu2 与Zn2 及Zn2 与Cd2 共存时的联合毒性为拮抗作用;Cu2 与Cd2 共存时的联合毒性为毒性剧增的协同作用;Cu2 、Zn2 与Cd2 三者联合时的毒性为协同作用.表6参18  相似文献   

以2-(5-溴-2-吡啶偶氮)-5-二乙氨基酚为螯合剂,三氯甲烷为萃取剂,采用卡尔曼滤波和分光光度法同时分析长江和嘉陵江现场采集的地表水样中Cu~(2 ),Cd~(2 ),Zn~(2 )和Pb~(2 )的浓度.4种金属离子的实验室回收率在91.0%-113.1%之间;比较长江、嘉陵江国控点例行监测数据,本方法具有较好的可比性和可靠性,能直接应用于江河水样多种金属污染物的同时定量分析.  相似文献   

叶面喷Ca2+增加海滨锦葵幼苗对高温的适应能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以10 mmol.L-1CaC l2溶液喷洒海滨锦葵(Kosteletzkya virginica)幼苗叶片,7 d后将其转移至40℃培养箱中高温培养,定期测定有关生理生化指标。结果表明:Ca2 处理组海滨锦葵幼苗的脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量较对照组低,萎蔫程度明显轻于对照组,根系活力下降幅度小于对照组;Ca2 处理可有效抑制膜透性的加大,提高Ca2 -ATPase活性。Ca2 处理能提高海滨锦葵幼苗的耐热性。  相似文献   

研究了重金属离子Cu2 在酿酒酵母上的生物吸附特性,内容包括生物吸附动力学、吸附等温线以及pH对生物吸附的影响.生物吸附动力学结果表明,当Cu2 初始浓度为71.6mg/L时,Cu2 在酿酒酵母上的生物吸附过程可以分为两个阶段,第一阶段为物理吸附,在10min内达到平衡,此后,随着时间的延长,有微量脱附现象发生.Cu2 在酵母上的吸附过程可以很好地用准二级动力学方程来描述(R2=0.9984),动力学参数k2为7.65×10-3g mg-1min-1,qe为9.15mg/g.吸附等温线结果表明,Cu2 在酿酒酵母上的生物吸附可以用Langmuir和Freundlich方程来描述,最大吸附量qmax为10.2mg/g·pH为5.0时Cu2 在酿酒酵母上的吸附量最大.酿酒酵母可用于处理低浓度含Cu2 的废水.  相似文献   

高浓度Zn2+对克氏原螯虾几种免疫学相关指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用毒性试验方法,研究在不同暴露时间下0、5和10 mg·L-1 Zn2 对克氏原螯虾血清和肝胰腺超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、溶菌酶活力和丙二醛(MDA)含量等免疫学相关指标的影响.结果表明,肝胰腺ACP和溶菌酶活力远高于血清,而血清SOD活力、MDA含量高于肝胰腺.血清SOD、ACP、溶菌酶活力和MDA含量在暴露1 d后均表现为升高,然后持续下降,与暴露时间呈负相关;但暴露21 d后,除溶菌酶外,SOD、ACP活力和MDA含量均只稍低于对照组.肝胰腺SOD活力在暴露7 d内受到抑制,在第14天时被激活,暴露21 d后出现轻微抑制作用;ACP和溶菌酶活力均表现为先被激活再受抑制的过程,但暴露21 d后肝胰腺ACP抑制程度较血清深.这说明肝胰腺比血清更容易受Zn2 污染的影响,通过提高免疫系统相关酶活力,克氏原螯虾对高强度Zn2 污染具有很强的耐受能力.  相似文献   

高锰酸钾改性活性炭的制备、表征及其吸附Pb2+的特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高活性炭对废水中Pb2+的去除效率,采用不同浓度的KMnO4溶液对颗粒活性炭进行静置氧化/冷凝回流改性;利用BET测定了改性活性炭比表面积,并采用BET、SEM、FTIR和XRD等方法对其进行了表征;考察了吸附时间、投加量、pH值、温度对吸附Pb2+的影响。结果表明,Pb2+浓度为40 mg/L,在3 g/L的投加量下,0.01KMnO4-GAC和0.03KMnO4-GAC对Pb2+的吸附去除率分别达到了92%和94%,是GAC对Pb2+吸附去除率的1.84和1.88倍;在吸附剂3 g/L的投加量下,180 min基本达到吸附平衡;3种吸附剂对Pb2+的吸附,随着pH值的降低而减少;而温度对吸附Pb2+的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

The technical feasibility of utilization of fly ash as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of metals from water has been studied. For two types of fly ashes, the retention capacities of copper, lead, and zinc metal ions have been studied. Contact time, initial concentration, and pH have been varied and their effect on retention mechanism has been studied. The dominant mechanisms responsible for retention are found to be precipitation due to the presence of calcium hydroxide, and adsorption due to the presence of silica and alumina oxide surfaces in the fly ash. First-order kinetic plots have revealed that the rate constant increases with increase in the initial concentration and pH. Langmuir adsorption isotherms have been plotted to study the maximum adsorption capacities for metal ions considered under different conditions. X-ray diffraction studies revealed the formation of new peaks corresponding to respective metal ions precipitates under alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

采用平衡液吸附法和NH4AC、EDTA溶液解吸法,研究了有机质对Cu2+在棕壤及其各粒级微团聚体中(<10 μm,10~50μm,50~250 μm)的吸附解吸过程中的影响,为寻求有效控制土壤中Cu2+环境行为的对策措施提供理论支撑.研究结果表明,各粒级微团聚体中有机质对Cu2+的吸附能力随粒级的减小而增强,原土仅次于<10 μm微团聚体.就吸附机制而言,去除有机质后的原土及其各粒级微团聚体在不同吸附机制控制下的吸附能力也有所变化,表现为:去除有机质后,棕壤及各粒级微团聚体对Cu2+的静电吸附能力增强,络合吸附能力和专性吸附的能力均有所降低.分析表明,原土及其不同粒级微团聚体对Cu2+的吸附能力及稳定性的差异,与其重要组成成分有机质有关.  相似文献   

不同作物原料热裂解生物质炭对溶液中Cd2+和Pb2+的吸附特性   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
选择由小麦秸秆、玉米秸秆和花生壳经350~500℃热裂解制成的生物质炭,研究生物黑炭对水溶液中Cd2+和Pb2+的吸附特性,分析了pH值、吸附时间、溶液初始质量浓度、生物质炭粒径和投加量对吸附效果的影响。结果表明:生物质炭对Cd2+和Pb2+的吸附约10 min即达平衡;3种生物质炭对Cd2+和Pb2+的等温吸附均可用Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程拟合,玉米秸秆炭对Cd2+和Pb2+的最大吸附量远大于小麦秸秆炭和花生壳炭;在生物黑炭投加量为150 mg(6 g.L-1)时,3种生物黑炭对溶液Cd2+的去除率均在90%以上,玉米秸秆炭对溶液Pb2+的去除率达90.30%,而小麦秸秆炭和花生壳炭的去除率仅为52%和47%,玉米秸秆炭有望成为处理重金属污染废水的新型吸附材料。  相似文献   

Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase is a membrane-bound enzyme and is responsible for regulating cytosolic free calcium. In vitro and in vivo effects of cadmium were studied on Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase activity in plasma membrane/mitochondrial fraction of Penaeus monodon post larvae. In vitro studies revealed a concentration-dependent decrease in enzyme activity with an IC50 value of 11.02?µM. In vivo experiments were conducted by exposing the post larvae to 1/10th (0.12?ppm) and 1/5th (0.24?ppm) of LC50 values of cadmium for 30 days. Both ATPase activity and metal accumulation were estimated in post larvae exposed to 0.12 and 0.24?ppm of cadmium at different intervals of 24?h, 48?h, 96?h, 10 days and 30 days. ATPase activity showed a gradual decrease in post larvae on exposure to both the sub-lethal concentrations with respect to their controls and the decrease was significant (p?相似文献   

以废柚子皮为原料,经ZnCl2浸泡-加热的化学改性手段制备改性柚子皮生物吸附剂,并通过模拟试验研究该吸附剂对废水中pb2+的去除.考察了模拟废水的pH、吸附时间、吸附剂用量和pb2+初始浓度、温度等因素对柚子皮吸附剂去除pb2+的影响,并研究柚子皮吸附剂对pb2+的吸附动力学及吸附特征.结果表明,模拟废水的pH、吸附时间、吸附剂用量和pb2+初始浓度、温度等因素对柚子皮吸附剂吸附废水中pb2+均有显著影响.适宜的吸附条件为pH5.3~6.5,吸附时间1.5h,吸附剂用量10g· L-1,pb2初始质量浓度100 mg·L-1,温度30℃.在该条件下,废水中pb2+去除率在90%以上.柚子皮吸附剂对废水中pb2+的吸附符合动力学二级反应方程,等温吸附规律可用Langmuir、Freundlich和Temkin模型进行较好的描述.  相似文献   

As the bioelectrochemical system, the microbial fuel cell (MFC) and the microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) were developed to selectively recover Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions from wastewater. The wastewater was treated in the cathode chambers of the system, in which Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions were removed by using the MFC and the MEC, respectively. At an initial Cu2+ concentration of 500 mg·L-1, removal efficiencies of Cu2+ increased from 97.0%±1.8% to 99.0%±0.3% with the initial Ni2+ concentrations from 250 to 1000 mg·L-1, and maximum power densities increased from 3.1±0.5 to 5.4±0.6 W·m-3. The Ni2+ removal mass in the MEC increased from 6.8±0.2 to 20.5±1.5 mg with the increase of Ni2+ concentrations. At an initial Ni2+ concentration of 500 mg·L-1, Cu2+ removal efficiencies decreased from 99.1%±0.3% to 74.2%±3.8% with the initial Cu2+ concentrations from 250 to 1000 mg·L-1, and maximum power densities increased from 3.0±0.1 to 6.3±1.2 W·m-3. Subsequently, the Ni2+ removal efficiencies decreased from 96.9%±3.1% to 73.3%±5.4%. The results clearly demonstrated the feasibility of selective recovery of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from the wastewater using the bioelectrochemical system.  相似文献   

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