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Effects of sand deposition on scleractinian and alcyonacean corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. Riegl 《Marine Biology》1995,121(3):517-526
The ability of corals to withstand experimental sand deposition was investigated for two experimental periods (17 h and 6 wk) in eight scleractinia (Favia favus, Favites pentagona, Platygyra daedalea, Gyrosmilia interrupta, Galaxea fascicularis, Cyphastrea chalcidicum, Favites abdita, Goniopora dijboutensis) and five alcyonacea (Lobophytum depressum, L. venustum, Sinularia dura, S. leptoclados, Sarcophyton glaucum) collected in 1992 from Natal, South Africa. Scleractinia were active sediment shedders, alcyonacea passive, relying on water motion and gravity. Short-term sand clearing efficiency was primarily dependent on corallum shape. Sand application led to hydrostatic inflation of polyps in scleractinia and the entire colony in alcyonacea as well as to increased tentacular action in the scleractinian Gyrosmilia interrupta. Under continuous sand application, inflation remained while other activities, such as tentacular motion, ceased completely. In scleractinia and alcyonacea, tissue necroses appeared after the first week of continuous sand application. Death of entire colonies and partial bleaching of continually sandcovered areas were observed in alcyonacea only. Different grain sizes of sand had no influence on clearing reaction or efficiencies.  相似文献   

Mechanical stress on the coral Pocillopora damicornis caused the release of material that killed the coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus. The bactericidal material was released into the surrounding seawater rapidly, reaching a maximum killing activity within 1 min of the stress. The coral antibacterial activity, referred to as CAA, was retained following filter sterilization and storage at –20°C. Exposure of V. coralliilyticus to CAA for 30 s, 1 min and 6 min resulted in the death of 82%, 89% and 99% of the bacteria, respectively. Release of CAA following mechanical stress was also observed with four other coral species tested. P. damicornis CAA was bactericidal to a wide variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. This is the first report that hard corals rapidly release fast-acting bactericidal material following mechanical stress. The release of CAA was demonstrated with both aquarium corals and corals taken directly from the sea. It is suggested that CAA is part of hard corals host defense system against infection, the natural stimulation for release of CAAs being the bite of a predator. Previous failures to detect antibacterial activity in hard corals can be attributed to a lack of understanding of the sensitive mechanism by which they are released.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   

Reports of bathymetric decrease in the total mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) concentration of benthic invertebrates suggest that light gradients may be important determinants of MAA content. With the pronounced diel light changes, distinct temporal variations in MAA concentrations might also be expected. We examined the changes in the abundance of MAA in three shallow-water scleractinian corals, Pavona divaricata, Galaxea fascicularis and Montipora digitata from Okinawa, Japan, in relation to daily cycles in solar radiation and tested whether the species have different capabilities for protection against UVR depending on their MAA composition. The results show that symbiotic algae freshly isolated from the investigated coral species do not contain MAAs and that distribution of these compounds resided only within the animal tissue. Total MAA content in the tissue of P. divaricata, G. fascicularis and M. digitata rose rapidly at midday and significantly dropped at night. The observed variations were by a factor of two and, thus, very dramatic. For all the investigated coral species, total MAA concentrations were significantly correlated with the diurnal cycle in solar radiation, during both winter and summer seasons. Seawater temperature was significantly correlated with MAA levels only in the June experiment, but represented no more than 20% of the MAA variation in all three coral species, whereas solar radiation explained 60–70% of the MAA fluctuations. This suggests that MAAs are an integral component of the hard corals biochemical defense system against high solar irradiance stress. The diurnal increase in total MAA concentrations was due to an increase in the concentration of imino-MAA species of up to 2–2.5-fold of their pre-dawn values. In contrast, the oxocarbonyl-MAA mycosporine-glycine (Myc-Gly) showed the lowest (Tukey–Kramer HSD test: P<0.05) values at midday, compared to afternoon and night hours. Analysis of diel changes in chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll a content of the investigated species revealed that P. divaricata and G. fascicularis were less sensitive to the high levels of ambient irradiance compared to M. digitata. In P. divaricata and G. fascicularis, Myc-Gly, an MAA with an antioxidant function, is the most abundant MAA, contributing about 70% to the total MAA pool, whereas the major MAA factions in M. digitata were represented by oxidatively robust imino-MAAs. We speculate that MAAs furnish scleractinian corals with protection from biologically damaging ultraviolet radiation through both the direct sunscreening activity of imino-MAAs and the antioxidant properties of oxocarbonyl-MAAs and suggest that the predominance, in the host tissue, of MAA species with an antioxidant ability may render corals more tolerant to high photosynthetically active and ultraviolet radiation.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns of scleractinian corals in the northern Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The majority of published accounts on scleractinian coral reproduction are from the tropical Pacific and Caribbean, with very little information known about Red Sea species. This report examines variation in reproductive mode in 24 species of hermatypic corals (belonging to seven families) in the Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea. Eighteen species are hermaphroditic broadcasters, two are hermaphroditic brooders and three are gonochoric broadcasters. In the Pocilloporidae, the gonads project into the body cavity, while in the other six families the gonads reside inside the mesenteries. The number of gonads per polyp in broadcasting species follows family or genus lines. Fecundity (eggs per polyp) increases with polyp size. Brooding species usually exhibit one or two gonads per polyp and each gonad contains only one to three oocytes. Oocyte size varies widely and does not relate to mode of reproduction. The largest oocytes (diameter = 450 μm) occur in the brooding coral Alveopora daedalea and in broadcasting species of the genus Acropora (diameter = 420 μm). Gonad morphology and gonochorism versus hermaphroditism appear to be constrained phylogenetically at the family or genus level. Lastly, this report compares the data presented for Red Sea scleractinian species with the data available on scleractinian corals from other geographical regions. Received: 2 February 1993 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

Sediment-rejection rates of 22 Australian midshelf coral species were studied in situ between March and July 1988 at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Rejection rates of non-branching species were positively correlated with calice size and were faster for fine (63 to 250 m) than for coarse (500 to 1000 m) sediment at influxes of 200 mg/cm2. Increasing water turbulence was a more important influence on rejection rates for some species than for others. Most replicates of most species cleared all sediment in 2 d. Of those that did not, some Favia stelligera and Leptoria phrygia showed partial tissue death within 48 h, and Gardineroseris planulata showed partial tissue death within 6 d. Montipora aequituberculata, Porites lobata and P. lutea tolerated sediment for at least 6 d, and exhibited extensive tissue bleaching, but these tissues recovered after sediment removal. Sediment-rejection efficiency and sediment tolerance are not directly related, and wide interspecific differences may occur in both. These findings are correlated with differences in sediment-rejection mechanisms and with ecological distributions on the reef.  相似文献   

Using dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory, this paper explores the potential of excess and harmful radiation, notably UV, to cause changes in performance and, ultimately, bleaching in scleractinian corals for a range of ambient nitrogen and (beneficial) photosynthetically active radiation levels. Two negative impacts of radiation are considered: a reduction in the capacity of the symbiont to generate energy through photosynthesis (defined in this paper as photoinhibition); an increase in the costs for the symbiont to remain viable due to repair of damage (defined in this paper as photodamage). Model predictions indicate that although both types of impact reduce the growth potential of host and symbiont, photoinhibition predominantly affects host features, except at very low ambient nitrogen levels, under which conditions the severity of nitrogen limitation is so strong that a reduction in photosynthetic rates due to photoinhibition has minimal impact. In steady state, photoinhibition leads to a reduction in host biomass, and an increase in symbiont density, implying that photoinhibition (as defined in this paper) is unlikely to cause bleaching. In contrast, the impact of photodamage is mostly affecting symbiont features, including a decline in symbiont density. Thus, photodamage may contribute to coral bleaching. Furthermore, the model predicts that, with both photoinhibition and photodamage, an increasing ratio of harmful to beneficial radiation accelerates the suppression of growth rates of symbiont and host, implying that coral health deteriorates progressively faster with increasing harmful radiation, such as UVb.  相似文献   

The pattern of settlement over time of three broadcast spawning coral species (Cyphastrea serailia, Acanthastrea lordhowensis, and Goniastrea australensis) from the Solitary Islands (30°00′S; 153°20′E) was studied in 1995 and 1996 in order to determine the maximum length of time these larvae could remain in the water column and still retain the ability to settle and metamorphose. Larvae were maintained in aquaria and the number which had settled on biologically-conditioned tile pairs was monitored every 5 to 10 d. While the majority of larvae settled quickly after becoming competent, some larvae survived and settled for extended periods after spawning. Competency periods ranged from 26 d for C. serailia to 56 d for G. australensis and 78 d for A. lordhowensis. These data greatly extend the known competency periods for larvae of broadcast-spawning corals and indicate the potential for transport of broadcast-spawned coral larvae over large distances. Medium to long-distance larval dispersal of the species studied provides a mechanism for their widespread distribution in subtropical regions, on reefs which are often widely spaced and relatively isolated. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

Fricke  H.  Meischner  D. 《Marine Biology》1985,88(2):175-187
Depth distribution, zonation pattern and growth morphology of 17 hermatypic and 4 ahermatypic coral species were investigated at eight different locations along the Bermuda platform with the research submersible GEO and by SCUBA diving in August–September 1983. Hermatypic coral growth occurs to a depth of 50 to 70 m, with a single Montastrea cavernosa growing at 78 m. Dominant forms in shallow-water coral communities are Diploria sp. and Porites astreoides, while M. cavernosa, Agaricia fragilis and Scolymia cubensis occur in deep-water associations below 60 m. Vertical visibilities (up to 178 m) and distribution of the photosynthetically active radiation revealed good light penetration values (1% level at about 100 m depth), which should favour hermatypic coral growth to a much greater depth than it actually occurs. Nor should the prevailing temperatures limit the depth of coral growth. Most deep-water hermatypes observed grow on remnants of Pleistocene reefs down to about 60 m. The vast areas of large massed rhodolith nodules below 50 to 60 m are unsuitable bottom for coral colonisation. Macroalgae growth seems to be the strongest factor controlling coral growth in deep water. Bermuda stony corals have a low growth form diversity. Various intraspecific morphs may occur at the same as well as at different depths, with a general trend towards flatter shapes with depth. Comparison with a similar study on Red Sea corals suggests that annual distribution of radiant energy on the most northern Atlantic reefs of Bermuda may be responsible for the occurrence of flat and cuplike growth forms in relatively shallow water, and for the shallower depth limits of hermatypic growth.  相似文献   

Tropical reef corals are well known for their sensitivity to rising temperature, yet surprisingly little is known of the mechanisms through which temperature acts on intact coral colonies. One such mechanism recently has been suggested by the association between the growth of juvenile corals and seawater temperature in the Caribbean, which suggests that temperature causes a transition between isometric and allometric growth scaling in warmer versus cooler years, respectively (Edmunds in Proc R Soc B 273:2275–2281, 2006). Here, this correlative association is tested experimentally for a cause-and-effect relationship. During April and May 2006, juvenile colonies (8–35 mm diameter) of massive Porites spp. from Moorea, French Polynesia, were incubated at warm (27.8°C) and cool (25.7°C) temperatures for 15 days, and their response assessed through the scaling of growth (change in weight) with colony size. The results reveal that the scaling of colony-specific growth (mg colony−1 day−1) was unaffected by temperature, although growth absolutely was greater at the cool compared to the warm temperature, regardless of colony size. This outcome was caused by contrasting scaling relationships for area-specific growth (mg cm−2 day−1) that were negatively allometric under warm conditions, but independent of size under cool conditions. In April 2007, a 22 days field experiment confirmed that the scaling of area-specific growth in juvenile Porites spp. is negatively allometric at a warm temperature of 29.5°C. Based on strong allometry for tissue thickness, biomass, and Symbiodinium density in freshly collected Porites spp., it is hypothesized that the temperature-dependency of growth scaling in these small corals is mediated by the interaction of temperature with biomass.  相似文献   

The nutritional history of corals is known to affect metabolic processes such as inorganic nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, but little is known about how it affects assimilation efficiency of ingested prey items or the partitioning of prey nitrogen between the host and symbiont. The temperate scleractinian coral Oculina arbuscula and its tropical congener Oculina diffusa were acclimated to three nutritional regimes (fed twice weekly, starved, starved with an inorganic nutrient supplement), then fed Artemia nauplii labeled with the stable isotope tracer 15N. Fed corals of both species had the lowest assimilation efficiencies (36–51% for O. arbuscula, 38–57% for O. diffusa), but were not statistically different from the other nutritional regimes. Fed and starved corals also had similar NH4+ excretion rates. This is inconsistent with decreased nitrogen excretion and reduced amino acid catabolism predicted by both the nitrogen recycling and conservation paradigms. In coral host tissue, ~90% of the ingested 15N was in the TCA-insoluble (protein and nucleic acids) and ethanol-soluble (amino acids/low molecular weight compounds) within 4 h of feeding. The TCA-insoluble pool was also the dominant repository of the label in zooxanthellae of both species (40–53% in O. arbuscula, 50–60% in O. diffusa). However, nutritional history had no effect on the distribution of prey 15N within the biochemical pools of the host or the zooxanthellae for either species. This result is consistent with the nitrogen conservation hypothesis, as preferential carbon metabolism would minimize the effects of starvation on nitrogen-containing biochemical pools.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

The establishment of symbiosis in early developmental stages is important for reef-building corals because of the need for photosynthetically derived nutrition. Corals spawn eggs and sperm, or brood planula larvae and shed them into the water. Some coral eggs or planulae directly inherit symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from their parents, while others acquire them at each generation. In most species examined to date, the larvae without dinoflagellates (aposymbiotic larvae) can acquire symbionts during the larval stage, but little is known regarding the timing and detailed process of the onset of symbiosis. We examined larval uptake of symbiotic dinoflagellates in nine species of scleractinian corals, the onset of symbiosis through the early larval stages, and the distribution pattern of symbionts within the larval host, while living and with histology, of two acroporid corals under laboratory conditions. The larvae acquired symbiotic dinoflagellates during the planktonic phase in all corals examined which included Acropora digitifera, A. florida, A. intermedia, A. tenuis, Isopora palifera, Favia pallida, F. lizardensis, Pseudosiderastrea tayamai, and Ctenactis echinata. The larvae of A. digitifera and A. tenuis first acquired symbionts 6 and 5 days after fertilization, respectively. In A. digitifera larvae, this coincided with the formation of an oral pore and coelenteron. The number of symbiotic dinoflagellates increased over the experimental periods in both species. To test the hypothesis that nutrients promotes symbiotic uptake, the number of incorporated dinoflagellates was compared in the presence and absence of homogenized Artemia sp. A likelihood ratio test assuming a log-linear model indicated that Artemia sp. had a significantly positive effect on symbiont acquisition. These results suggest that the acquisition of symbiotic dinoflagellates during larval stages is in common with many coral species, and that the development of both a mouth and coelenteron play important roles in symbiont acquisition.  相似文献   

Connolly SR  Baird AH 《Ecology》2010,91(12):3572-3583
Dispersal influences ecological dynamics, evolution, biogeography, and biodiversity conservation, but models of larval dispersal in marine organisms make simplifying assumptions that are likely to approximate poorly the temporal dynamics of larval survival and capacity for settlement. In particular, larval mortality rates are typically assumed to be constant throughout larval life; and all larvae are frequently assumed to acquire and lose competence at the same time. To improve upon these assumptions, we here develop simple models of dispersal potential that incorporate rates of mortality, and acquisition and loss of settlement competence. We fit these models to empirical competence and survival data for five scleractinian coral species, to test the models' ability to characterize empirical survival and competence patterns, and to estimate the dispersal potential implied by those patterns. The models fit the data well, incorporating qualitative features of competence and survival that traditional approaches to modeling dispersal do not, with important implications for dispersal potential. Most notably, there was high within-cohort variation in the duration of the competent period in all species, and this variation increases both self-recruitment and long-distance dispersal compared with models assuming a fixed competent period. These findings help to explain the seeming paradox of high genetic population structure, coupled with large geographic range size, observed in many coral species. More broadly, our approach offers a way to parsimoniously account for variation in competence dynamics in dispersal models, a phenomenon that our results suggest has important effects on patterns of connectivity in marine metapopulations.  相似文献   

Reproduction and recruitment in high-latitude coral populations in Japan have been little studied. A comprehensive study of the reproduction and early life history was conducted on nine common scleractinian coral species in Amakusa, southwestern Japan (32°N) from 2001 to 2003 including; (1) fecundity (the proportion of colonies with mature eggs), (2) timing and synchrony of spawning, (3) initial larval settlement pattern, (4) recruitment, (5) post-settlement mortality. The fecundity was high (76.7–100%) in six of seven species examined in 2002 and 2003. Annual spawning of the seven species occurred from mid July to August in 2001–2003, when seawater temperature was at the annual maximum. Spawning was highly synchronised among conspecific colonies and species in 2002 and 2003, with five species spawning five to nine nights after the full moon and another two spawning around the new moon. Temporal patterns of larval settlement of three spawning species during the first 10 days after spawning were similar to those of other spawning species from low latitudes. The number of scleractinian recruits on settlement plates, deployed from July to October (the major recruitment period at the study site), was low (2 recruits/m2) for the three consecutive years. Post-settlement mortality of 1–1.5 month old spat of five species ranged between 88 and 100% over 3–10 months in the field, similar to the values reported for both high and low latitude species (>94–99%). Among the key stages examined, the low recruitment rate may be the most important step in limiting successful reproduction and recruitment of these high-latitude scleractinian populations. The low recruitment rate may be attributable to (1) the reduced influx of larval supply from other coral populations, which are smaller and more isolated at high-latitudes and (2) the longer precompetent larval phase of broadcast-spawning corals which results in an increased chance of larvae being dispersed away from parent populations.  相似文献   

P. Harrison  S. Ward 《Marine Biology》2001,139(6):1057-1068
Spawned gametes were collected from colonies of Acropora longicyathus at One Tree Island and Goniastrea aspera at Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, for use in fertilisation trials. Mean fertilisation rates were significantly reduced compared with controls (P<0.003), when gametes from the branching coral A. longicyathus were exposed to elevated ammonium concentrations at 1 µM and above in one cross (60-64% reduction), and at 100 µM in another cross (16% reduction). Mean fertilisation success of A. longicyathus gametes was also significantly reduced compared with controls in both crosses (P=0.000) at concentrations of 1 µM phosphate and above (35-75% reduction), and at 1 µM ammonium plus 1 µM phosphate and all higher concentrations (68-74% reduction). Similarly, the mean percentage of regular embryos that were developing normally was significantly reduced in most nutrient treatments compared with controls (P=0.000). Fertilisation trials using gametes from the brain coral G. aspera resulted in a significantly lower percentage of regular embryos (P=0.001) and a significantly higher percentage of deformed embryos (P=0.001) developing after exposure to elevated nutrient treatments compared with controls. Mean fertilisation rates for this species were only significantly reduced (P=0.034) in the 50 µM ammonium plus phosphate treatment in one cross (8% reduction), compared with the control. Therefore, ammonium and phosphate enrichment significantly impairs fertilisation success and embryo development in scleractinian reef corals.  相似文献   

To test whether coral planulae recruit randomly to different coral reef habitats or have specific substratum preferences, the settling behavior of planulae from two shallow water coral species from Pago Bay, Guam (13°25.02N, 144°47.30E) were examined in the laboratory in June and July of 1995. Goniastrea retiformis is generally restricted to the shallow reef front (<10 m depth) in areas dominated by crustose coralline algae (CCA), while Stylaraea punctata is abundant on inner reef flats were CCA coverage is low and sand and carbonate rubble covered by biofilms is common. When presented with four substrata (1) carbonate rock scrubbed free of biofilm and dried as a control, (2) the CCA Hydrolithon reinboldii, (3) the CCA Peyssonelia sp., and (4) naturally conditioned carbonate rubble covered by a biofilm, G. retiformis larvae showed a significant preference for H. reinboldii, and S. punctata larvae for the carbonate biofilm treatment. The preference shown by S. punctata larvae for biofilmed surfaces did not diminish with increasing larval age up to 11 days. These results suggest that the larvae of both species are capable of habitat selection, and that the preferred substrata among those tested bears a relationship to the habitats in which adult colonies were found. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Capture of zooplankton by scleractinian corals has been noted for several species, yet quantitative information on rates of capture and differential capture by prey taxon has been lacking. We used field enclosures to examine prey capture for two coral species,Madracis mirabilis (Duchassaing and Michelotti) andMontastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus), on the north coast of Jamaica (Discovery Bay) in November 1989, February and March 1990, and January 1992.M. mirabilis has small polyps and a branching colony morphology (high surface/volume ratio), whereasM. cavernosa has large polyps and mounding colonies (low surface/volume ratio). Corals were isolated front potential prey, then were introduced into enclosures with enhanced zooplankton concentrations for 15- to 20-min feeding periods. Corals were fixed immediately after the experiment to prevent digestion, and coelenteron contents were examined for captured zooplankton. Plankton pumps were used to sample ambient zooplankton in the enclosures near the end of each run. Selectivity and capture rates were calculated for each prey taxon in each experiment; both indices were high for relatively uncommon large prey, and low for copepods, which were often the most common items in the plankton. Sizes of zooplankton captured by both species were generally larger than those available considering all prey taxa combined, but were almost the same for both coral species, even though the corals' polyp sizes are very different. This occurred primarily because small copepods, with low capture rates, dominated most plankton samples. For specific prey species, or group of species, there were few significant differences in size between the prey available and the prey captured.M. mirabilis, with small polyps, also captured far more prey per unit coral biomass than didM. cavernosa, with much larger polyps. We hypothesize that the large differences in capture rate of prey taxa are related to escape or avoidance behavior by those potential prey, and to the mechanics of capture, rather than to any selectivity by the corals.  相似文献   

P. Castro 《Marine Biology》1978,46(3):237-245
Trapezia ferruginea appears to depend entirely on its coral host (Pocillopora spp.) for shelter and food. Field and laboratory experiments have shown that the brightly colored crabs move between colonies at night. Analysis of movements in crabs randomly distributed among randomized Pocillopora damicornis colonies under laboratory conditions showed that after 6 days there was a significant increase in the number of heterosexual pairs (P<0.001) and a significant correlation between the number of crabs and the size of colonies (P=0.003), as well as between the size of crabs and the size of colonies (P=0.020) — conditions which are also observed in the field. No such correlations were obtained (P>0.05) in a similar experiment where very intense predation by carnivorous fishes was present. This host selection by adults appears to be elicited by the lack of a suitable partner and the inadequate size of their established territory in the colony.  相似文献   

Some of the most important demographic parameters underlying the resilience of coral communities are determined by their patterns of reproduction. In this study, a variety of methods were used to investigate the patterns of spawning, larval development and dispersal for scleractinian corals at an isolated reef system off northwestern Australia. Two distinct periods of gamete maturation and multi-specific spawning occurred each year, during Spring and Autumn, in contrast to the single season of mass spawning described on most other reefs around Australia. The subsequent rates of embryogenesis and larval development were among the fastest described for corals, with pre-competency periods of approximately 3 days. Within 3 days of spawning, slicks of spawn and current drifters had dispersed up to 5 km, and up to 10 km after 6 days, while the times taken for drifters to travel between adjacent (>240 km) reef systems were similar to or greater than the upper competency periods of most coral larvae. Thus, under these conditions, the entire reef system, and to some extent the reefs within the system, may largely be self-seeded; rates of immigration from other systems are probably insufficient to rapidly increase the recovery of communities within years of a major disturbance. These results have implications for the management of isolated reef systems, highlighting the need to minimize local stressors and maximize community resilience to the increasing scale of disturbance and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first evidence for sperm chemotaxis in the Scleractinia. Montipora digitata Dana, 1845 (Scleractinia: Coelenterata) is a hermaphroditic coral which reproduces bi-annually, releasing egg-sperm bundles during the mass spawning at Magnetic Island (19°10S; 146°52E) in late spring-early summer, and autumn each year. The buoyant egg-sperm bundles float to the surface where they break apart, releasing eggs and sperm into the ocean. Fertilisation occurs after 30 min. Unfertilized eggs were collected, washed free of sperm, and freeze-dried. The eggs were extracted with dichloromethane, fractionated by chromatography on silica gel, and the fractions assayed for their ability to attract M. digitata sperm. The active fraction was further fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography, resulting in the isolation of three highly unsaturated fatty alcohols: (1) dodeca-2,4-diynol; (2) tetradec-13-ene-2,4-diynol; (3) (14Z)-heptadeca-14,16-diene-2,4-diynol. Of these three compounds, only Compound 1 attracted sperm of M. digitata. Synthetic Compound 1, produced from simple precursors by known reactions, possessed sperm-attracting activity comparable to the naturally derived attractant. Preliminary experiments suggest that the natural mixture of Compounds 1, 2 and 3 in the ratio 1:4:9 is more effective in attracting sperm from M. digitata than sperm from other Montipora species. Sperm attractants may act to reduce the incidence of hybridisation between different species of Montipora.  相似文献   

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