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废荧光灯管的来源广泛,包括工业来源和社会来源,社会来源又包括居民来源,企业事业单位、公共场所等机构来源,具有多来源的特性。废荧光灯管中含有汞,若不经过妥善处理,会造成环境污染,对人的身体健康造成危害。随着国内生活垃圾分类的开展,废荧光灯管作为生活垃圾中有害垃圾的典型类别被强制分类,但仍存在很多问题。本文梳理了我国废荧光灯管的产生情况、LED灯替代情况,并对美国、欧盟、日本和我国国内典型城市的废荧光管理情况进行了总结。针对我国废荧光灯管的回收现状,从责任主体、责任划分、收集渠道、资金机制等角度提出了相关的管理建议,为推动我国废荧光灯管的管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

废旧荧光灯的回收利用及处理处置   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了废旧荧光灯管可能造成的环境污染以及国内外回收利用和处理处置的管理和技术现状,对我国在该领域发展中应关注的问题和处理技术的研发提出了建议。  相似文献   

含汞废弃荧光灯管处理现状及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
废弃荧光灯管中含有金属汞,属于《国家危险废物名录》中的HW29含汞废物类,随意处置会破坏环境,危害人类健康,因此必须采取合理的方法对其进行处理。综合比较后发现资源化、无害化回收金属汞是最佳的处理方法。部分发达国家通过法律和技术手段的加强实现了对废弃荧光灯管的无害化回收处理,但我国在这方面的工作尚且不足,主要存在着灯管收集难、处理成本高等问题。因此,我国需要借鉴国外的管理经验,出台有效的法规措施,同时需要不断完善处理技术和大型工程建设。在我国节能减排和环境保护形势日益严峻的大环境下,辅之以合理的管理体制和技术手段,才能实现社会效益和经济效益双赢的局面。  相似文献   

人类社会发展到今天,创造了前所未有的文明,同时也带来了一系列环境问题。诸如废电脑、废家电、废通讯工具等废弃“电子垃圾”以及制造这些电器过程中产生的各类废弃物占用着大量资源,对这些废旧电子器件和电子材料的不合理处置和回收会给环境造成极大污染。因此,广泛开展有关废旧电器和各类废旧电子材料回收利用方面的研究,使这些宝贵的二次资源得到科学合理的资源化和无害化处置,对保证人类所需生产和生活资源的永续利用,促进人类的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章结合废旧电器回收利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

2016年1月,习近平总书记在推动长江经济带发展座谈会上提出要“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”,走“生态优先、绿色发展”之路。2018年4月,习近平总书记将“长江保护修复”列为标志性的污染防治攻坚战战役之一。其中,长江经济带固体废物污染治理是长江生态环境保护修复工作的重要一环。目前长江经济带固废污染治理主要存在以下四方面问题:一是固废处理处置规划不系统,呈现“碎片化”,在固废处理处置设施分布、处理处置工艺、产业链条,以及主管部门及其政策资金安排、行政区划等方面缺乏整体的区域规划。  相似文献   

本文在分析废线路板产生现状及成分组成的基础上,介绍了我国目前废线路板的主要处置工艺和回收利用现状,特别针对目前废旧线路板资源回收过程中对非金属材料重视不够的问题,提出了非金属材料回收利用的工艺设想,并对废线路板中非金属材料的利用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

人类社会发展到今天,创造了前所未有的文明,同时也带来了一系列环境问题。诸如废电脑、废家电、废通讯工具等废弃“电子垃圾”以及制造这砦电器过程中产生的各类废弃物占用着大量资源,对这蝼废旧电子器件和电子材料的不合理处置和回收会给环境造成极大污染。因此,广泛开展有关废旧电器和各类废旧电子材料回收利用方面的研究,使这些宝贵的二次资源得到科学合理的资源化和无害化处置,对保证人类所需生产和生活资源的永续利用,促进人类的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章结合废旧电器回收利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

回收废物在世界各地方兴未艾德国是制定回收政策的一个开拓性国家。1986年制定了《废物回避与处置法案》,规定废物回避优先于废物处置;以后又发布了一些包括强制性回收废品条款的法令(或法规)。其中有关于废油、废溶剂和包装的法令;现正在起草有关废机器、废纸和...  相似文献   

江苏省废无机酸的产生总量大,且逐年增加。废无机酸具有腐蚀性、毒性、不稳定性等危险特性,如不进行合理处置便排入环境中,危害极大。江苏省废无机酸的产量与城市区域分布、产业布局有着密切的关系。废无机酸处置及利用企业与废无机酸的产生情况有较密切的关联。针对不同特性的废无机酸,适合采用不同的处置或利用工艺。废无机酸作为危险废物可采用中和法实现无害化处置或采用浓缩回收法等工艺进行资源化利用。  相似文献   

文章基于国外对钻井废物管理遵循的废物处理数量最少化、毒性最小化的4R0管理原则,论述了降低减少钻井固废毒性的措施,并从钻井固废源头减量化、过程控制减量化、再回收和再利用减量化以及末端减量化四个方面分别论述了减少钻井固废产生和处理量的技术及管理处置措施,对油气田环保工作者和相关决策者具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Rare earths have become the most important strategic resources, widely used as functional materials in industry and many other aspects of life due to its optical, electrical, and magnetic characteristics. As a consequence, a considerable number of wastes containing rare earths such as abandoned fluorescent lamps are generated and lost. Considering the scarcity in availability and supply of certain raw materials, waste tricolor phosphors are viewed as potential resources that can be mined in urban areas for their reutilization as rare earths. A number of studies in this area have been carried out all over the world.The purpose of this paper is to review the current status of recycling technologies of rare earths from waste tricolor phosphors in fluorescent lamps. The main characteristics of the tricolor phosphors were introduced, and also a detail review of the typical single recycling and reusing technologies with regard to waste tricolor phosphors was carried out in present paper. After that, several combined recycling processes and technologies were evaluated. Based on the review, the prospects of recycling technologies were suggested.  相似文献   

我国废铅酸蓄电池污染防治技术及政策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
废铅酸蓄电池回收环节产生的废渣、铅酸污泥等属于危险废物,必须按照危险废物进行管理;而废铅酸蓄电池铅回收过程也会产生二次污染,其生产过程和管理不当会产生严重的环境污染。本文在分析我国再生铅生产工艺技术现状、废铅酸蓄电池资源再生过程污染源的基础上,对废铅酸蓄电池资源再生过程污染源治理和污染预防措施以及目前废铅酸蓄电池铅回收相关政策和管理要求进行了较为系统的分析和总结。  相似文献   

With the annual increase in waste generation and heavy reliance on landfilling as disposal, method in Malaysia, it is just a matter of time before significant problems of space limitations, health, and environmental issues hit the nation severely. This paper attempts to develop an overview on solid, waste recycling in Malaysia at the most basic level of a community or nation which is the household, unit. Households are the main primary source of municipal solid waste in Malaysia, consisting of, recyclable materials at most 70% to 80% of the total waste composition as found placed in the, landfills. Overview on the existing household solid waste recycling policy and program status in, Malaysia is relevant in enhancing solid waste management measure from recycling perspective. Despite the high potential and opportunities for solid waste recycling, wastes are still simply being, dumped in an open area of ground without any attempt for recovery and recycling. Comparing to, recycling rates of neighboring countries, Malaysia is falling back at merely 5% which proves how, uncommon recycling practice is. The government is committed to significantly improve the national's, solid waste management services especially in waste minimization. Fortunately the emphasis on, recycling as a sustainable waste management strategy has taken a shift in paradigm as wastes, separation and recycling are part of the major changes in the current policy implementation. With, issues and challenges in recycling practice that were highlighted in this context especially from the, aspects of information availability and other loopholes within solid waste management policies and, related recycling program within the community, the question on whether the goals in 2020 can be, met remains unsure of but there is a possibility for a successful implementation of sustainable solid, waste management particularly in recycling.  相似文献   

Four Illinois communities with different sociode-mographic compositions and at various stages of planning for solid waste management were surveyed to determine the influence of sociodemographic variables and planning stages on the factors that motivate recycling behavior. A factor analysis of importance ratings of reasons for recycling and for not recycling yielded five factors interpreted as altruism, personal inconvenience, social influences, economic incentives, and household storage. The four communities were shown to be significantly different in multivariate analyses of the five motivational factors. However, attempts to explain these community differences with regression analyses, which predicted the motivational factors with dummy codes for planning stages, a measure of self-reported recycling behavior, and sociodemographic measures were unsatisfactory. Contrary to expectation, the solid waste management planning stages of the cities (curbside pickup, recycling dropoff center, and planning in progress) contributed only very slightly to the prediction of motivational factors for recycling. Community differences were better explained by different underlying motivational structures among the four communities. Altruistic reasons for recycling (e.g., conserving resources) composed the only factor which was similar across the four communities. This factor was also perceived to be the most important reason for recycling by respondents from all four communities. The results of the study supported the notion that convenient, voluntary recycling programs that rely on environmental concern and conscience for motivation are useful approaches to reducing waste.  相似文献   

This article analyses the current and future end-of-life management of electronic displays (flat screen televisions and monitors), and identifies and discusses possible ecodesign recommendations to improve it. Based on an investigation of the treatment of displays in two typical European recycling plants, key aspects and criticalities of the recycling methods (sorting, dismantling and pre-processing) are identified. Disaggregated data concerning on-site measurements of the time needed to manually dismantle different displays are presented. The article also discusses the potential evolution of end-of-life scenarios for electronic displays and suggests possible recommendations for recyclers, producers and policy-makers to promote resource efficiency in the recycling of such waste products. Data on time for dismantling the displays can be used to build measurers for voluntary and mandatory policies, to stimulate design innovations for products improvement, and to assess possible alternative treatments of the waste during the pre-processing at the recycling plants. Some quantitative product measures (based on the time thresholds for dismantling some key components) are also discussed, including an assessment of their economic viability. These measures can potentially be enforced through mandatory and voluntary European product policies, and could also be extended to other product groups.  相似文献   

Phosphate rocks, used for phosphorus (P) fertilizer production, are a non-renewable resource at the human time scale. Their depletion at the global scale may threaten global food and feed security. To prevent this depletion, improved P resource recycling from food chain waste to agricultural soils and to the food and feed industry is often presented as a serious option. However, waste streams are often complex and their recycling efficiency is poorly characterized. The aim of this paper is to estimate the P recovery and recycling potential from waste, considering France as a case study. We assessed the P flows in food processing waste, household wastewater and municipal waste at the country scale using a substance flow analysis for the year 2006. We also quantified the P recycling efficiency as the fraction of P in waste that ultimately reached agricultural soils or was recycled in the food and feed industry. Efforts were made to limit data uncertainty by cross-checking multiple data sources concerning P content in waste materials. Results showed that, in general, P recovery in waste was high but that the overall P recycling efficiency was only 51% at the country scale. In particular, P recycling efficiency was 75% for industrial waste, 43% for household wastewater and 47% for municipal waste. The remaining P was discharged into water bodies or landfilled, causing P-induced environmental problems as well as losses of nutrient resources. Major P losses were through food waste (which amounted to 39% of P in available food) and treated wastewater, and the findings were confirmed through cross-checking with alternative data sources. Options for improving P resource recycling and, thereby, reducing P fertilizer use were quantified but appeared to be less promising than scenarios based on reduced food waste or redesigned agricultural systems.  相似文献   

In a street survey conducted in Hong Kong, it was found that Hong Kong people generally support waste recycling and minimization measures. The results showed that statistically there are associations between sex, accommodation type, education levels and age on one hand and people's attitude toward some waste recycling and minimization measures on the other. A significant number of the surveyed subjects would feel uneasy during the generation of waste if they knew that the recyclable materials would not be recycled. However, this feeling of uneasiness will lessen considerably if the materials are being recycled. With the feeling of uneasiness being lessened, a deterring factor on consumption was weakened. Thus it is plausible that when recycling is more widely carried out, the actual volume of consumption will increase if the urgency of waste minimization is not widely understood. It was also discovered that in an economically prosperous Hong Kong, people can be more supportive to slightly more expensive green products than in Western countries in recession.  相似文献   

The growth of electronic waste (e-waste) is of increasing concern because of its toxic content and low recycling rates. The e-waste recycling infrastructure needs to be developed, yet little is known about people's willingness to fund its expansion. This paper examines this issue based on a 2004 mail survey of California households. Using an ordered logit model, we find that age, income, beliefs about government and business roles, proximity to existing recycling facilities, community density, education, and environmental attitudes are significant factors for explaining people's willingness to pay an advanced recycling fee (ARF) for electronics. Most respondents are willing to support a 1% ARF. Our results suggest that policymakers should target middle-aged and older adults, improve programs in communities with existing recycling centers or in rural communities, and consider public-private partnerships for e-waste recycling programs.  相似文献   

The European Union Landfill Directive calls on member states to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal solid waste disposed of to landfill. In addition, national waste strategies will require the constituent parts of the United Kingdom to achieve increased household waste recycling and recovery rates. Both these measures will require the development of the infrastructure to support national high-intensity recycling and composting schemes and the construction of at least 35 new municipal waste to energy incinerators. Before plans can be developed for meeting the targets several areas relating to municipal solid waste need to be clarified. Depending on the definition of municipal solid waste, its composition and likely future growth rates the number of incinerators required could be up to 170.  相似文献   

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