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依据职业安全健康管理(OSHM)的要求,在危险辨识的基础上对火力发电厂(汽轮机部分)的危险源进行分类及其相互作用、影响的分析,建立了职业安全健康管理模式及其问卷,针对现场的运行、维修和试验部分进行了详细的调查。应用工业风险评价的定性及量化分析方法,通过现场调研和分析,对各种危险性事件发生的可能性及其后果的严重度进行评价,从安全管理和安全工程两方面提出对不可接受的危险源的预控措施。危险源的有效预测和控制,对火电厂职业安全健康水平的提高将发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

学习和借鉴国外先进的安全生产管理模式,可以促进我国安全生产监管水平的不断改善。日本的劳动安全卫生监管采用了超前管理和过程管理方式,政府监管部门通过制定和完善有关法律法规,建立政府计划指导,劳动灾害防止团体和产业协会提供技术服务,企业承担劳动安全卫生主体责任,使劳动安全卫生政策、计划得到有效的执行和不断的修正。经多年的实践和积累,日本劳动安全卫生的重点已从灾害预防控制,向劳动工作紧张焦虑预防控制、创造舒适劳动环境转移,整个劳动安全卫生监管模式进入了一个良性循环。该文借鉴日本劳动安全卫生监督管理体制四十多年的经验,提出我国职业卫生监管应该通过培训教育,提高全民的劳动安全卫生意识。要充分研究和利用第三方技术服务组织,规范第三方技术服务,承担我国劳动安全卫生的事务性工作。  相似文献   

In order to enhance Chinese workers’ occupational safety awareness, it is essential to learn from developed countries’ experiences. This article investigates thoroughly occupational safety and health (OSH) in China and the UK; moreover, the article performs a comparison of Chinese and British OSH training-related laws, regulations and education system. The following conclusions are drawn: China’s work safety continues to improve, but there is still a large gap compared with the UK. In China a relatively complete vocational education and training (VET) system has been established. However, there exist some defects in OSH. In the UK, the employer will not only pay attention to employees’ physiological health, but also to their mental health. The UK’s VET is characterized by classification and grading management, which helps integrate OSH into the whole education system. China can learn from the UK in the development of policies, VET and OSH training.  相似文献   

论述了安全评价模式建立的意义,提出了安全评价模式的概念,建立了安全评价的基本模式.建立的安全评价的基本模式主要由危险源辨识、评价和控制3部分组成.在辨识危险源之后,应分别从设备、单元危险性、作业条件危险性、职业卫生、工艺危险性5个方面入手对危险源进行定性定量评价,以便于选择合适的评价方法.职业安全卫生检测检验也是进行安全评价的重要组成部分,不同的评价对象,其职业安全卫生检测检验的内容也不同.在完成上述工作的基础上,根据评价和分析结果提出安全对策措施.指出了当前我国安全和卫生管理体制所存在的弊端,分析了把职业安全和职业卫生结合在一起由一个政府部门进行监督管理的重要性,从而便于实现安全卫生管理工作的标准化、规范化.  相似文献   

基于风险等值线的职业安全评价分级方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据危害因素引发工伤、职业危害事件的后果严重度和可能性来开展职业安全评价,在严重度和可能性的定量评价基础上,引入等值风险线的概念,建立风险评价分级方法,并在单一危害因素的职业安全评价基础上建立了作业场所、工厂、企业的职业安全(风险)评价分级方法.通过应用实例分析,验证了该方法的可操作性.  相似文献   

系统地介绍了英国矿山安全卫生科学技术的先进经验和有效措施 ;重点考察了英国国家立法、政府监察、行业管理、工会监督的矿山安全卫生管理经验 ;并研究和分析了煤矿、粉尘监测的具体办法 ;同时结合我国国情 ,提出借鉴英国经验的几点建议。  相似文献   

只要有危害源就会存在一定的风险。由于生产过程的需要,高科技制造行业往往使用大量有毒、危险化学品,生产环境与生产设备也不同于传统产业,也因此,如何运用有效地环安卫(环境保护、工业安全、职业健康)风险管理机制来避免各种危害源可能对企业造成的负面冲击,以降低高科技行业营运过程可能遭遇的环安卫风险一直是高科技行业风险管理者所面临的挑战。本文将介绍如何以PDCA持续改善的架构来贯穿高科技行业环安卫风险管理流程与风险管理概念。  相似文献   

为使注册安全工程师行业在初始阶段就纳入科学的管理,通过对注册安全工程师行业监管模式的探讨,在分析注册安全工程师执业资格制度基本特点及注册安全工程师执业定位的基础上,参照国外的发达国家和我国目前注册安全工程师发展现状,提出了3种监管模式,即政府监管模式、行业自律监管模式和政府监管与行业自律结合的监管模式。并且通过运用建立数学模型的方法和规律性分析,比较了3种不同的注册安全工程师行业监管模式效力的异同和利弊,最终得出应采用政府监管与自律监管结合模式的结论。并对完善和规范注册安全工程师执业资格制度方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在深入分析化工园区的风险特性与安全管理现状的基础上,探索新的化工园区安全管理模式;以系统的思想,探讨建立以化工园区为对象、各园区企业为相关方的职业健康安全管理体系(OHSMS),对化工园区实施系统化管理.实践表明,通过推行OHSMS,可以实现化工园区科学化、系统化、规范化、文件化的职业健康安全管理,切实提高了园区整体的...  相似文献   

我国建筑业安全生产状况浅析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
建筑业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,也是安全事故率较高的行业之一,其安全生产状况一直受到各方面的广泛重视。为了分析我国建筑业近年来安全生产形势,对我国近十年来的建筑业安全生产现状进行统计,结果表明建筑生产安全事故起数和死亡人数持续下降,建筑业安全生产整体形势逐年趋好。同时从政府管理职能、企业管理机构和职业卫生管理三个层面对建筑业安全生产中存在的问题进行剖析。从政府管理部门的职能、行业协会、劳动保护机构、企业内部的安全保证体系等几个方面剖析了德国的建筑安全管理体系的构成。通过与建筑业安全生产管理体系先进的德国进行对比分析,提出加强政府管理职能、从政府到企业真正做到以人为本以及增强安全文化建设三个解决措施。  相似文献   

Part of the Polish-Swedish OSHMAN project was carried out in a textile company. It aimed at implementing and improving effective health and safety management with workers' active involvement at all levels of the enterprise. The two main problems to be solved during the project were decreasing occupational risk and improving workers' poor knowledge on occupational risk. Training courses, workshops and practical activities were undertaken. As expected, there were changes in work organisation and improvement in the way workstations were looked after, which led to a decrease in occupational risk. Workers were highly committed during the project. Nevertheless it seems that more training should be directed at middle management.  相似文献   

编制民航飞行员职业安全意识调查问卷,对1310名民航飞行员进行调查。研究发现:民航飞行员职业安全意识总体水平良好,其中87%的人员达到良好以上水平;安全认知、安全情感与安全意志3个维度发展不平衡,安全意志水平显著低于其他两个维度;单位的安全教育、安全状况以及个人素质是影响民航飞行员职业安全意识的重要因素;经常接受安全教育的飞行员,其职业安全意识水平显著高于偶尔接受安全教育的飞行员;单位安全状况好的飞行员,其职业安全意识水平显著高于单位安全状况一般的飞行员;飞行学员的职业安全意识水平显著高于在职飞行员。建议采取创新安全教育、磨练安全意志、强化环境熏陶等措施,强化民航飞行员的职业安全意识,降低因飞行员原因引发的飞行事故率,提高民航的安全业绩。  相似文献   

计算机辅助海运安全管理系统技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以海运安全管理的基本理论与机制 ,强调保障安全必须通过管理实现对“人 -机 -环境”系统的有效干预 ,指出已实行数年的海运安全管理体系 (SMS) ,因系统庞大不便使用而妨碍了安全管理效能的发挥 ,而现有的管理信息系统技术对此作为甚小。鉴此 ,以语义Web和RDF技术为核心 ,研发了计算机辅助海运安全管理系统 (CASMS) ,包括海运安全文档知识库系统 (RDMS)、海运安全管理体系文档管理系统 (SMDS)、计算机辅助海运安全审核系统 (EES) ,为实现全面高效准确的SMS文件管理与工作表管理 ,提高海运公司和政府的SMS审核质量 ,实现地区级、国家级网络化安全管理提供了新技术。该技术可普遍用于质量管理体系、职业安全与健康管理体系、环境管理体系等系统及其综合系统。  相似文献   

This study reports the general health and safety (HS) conditions in the Turkish construction industry from the perspective of construction labor. Toward this aim, a questionnaire survey was carried out with 800 workers employed in 32 construction projects in Turkey. Contractors were found to neglect their legal liabilities in paying workers’ insurance premiums. Also, they overlooked safety training and were reluctant to hiring physicians at construction sites and investing in personal protective equipment (PPE). As the real constructors of projects, workers did not attach adequate importance to occupational training. In addition, they were not willing to use some PPE. Key participants of HS affairs such as workers, contractors, unions, and government should comprehend their drawbacks to overcome the current dangerous view of the industry. In this regard, related government bodies should compel contractors and workers to adapt to the relatively new regulations on occupational HS.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2000,34(1-3):151-176
A self-regulatory model was proposed to examine how different organisations manage safety, with particular emphasis on the human and organisational aspects. The relationships of different aspects of safety culture and safety management systems were explored through the deployment of different research measures and methods. Studies of four aircraft maintenance organisations included analysis of documentation and qualitative interviews, surveys of safety climate and attitudes, expected response to incidents and compliance with task procedures. The model was effective in analysing the salient features of each organisation' s safety management system, though it underestimated the roles of planning and change. The data from management interviews, the incidents survey and safety climate survey exhibited a large measure of agreement in differentiating between the different safety management systems and safety climate of the four organisations. The measures of compliance with task procedures and safety attitudes did not differentiate between the four organisations (though one organisation did differ from the others in safety attitudes). This suggests a strong, relatively homogeneous professional sub-culture of aircraft technicians spanning the different organisations. Differences in safety attitudes and climate were found between occupational groups, though in the case of climate the differences between occupational groups were a function of the organisation, suggesting a differentiated notion of safety culture. The professional sub-culture of technicians is likely to mediate between the organisation' s safety management system and safety outcomes.  相似文献   

Managing occupational safety in any kind of industry, especially in processing, is very important and complex. This paper develops a new method for occupational risk assessment in the presence of uncertainties. Uncertain values of hazardous factors and consequence frequencies are described with linguistic expressions defined by a safety management team. They are modeled with fuzzy sets. Consequence severities depend on current hazardous factors, and their values are calculated with the proposed procedure. The proposed model is tested with real-life data from fruit processing firms in Central Serbia.  相似文献   

安全工程专业学历教育方案的中西对比研究   总被引:8,自引:12,他引:8  
根据学科研究对象的异同 ,对中外不同名称的安全科学技术学科领域间对应关系的分析表明 ,我国的安全科学技术学科与美国、英国等西方国家称为公共健康的学科 ,我国的安全工程与西方国家的职业安全健康学科分别在宽泛和具体的意义上基本对应 ,相应的学历教育方案具有可比性。以此为据 ,运用案例比较研究了安全工程与职业安全健康学科专业学历教育方案中课程设置的多方面差别 ,分析了通过改善学历教育方案、加强职业安全培训途径来提高我国安全管理水平的努力方向。  相似文献   

运用风险管理理念,提高灭火救援水平   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据消防部队灭火救援工作中的职业危险 ,引入了风险管理理念。笔者运用安全系统工程的理论和方法 ,建立了灭火救援工作的风险管理方法以及风险识别、风险评价的方法和步骤 ,并针对当前的情况 ,提出风险控制的具体措施。该方法简单 ,易于操作。在安全管理工作中应用风险管理方法 ,根据现有资料和知识经验 ,针对部门的具体情况 ,找出灭火救援工作中存在的风险 ,并对各种风险及其危险程度进行评价 ,在此基础上 ,采取相应的控制措施。分析和研究表明 ,运用风险管理有利于控制或减少消防人员在灭火救援中存在的风险 ,防范事故发生 ,提高灭火救援的水平。  相似文献   

The construction industry is plagued by occupational risky situations and poor working conditions. Occupational risk assessment (ORA) on workplace sites is the first and key step to achieve adequate safety levels, particularly to support decision-making in safety programs. Most construction safety efforts are applied informally under the premise that simply allocating more resources to safety management will improve safety on site. Moreover, there are many traditional methods to address ORA, but few have been adapted and validated for use in the construction industry, particularly in the design stage, for which traditional approaches do not give adequate answers. This paper presents a state-of-the-art on ORA traditional methods, for the construction industry, discussing their limitations and pointing advantages of using fuzzy sets approaches to deal with ill-defined situations.  相似文献   

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