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The distribution of the mud snails Hydrobia ventrosa (Montagu), H. neglecta Muus, and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (Smith) was studied in the Kysing Fjord estuary, Denmark, from November 1977 to February 1979. The hydrobiids show habitat selection with regard to salinity but coexist in large areas of the estuary: P. jenkinsi at the innermost parts of the estuary together with H. ventrosa, with the latter species extending its distribution further to the mouth of the estuary, where H. neglecta dominates. H. ventrosa and H. neglecta are the only species that have permanent populations in the estuary. P. jenkinsi dies out in the estuary in the winter, but recolonizes there from a small river in the spring and builds up a population in the innermost parts of the estuary during the summer. H. ventrosa and H. neglecta coexist in the middle part of the estuary due to continued dispersal into this area.  相似文献   

The effect of freezing on photosynthetic metabolism was studied in the red algae, Chondrus crispus and Mastocarpus stellatus. Plants of both species were collected from the intertidal at Chamberlain or Kresge Point, Maine, USA (43°56N, 69°54W) between February and March 1987. Photosynthetic rates were measured immediately after freezing at-20°C and following recovery periods in seawater. Photosynthesis in C. crispus declined rapidly following freezing, falling to 70% of control values within 1 h and 30% after 3 h exposure. Minimum photosynthetic rates (7 to 9% of controls) occurred following freezing exposures of 12 h or more. Full photosynthetic recovery in C. crispus after 3 h at-20°C required 48 h. Photosynthesis in C. crispus did not fully recover in plants frozen for 6 h or more. In contrast, photosynthesis in M. stellatus was relatively unaffected by freezing exposures of <12 h. Twelve hours or more at-20°C reduced photosynthesis to 55% of controls. Photosynthesis in M. stellatus fully recovered from 24 h at-20°C within 24 h. In both species the reduction of photosynthesis by freezing was associated with damage to the plasma membrane and reduced efficiency of energy transfer from phycobilisomes to chlorophyll a, but did not appear to involve ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase activity. The freezing tolerance of C. crispus and M. stellatus positively correlates with their respective intertidal distributions, suggesting that freezing may be involved in controlling the distributions of these species on the shore.  相似文献   

Summary Several theoretical models have suggested that increases in territory overlap with conspecifics should result in lower rates of resource accumulation by territorial residents. This assumption was tested using juvenile Anolis aeneus lizards, which exhibit variable degrees of territory overlap in both the field and laboratory. In a series of laboratory trials under controlled density and resource conditions, juvenile growth rates were negatively related to the degree of territory overlap. This effect aplied to juveniles of all but the lowest status groups, although higher status juveniles had more exclusive territories than did lower status juveniles. Focal studies indicated that food depletion in the zones of overlap was the most likely reason for the negative relationship between territory overlap and growth. It is suggested that juveniles in the field may tolerate extensive territory overlap in spite of growth penalties because of a general shortage of predator-safe homesites in undisturbed habitats.  相似文献   

A key regulatory mechanism underlying the switch between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism amongst anoxia-tolerant marine molluscs is reversible protein phosphorylation. To assess the role of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in aerobic–anaerobic transitions, the effects of anoxia on the activity and subcellular distribution of PKA were assessed in foot and hepatopancreas of the marine periwinkle, Littorina littorea. Exposure to N2 gas at 5 °C caused a rapid decline in the percentage of total enzyme present as the free catalytic subunit (PKAc) in both tissues; the percentage of PKAc fell from ∼30% in controls to 3% after 1 h anoxia and remained low over 72 h. Total PKA also fell by 30% after 72 h anoxia in hepatopancreas but rebounded during aerobic recovery. Freezing at −8 °C elicited parallel results for both percentage of PKAc and total PKA, suggesting that PKA responses to freezing were stimulated by the ischemia that develops when hemolymph freezes. Anoxia also led to a shift in PKA subcellular distribution in hepatopancreas (but not in foot), the percentage of total PKA activity associated with the nuclear fraction dropping from 25% in controls to 8% in 12 h anoxic snails with opposite changes in the cytosolic fraction. The catalytic subunit (PKAc) of foot PKA was purified to a final specific activity of 63.5 nmol phosphate transferred per minute per milligram protein. Enzyme properties included a molecular weight of 33 to 35 kDa, an activation energy from Arrhenius plots of 65.1 ± 4.8 kJ mol−1, and substrate affinity constants of 151 ± 6 μM for the phosphate acceptor, Kemptide, and 72 ± 9 μM for Mg.ATP. Activity was strongly reduced by mammalian PKA inhibitors (H-89, PKA-I), by neutral chloride salts (I50 values 165 to 210 mM) and by NaF (I50 62 mM). Reduced PKA activity under anoxic or freezing conditions would facilitate the observed suppression of the activities of numerous enzymes that are typically PKA-activated and thereby contribute to the overall anoxia-induced metabolic rate depression. Received: 19 November 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) were live-trapped from 5 to 7 years at three sites in southwestern Alberta, Canada. The two most common adult matrilineal relatives for 2-year-old females were the mother and a 1 year older non-littermate sister. Co-occurrence of female kin depended firstly on size and sexual composition of litters and secondly on age-specific survival and recruitment rates. Adult matrilineal kin frequently coexisted among breeding females of this species, leading us to predict a social system strorgly influenced by nepotism. However, the life history traits of S. columbianus suggest an adult female kin cluster unlike that found for other species of Spermophilus in which littermate sisters are common. If availability of adult female kin influences kin-differential behaviour, then female S. columbianus should favour mothers, daughters and non-ittermate sisters.  相似文献   

Summary. Nicotine tolerance is well known for Manduca sexta. It also occurs in several other sphingids of the subfamilies Macroglossinae and Sphinginae. Only members of the subfamily Smerinthinae appear to be more susceptible to nicotine intoxication. Phylogenetic trees have been reconstructed from mitochondrial 16S rDNA and nuclear DNA to map nicotine tolerance.?The nicotine binding site of both α-subunits of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) have been amplified and sequenced. No apparent amino acid substitution can be seen in the putative nicotine binding site of the α-subunits of nAChR from nicotine tolerant and nicotine sensitive sphingids. Thus, a simple target-site modification can be ruled out as a cause for nicotine tolerance. This finding agrees with feeding experiments: larvae of M. sexta and other sphingids of the Macroglossinae and Sphinginae not only tolerated nicotine, but also many other alkaloids that affect neuroreceptors other than acetylcholine receptors (nAChR, mAChR).?Only 10 to 20% of nicotine injected into larvae of nicotine-tolerant taxa could be recovered later as free nicotine, nicotine N-oxide or cotinine, i.e., 80 to 90% must have been converted to polar conjugates or degradation products which are not detectable with the methods applied. Usually more than 98% of the recoverable alkaloids were found in the faeces. Excretion reached a maximum 6 h after injection in tolerant taxa. Larvae of Manduca sexta, which were reared on a nicotine-rich diet, showed higher nicotine degradation and faster nicotine elimination than na?ve larvae. Application of the cytochrome P450 inhibitor SKF 525A (proadifen) reduced the formation of nicotine N-oxide and the rate of alkaloid degradation. Thus, an inducible detoxification mechanism, coupled with a rapid and inducible excretion, appear to be a strategy in Sphingidae that helps them to live on host plants rich in otherwise toxic secondary metabolites. Received 23 March 2001; accepted 4 August 2001.  相似文献   

The large, edible mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskål) exhibits different phenotypes which are recognised by the fishermen of Southeast Asia and are given local names such as “white”, “green”, “red” or “black” crabs on the basis of their colouration. A preliminary study using multivariate techniques was undertaken in order to examine the degree of dissimilarity between the different morphs of commercially fished stocks of S. serrata. Twenty-two morphometric and 20 meristic characters were measured on male crabs from four locations in three countries in Southeast Asia, including Surat Thani in Thailand where “black” and “white” morphs exist sympatrically. Canonical variate analysis (CVA) on the morphometric data discriminated three groups with no chain-linking. Surat Thani “white” crabs and those from south Vietnam were phenotypically similar and formed one distinct group; a second group contained crabs from Ranong (Thailand) and Sarawak which were phenotypically “black”; the third group contained “black” crabs from Surat Thani. CVA on meristic data confirmed two groupings, but implied that the Surat Thani “black” morph may only be a variant of the Surat Thani/Vietnam “white” form, rather than a third species. These findings are discussed in relation to the ecology, fishery management and aquaculture potenial of S. serrata.  相似文献   

Toxicity of cassava effluent in water on aquatic lives was examined via acute and chronic bioassay experiments on Clarias gariepinus (I) and Oreochromis niloticus (II) under laboratory conditions, using standard procedures. The effluent cyanide concentration exceeded the WHO limit for wastewater. Fish body weights and haematological parameters (HMP) significantly decreased with increasing effluent concentration at p≤0.05. Toxicity on HMP for the respective (I) and (II) varied from 5.4 to 52.8; 4.8 to 51.9% for packed cell volume, 4.1 to 43.9; 5.3 to 64.0% for red blood count, 0.0 to 15.7; 0.0 to 61.4% for white blood count, 3.6 to 45.9; 5.2 to 49.5% for haemoglobin, 11.6 to 71.9; 28.4 to 63.8% for total protein, 11.5 to 75.5; 15.0 to 58.2% for albumin and 11.8 to 75.0; 46 to 83.9% for globulin. Acute exposure yielded 96-h LC50 values of 0.45% for (I) and 0.25% for (II) and chronic exposure caused reduced growth and poor blood quality.  相似文献   

Toxicity of cassava effluent in water on aquatic lives was examined via acute and chronic bioassay experiments on Clarias gariepinus (I) and Oreochromis niloticus (II) under laboratory conditions, using standard procedures. The effluent cyanide concentration exceeded the WHO limit for wastewater. Fish body weights and haematological parameters (HMP) significantly decreased with increasing effluent concentration at p≤0.05. Toxicity on HMP for the respective (I) and (II) varied from 5.4 to 52.8; 4.8 to 51.9% for packed cell volume, 4.1 to 43.9; 5.3 to 64.0% for red blood count, 0.0 to 15.7; 0.0 to 61.4% for white blood count, 3.6 to 45.9; 5.2 to 49.5% for haemoglobin, 11.6 to 71.9; 28.4 to 63.8% for total protein, 11.5 to 75.5; 15.0 to 58.2% for albumin and 11.8 to 75.0; 46 to 83.9% for globulin. Acute exposure yielded 96-h LC50 values of 0.45% for (I) and 0.25% for (II) and chronic exposure caused reduced growth and poor blood quality.  相似文献   

The present study reports on chromium (VI) tolerance of two cyanobacterial strains Nostoc linckia and Nostoc spongiaeforme isolated from salt affected soils using uni-algal and bi-algal systems. Besides distinct halophilism, the two strains exhibited remarkable tolerance to chromium (VI) and revealed 1.2 to 2.8 times more chlorophyll in the presence of the metal. While phycobilins and carotenoids also increased in Nostoc linckia with total dissolved salts (TDS) as well as metal, a decline was observed in Nostoc spongiaeforme in the presence of Cr (VI). Relative algal biomass (as % of control) showed significantly higher values (123-239) in Nostoc linckia in the presence of salt, metal and combination of the two. In Nostoc spongiaeforme it declined in the presence of metal (72-81) but increased in the presence of salts (143-249) and also in the binary systems (121-440). The bi-algal consortium showed relatively less tolerance to salt and metal stress. Nostoc linckia (20 day culture) showed upto 40% chromium removal whereas Nostoc spongiaeforme showed up to 12% removal, indicating greater suitability of the former for use in bioremediation studies.  相似文献   

The gut morphology is described for seven species of Thalassinidea; Callianassasubterranea (Montagu), Jaxea nocturna Nardo, Axius stirhynchus Leach, Calocaris macandreae Bell, Upogebia pusilla (Petagna), U. deltaura (Leach) and U. stellata (Montagu). Differences were observed in the structure of the dorsal and lateral teeth of the gastric mill. Callianassa subterranea and A. stirhynchus had simple robust dorsal teeth and proportionally larger lateral teeth with flexible spines. The three upogebiids had complex dorsal teeth that were highly ridged and proportionally smaller lateral teeth with inflexible spines. The dorsal and lateral teeth of J. nocturna were intermediate in form. The dorsal tooth of Calocaris macandreae, although relatively simple in design, possessed accessory projections, or “wings”, on either side of the main structure. The lateral teeth were proportionally quite large, but lacked ridges and spines. The epithelia surfaces of the digestive gland, midgut and posterior diverticulum were similar for all seven species. Differences were observed in the morphology of the hindgut. The hindgut lining was completely smooth for the three upogebiid species. The other thalassinidean species had four distinct rows of cuticular projections situated on top of the ridges formed by the longitudinal convolutions of the hindgut. The arrangement of these projections varied between species. A gut flora was observed for six of the seven species, the exception being C. macandreae. The differences observed in the structure of the gut are discussed in relation to feeding and thalassinidean phylogeny. Received: 3 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

采用薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)的乙酸乙酯浸提液对福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)进行浸杀,通过扫描电镜观察福寿螺头足部、外套膜及肝脏组织的损伤状况,探讨薇甘菊化感物质对福寿螺器官组织结构的影响。经过薇甘菊质量浓度为100mg·L^-1提取液浸杀2d后,福寿螺主要器官出现了明显的组织损伤。头足部肌肉组织出现明显的杂乱丝条状并有断裂,部分有侵蚀剥落,表现为较大的组织缺损;外套膜有大量的细胞被浸润,呈疏松不整齐的结构;肝脏表面粗糙,凹凸相间的皱褶形成起伏不平的组织,其间有深浅不一的裂痕,并有侵蚀孔状损伤。扫描电镜的观察结果可为探讨薇甘菊浸提液对福寿螺的毒杀机理提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

During the summer of 1995, we investigated the response of mud crab megalopae (Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards) to cues associated with adult habitat. Natural rock/shell substratum and the rock-associated seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus L., both induced metamorphosis of competent megalopae; natural sand substratum did not induce metamorphosis. Structural mimics of preferred substrata induced metamorphosis only when covered with natural biofilm. Clean mimics did not induce metamorphosis. Water-soluble exudates from preferred substrata showed weak induction of metamorphosis. Exudates from adult P. herbstii elicited a similar weak response. Exudates from another species of crab and from two fish predators did not induce metamorphosis. We conclude that water-soluble cues associated with major components of preferred adult habitat induce the metamorphic molt of P. herbstii megalopae. The three-dimensional structure of the substratum is not important in induction of metamorphosis, but the biofilm associated with preferred substratum plays a critical role. It is not clear whether the biofilm produces the water-soluble cue or simply provides a tactile stimulus that works in conjunction with the soluble cue.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between particle-size selectivity and variable particle-size distribution in the American mud snail Hydrobia totteni Morrison (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae) collected in the summer of 1979 and 1982, from saltmarsh mudflats at Flax Pond, Old Field, New York, USA. Using individual size fractions of native sediment, snails fed fastest on intermediate-sized particles (41 to 63 m); this pattern was related to diatom abundance, which was similarly greatest on the intermediate particle-size classes. These results conform to another study, which found a quite different relationship between feeding rate and particle size, but a similarly strong correlation between particle size and diatom abundance. Snails were fed a range of particle-size distributions of glass beads. As median particle size increased, preference shifted towards smaller particles. This shift cannot be explained by feeding rates determined from individual particle-size classes. The most reasonable alternative model is a shift towards feeding on fine particles that occur among the coarser particles that are not ingested. Our data suggest that diatom growth on certain particle sizes is as important to particle selectivity as the particle sizes themselves. Particle size preference cannot be extrapolated from studies of feeding rates on individual size classes since selectivity is qualitatively different in mixtures of various size classes.  相似文献   

A critical step in understanding how temperature will affect biodiversity in coastal ecosystems is to gain insight into how the tolerances, and ultimately survival, of early life history stages will influence the distribution and abundance of adults. We assessed the thermal tolerance of encapsulated veliger-stage larvae of a common dogwhelk, Nucella ostrina, that occur in the rocky intertidal zone on the west coast of North America. Results showed that veligers collected from northern latitudes in Washington State were less tolerant of heat stress than those from central sites in California. For all sites, we found there to be a subtle difference between the temperatures at which veligers first began to die compared to when veligers reached 100% mortality. On a biogeographic scale, the LT50 temperatures, a measure of larval sensitivity, for N. ostrina veligers displayed a strong latitudinal trend. These findings provide a conservative measurement of the upper thermal limits of encapsulated veligers while illustrating how these early life history stages could be physiologically compromised under future climate warming scenarios.  相似文献   

The study conducted in the Morinje Bay (Central Dalmatia, Croatia) included the investigation of the sedimentological, physico-chemical and geochemical properties of the Morinje Bay sediments in order to assess the suitability of the material for wellness-related purposes including medicinal use. The sedimentological characteristics of the Morinje mud are in accordance with the geological origin of the material; the sediment is fine grained, composed mostly of carbonates, quartz and clay minerals. The composition of the sediment determines the physico-chemical properties of the mud. The high content of carbonate minerals diminishes adsorbing the characteristics of the mud to some extent; however, they are still comparable to some commercial mud already successfully used for medicinal purposes. Geochemical analyses have shown that trace metals concentrations in the Morinje Bay samples were mostly in the range with similar material from unpolluted Adriatic environments. Only the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and As were slightly higher than in the reference material, but still within acceptable limits.  相似文献   

This study documented the range of corals, and other prey types, consumed by 20 species of butterflyfishes, which co-occur at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Six species (Chaetodon aureofasciatus, C. baronessa, C. lunulatus, C. plebius, C. rainfordi and C. trifascialis) fed almost exclusively on scleractinian corals, and a further eight species (C. citrinellus, C. kleinii, C. lunula, C. melannotus, C. rafflesi, C. speculum, C. ulietensis, and C. unimaculatus) took a significant proportion of their bites from corals. The other six species (C. auriga, C. ephippium, C. lineolatus, C. semeion, C. vagabundus, and Chelmon rostratus) rarely consumed coral, but fed on small discrete prey items from non-coral substrates. Coral-feeding butterflyfishes consumed a wide range of corals. Chaetodon lunulatus, for example, consumed 51 coral species from 24 different genera. However, there was up to 72% dietary overlap between coral-feeding butterflyfishes, with 11/14 species feeding predominantly on Acropora hyacinthus or Pocillopora damicornis. The most specialised corallivore, C. trifascialis, took 88% of bites from A. hyacinthus. Chaetodon trifascialis defend territories encompassing one or more colonies of A. hyacinthus, and may have prevented other species such as C. lunulatus from feeding even more extensively on this coral. This study has shown that coexistence of coral-feeding butterflyfishes occurs despite an apparent lack of partitioning of prey resources. While different coral-feeding butterflyfishes were more or less selective in their use of different coral prey, virtually all species fed predominantly on A. hyacinthus or P. damicornis.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

A. Latham  R. Poulin 《Marine Biology》2001,139(6):1147-1154
In the field, the numbers of cystacanths of the parasitic acanthocephalan Profilicollis spp. harboured by crabs are relatively high and correlate with carapace width. In a field experiment, the responses of crabs to the simulated approach of a bird predator (the parasite's definitive host) was not influenced by the number of acanthocephalans they harboured. Crabs that were exposed at the surface of the sediments during receding high tide, however, tended to harbour more parasites than nearby crabs hidden in burrows. An analysis of colour patterns on the carapace of crabs showed that infection levels did not influence carapace pigmentation, and thus did not affect the conspicuousness of a crab relative to the background environment. However, the likelihood of a male crab winning a ritualized fight against a conspecific in the field was associated with its infection level, but in a way that suggests that this finding is a consequence of pathology rather than an adaptation of the parasite to increase its transmission rate. Although only weak evidence was found indicating that Profilicollis manipulates the behaviour or colour of its host to its own benefit, the high infection levels observed suggest that the crab population acts as a major reservoir for larval stages of this parasite that are infective to birds.  相似文献   

Habitat use pattern and status of shorebirds in southern India were investigated in six tidal flats comprising three mudflats and three sand flats on the east coast of southern India. Totally, 7757 shorebirds belonging to 21 species were recorded during September 2000–March 2002. The birds preferred mudflats over sand flats. Density, diversity and richness of shorebirds were relatively higher in tidal flats, especially in mudflats. The shorebirds preferred mudflats over sand flats as stopover sites and sites for refueling the required energy during migration. Rhythmic changes in tidal pattern also influenced the allochthonous nutrients and prey species, which also attracted the migratory shorebirds. However, the abundance of shorebirds with reference to tidal flats *season*tide and habitats*seasons * tide had strong variations (P < 0.001). During migratory season, bird density, diversity and species richness were observed higher than in other seasons.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the median lethal toxicity of four heavy metals on the marine gastropod Babylonia areolata. Median lethal toxicity tests were conducted to observe the sensitivity of this gastropod to metals and how variations in temperature might affect toxicity of test elements. Four heavy metals were used in the study. It was observed that the 96-hr LC50 (in mg/L) for the different metals was found to be nickel (Ni) 33.53 (35.22–28.43), copper (Cu) 44.59 (46.43–41.53), cadmium (Cd) 21.53 (23.43–18.37), and zinc (Zn) 27.34 (28.81–24.24) at room temperature 24 °C. With temperature as a variable, median lethal concentration (LC50) values were observed to increase from 22.41 mg/L at 10 °C to 27.34 mg/L at 28 °C and reduce to 18.43 mg/L at 30 °C and a further rise in toxicity was observed at 35 °C where LC50 value was 12.7 mg/L as seen in the case of Zn. It was also observed that at 40 °C thermal and chemical toxicity overlapped as 100% mortality was observed in controls. This trend was noted in all metals for Babylonia areolata indicating that temperature played an important role in determining LC50 values of toxicants.  相似文献   

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