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The relationship between size and age at maturity in cephalopods is unresolved. The most recent interspecific comparison of size and age of cephalopods contradicts two previous studies by concluding that larger species do not live longer. This paper addresses the confounding effects of temperature and phylogeny while answering the question, “Do larger cephalopods live longer?”. To test this hypothesis, life-history data from 18 species of cephalopods, from five orders, with sizes at maturity spanning five orders of magnitude, were obtained from the literature. Without temperature consideration and with Nautilus spp. included in the sample, regression analysis suggests (r 2 = 0.376, p?=?0.007) that larger cephalopods take longer to reach maturity. Once temperature was controlled by using physiological time (degree-days), the coleoid cephalopods moved closer to the best fit line and the genus Nautilus became an outlier. When Nautilus was removed and time measured in degree-days, the relationship was very strong (r 2?=?0.785, p?相似文献   

Male sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) are sexually parasitized by gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). In areas of sympatry, Amazon mollies are frequently larger than female sailfin mollies. In sympatry, selection may favor males that prefer smaller conspecific mates (avoid mismating with Amazon mollies), or selection may favor males that prefer larger conspecific mates (higher fecundity). To explore this potential species and mate-quality recognition conflict, we examined male preference variation across populations. Males from one sympatric population showed stabilizing preference functions, whereas in another sympatric population, males showed directional preference functions. Variation across sympatric populations may be related to the length of time of co-evolution with Amazon mollies. In the allopatric populations, we found flat preference functions. Variation in male preferences could have important ramifications for the maintenance of Amazon mollies, as well as for the evolution of female size.  相似文献   

Reproduction and growth of the dominant copepods Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, C. hyperboreus and Pseudocalanus minutus were studied on transects across the sea ice zone of the northern Barents Sea in May and June 1997. C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus were numerically dominant and also the largest component of the biomass. C. hyperboreus was rather rare. Moderate levels of phytoplankton and eventually high concentrations of ice algae supported maximum egg production rates of 53.6 and 48.5 eggs female–1 day–1 of C. glacialis in May and June, respectively. Results of incubation experiments were supported by a tremendous abundance of C. glacialis eggs in the water column ranging from 7×103 to 4.4×104 m–2 in May and from 9.8×103 to a maximum of 9.7×104 m–2 in June. In contrast, C. finmarchicus spawned only in the vicinity of the ice edge, at a maximum rate of 30 eggs female–1 day–1. Egg sacs of P. minutus were often observed in the preserved samples, but contained only few eggs, which may be due to loss during sampling. The presence of considerable concentrations of young stages in May and June indicated successful recruitment of C. glacialis and P. minutus. Back calculation using published stage duration estimates indicates March/April as the begin of the reproductive and growth period for these species under the first-year ice of the Barents Sea. Hence, secondary production in the study area starts at the same time as in open water regions and polynyas in the northern North Atlantic. Although the role of ice algae in the nutrition of copepods was not clarified here, the significant relationship between phytoplankton chlorophyll and egg production of C. glacialis suggests that high reproductive activity has already been achieved at moderate food concentrations.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Dawn Vaughn 《Marine Biology》2010,157(6):1301-1312
Predator-induced cloning (asexual reproduction), with reduced size as consequence of cloning, suggests a novel adaptation to the threat of predation. Although cloning is a common reproductive strategy of many plants and animals, cloning in response to stimuli from predators has, at present, been documented only in the larvae (plutei) of the sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus. Other studies report larval cloning in echinoderms under optimal conditions of food and temperature. A burst of asexuality should be favored when environmental conditions are conducive to growth, but it is less clear that cloning is advantageous when conditions indicate risk from predators. This study tested the hypothesis that the small size of predator-induced clones reduces vulnerability during encounters with planktivorous fish. Successful cloning was inferred from an increase in larval density, a reduction in larval size and stage, and some direct observations of budding. All clones were smaller than uncloned sibling larvae, suggesting an advantage against visual predators. Pair-wise predation trials demonstrated that planktivorous fish ate more uncloned sibling plutei than small clones. These results offer a new ecological context for asexual reproduction: rapid size reduction as a defense. If the identifiable cues for cloning in echinoderm larvae (food and predators) are linked in nature, then larval cloning may be a response to a single ecological scenario rather than two separate and unrelated conditions.  相似文献   

Fire is both a widespread natural disturbance that affects the distribution of species and a tool that can be used to manage habitats for species. Knowledge of temporal changes in the occurrence of species after fire is essential for conservation management in fire-prone environments. Two key issues are: whether postfire responses of species are idiosyncratic or if multiple species show a limited number of similar responses; and whether such responses to time since fire can predict the occurrence of species across broad spatial scales. We examined the response of bird species to time since fire in semiarid shrubland in southeastern Australia using data from surveys at 499 sites representing a 100-year chronosequence. We used nonlinear regression to model the probability of occurrence of 30 species with time since fire in two vegetation types, and compared species' responses with generalized response shapes from the literature. The occurrence of 16 species was significantly influenced by time since fire: they displayed six main responses consistent with generalized response shapes. Of these 16 species, 15 occurred more frequently in mid- or later-successional vegetation (> 20 years since fire), and only one species occurred more often in early succession (< 5 years since fire). The models had reasonable predictive ability for eight species, some predictive ability for seven species, and were little better than random for one species. Bird species displayed a limited range of responses to time since fire; thus a small set of fire ages should allow the provision of habitat for most species. Postfire successional changes extend for decades and management of the age class distribution of vegetation will need to reflect this timescale. Response curves revealed important seral stages for species and highlighted the importance of mid- to late-successional vegetation (> 20 years). Although time since fire clearly influences the distribution of numerous bird species, predictive models of the spatial distribution of species in fire-prone landscapes need to incorporate other factors in addition to time since fire.  相似文献   

According to current theories of territoriality, an animal is expected to defend the smallest area that can provide resources for maximisation of reproduction, known as the economically defendable area. In group territorial species however, the strategies behind resource defence are likely to be more complex with corporate territoriality, cooperative breeding, delayed dispersal and intra-group competition all potentially playing a role. Here we examined group territoriality in a social herbivorous rodent, the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber. Beavers in our study do not inhabit economically defendable territories. Instead the sequence of arrival of pairs into unoccupied areas seems to play a more important role in determining the size of the territory, whereas group size is determined by past reproductive success. We argue that the settlement pattern and reproductive history have a lasting impact in the territorial system of beavers due to a combination of the low adult mortality, high dispersal costs, and avoidance of resource depletion.R.D. Campbell and F. Rosell contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Analysis of the isotope composition of calcareous structures of marine organisms has proved useful in providing biological data. The present study constitutes the first detailed work undertaken on the isotope composition of coleoid cephalopods. We analysed the carbon- and oxygen-isotope composition [δ13C (CO2− 3) and δ18O (CO2− 3), respectively] of the cuttlebone aragonite of wild and cultivated specimens of Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758. δ13C (CO2− 3) ranged from −2.94 to 1.00‰, δ18O (CO2− 3) from −0.18 to 2.08‰. The carbon-isotope composition is not in equilibrium with the carbon species of the ambient seawater, and does not reflect the deposition of CaCO3 in seawater. The potential influence of environmental factors and biological processes on the carbon-isotope composition of the cuttlebone is discussed. In contrast to δ13C, the oxygen-isotope composition of cuttlebone aragonite appears to be in isotopic equilibrium with the ambient seawater. Seasonal changes in isotopic temperature revealed by our analyses agreed with changes in the temperature of the ambient seawater. CaCO3 was deposited all year round. A maximum life span of 2 yr, a year-round spawning season, and variable growth rates among and within individuals have been inferred from the isotopic temperatures. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   

CuCl2 does not cause Trp+ reversion in E. coli WP2. However, when the bacteria are exposed to CuCl2 and UV‐irradiated, a greater than 3‐fold enhancement of mutagenesis (compared to UV alone) is seen at 30 μMCuCl2, and significant enhancement is seen even at 3 μM. The mechanism for this comutagenic effect was studied using a restriction fragment of the E. coli gpt gene. Whereas UV or CuCl2 alone caused few strand breaks, UV + CuCl2 induced breaks at every site. This reaction was blocked by KI, a free radical scavenger. While UV alone induced alkali‐labile sites, UV+ CuCl2 induced many more such sites and altered the sequence specificity. We suggest that at least some of the comutagenic effect might be due to hydroxyl radical formed via a Fenton reaction.  相似文献   

Holland JN  Chamberlain SA 《Ecology》2007,88(3):706-715
Central to the ecology and evolution of a broad range of plants is understanding why they routinely have submaximal reproduction manifested as low seed : ovule and fruit : flower ratios. We know much less about the processes responsible for low seed : ovule ratios than we do for fruit : flower ratios. Current hypotheses for low seed : ovule ratios are largely drawn from those for fruit : flower ratios, including proximate (ecological) causes of pollen limitation, resource limitation, and pollen quality, as well as the ultimate (evolutionary) hypothesis of "bet hedging" on stochastic pollination. Yet, such mechanisms operating on fruit : flower ratios at the whole-plant level may not best explain low seed : ovule ratios at the individual-flower level. We tested each of these proximate and ultimate causes for low seed : ovule ratios using the specialized pollination mutualism between senita cacti (Pachycereus schottii) and senita moths (Upiga virescens). Seed : ovule ratios were consistently low (approximately 0.61). Such excess ovule production by senita likely has a strong genetic component given the significant differences among plants in ovule number and the consistency in ovule production by plants within and among flowering seasons. Excess ovule production and low seed : ovule ratios could not be explained by pollen limitation, resource limitation, pollen quality, or bet hedging. Nevertheless, phenotypic selection analyses did show significant selection gradients for increased ovule number, suggesting that other evolutionary processes may be responsible for excess ovule production and low seed : ovule ratios. In contrast, low fruit : flower ratios at the whole-plant level were explained by an apparent equilibrium between pollen and resource limitation. Thus, mechanisms responsible for low fruit : flower ratios at the whole-plant level are not necessarily in accord with those of low seed : ovule ratios at the individual-flower level. This suggests that we may need to adopt a more pluralistic approach to seed : ovule ratios and consider alternative hypotheses, including a greater array of proximate and ultimate causes. Initial results of this study suggest that floral allometry, selection on correlated floral traits, stigma clogging with pollen grains, and style clogging with pollen tubes may provide promising avenues for understanding low seed : ovule ratios.  相似文献   

The flux of organic particles below the mixed layer is one major pathway of carbon from the surface into the deep ocean. The magnitude of this export flux depends on two major processes—remineralization rates and sinking velocities. Here, we present an efficient method to measure sinking velocities of particles in the size range from approximately 3–400?μm by means of video microscopy (FlowCAM?). The method allows rapid measurement and automated analysis of mixed samples and was tested with polystyrene beads, different phytoplankton species, and sediment trap material. Sinking velocities of polystyrene beads were close to theoretical values calculated from Stokes’ Law. Sinking velocities of the investigated phytoplankton species were in reasonable agreement with published literature values and sinking velocities of material collected in sediment trap increased with particle size. Temperature had a strong effect on sinking velocities due to its influence on seawater viscosity and density. An increase in 9?°C led to a measured increase in sinking velocities of ~40?%. According to this temperature effect, an average temperature increase in 2?°C as projected for the sea surface by the end of this century could increase sinking velocities by about 6?% which might have feedbacks on carbon export into the deep ocean.  相似文献   

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project instigated in connection with the near-closure of the large fjord-like lagoon Gilsfjörður in sub-arctic western Iceland with a road is described and discussed. Three phases were involved: a survey of pre-impact conditions of areas possibly affected as well as control areas, predictions of impacts of the road, and assessment of impacts up to 5–6 years after completion of the project. Emphasis was placed on birds and benthic flora and fauna. Although several predictions were upheld, others were not. The most unexpected changes were the elimination of kelp forest and some associated fauna inside the road as well as from large areas outside it. Feeding areas of the knot (Calidris canutus) and female eiders (Somateria mollissima) with ducklings also changed in unexpected ways. Unforeseen changes can partly be traced to inadequate knowledge of communities and their functioning in the area. The ecological requirements of many species involved, e.g. with respect to salinity, were imperfectly known. The predictions of engineers on the effects of the project on physical factors were not as accurate or detailed as desired. Some critical predictions of the engineers failed to make an impact on the ecologists, who then failed to predict some major changes in the biota, such as the disappearance of kelp forest outside the road. This study highlights some problems probably shared by many EIAs: (a) the near impossibility of finding suitable control areas, (b) the lack of ecological understanding of even common species, and possibly (c) inadequate communication between engineers and ecologists.  相似文献   

A two-factor randomized complete block experiment was used to explore the remediation by a plant-microorganism combination on soils contaminated by lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). Factor A was the amount of fungi, for which four values were considered, namely, 0, 1, 3, and 5 g. Factor B was the level of contamination by lead and cadmium, for which six values were considered, namely, Cd0Pb0, Cd10Pb400, Cd20Pb600, Cd30Pb800, Cd50Pb1200, and Cd80Pb1800 (data in units of mg/ kg). The results showed that the resistant fungi promoted the growth of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides). At weights of 1, 3, and 5 g, the resistant fungi increased the biomass of vetiver by 41.9%, 74.9%, and 71.7% respectively. The resistant fungi stimulated the absorption of lead and cadmium by both the aerial and underground parts of vetiver. In the presence of 80 mg/kg of Cd2+ and 1 800 mg/kg of Pb2+, the contents of lead in the aerial parts of vetiver were increased by 120.6%, 265.4%, and 242.9%, while the lead content in the underground parts were increased by 110.3%, 278.2%, and 266.2%, after the addition of 1 g, 3 g, and 5 g of fungi, respectively. The content of cadmium in the aerial parts increased by 113.2%, 238.3%, and 217.3%, while the content of cadmium in the underground parts increased by 103.1%, 298.8%, and 274.4%, after the addition of 1 g, 3 g, and 5 g of fungi, respectively. The addition of fungi strengthened the effect of V. zizanioides to remediate soils contaminated by lead and cadmium, and the remediation after the addition of 3 g of fungi was better than that after treatment with 1 g and 5 g of fungi. The combination of resistant fungi and the heavy metal enrichment plant, vetiver, under different concentrations of lead and cadmium showed that the fungi had a significant effect on the remediation of soils contaminated by lead and cadmium. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We tested to what extent mean sea surface temperature, geometric constraints in range size frequency distributions (the mid-domain effect) and geographical coastline distance to the equator are related to species richness of coastal Mytilidae and Ostreidae in the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of South America (excluding islands). The location and magnitude of the peaks in species richness, as well as the shape of the pattern, varied between oceans. Results were not biased by spatial autocorrelation, although strong multicollinearity among predictor variables was detected. However, these regional-extent regression models suggest differences in the causal factors that explain richness gradients of studied bivalves in South American coasts, most likely related to historical events such as the Southeastern Pacific Pleistocene mass extinction of bivalves. Our results reinforced the conclusion that there is no single best explanatory cause for the latitudinal gradient in species richness and showed that the correlative approach is not useful when predictor variables are strongly correlated.  相似文献   

Effect of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) on the bioavailability and biodegradation of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pyrene (PYR) and benzo[α]pyrene (BaP) in spiked soils was investigated in 14-week incubation experiments. To evaluate the effect of HPCD in soils with a different matrix, humic substance (HS) was added into soil samples. A 6-h Tenax TA extraction method was used to evaluate pollutants bioavailability. The biodegraded and extracted fractions were compared to evaluate the impact of HPCD on PAHs biodegradation. Results indicated positive effects of HPCD on fast desorption behaviours of PAHs. The biodegraded fraction was consistent with that of the extracted for PYR. However, in terms of BaP, the results were contrary which suggests that biological factors may be limiting factors for BaP pollution remediation. HS weakened the HPCD solubilisation effect while accelerated the decay of PYR and BaP, also implying that bioavailability was not the sole factor limiting PAH biodegradation. In addition, analysis of microbial communities demonstrated that HPCD inhibited the growth of some soil bacteria while HS promoted the evolution of some soil microorganisms. A limited population of hydrocarbon degrader populations led to observing incomplete PAH biodegradation even in the presence of HPCD.  相似文献   

A reduced predation risk is considered to be a major adaptive advantage of sociality. While most studies are concerned with non-predatory prey species, group-living predators are likely to face similar threats from higher-order predators. We studied the relationship between group size and predation risk in the subsocial crab spider Diaea ergandros by testing predictions from theoretical models including attack abatement as well as the formation of protective retreats. In a field survey, we found predatory clubionid spiders in 35 % of the D. ergandros nests and as predicted, nest size did not correlate with predator presence. In a subsequent laboratory experiment, we observed survival probability, nest construction activity and feeding behaviour including weight development between groups of different sizes as well as in the absence or presence of a predator. Large groups had an advantage in terms of survival and growth compared to smaller groups or single individuals. They also built significantly larger nests than smaller groups, supporting the idea of protective retreat formation being an adaptive benefit to group living. Even though clubionids did attack D. ergandros, they did not significantly affect overall mortality of D. ergandros. The feeding experiment showed that spiders fed on a larger proportion of flies in the presence of a predator. However, these groups gained significantly less weight compared to the control groups, indicating that the potential predators not only act as predators but also as food competitors, constituting a twofold cost for D. ergandros.  相似文献   

为探究光周期对番杏[Tetragonia tetragonoides(Pall.)Kuntze]生长及品质的影响,利用植物工厂中光源高度可控的优势对番杏进行不同光照时间(8、10、12、14、16 h)处理,测定分析番杏的生长、光合特性及营养品质.结果表明:(1)番杏各农艺性状随光照时间延长而增长,在光照时间14 h与16 h处理之间未呈显著性差异(P<0.05);(2)适宜光周期有利于光合色素积累,在16 h处理下叶绿素a、总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量最大,叶绿素b含量则在14 h光照时最大;净光合速率(P_(n))、蒸腾速率(T_(r))和气孔导度(G_(s))随光照时间延长上升,其中净光合速率在14 h与16 h光照之间变化不显著,胞间CO_(2)(C_(i))则呈先降后升的趋势;光周期变化对最大光化学效率F_(v)/F_(m)与光化学淬灭系数q_(P)未造成显著影响,非光化学淬灭系数NPQ随光照时间延长呈先降后升的趋势,14-16 h光照处理之间变化不显著,电子传递效率ETR则随光周期延长而降低;(3)不同光周期对番杏各营养成分含量的影响有所差异,可溶性蛋白变化差异较小,硝酸盐随光照时间延长而降低,14 h光照下可溶性糖含量最大.本研究表明14-16 h光照处理有利于番杏生长和营养物质积累.(图5表2参37)  相似文献   

Halichondria panicea (Pallas) is a marine sponge, abundantly occurring in the Adriatic Sea, North Sea, and Baltic Sea. It was the aim of the present study to investigate if this sponge species harbors bacteria. Cross sections through H. panicea were taken and inspected by electron microscopy. The micrographs showed that this sponge species is colonized by bacteria in its mesohyl compartment. To identify the bacteria, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the 16S rRNA gene segment, typical for bacteria, was performed. DNA was isolated from sponge material that had been collected near Rovinj (Adriatic Sea), Helgoland (North Sea), and Kiel (Baltic Sea) and was amplified with bacterial primers by PCR. The data gathered indicate that in all samples bacteria belonging to the genus Rhodobacter (Proteobacteria, subdivision α) are dominant, suggesting that these bacteria live in symbiotic relationship with the sponge. In addition, the results show that the different samples taken contain further bacterial species, some of them belonging to the same genus even though found in sponges from different locations. The possibility of the presence of toxic bacteria was supported by the finding that organic extracts prepared from sponge samples displayed toxicity, when analyzed in vitro using leukemia cells. Received: 7 March 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

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