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以上海市崇明岛为例,利用遥感(RS)影像和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,分析了2005—2013年崇明岛土地利用变化情况,在此基础上计算碳储量变化,分析其时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)2005—2013年,崇明岛耕地面积从740.10km~2减少到577.14km~2,林地和建设用地面积分别从169.63、194.32km~2增加到279.85、260.13km~2;(2)2005—2013年,崇明岛土地利用过程发挥碳源作用,碳储量净损失672.40×103 t,其中林地转变为耕地的碳源作用最明显,引起的碳储量损失占总损失的65.1%;(3)空间上看,城桥镇、堡镇等城镇化水平较高的区域碳储量损失较其他区域更明显,碳储量损失高值区沿交通线呈明显的脉络状分布。可见,城镇化过程可能引起碳排放增长,导致区域生态服务功能退化。贯彻"精明增长"、"底线控制"等理念,划定区域生态底线,优化区域用地布局,完善低碳评估体系,对城镇化过程中实现低碳发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

城市垃圾处理过程中产生的大量CO2、CH4等已成为人为温室气体的重要来源,而人为温室气体在全球变暖中所起的作用越来越重,因此进行城市垃圾处理的碳排放核算与分析具有重要意义。在对城市垃圾处理的碳排放源及排放形式进行分析的基础上,确定了垃圾处理碳排放的核算方法。并以苏州市为例,在调查该市2001—2010年历年城市垃圾处理状况的基础上,核算了各年城市垃圾处理的碳排放情况。最后指出,城市垃圾处理的碳排放核算与分析可为有关政府部门寻求碳减排途径提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

1978年以来,上海市产业发展经历了“改革开放成就工业快速复苏”、“浦东开发引领经济加速增长”和“‘四个中心’助力服务业发展”3个阶段.分析了上海市产业优化发展的环境效应.结果表明,上海市在促进产业结构调整、技术进步和布局优化的同时,加快了环境基础设施建设,强化了环境监管,从而实现了污染排放强度下降、区域污染逐步得到控...  相似文献   

针对电子废弃资源的数量剧增与回收再利用的信息渠道和回收体系不完善的现状,分析了电子废弃资源信息综合管理和构建循环经济信息平台的必要性.以天津子牙静脉产业园区为例,使用网上报收和电话报收的方法,构建了电子废弃资源信息管理系统,实现电子废弃资源信息在循环经济示范园区内最大程度的共享和一定范围内电子废弃资源的有序流动,进而实现集中处理和利用,提高信息利用的效率,体现生态环保理念.  相似文献   

党的十八大将生态文明建设纳入中国特色社会主义事业"五位一体"的总体布局。以东部发达地区生态型城镇为例,构建由生态安全重要性、宜业空间适宜性和人居环境友好性3个要素层和12个子目标所组成的城镇空间适宜性评价指标体系,并借助空间地理信息系统(GIS)来识别生态、生活和生产空间("三生"空间),在此基础上将"三生"空间作为空间发展引导区提出相应的管控措施。空间分区结果表明:竹镇镇生态、生活、生产空间占比分别为27.16%、29.28%和43.56%;在生态空间保护上,要对重要山体、集中式饮用水源保护区、重要水库、水生态廊道等生态资源划定生态安全红线;在生产空间开发上,要根据产业集群理念合理布局农业、工业、生态旅游业;在生活空间的建设上,要充分利用镇域河道、绿地等开敞空间构建绿色城镇格局。  相似文献   

根据传统生态位理论 ,提出了区域生态位概念、内涵及其定量化评价方法。通过哈尔滨的实例计算 ,分别得到体现区域生态平面分布的相对生态位值和体现区域生态垂直分布的绝对生态位值。同时由于区域生态位的定量化 ,使区域生态位理论能更好地应用到生态规划中  相似文献   

区域生态敏感性分析是划定国土生态空间、制定区域环境政策的重要参考依据之一.以湖南省麻阳县为例,通过构建区域生态敏感性评价体系,分析2009—2018年国家级重点生态功能区的生态敏感性变化情况,并依据生态敏感性特征划定研究区的生态空间.结果表明:(1)麻阳县2009—2018年综合生态敏感性等级不断提高,不敏感区和轻度敏...  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities are increasingly impacting the quality of urban surface water, particularly in regions undergoing intensive urbanization, such as Guangzhou of South China with a large urban stream network. To examine such impacts, we conducted field sampling on December 24, 2010, May 24, 2011, and August 28, 2011, representative of the low-, normal-, and high-flow periods, respectively. The first sampling was timed immediately after the closing of the 16th Asian Games (November 12–27, 2010) and the 10th Asian Para Games (December 12–19, 2010) held in Guangzhou. Assessments based on a pollution index method showed that the urban streams under investigation were extremely polluted, with direct discharge of untreated domestic sewage identified as the main pollution contributor. In addition, stream water quality around urban villages with high population densities was worse than that within business districts away from the urban villages. Pollution control measures implemented in preparation for the Asian Games were effective for urban streams within the business districts, but less effective for those adjacent to the urban villages. However, short-term efforts may not be able to achieve sustainable urban water quality improvements. In the case of Guangzhou, minimizing or even eliminating direct point-source inputs to the urban streams is perhaps the best option.  相似文献   

以贝壳为研究对象,运用生命周期评价(LCA)法对贝壳的常规处理方法和3种资源化利用方法的环境影响进行比较。结果表明,处理1kg贝壳,方案0(填埋)的环境影响值为1.04×10-14;方案1(代替水泥生产中使用的石灰石)的环境影响值为-3.78×10-12;方案2(代替浸没式生物滤柱中的陶粒填料)的环境影响值为-1.85×10-14;方案3(代替砂作为建筑材料)的环境影响值为3.62×10-14。方案1与其他3种方案相比环境效益最大。方案0中填埋过程的环境影响贡献最大,贡献率为56.60%;方案1、方案2、方案3中环境影响最大的环节是贝壳粉碎过程,贡献率分别为85.72%、93.55%、98.48%;3种资源化利用方案主要避免原材料开采过程的环境影响。  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Freshwater reservoirs can be impacted by several hazardous substances through inputs from agricultural activity, sewage discharges, and groundwater leaching and runoff. The water quality assessment is very important for implementation of the monitoring and remediation programs to minimize the risk promoted by hazardous substances in aquatic ecosystems. Evaluation of the degree of contamination of aquatic environments must not take in account only its chemical characterization but it must be complemented with biological assays, which determine potential toxic effects and allows an integrated evaluation of its effects in populations and aquatic ecosystem communities. The application of this type of strategy has clear advantages allowing a general evaluation of the effects from all the water components, including those due to unknown substances and synergic, antagonistic, or additive effects. There are only a few studies that reported ecotoxicological acute end points, for the assessment of surface water quality, and the relationship among toxicity results and the anthropogenic pollution sources and the seasonal period. The aim of this study was to assess the ecotoxicological characterization of the surface water from Alqueva reservoir (South of Portugal) and to evaluate the influence of anthropogenic sources of pollution and their seasonal variation in its toxicity. The construction of Alqueva reservoir was recently finished (2002) and, to our knowledge, an ecotoxicological assessment of its surface water has not been performed. Because of that, no information is available on the possible impact of pollutants on the biota. The surface water toxicity was assessed using acute and chronic bioassays. The results are to be used for developing a monitoring program, including biological methods.  相似文献   

如何有效整合环境数据资源是中国环境信息化建设中急需解决的问题.以广东省韶关市为例,在分析其数据现状的基础上,探讨了一种基于数据仓库的环境数据资源整合方案,并对韶关市环境信息数据仓库系统进行了框架设计.该方案能够有效整合异构的环境数据资源,实现环境数据资源共享,可以为管理层提供辅助决策支持.  相似文献   

As the economic and financial center of China, Shanghai has experienced an extensive urban expansion since the early 1980s, with an attendant cost in environmental degradation. We use an integrated pollution index to study the temporal variations of surface water quality in urban, suburban and rural areas between 1982 and 2005. Data on monitored cross-sections were collected from the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center. The results indicated that the spatial pattern of surface water quality was determined by the level of urbanization. Surface water qualities in urban and suburban areas were improved by strengthening the environmental policies and management, but were worsening in rural areas. The relationship between economic growth and surface water quality in Shanghai showed an inversed-U-shaped curve, which reflected a similar pattern in most developed countries. This research suggests that decision makers and city officials should be more aware of the recent pollution increases in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Urbanization has caused severe negative impacts on intra-urban river water bodies. In this paper, 22 physicochemical parameters were measured at 20...  相似文献   

采用2007年国务院全国污染源普查的能耗和水耗基础数据,计算了上海青浦工业园区20个行业的绿色距离和生态化实现度,并分析各行业的发展状况.基于万元工业产值能耗和万元工业产值水耗,对20个行业进行了划分,清楚地提供了工业园区的高消耗产业、中类产业、低消耗产业的划分情况.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic-induced water quality pollution is a major environmental problem in freshwater ecosystems today. As a result of this, eutrophication of lakes occurs. Population and economic development are key drivers of water resource pollution. To evaluate how growth in the riparian population and in the gross domestic product (GDP) with unplanned development affects the water quality of the lake, this paper evaluates Lake Victoria Kenyan waters basin. Waters quality data between 1990 and 2012 were analyzed along with reviews of published literature, papers, and reports. The nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), soluble phosphorus (PO4-P), chlorophyll a, and Secchi transparencies were evaluated as they are key water quality indicators. The NO3-N increased from 10 μg l?1 in 1990 to 98 μg 1?1 in 2008, while PO4-P increased from 4 μg l?1 in 1990 to 57 μg l?1 in 2008. The population and economic growth of Kenya are increasing with both having minimums in 1990 of 24.143 million people and 12.18 billion US dollars, to maximums in 2010 of 39.742 million people and 32.163 billion US dollars, respectively. A Secchi transparency is reducing with time, indicating an increasing pollution. This was confirmed by an increase in aquatic vegetation using an analysis of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) images of 2000 and 2012 of Kenyan waters. This study found that increasing population and GDP increases pollution discharge thus polluting lakes. One of major factors causing lake water pollution is the unplanned or poor waste management policy and service.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Delimiting basic farmland is essential to ensure food security and maintain social stability. Determining the quantity and spatial layout of the basic...  相似文献   

Pore water was separated either with or without water extraction prior to centrifugation (7600 or 20 000 × g) in order to investigate the effects of separation procedure on the amount and properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM i.e. the material passing through a 0.45-μm filter) in three freshwater sediments. On the basis of solubility in alkaline, organic matter was concluded to compose of humic substances in two (S1 and S3) and of humin (S2) in one of the sediments. DOM in the samples was quantified by total organic carbon measurement. Specific UV-absorption (SUVA) and high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) analyses were used to characterize DOM. Sorption of pyrene was used as a measure for functionality of DOM. Both water extraction and centrifugation speed were shown to affect the properties of DOM; however, the effects were sediment dependent. Water extraction increased the amount of DOM separated from the two sediments that had humic character (S1 and S3). In most cases water extraction increased SUVA and shifted the molecular size distribution of DOM towards larger sizes. The separation procedure had also an effect on the functionality of DOM. In water extracted samples of S2 and S3 the sorption of pyrene was higher than in the corresponding samples separated without water extraction, whereas in S1 similar effect was not found. Generally, centrifugation speed had smaller effects on the properties of DOM than water extraction. The fact that the effects of separation procedure on DOM depend on the sediment characteristics complicates the comparison between samples and evaluation of functionality in field conditions.  相似文献   

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