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Microbial risk was quantified to assess human health risk as a result of exposure to E. coli in reclaimed wastewater irrigation. Monitoring data on E. coli were collected from pond water in paddy rice plots during the growing season. Five treatments were used and each was triplicated to evaluate the changes in E. coli concentrations in experiments performed in 2003 and 2004. The Beta-Poisson model was used to estimate the microbial risk of pathogen ingestion among farmers and neighboring children. A Monte Carlo simulation (10,000 trials) was conducted to estimate the risk associated with uncertainty. In this study, risk values ranged from 10−4 to 10−8. UV-disinfected irrigation water showed a lower risk value than others, and its level was within the range of the actual paddy rice field with surface water. Agricultural activity was thought to be safer after 1–2 days, when the paddy field was irrigated with reclaimed wastewater. Also, children were found to have a greater risk of infection with E. coli. This paper should be viewed as a first step in the application of quantitative microbial risk assessment of wastewater reuse in paddy rice culture.  相似文献   

Whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests, with Daphnia magna and Selenastrum capricornutum, were introduced to evaluate the biological toxicities of effluents from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Korea. In WET tests of WWTPs effluents, 33.3% (33/99) for D. magna and 92.6% (75/81) for S. capricornutum revealed greater than 1 toxic unit (TU), even though all the treatment plants investigated were operating in compliance with the regulations, as assessed using conventional monitoring methods (i.e., BOD and total concentration of N or P, etc). There were only minor differences in toxicities according to the types of influents (municipal and agro-industrial) in all treatment plants. However, the effluents treated by an activated sludge treatment process were found to exhibit significantly lower toxicity than those treated by rotating biological contactor (RBC) and extended aeration processes. The seasonal variations in the toxicity were lower in the summer compared to winter, which may have been due to the rainfall received to the sewage intake system during the former period. The impact of WET on river water was also investigated based on the discharge volume. At sites A and B, the total impact of toxicity to stream and river waters was observed to be 70.9% and 90.4% for D. magna and S. capricornutum, respectively. The other four small treatment plants (sites F, G, H and I), with relative discharging volumes between 0.001 and 0.002, contribute less than 1% to the total toxicity.  相似文献   

The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of some biota have been used as indicators of sources of anthropogenic nitrogen. In this study the relationships of the stable nitrogen isotope ratios of marsh plants, Iva frutescens (L.), Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex Steud, Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl, Spartina alterniflora Loisel, Ulva lactuca (L.), and Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) with wastewater nitrogen and land development in New England are described. Five of the six plant species (all but U. lactuca) showed significant relationships of increasing δ 15N values with increasing wastewater nitrogen. There was a significant (P < 0.0001) downward shift in the δ 15N of S. patens (6.0 ± 0.48‰) which is mycorrhizal compared with S. alterniflora (8.5 ± 0.41‰). The downward shift in δ 15N may be caused by the assimilation of fixed nitrogen in the roots of S. patens. P. australis within sites had wide ranges of δ 15N values, evidently influenced by the type of shoreline development or buffer at the upland border. In residential areas, the presence of a vegetated buffer (n = 24 locations) significantly (P < 0.001) reduced the δ 15N (mean = 7.4 ± 0.43‰) of the P. australis compared to stands where there was no buffer (mean = 10.9 ± 1.0‰; n = 15). Among the plant species, I. frutescens located near the upland border showed the most significant (R 2 = 0.64; P = 0.006) inverse relationship with the percent agricultural land in the watershed. The δ 15N of P. australis and I. frustescens is apparently an indicator of local inputs near the upland border, while the δ 15N of Spartina relates with the integrated, watershed-sea nitrogen inputs.  相似文献   

Larvae of Chironomus riparius and Prodiamesa olivacea were sampled at intervals overthe period November 1993 and October 1995 from theriver Sar in Galicia (N.W. Spain), with the aim ofinvestigating possible temporal variations in thefrequency of deformed individuals and in `Toxic Score'values (Lenat, 1993), a score for severity of theabnormalities calculated for each species. The resultsobtained indicate that, in both species, deformitiesare more frequent during the colder period of theyear. Similarly, Toxic Score values are higher duringthis period. These finding suggest that studies usingchironomid larvae as indicators of contaminationsshould involve sampling over an extended period, tominimize the influence of temporal variation.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates comparison of Cr accumulatingpotential by the plants of Najas indica Cham. (submerged),Vallisneria spiralis L. (rooted submerged) and Alternanthera sessilis R. Br. (rooted emergent) under repeatedmetal exposure and its effect on chlorophyll and protein concentrations. These plants were treated with different concentrations of Cr under repeated exposure in controlled laboratory conditions to assess the maximum metal accumulationpotential. The plants of V. spiralis accumulated significantly high amount of Cr under laboratory conditions incomparison to N. indica and A. sessilis. The maximumaccumulation of 1378, 458 and 201 g g-1 dw Cr was found in the leaves of V. spiralis, N. indica and A. sessilis, respectively at 8 mg L-1 after 9 day of Cr exposure. These plants have shown a decrease in chlorophyll andprotein concentrations with increase in Cr concentrations. In view of high accumulation of Cr in V. spiralis, the plantswere treated with different concentrations of tannery effluent collected from Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Unnao (UP). Theplants of V. spiralis treated with 100% tannery wastewatershowed the maximum accumulation (57.5 g g-1 dw) of Cr in the roots after 10 days of exposure. The plants were foundeffective in removing Cr from solution and tannery effluent.  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommends the use of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci as indicators of enteric pathogens in fresh waters; however, fecal coliform analyses will remain important by virtue of the large amount of historic data collected in prior years. In this study, we attempted, in a real-world situation (i.e., a rural inland watershed in the Piedmont of South Carolina) to compare different bacterial indicators and methods to one another. We compared fecal coliforms, enumerated by membrane filtration with E. coli, enumerated by a commercialized enzyme substrate method and observed E. coli/fecal coliform ratios of 1.63 and 1.2 for two separate tests. In the same watershed, we observed an E. coli/fecal coliform ratio of 0.84 when we used the commercialized enzyme substrate method for both enumerations. Given these results, users of such data should exercise care when they make comparisons between historic membrane filtration data and data acquired through the use of the more modern enzymatic methods. Some sampling and side-by-side testing between methods in a specific watershed may be prudent before any conversion factors between old and new datasets are applied.  相似文献   

In this study, the occurrence and metabolic capacities of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) were studied in 36 water samples taken from cooling towers of 30 different buildings, such as hotels and business centres in Istanbul. SRB were present in 14 cooling towers out of 30 (46.6%) buildings and while the lowest concentration of SRB was 10 cells/mL, the highest concentration was determined as 104 cells/mL. After the distribution of SRB within cooling towers was determined, several strains of SRB were isolated and characterized metabolically. The isolated strains were composed of vibroid cells, growing anaerobically by using sulfate as electron acceptor and lactate or pyruvate as electron donor. They could be related to the genus Desulfovibrio. In addition, the recorded temperature of water samples was between 12 and 33C and a significant relationship between the number of SRB and the water temperatures was not found.  相似文献   

Fifty seven isolates of thermotolerant E. coli were recovered from 188 drinking water sources, 45 (78.9%) were typable of which 15 (26.3%) were pathogenic serotypes. Pathogenic serogroup obtained were 04 (Uropathogenic E. coli, UPEC), 025 (Enterotoxigenic E. coli, ETEC), 086 (Enteropathogenic E. coli, EPEC), 0103 (Shiga-toxin producing E. coli, STEC), 0157 (Shiga-toxin producing E. coli, STEC), 08 (Enterotoxigenic E. coli, ETEC) and 0113 (Shiga-toxin producing E. coli, STEC). All the pathogenic serotypes showed resistance to bacitracin and multiple heavy metal ions. Resistance to streptomycin and co-trimazole was detected in two strains whereas resistance to cephaloridine, polymixin-B and ampicillin was detected in one strain each. Transfer of resistances to drugs and metallic ions was observed in 9 out of 12 strains studied. Resistances to bacitracin were transferred in all nine strains. Among heavy metals resistance to As3+ followed by Cr6+ were transferred more frequently.  相似文献   

Two watersheds in northwestern Indiana were selected for detailed monitoring of bacterially contaminated discharges (Escherichia coli) into Lake Michigan. A large watershed that drains an urbanized area with treatment plants that release raw sewage during storms discharges into Lake Michigan at the outlet of Burns Ditch. A small watershed drains part of the Great Marsh, a wetland complex that has been disrupted by ditching and limited residential development, at the outlet of Derby Ditch. Monitoring at the outlet of Burns Ditch in 1999 and 2000 indicated that E. coli concentrations vary over two orders of magnitude during storms. During one storm, sewage overflows caused concentrations to increase to more than 10,000 cfu/100 mL for several hours. Monitoring at Derby Ditch from 1997 to 2000 also indicated that E. coli concentrations increase during storms with the highest concentrations generally occurring during rising streamflow. Multiple regression analysis indicated that 60% of the variability in measured outflows of E. coli from Derby Ditch (n = 88) could be accounted for by a model that utilizes continuously measured rainfall, stream discharge, soil temperature and depth to water table in the Great Marsh. A similar analysis indicated that 90% of the variability in measured E. coli concentrations at the outlet of Burns Ditch (n = 43) during storms could be accounted for by a combination of continuously measured water-quality variables including nitrate and ammonium. These models, which utilize data that can be collected on a real-time basis, could form part of an Early Warning System for predicting beach closures.  相似文献   

Eels are exposed to pollutants due to their unusual life cycle and are vulnerable to contamination associated with sediment due to their diet, feeding habits and territoriality. Since the 1980s, a decline in American and European eel populations has been recorded. The causes of this decline still are unknown but pollution from domestic and industrial effluents is known to be involved. Since little data is available on PCB contamination in eels from Italian waters, PCBs were measured in muscle of Anguilla anguilla captured in 2001 in two brackish ecosystems of the Mediterranean: the lagoons of Orbetello and Santa Giusta (Italy). PCBs were higher in samples from Orbetello lagoon than in those detected from Santa Giusta lagoon (P < 0.05). Congener and isomer analyses indicated Aroclor 1260 as a likely source of PCBs in the Orbetello and Santa Giusta samples. Only the toxic equivalents (TEQs) of mono-ortho PCBs were calculated.  相似文献   

A hundred Enterococcus strains were isolated from seawater samples collected from coastal areas of Istanbul. Isolates were identified to the species level using standard biochemical tests specified by Facklam and Collins. The species distribution was as follows Enterococcus faecalis (96%), Enterococcus gallinarum (3%) and Enterococcus solitarius (1%). The resistance of bacteria to both heavy metals (zinc [Zn], iron [Fe], cadmium [Cd], chrome [Cr], cobalt [Co]) and antibiotics (ampicillin 10 μg [AP], penicillin G 10 Units [PG], gentamycin 10 μg [GM], streptomycin 10 μg [S], chloramphenicol 10 μg [C], erythromycin 15 μg [E], kanamycin 30 μg [K], amikacin 30 μg [AK], nalidixic acid 30 μg [NA], and vancomycin 30 μg [VA]) was evaluated. None of the strains was resistant to VA. It was found that among the 100 isolates, those that exhibit resistance to antibiotics, particularly NA, S and K, were also resistant all the heavy metals tested. To our knowledge this is the first report focusing on determination of resistance of environmental enterococci found in Istanbul against heavy metals and antibiotics. Thus, combined expressions of antibiotic and heavy metal resistance may help to reinforce ecological and epidemiological studies and to determine the role of these strains in antibiotic and heavy metal resistance dissemination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify possible relationships between biochemical- superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and chemical (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe) contaminants from relatively clean area (Middle Bay) and heavily polluted area (Inner Bay) of the Izmir Bay. Sampling of mussels was performed in the beginning of May 2004. Mussel digestive glands have been used for biochemical assays. Trace metal content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer using standard procedures. Metal contents in mussels collected at polluted site increased compared to the middle part of the bay. While there was a positive correlation between metals and SOD enzyme activity, there was a negative correlation between metals and GPx enzyme activity. An increase was observed in SOD enzyme activity and a decrease of GPx enzyme activity at the inner part of the bay.  相似文献   

To study the impact of air pollution on the growth and elemental composition of conifers, 5 sample plots wereestablished at different distances and directions from theEstonian Power Plant (Northeast Estonia) in 1999–2000. Theselected stands were 75–80(85)-yr-old parts (0.05 ha) of(Oxalis)-Myrtillus site type forest of 0.7–0.8density. The soils of all sample plots were Gleyic Podzols(Lkg) on sands. The several times higher Ca concentration inthe humus horizon of the sample plot NE from the Estonian PPis caused by the prevailing westerly and southerly winds whichcarry more pollutants NE from the power plant than to SSW. Toascertain the effect of power plants on the growth of Scotspine (Pinus sylvestris L.), the length growth of theneedles and shoots formed in 1997–2000, dry weight of 100needles, and density of needles on the shoots were measured.As compared to the control, the strongest inhibition of growthwas revealed in the sample plots situated 22 km north-east and17 km south-west from the Estonian Power Plant. As compared tocontrol, the needles of trees growing on sample plots closerto the power plant showed higher contents of Ca, S and Zn. Thecontent of Mg in needles increased with distance from thepollution source. Current year needles had higher contents ofCu and Zn than older needles. Today the amounts of fly ashemitted from Narva power plants are fallen. Long-term fly ashemission has caused changes in the measurements ofmorphological parameters and chemical composition of needles.  相似文献   

基于2013-2021年渤海遥感反射率和叶绿素a浓度等实测数据,开展了该海域MODIS影像的叶绿素a浓度遥感反演模型研究。选择OC3经典模型形式,采用渤海的实测数据进行拟合分析,获取了适用于渤海的模型局地化参数,通过真实性检验得到叶绿素a浓度的遥感反演结果与实测值的决定系数为0.84,平均相对误差为24.77%,均方根误差为5.56 μg/L,反演精度较佳。利用该算法反演获取了渤海2002-2021年叶绿素a的月度、季度和年度平均浓度,分析了其时空变化特征,同时结合2001-2021年渤海非优良水质比例开展了环境响应分析。分析结果显示:2001-2021年,渤海非优良水质比例与同时期叶绿素a浓度变化趋势基本一致,呈现先变差后变好的倒V形趋势;5年平均的非优良水质比例与叶绿素a浓度变化趋势更直观地反映了2001-2021年渤海整体的水环境变化趋势,与非优良水质比例相比,叶绿素a浓度对渤海水环境的改善响应更快。  相似文献   

Microbial source tracking (MST) methods need to be rapid, inexpensive and accurate. Unfortunately, many MST methods provide a wealth of information that is difficult to interpret by the regulators who use this information to make decisions. This paper describes the use of classification tree analysis to interpret the results of a MST method based on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of Escherichia coli isolates, and to present results in a format readily interpretable by water quality managers. Raw sewage E. coli isolates and animal E. coli isolates from cow, dog, gull, and horse were isolated and their FAME profiles collected. Correct classification rates determined with leaveone-out cross-validation resulted in an overall low correct classification rate of 61%. A higher overall correct classification rate of 85% was obtained when the animal isolates were pooled together and compared to the raw sewage isolates. Bootstrap aggregation or adaptive resampling and combining of the FAME profile data increased correct classification rates substantially. Other MST methods may be better suited to differentiate between different fecal sources but classification tree analysis has enabled us to distinguish raw sewage from animal E. coli isolates, which previously had not been possible with other multivariate methods such as principal component analysis and cluster analysis.  相似文献   

Live feeds, especially Tubifex spp., which are collected from a wide variety of polluted habitats, are used by aquarium fish keepers in India. These habitats receive domestic sewage and industrial wastes from nearby residential and industrial areas. Reports of morbidity and mortality from aquarium fish culturists in and around Mumbai led to the present investigations on the ecology of these habitats with a view to assess the water quality, presence of heavy metals in the environment and their bioaccumulation in Tubifex worms, and to examine whether these habitats could be exploited to meet the demand of the industry. Six natural red worm (Tubifex spp.) collection centres in Mumbai and Thane districts of Maharashtra state in India constituting a major source of live Tubifex supply to aquarium fish industry were evaluated for pollution, heavy metal concentration in water, sediments and in the body tissues of Tubifex. Data revealed the presence of heavy metals in water and sediments at collection sites and bioaccumulation of cadmium, iron, lead, zinc and copper in body tissues of Tubifex worms. Cadmium ranged from 2.38 to 7.21 mg/kg, iron 671.9 to 5738 mg/kg, lead 14.95 to 33.49 mg/kg, zinc 60.20 to 166.60 mg/kg and copper 29.38 to 108.90 mg/kg of dry Tubifex worms. The study suggests that all the six collection sites are polluted and the red worms contaminated with heavy metals and hence, unfit for use in aquaria or feeding any variety of fish or crustaceans in the hatcheries.  相似文献   

Hyalella azteca (Crustacea: Amphipoda), water and sediments from 12 circum-neutral lakes between Sudbury and North Bay in Ontario, Canada were sampled in August 1998 and analyzed for 10 metals including Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Co, Mo, V, Ba and Ti. Statistical analyses showed that concentrations of the metals in H. azteca, water and sediment differed significantly (ANOVA, P<0.05) among lakes (except for Zn and Pb in H. azteca and Mo in water). There was a trend of declining metal concentration, especially for Cu, Ni and Co (in water, Hyalella and sediment), with distance from the smelters indicating the reduced impact of atmospheric pollution. Metal concentrations of lakes (water) in the Sudbury area were found to be lower compared to data from the 1970s and 1980s indicating an improvement in water quality. Metal concentrations in field-collected amphipods compared favorably with those measured in the laboratory in animals exposed to deep-water sediments, provided metal concentrations were not extremely low (e.g., Pb) and that water chemistry differences (e.g., pH) were taken into account for some metals (especially Cd). In general bioaccumulation of metals in H. azteca was predicted better from surface water than from sediment total metal.  相似文献   

Two strains of Pseudomonas species (B2 and D5)selected from an array of lead solubilizing and accumulatingbacteria obtained from the effluent contaminated soil samples of abattery manufacturing factory were studied. Increase in pH between 4.0 and 6.0 favoured the growth of isolates: Peaklog10 cfu mL–1 values of 7.1, 7.5 and 8.5 wereobtained at pH 4, 5 and 6, respectively.Cell bound lead concentrations for B2 (0.34 mg mL–1)and D5 (0.30 mg mL–1) obtained by direct contact withPbs were greater than lead concentrations of 0.89 and 0.25 mg mL–1 for B2 and D5, respectively,obtained in dialyzed cultures. These cell bound lead concentration in undialyzed cultures were alsogreater than lead concentrations of 0.03 and 0.07 mg mL–1 for B2 and D5 in culture supernatants. Glucose addition did nor improve lead accumulation in the isolates.Exploitation of such isolates for the biotreatment of lead ladeneffluent was conducted.  相似文献   

We compared the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium in a small species of fish (Central stonerollers, Campostoma anomalum) collected from East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) and a reference site in eastern Tennessee. Stonerollers are minnows in the Cyprinidae family that serve as prey for many carnivores in aquatic systems. Fish were collected from East Fork Poplar Creek within the U.S. Department of Energy's Y-12 National Security Complex, part of the Oak Ridge Reservation, and from a reference stretch of the Little River in East Tennessee. Whole fish were homogenized for analysis. Concentrations of all metals (except arsenic) were significantly higher in stonerollers from EFPC compared to the reference site. Mercury levels in minnows from EFPC averaged 0.4 ppm (μg/g), four times higher than the average for fish in the U.S. in general. This was higher than levels in fish from the nearby Clinch River and higher than fillets of white bass (Morone chrysops) from the same creek. Most metal levels were inversely related to size and weight of the stonerollers, perhaps due to growth dilution.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) pollution is a growing concern in forests of the greater Sierra Nevada, which lie downwind of the highly populated and agricultural Central Valley. Nitrogen content of Letharia vulpina tissue was analyzed from 38 sites using total Kjeldahl analysis to provide a preliminary assessment of N deposition patterns. Collections were co-located with plots where epiphytic macrolichen communities are used for estimating ammonia (NH3) deposition. Tissue N ranged from 0.6% to 2.11% with the highest values occurring in the southwestern Sierra Nevada (range: 1.38 to 2.11). Tissue N at 17 plots was elevated, as defined by a threshold concentration of 1.03%. Stepwise regression was used to determine the best predictors of tissue N from among a variety of environmental variables. The best model consisted only of longitude (r 2 = 0.64), which was reflected in the geographic distribution of tissue values: the southwestern Sierra Nevada, the high Sierras near the Tahoe Basin, and the Modoc Plateau, are three apparent N hotspots arranged along the tilted north–south axis of the study area. Withholding longitude and latitude, the best regression model suggested that NH3 estimates and annual number of wetdays interactively affect N accumulation (r 2 = 0.61; % N ∼ NH3 + wetdays + (NH3 × wetdays)). We did not expect perfect correspondence between tissue values and NH3 estimates since other N pollutants also accumulate in the lichen thallus. Additionally, other factors potentially affecting N content, such as growth rate and leaching, were not given full account.  相似文献   

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