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强烈地震常常以其突发性、瞬时性、毁灭性和次生灾害的连发性、给人类生存安全、经济建设和社会稳定带来严重危害。  相似文献   

科学发展观注重的是经济、社会、人文、自然间的协调发展,主张的是人与自然的和谐相处,不以牺牲生态、资源、环境等为代价,坚持的是可持续发展。其本质和核心是“以人为本”,实现人的全面发展。科学发展观就其内涵而言,减灾当属重要内容。因为,减灾的目的就是尽可能地保障人及人所创造的财富在自然灾害中不受损失,保障社会、经济的顺利发展。如果只抓经济不抓防灾减灾,大的灾害来临,人类用很长时间积累的财富甚至包括生命就有可能毁于一旦。  相似文献   

IntroductionIntheUNgeneralreportoftheInternationalSymposiumonMetropolisAdministrationheldinTokyo,Japanin1993,the21stsenturywa...  相似文献   

The Executive Board of the Research Committee on Disasters of the International Sociological Association endorsed the following statement about the 1DNDR on 14 December, 1990.  相似文献   

韩金  戴尔阜 《灾害学》2021,(2):220-227,234
台风破坏性巨大,易与暴雨、洪涝、风暴潮灾害发生碰头现象,严重威胁沿海地区人民的生命和财产安全.因此,台风减灾决策研究对于保护人民生命财产安全至关重要.该文基于系统动力学和多灾种灾害建立防灾减灾模型,包括物资人员调度子块、信息传递子块、灾害系统子块.以海南省海口市台风灾情及政府防灾减灾工作为例进行数值模拟,仿真结果表明:...  相似文献   

期盼防震减灾科普教育新的跨越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学技术的发展水平,已成为当今世界衡量一个国家、一个民族是否有强大竞争力的根本标志。世界各国在争夺人才的同时,都在致力于普及和提高全体国民的科学文化水平,以增强国家的综合国力和创新能力。因此,加强科普教育工作越来越受到各国政府的重视。  相似文献   

新型气象雷达在国外越来越多地应用于大型外场试验和业务探测网中,我国也将在灾害性天气监测网中引入新型气象雷达。简要介绍了气象雷达的发展历史和国内外发展现状,阐述了气象雷达探测新技术,包括双线偏振雷达、双(多)基地雷达、相控阵天气雷达技术、激光天气雷达技术、风廓线雷达等的探测原理及其在气象中的应用,这对于我国新型雷达的应用和根据实际需求选择雷达类型等具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

1942年冬到1943年春,久旱之后的大暴雨导致黄河决堤,河南省遭受特大旱涝灾害,数百万灾民流离失所,淹死、冻死、饿死的人不计其数,发生了罕见的"中原大饥荒",惨绝人寰,举世震惊.当时,抗日战争正处于十分艰难的时期,困难重重,加之国民政府吏治腐败,封锁灾情,救灾无力,河南灾民得不到救济,情况十分危急.社会各界纷纷强烈要求:赈济豫灾!  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, while we are recalling the glorious achievements and progress mankind has achieved in the last century, we can not help thinking about the catastrophic wars, natural disasters and epidemic diseases that have caused serious impacts and damages to humanity. In order to achieve peaceful existence and rapid development in the new century, we must prevent and reduce such risks. In terms of sustainable socio-economic development, the 20th century has witnessed s…  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》(以下简称《防震减灾法》)发布实施以来,为促进我国防震减灾事业发展发挥了重要的保障作用。各级政府越来越重视,部门协作越来越密切,社会管理越来越规范,公共服务越来越完善,社会参与越来越广泛,科技支撑越来越有力。防震减灾工作在经济社会中越来越重要,越来越受到全社会的关注,发挥着越来越重要的作用。随着经济社会和防震减灾事业发展,  相似文献   

第二届世界减灾大会将在2005年1月召开。大会期待着激发和引导各国政府更加关注并有效地进行减灾行动,以达到减少贫困的目的。  相似文献   

1Background of ISDRSince man appeared on the planet,various natural disasters such as flood,drought,earthquake,typhoon,volcano and so on have been a constant threat to the existence and development of themankind.Itis through long-standing struggle with the disasters thatthe human race has survivedand evolved.In this sense,the human history is a history of human beings fighting againstdisasters.In the long history,human beings have combated disasters in a more and more organized way,from indi…  相似文献   

金宝森  吴吉东 《灾害学》2012,(4):114-116,121
在全球变暖的背景下,气象灾害发生的频次增多且造成的影响不断加重,气象灾害的管理已成为国家公共安全管理的重要内容,气象灾害标准体系建设的完备性,对于气象灾害管理有着十分重要的意义。按照气象灾害标准体系框架,搜集国家气象相关权威部门标准委员会门户网站公布的气象灾害相关标准库,并分析了气象灾害减灾救灾标准体系在专业、门类和层次三个维度的完备性。最终指出了气象灾害减灾救灾标准体系存在的不足,进而给出了减灾救灾标准体系建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

2004年冬,圣诞节喜庆的气氛还没有过去,12月26日清晨,一场巨大的地震引起海啸,席卷了印度洋沿岸诸多国家,这次地震海啸给东南亚国家造成了巨大的灾难!十几万生命葬送于滔天巨浪,百万人无家可归,礁岸易形、岛屿隐没、雷雨滂沱!  相似文献   

浅谈城市林业与城市减灾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气象、洪涝、环境等灾害和事件危及城市安全和发展.发展城市林业有利于城市防灾减灾.借鉴国内外城市林业发展经验,提出加强陕西城市林业建设、提高城市防灾减灾能力的建议.  相似文献   

Great accomplishments have been made in seismic disaster reduction in China's engineeringconstruction and city construction projects during the pastdecade(1 990~ 2 0 0 0 ) .A new nationalmap on the division of seismic intensity has been promulgated,and a series of anti-seismicstandards and norms have been drafted or revised,which has further improved the country'stechnical code system on anti-seismic engineering measures. The Anti-seismic ArchitecturalDesigning Standards,revised and adopted…  相似文献   

1Coastal economic- social developmentand marine disasterThe ocean covers71 % of the earth's surface.It is the cradle of life on earth,the treasure ofresources and an important adjuster of the environment.Now we have come to realize thatexploration of the ocean is an important solution to global issues including resource shortage,population explosion and environmental degradation.Man mustrely more and more on the oceanin order to achieve sustainable development.The2 1 st Century will be a cent…  相似文献   

1Introduction of urban industrial disastersAt the Ministers' Forum on Disaster Reduction and Economic Development in China held on1March2 0 0 0 ,Deputy Director-General YANG Fu of the State Commission of Economy and Tradeemphasized by saying:" Security is importantnotonly to individual life,butalso to social stabilityand economic development. Among the 1 1 8catastrophic accidents in China in 1 999,each ofwhich caused the death of more than ten people,over70 % were connected with urban…  相似文献   

In response to the call of the UN,China established in April 1 989the " China Committee for theInternational Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction(CCIDNDR) " ,which was chaired by a vice-premier of the State Council and involved2 8ministries and commissions.As one of the membersof the Committee,China Seismic Administration(CSA) has made ita holy mission to preventandreduce seismic disasters. For the last ten years,CSA has played an important role in protectingthe people's life and …  相似文献   

试论灾害教育在防灾减灾中的作用   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13  
陈霞  朱晓华 《灾害学》2001,16(3):92-96
人类社会在迅速发展的同时,遭受着多种灾害现实的或潜在的威胁与破坏。在我国,在整个防灾减灾工作的链环中,有关灾害的教育环节还十分薄弱,缺口很大,由此也导致公众的灾害意识还相当薄弱。本文即是从“人为营造”的灾害入手,系统地阐述了灾害教育在我国减灾防灾中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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