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基于VES生产函数,建立了包括海洋资源为生产要素的估计模型,探究了海洋资源对海洋经济增长影响的阶段性变化特征。结果表明:①海洋资本投入对海洋经济增长的促进作用显著。②以海洋劳动力作为门槛变量,海洋第一、二、三产业中的海洋资源对海洋经济增长分别存在单门槛、双门槛和单门槛效应。③以海洋科技作为门槛变量,海洋第二产业中的海洋资源对海洋经济增长存在单门槛效应;海洋第一、三产业中的海洋资源对海洋经济增长的作用不显著。④以海洋资本劳动力比率作为门槛变量,海洋第一产业中的海洋资源对海洋经济增长存在单门槛效应;海洋第二、三产业中的海洋资源对海洋经济增长存在一定的制约作用。总体上看,海洋生产要素在跨越门槛值后,海洋资源对海洋经济增长的正向作用增强。  相似文献   

西部大开发是我国一项长期的区域发展战略,客观准确地评估其实施效果,对制定实施后续政策和其他区域发展政策具有借鉴意义。利用1980—2016年我国31个省份的面板数据,运用合成控制法评估了西部大开发对西部地区经济发展的影响。结果表明:①西部大开发对西部地区经济发展没有明显的改善作用;②显著促进了内蒙古、重庆、陕西和宁夏地区经济发展,抑制了广西、贵州、云南、西藏、甘肃和新疆地区经济发展,而对四川和青海无显著作用;③对第一、三产业具有促进作用,而对第二产业具有抑制作用。建议继续把基础设施建设放在首位,推进产业结构调整,使西部大开发真正促进西部地区的经济增长。  相似文献   

刘莎莎  戴胜利 《中国环境管理》2023,15(3):109-117,83
提升末端生活垃圾处理能力,走出城市“垃圾围城”之困,一直是地方政府关切的核心议题。为探究城市生活垃圾处理能力的影响因素及其时空差异,从“政府能力系统”视角出发,围绕需求驱动、经济驱动、政策驱动、技术驱动四个维度,提出相关研究假设,并运用2004—2020年30个省份的面板数据进行实证检验。研究发现:生活垃圾清运量、人均GDP、地方环保支出、政策文本出台数量、无害化处理厂数量以及市容环卫专用车辆数均对城市生活垃圾处理能力的提升具有促进作用。在时间变化上,2004—2007年为生活垃圾处理能力初创阶段,受到经济、政策与技术驱动因素的显著影响; 2008—2016年为生活处理能力缓慢提升和局部发展阶段,持续受到技术驱动因素的显著作用;2017—2020年为处理能力全面提升阶段,需求、经济与技术因素均呈现出显著促进作用。在区域变化上,经济驱动的影响效应由东部向西部逐渐减弱,需求驱动、政策驱动因素只在东部地区影响显著,技术驱动因素对不同区域的生活垃圾处理能力均具有显著促进作用。最后,研究从源头减量、资金投入、政策倾斜与技术创新等方面,对促进中国城市生活垃圾处理能力的发展提供了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

采用我国31个省份的面板数据,运用SBM方向性距离函数测度了2010—2014年我国农业全要素生产率值,通过建立回归模型实证分析了影响我国农业全要素生产率的因素。研究结果表明:我国农业全要素生产率总体呈增长趋势,但东部、中部、西部三大地区间存在明显差异,化肥施用量、农业机械总动力、农田水利设施对农业全要素生产率具有显著正向影响,而人力资本、农业生产技术等传统生产要素的影响并不显著。针对研究结果,提出完善农业政策补贴、加强中西部地区基础设施建设、发展生态农业、推进农业科技创新与应用和加强人力资本投入等对策建议。  相似文献   

我国农业信息化与农村经济增长相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论上分析了农业信息化对农村经济增长的促进作用,采用2003—2007年的数据,运用Eviews 5.0软件对农业信息化促进农村经济增长进行了实证分析。回归结果表明,农业信息化水平对农村经济增长具有显著的正向作用,信息化水平每提高1%,农业生产总值就增加0.733%。最后为实现农村经济增长提出加速发展农业信息化的积极对策。  相似文献   

利用2010—2014年中国省级层面面板数据,建立层次回归分析模型,实证检验了社会资本对经济增长的影响效应,并探讨了创新能力在两者关系间的中介作用。结果显示:结构型社会资本和认知型社会资本对创新能力和经济增长均具有显著正向影响,认知型社会资本对两者的影响程度大于结构型社会资本对两者的影响程度;创新能力在结构型社会资本与经济增长的关系间、认知型社会资本与经济增长的关系间起部分中介作用。基于研究结论,提出增强创新能力与促进经济增长的对策建议。  相似文献   

农业社会化服务是保障中国农业现代化及农业强国建设的重要举措。采用熵值法与探索性空间数据分析法,探讨山东省及其16地级市2011—2021年农业社会化服务水平的时空演变特征,并引入障碍度模型与空间计量模型探究内部制约与外部驱动因素。结果发现:(1)在时间上,山东省农业社会化服务水平总体呈波动上升趋势,但存在农业生产资料服务、农产品流通服务水平不足的短板;(2)在空间上,山东省农业社会化服务水平存在明显的空间集聚特征。其中,服务高水平集聚于鲁东地区,而低水平则集聚于鲁南地区;(3)内部制约上,山东省农业社会化服务受到阻碍作用最大的5个因子依次为农业保险深度、农药供应量、农业供电水平、农业贷款深度以及农业科技服务投入水平;(4)外部环境驱动上,城镇化水平、创新水平与工业化水平对山东省农业社会化服务有显著促进作用,而人力资本质量为抑制作用。  相似文献   

中部地区资本投入与经济增长相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取了我国中部地区各省1998-2008年间的人均GDP、人均物质资本投入和人力资本投入的时间系列数据,分别进行了ADF平稳性检验、基于VAR的Johansen协整检验和格兰杰因果检验.在协整模型基础上对选取变量进行回归分析,实证了人均GDP、人均物质资本投入和人力资本投入之间的相关性,并结合中部崛起提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

数字普惠金融为农业经济韧性水平提升指明新的方向,对保障农业现代化、实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。基于2011—2021年中国31个省份面板数据,构建农业经济韧性综合水平指数,利用面板回归模型,探究数字普惠金融对农业经济韧性的影响及作用机制。结果表明:数字普惠金融能显著增强农业经济韧性;分维度看,覆盖广度对农业经济韧性的促进作用最大,使用深度次之,数字化程度最小;分区域看,数字普惠金融对东部地区农业经济韧性的推动作用优于中西部地区;数字普惠金融能通过促进农村创新、创业提升农业经济韧性水平;传统金融竞争在数字普惠金融促进农业经济韧性水平提升中存在门槛作用,传统金融竞争越激烈,对农业经济韧性水平的提升作用越强。未来应大力发展数字普惠金融,因地制宜协调数字普惠金融发展,提高农村地区创新、创业活力,引导传统金融良性竞争。  相似文献   

以2010—2016年全国92家农业上市公司为样本,采用随机前沿分析方法测算农业企业研发活动的中间产出效率和最终产出效率,分别考察金融环境和区域性环境因素对其的影响。结果表明:农业上市企业研发活动存在显著非效率,金融环境的改善将提升研发效率,且对最终效率的影响大于对中间效率的影响;区域间农业企业研发中间效率差异缩小,但最终效率差异扩大,物质资本对最终产出效率的影响显著性大于人力资本对中间产出效率的影响。最后,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

中国煤电行业的发展伴随着各种环境风险,本文以典型煤电企业为例,在产能过剩、能效标准提高、环境保护税、全国碳市场、水资源税和非水可再生能源规划目标的风险约束下,建立环境成本内部化和环境风险分析工具,考虑不同压力情境下对煤电企业价值的影响,构建环境风险影响财务成本的压力测试框架。结果表明,对单个风险而言,产能过剩和碳市场风险对企业价值的影响是大多数地区在不同情景中面临的主要风险驱动因素。对于综合风险压力测试而言,各地区1 000MW超超临界机组乐观情景及悲观情景的企业价值距合理回报预期企业价值相差小,而300MW和600MW亚临界机组因能效水平低、经营成本高等原因在环境风险压力下企业价值偏离合理回报较多。随着环境风险严重程度的不断增加,环境压力测试有助于煤电企业和金融机构了解环境风险对企业财务状况的影响,从而对投资决策产生影响。  相似文献   

We present a simulation model developed to communicate a potential investment trap associated with using man‐made river engineering to protect built infrastructure. A small system dynamics model in STELLA? was constructed following a collaborative model‐building process to increase understanding among stakeholders of the role natural capital plays in wealth creation. We set out to explore the dynamic relationship between investing tax revenue in natural capital (specifically forested headwaters and low land wetlands) rather than built capital (specifically stopbanks) for flood protection in the Manawatū watershed, New Zealand. Significant investment is currently required to maintain and enhance river engineering infrastructure and keep pace with changes in the river's geomorphology. Viewed from a systems perspective, we suggest diversion of a proportion of existing funding into restoration of forested headwaters on steep slopes and restoration of functioning wetlands on floodplains could in the longer term provide an effective approach to flood protection. Co‐benefits of increased natural capital include the ecosystem services nutrient cycling, sediment capture, water purification, biodiversity, pollination, and cultural and recreational values. Overcoming an investment trap requires a longer term perspective. This simple model consisting of two feedback loops and two delays aims to contribute to an ongoing stakeholder dialogue concerning the Manawatū River watershed in New Zealand.  相似文献   

This article shows how social capital impacts fisheries management at the local level in Chilika Lake, located in the state of Orissa in India. In Chilika, the different fishing groups established norms and “rules of the game” including, but not limited to, spatial limits that determine who can fish and in what areas, temporal restrictions about when and for how long people may fish, gear constraints about what harvesting gear may be used by each group, and physical controls on size and other characteristics of fish that may be harvested. A survey of the members of fishing groups has shown that the bonding social capital is strong within the Chilika fishing groups. Bonding and bridging social capital keeps the fishers together in times of resource scarcity, checks violations of community rules and sanctions, and strengthens the community fisheries management. In contrast, linking social capital in Chilika appears to be weak, as is evident from the lack of trust in external agencies, seeking the help of formal institutions for legal support, and increasing conflicts. Trust and cooperation among fishers is crucial in helping to build the social capital. A social capital perspective on fisheries governance suggests that there should be a rethinking of priorities and funding mechanisms, from “top-down” fisheries management towards “co-management” with a focus on engendering rights and responsibilities for fishers and their communities.  相似文献   

生产者责任延伸制度在电子废弃物管理中的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘冰  梅光军 《环境技术》2005,24(6):1-3,17
电子废弃物的污染问题日益引起人们的关注,而我国传统废弃物的处理和管理制度的不完善使大量的有用资源没有得到有效回收,不符合全民节约和循环经济原则。本文从环境经济学角度,结合其它国家和地区的生产者责任延伸制的颁布和运行情况,对我国电子废弃物的管理中施行生产责任延伸制(EPR)进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines almost 30 years of disputation concerning the disposal of the world's largest stockpile of the toxic organochlorine, hexachlorbenzene. It describes the study of a chemicals company in its attempt to manage the disposal of the toxic waste in a collaborative fashion with government, environmentalists and the local community. The study describes the new processes and structures specifically designed to address the decision-making and the issues of stakeholder perception and identity construction which have influenced the outcomes. Decision-making in such disputes is often theorized from the perspective of the emergence of highly individualized and reflexive risk communities and changing modes and expectations of corporate responsibility as a result of detraditionalization. We argue that the stakeholder interaction in this study reflects competing discourses in which corporate actors prioritize the building and maintaining of identity and symbolic capital rather than an active collaboration to solve the ongoing issue of the waste. As well, issues of access to expert knowledge highlight the relationship between conditions of uncertainty, technoscientific expertise and identity. The events of the study highlight the challenges faced by contemporary technoscientific corporations such as chemicals companies as they must deliver on requirements of transparency and openness, while maintaining technoscientific capacity and strong internal identity. We conclude that the study demonstrates the co-existence of social processes of individualization and detraditionalization with quasi-traditions which maintain authority, thus challenging the radical distinctions made in the literature between modernity and late or reflexive modernity.  相似文献   


This article examines results from in-depth interviews conducted with parents of children with asthma living in an urban environment. We examine themes from the in-depth interviews related to participants' perceptions of the influence of their physical environment on their mental and physical health, and the actions that they take in an effort to protect their health within this context. The findings from this study suggest several implications for understanding the interface between the physical environment of urban communities and residents' health, as well as for the policy and practice of risk assessment strategies.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the true economic income for the Chilean mining sector, using the welfare foundations for the usual net domestic product (NDP) income measure of the traditional National Accounts System (NAS) provided by [Weitzman, M., 1976. On the welfare significance of national product in a dynamic economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 90, 156–162; Weitzman, M., 2000. The linearised Hamiltonian as comprehensible NDP. Environment and Development Economics. 5, 55–68]. The total depletion of natural capital caused by mining is calculated by estimating, on the one hand, the depreciation of resources (using the net price approach) and, on the other, the environmental costs provoked by mining activity. The results show that, correcting the usual GDP measure for man-made capital depreciation plus the total loss of natural capital, the standard mining GDP measure of the NAS overestimates by 31–36% the economic income generated by Chile's mining sector during the period 1985–1996.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Norwegian national authorities’ responses to combined use and protection planning for huge protected areas and their buffer zone in northern Norway. The processes were chaired by county delegates and included a wide range of stakeholders. In-depth semi-structured interviews, participatory observation and document analyses have been conducted to investigate the potential of these processes and response from national environmental authorities. The paper suggests that national environmental authorities partly ignored the potential strengths associated with combined use and protection plans and over-emphasised the potential environmental threats stemming from local management. Moreover, these trade-offs seemed to be guided on a rather vague scientific basis. In conclusion, the paper argues that central environmental administration needs to (i) engage actively in participatory processes, (ii) present clear rationales, if rejecting local initiatives, (iii) acknowledge the potential for man–nature relationships as beneficial for environmental assets, and (iv) relate interpretation of law to integrative policies.  相似文献   

Nepal's geographical landscape of plains, hills, and mountains exposes it to severe climatic conditions. Out of the three regions, the plain, also called Terai, has the greatest risk of flooding, especially during the monsoon season when heavy precipitation coincides with snow and glacier melting from the mountains and hills. In recent years, greater water availability has increased the frequency of flooding, destroying farms, livestock, and infrastructure, hence, reducing agricultural productivity and disrupting economic activities. What makes Nepal a unique case study for climate change is its richness in water resources, propensity to flood, the percentage of poor people living in the flood prone region, and their dependency on natural resources. The lessons drawn can help when formulating pro-poor adaptation policies for other Asian and many developing countries that are as diverse, poor, and agrarian as Nepal. Using data collected through survey interviews, the study examines the ability of the poor to adapt to climate change. The study also explores the adaptive capacity of communities in the Koshi Tappu area, by examining whether or not they have the required capital assets (human, social, natural, physical, and financial capital) to remain resilient in the face of continuous climate events impacts.  相似文献   

ESG投资作为基于企业社会价值投资的投资策略,已逐渐成为国际投资市场的焦点。国内ESG投资尚处于快速发展阶段,市场规律研究及监管机制建设尚处于探索发展阶段。本文系统分析了我国当前ESG投资实践发展进展及其创新,剖析了ESG投资基金相关政策进展、发展方向,以及ESG投资基金行业发展面临的关键问题,提出了促进投资理念渗透、提升信息披露质量、加快投资方式创新等对策建议,并就探索统一估值体系、深化ESG货币化测量研究等进行了展望。  相似文献   

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