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Prey selection was investigated in wild, resident common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, during the summer months in Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA. Stomach content analyses of 15 dolphins with extensive sighting histories and well-documented distributions were used to determine prey use. Prey availability was assessed by purse seine surveys. We compared the relative abundances of prey available to estimates of prey use at closely matching spatial and temporal scales. G-tests determined that dolphins in this study significantly selected for prey at the species, family, and soniferous/non-soniferous prey levels (G adj  = 753.98–1,775.93, df = 1–21, p ≤ 0.01). While comprising only 6.3% of the total available prey, soniferous fishes accounted for 51.9% of the total prey consumed. Manly’s standardized forage ratios and 95% Bonferroni confidence intervals determined significant positive selection for soniferous prey and against non-soniferous prey (βS = 0.9461 vs. βNS = 0.0539). Dolphins selected against Gerridae, Clupeidae, and Sparidae (β ≤ 0.0014), as well as against all the species within those families (β ≤ 0.0190). It is likely that passive listening for soniferous prey provides an ecological or energetic advantage to cetaceans utilizing this specific foraging technique.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) face a variety of threats, including risk of exposure to brevetoxins produced by blooms of the harmful alga Karenia brevis. This study investigated brevetoxin exposure in a population of dolphins inhabiting Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA (27°N, 82°W), utilizing tissues from dolphins recovered between 1994 and 2003. Brevetoxin levels detected by ELISA in tissues, gastric samples and excreta from dolphin carcasses (n = 19) associated with K. brevis blooms were compared with with levels in carcasses (n = 16) associated with background K. brevis conditions. In the K. brevis-exposed set, 84% of dolphin carcasses recovered during K. brevis blooms had detectable brevetoxin levels, with values ranging between 7 and 2,896 ng PbTx-3 eq g−1. Over 50% of dolphin carcasses recovered during non-bloom conditions also tested positive by ELISA for brevetoxins, with concentrations ranging from 6 to 44 ng PbTx-3 eq g−1. Control samples from the east coast of Florida were negative by the ELISA. Results from this study establish baseline brevetoxin body burdens in a dolphin population frequently exposed to K. brevis blooms, and data indicate that dolphin carcasses not associated with large-scale mortality events can contain levels of brevetoxins comparable to carcasses stranding during such events.  相似文献   

The aim of our investigations was to determine, via oxygen and carbon-dioxide respirometry, how much energy dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) require when swimming at different speeds. Experiments were conducted on two female bottlenose dolphins (mean mass 162 kg) in the dolphinarium in Nuremberg Zoo, Germany, between March and August 1997. Animals were stationed in a respiration chamber for a minimum of 90 s after performing a variety of activities. We measured respiration frequency and oxygen requirements during (1) resting, (2) swimming at various velocities and (3) leaping to various heights. Resting metabolic rate of our bottlenose dolphins (2.15 W kg−1) was comparable to previously published data. Metabolic rate in swimming dolphins increased to 2.47 W kg−1 at 2 m s−1, while leaps to 2.2 and 3 m height required a power input of 3.5 and 4 W kg−1, respectively. Transport costs of swimming dolphins were lowest (1.16 J kg−1 m−1, corresponding to 0.12 J N−1 m−1) at a speed of 2.5 m s−1, yielding an optimal range speed of between 1.9 and 3.2 m s−1 (corresponding to minimum cost of transport ±10%). Breathing rates during all experiments correlated very well with oxygen consumption (r 2 > 0.89) and could be used to derive metabolic rates in unencumbered dolphins at sea. Received: 18 December 1998 / Accepted: 27 April 1999  相似文献   

Summary Mother-calf whistle exchanges were recorded from temporarily captured free-ranging bottlenose dolphins from 1975 to 1989. This is part of a long-term research project studying social structure and behavior of a community of approximately 100 dolphins in waters near Sarasota, Florida. Analysis of whistle exchanges from 12 mothercalf pairs shows that signature whistles can remain stable for periods up to at least 12 years. We looked for effects of vocal learning on the development of the signature whistle by comparing whistles of calves to those of their mothers. Eight female calves produced whistles distinct from those of their mothers, while four male calves produced whistles similar to those of their mothers. Male calves appeared to produce a greater proportion of whistles other than the signature whistle (termed variants). We hypothesize that these sex differences in whistle vocalizations may reflect differences in the roles males and females play in the social structure of the community.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios and fatty acid signature analyses were employed to examine the fine-scale population structure of a year-round resident population of 600–800 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida. The IRL, a 250-km-long estuary running along the central east coast of Florida (28.0°N, 80.6°W), is comprised of the northern and southern IRL, Mosquito Lagoon (ML), Banana River (BR), and St. Lucie Estuary. Samples of skin and blubber were collected from dead stranded (n = 61, 1994–2004) and live dolphins (n = 153, 2002–2007, 2010, 2011) from throughout the IRL and surrounding environs. Using stable isotopes (SI), dolphins could be assigned to a ML subpopulation, a St. Lucie Estuary subpopulation, and an IRL subpopulation. Fatty acid signature analysis (FASA) allowed for finer resolution, detecting ML and BR subpopulations, a separation of northern and southern IRL subpopulations, and a St. Lucie Estuary subpopulation. Differences between sexes were detectable within subpopulations using FASA, but not using SI. This may indicate that males and females are foraging in similar locations at a similar trophic level (detected using SI), but are varying in the types or proportions of specific prey (indicated by FASA). The combination of these complementary analyses results in a powerful tool for assessing fine-scale population substructure.  相似文献   

Kinship has been shown to be an important correlate of group membership and associations among many female mammals. In this study, we investigate association patterns in female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) inhabiting an embayment in southeastern Australia. We combine the behavioral data with microsatellite DNA and mitochondrial DNA data to test the hypotheses that genetic relatedness and maternal kinship correlate with associations and social clusters. Mean association between females was not significantly different from a random mean, but the standard deviation was significantly higher than a random standard deviation, indicating the presence of nonrandom associates in the dataset. A neighbor-joining tree, based on the distance of associations between females, identified four main social clusters in the area. Mean genetic relatedness between pairs of frequent female associates was significantly higher than that between pairs of infrequent associates. There was also a significant correlation between mtDNA haplotype sharing and the degree of female association. However, the mean genetic relatedness of female pairs within and between social clusters and the proportion of female pairs with the same and different mtDNA haplotypes within and between clusters were not significantly different. This study demonstrates that kinship correlates with associations among female bottlenose dolphins, but that kinship relations are not necessarily a prerequisite for membership in social clusters. We hypothesize that different forces acting on female bottlenose dolphin sociality appear to promote the formation of flexible groups which include both kin and nonkin.  相似文献   

Signature whistles of 42 free-ranging bottle-nose dophin calves were compared to those of their mothers. Humans judged their similarity by inspection of spectrograms. There was a sex difference in the tendency of calves to produce whistles similar to or different from those of their mothers; most female calves produced whistles that were different from those of their mothers, whereas male calves were more likely to produce whistles that were similar to those of their mothers. Because matrilineally related females associate together and use signature whistles to establish and/or maintain contact with their calves, there may be a selective pressure for females to produce whistles that are distinct from those of their mothers. There may be fewer constraints governing whistle development in males, with the result that some males produce whistles similar to those of their mothers and others do not.  相似文献   

Summary The whistle vocalizations of two bottlenosed dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, were recorded at the Sealand Aquarium in Brewster, Massachusetts. The identification of which dolphin within the group produced a vocalization was made possible by a telemetry device attached to the dolphin's head with a suction cup. 77% of the identified whistles (219 our of 284) fell into two primary categories, type 1 and type 2 (Table 1). The remaining 23% of whistles fell into five secondary categories. Of the primary whistles produced by one dolphin, 78% were of type 1 (22% type 2), while 69% of primary whistles from the other dolphin were of type 2 (31% type 1). The result that each of the dolphins favored a different primary whistle supports the findings of Caldwell and Caldwell (1965), that each dolphin produces an individually distinctive whistle. But in the present study, both dolphins produced both primary whistle types. This may represent mimicry of signature whistles.  相似文献   

Site-specific differences were found in consumer isotope values among ten sites examined in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Average δ13C values among sites ranged ?21.7 to ?15.7 ‰, δ15N ranged <3 ‰: from 9.8 to 11.5 ‰, and δ34S ranged from 5.9 to 18.3 ‰. Isotope variation among these sites provided insight into the ranging habits of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sampled in St. George Sound (29.8N, 84.6W), a nearshore seagrass habitat, during May of 2005. Isotope comparisons suggest that the majority of dolphins sampled (average ± one standard deviation: δ13C = ?17.5 ± 0.8, δ15N = 14.5 ± 0.9, and δ34S = 10.6 ± 1.5) did not forage significantly on offshore species which are significantly 34S-enriched, nor is it likely that they ranged either eastward or westward along the coast within the sampling region. Despite their capability for ranging, these dolphins occupied a restricted home range, during the spring before our sampling efforts. These results demonstrate significant fine-scale isotope variation among coastal habitats explained by differences in freshwater inputs, organic matter loading, and modes of primary production that may be used to constrain the foraging ranges of a highly mobile apex predator.  相似文献   

We investigated feeding by the hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus (Bloch and Schneider), in freshwater, oligohaline, mesohaline, and polyhaline regions of Chesapeake Bay, USA, and examined prey selection in relation to food availability. Otter trawling for fish and Van Veen grab sampling for benthic macrofauna occurred in July and August 1992 and August and September 1993. Hogchokers exhibited both opportunistic and selective feeding patterns along the estuarine salinity gradient in four tributaries (Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James Rivers) and in the mainstem Chesapeake Bay. Major prey taxa included annelids, arthropods, and tellinid siphons. In polyhaline habitat, polychaetes dominated both the benthos and gut contents numerically and gravimetrically. On the other hand, oligochaetes were numerically dominant in freshwater/oligohaline areas but were rarely eaten, perhaps because of their burial depth. Arthropods (mostly amphipods) occurred at most salinities, were common in gut contents in low-salinity areas, and were replaced as prey by larger proportions of polychaetes in polyhaline regimes. Although hogchokers ate tellinid siphons, they rarely consumed whole bivalves or gastropods. These diet patterns (and especially the importance of siphon nipping) are similar to those of juvenile or small flatfish elsewhere in Europe, Africa, and North America. A size–salinity relationship for hogchokers occurred along the summer salinity gradient, with smaller fish predominating upstream and larger fish downstream. It was not clear from our data if variation in diet composition reflected changes in prey composition along the salinity gradient rather than changes in fish size. Received: 14 June 1997 / Accepted: 27 June 1997  相似文献   

The signature whistle hypothesis states that dolphins produce highly stereotyped, individually distinctive whistles when in isolation. The presence of signature whistles has been called into question by recent studies proposing that dolphins produce a shared, simple upsweep whistle when in isolation, and that whistles produced by socializing dolphins are shared across individuals and social groups. This shared repertoire hypothesis suggests that when two animals produce the same whistle type, it is due to sharing the same common repertoire rather than one animal learning to produce the whistle of another. One difference between studies supporting or denying the existence of signature whistles is the method used to classify whistle types. We examined whistle production by 17 free-ranging bottlenose dolphins while temporarily restrained. We used both a quantitative comparison technique similar to that used to support the shared repertoire hypothesis and human judges to classify whistle types and quantify similarity between types. Contrary to recent studies that emphasize shared whistles, overall whistle sharing between isolated individuals was low (25%) and a simple upsweep did not account for the most common whistle type in half of the animals. Some species of birds, bats, and primates with stable social groups use vocal learning to converge over time to one common group distinctive call type. We examined whistle similarity between adult male dolphins that are partners in a close social alliance in order to test whether vocal learning may enable a similar vocal convergence. Whistle similarity was rated very high between partners and low between non-partners by both the quantitative technique and human observers. This suggests that as in songbirds and some other mammals, adult male bottlenose dolphins may use vocal learning to converge on similar whistles as they develop affiliative social relationships.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

We examined feeding by larval weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (Bloch and Schneider), in laboratory experiments conducted during the 1991 spawning season. under natural conditions weakfish larval development is ca. 3 wk, and we ran separate experiments with larvae of five different ages (5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 d post-hatching). We used two different size classes of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) and brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia sp.) as prey organisms. Contrary to results of previous research, weakfish larvae did not select prey based on size alone. When prey abundance was above 100 itemsl-1 weakfish, larvae always chose large rotifers (length = 216 m) over small rotifers (length = 160 m). At 11 d post-hatching, larvae switched their diet from large rotifers to small brine shrimp nauplii (length = 449 m); however, when fed small rotifers and small brine shrimp nauplii the change in diet occurred at 14 d post-hatching. This pattern of selectivity was maintained in each larval age class. Early-stage larvae (5 and 8 d post-hatching) did not feed selectively when prey abundance was less than 100 itemsl-1. Late-stage larvae (17 d post-hatching) fed selectively at abundances ranging from 10 to 10000 items-1. Lwimming speeds of prey items, which ranged from 1 to 6 mms-1, had no consistent effect on prey selection. These results suggest that weakfish larvae are able to feed selectively, that selectivity changes as larvae age, and that selectivity is also influenced by prey abundance.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the burrowing amphiurid Ophiophragmus filograneus from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) exhibit a growth pattern unreported in the ophiuroid literature. Two nonadjacent arms grow at a greater rate than the other three arms. This phenomenon might be a developmental adaptation to avoid salinity and temperature fluctuations in surface waters of the shallow-water environment which O. filograneus inhabits. It is proposed that concentration of growth into 2 of the 5 arms permits earlier descent of the disc into the substratum with continued ability to feed on the surface with the arm tips. Larger specimens show a gradual equalization of arm lengths. Changes in growth rates and cropping of the longer arms by breakage and predation might account for such eventual equalization.  相似文献   

Twenty stomiatoid fish larvae (3.1 to 21,9 mm) belonging to the genera Bathophilus, Cyclothone, and Stomias were collected in plankton nets from surface waters over depths of 3 to 4 m from Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA. The adults are mesopelagic in the open water of the Florida Current and, therefore, these larvae were presumably advected in parcels of high salinity water into the shallows of Biscayne Bay by winds, tides, or currents. The presence of these larvae suggest that sewage discharged into the Florida Current may be recycling into coastal waters as well as into Biscayne Bay.Scientific Contribution No. 1403, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. The support of Environmental Protection Agency Contract FW QA 18050 DIU, Water Quality Office, Division of Water Quality Research is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Flexible time budgets allow individual animals to buffer the effects of variable food availability by allocating more time to foraging when food density decreases. This trait should be especially important for marine predators that forage on patchy and ephemeral food resources. We examined flexible time allocation by a long-lived marine predator, the Common Murre (Uria aalge), using data collected in a five-year study at three colonies in Alaska (USA) with contrasting environmental conditions. Annual hydroacoustic surveys revealed an order-of-magnitude variation in food density among the 15 colony-years of study. We used data on parental time budgets and local prey density to test predictions from two hypotheses: Hypothesis A, the colony attendance of seabirds varies nonlinearly with food density; and Hypothesis B, flexible time allocation of parent murres buffers chicks against variable food availability. Hypothesis A was supported; colony attendance by murres was positively correlated with food over a limited range of poor-to-moderate food densities, but independent of food over a broader range of higher densities. This is the first empirical evidence for a nonlinear response of a marine predator's time budget to changes in prey density. Predictions from Hypothesis B were largely supported: (1) chick-feeding rates were fairly constant over a wide range of densities and only dropped below 3.5 meals per day at the low end of prey density, and (2) there was a nonlinear relationship between chick-feeding rates and time spent at the colony, with chick-feeding rates only declining after time at the colony by the nonbrooding parent was reduced to a minimum. The ability of parents to adjust their foraging time by more than 2 h/d explains why they were able to maintain chick-feeding rates of more than 3.5 meals/d across a 10-fold range in local food density.  相似文献   

Unpredictable inter-annual variations in the timing, spatial extent and intensity of the sardine run (Sardinops sagax) have been documented in recent years along the coastline of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This study aimed to determine whether variations in the availability of sardine were reflected in the diet and condition of common dolphins (Delphinus capensis) over the past three decades. Stomach contents from 95 common dolphins incidentally caught between 2000 and 2009 were analysed and compared to historical data collected between 1972 and 1992. A shift in the principal prey species consumed by the dolphins was observed over the past 30 years. Prior to 1992, sardine comprised up to 49 % of the total stomach contents by mass, whilst chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) was the dominant prey recorded in the stomach contents between 2000 and 2009 (66 %). As common dolphins prey on locally abundant fish species, this dietary shift may indicate changes in the availability of the most abundant fish prey. Stable isotope analyses of tooth tissue revealed no significant changes in the δ15N and δ13C isotopic ratios over the past three decades (P = 0.283 for N and P = 0.922 for C). Blubber thickness as a percentage of body length and blubber weight as a percentage of total body weight were assessed as indicators of animal condition. No significant changes in proportional blubber weight or blubber thickness were seen over the last 40 years (1970–2009) for all age cohorts. This species appears to be well adapted to cope with changes in prey species availability, without impacting on body condition.  相似文献   

A 14-month study was carried out to determine the impact of kraft-mill effluents on the offshore benthic macrophyte distribution in a shallow north Florida Bay (USA). A polluted river drainage system was compared to an adjoining (unpolluted) one. The affected area was characterized by elevated levels of color and turbidity. Inshore areas associated with high levels of KME were characterized by severely reduced benthic macrophyte biomass, reduced numbers of species/unit area, and altered species composition when compared to control stations. Areas of chronic impact also had reduced levels of biomass, although the total number of species taken were not significantly different from the controls. In polluted areas, red and brown algae were proportionately more abundant than chlorophytes and spermatophytes. Dominance generally was reduced in areas of the Bay affected by KME. Except for areas of acute impact, there was no significant difference in species diversity (H) between polluted and unpolluted portions of the Bay. There were uniform increases in the total number of species on either side of the affected drainage system. Such areas were considered to be transition zones between the polluted and unpolluted parts of Apalachee Bay. Benthic macrophyte distribution, in terms of biomass and species (community) composition, was considered an important indicator of the impact of KME on the shallow coastal systems in question. The pattern of macrophyte species composition reflected various water-quality parameters. Species normally inhabiting deeper water were found in areas of increased turbidity and color. It was postulated that reduction of normal dominants such as Thalassia testudinum and Halimeda incrassata allowed the colonization of such areas by opportunistic species. This would explain the maintenance of comparable (total) numbers of species in polluted areas and the lack of effect of KME on species diversity even though biomass was severely restricted. These parameters were analogous to the epibenthic fish distribution in the respective drainage areas. Near-shore coastal systems in Apalachee Bay thus were affected by gradients in water quality in addition to natural (seasonal) fluctuations in key physical and chemical parameters. The benthic plant assemblages reflected variations in dominance, the occurrence of opportunistic species, and ecological diversity that resulted in a continuum of disturbance phenomena ranging from sparsely distributed groups in grossly polluted systems to well developed plant assemblages in areas that remain unaffected by KME.  相似文献   

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