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产业园区是一个协同实现经济效益和环境效益的重要单元,同时也是重点碳排放源,其转型和发展对实现国家和地区的低碳战略起到关键作用。碳排放核算方法影响园区碳排放水平的评估,是制定有效碳减排策略的基础。产业园区碳排放核算需要明确核算对象、核算结果表征和核算范围。本研究首先界定核算对象,辨析"二氧化碳量"与"二氧化碳当量"两种表征方式,认为二氧化碳量可以反映产业园区能源结构,而二氧化碳当量则能够量化园区的不同排放过程和环境效应。同时,从价值链角度出发,将园区碳排放核算划分为三个Scope,分别反映园区直接排放和上下游关联企业的间接排放。然后,从排放活动和部门关联出发,分析三种典型碳排放核算方法(清单分析法、投入产出分析和生态网络分析),进一步划分为流量分析模式和结构分析模式。流量分析模式主要从排放量角度对园区内部及其上下游产业链相关的碳排放活动进行核算;结构分析模式则聚焦园区相关碳排放部门和价值链的组织形式,从投入产出或者网络关联角度开展分析。研究发现清单分析法可以自下而上量化产业园区碳排放活动的流量,投入产出法则自上而下揭示碳排放单元的直接和间接流量以及平行结构,而生态网络分析则采用混合式核算模式刻画碳排放单元之间的网状关联结构。最后,本研究初步提出了产业园区碳排放核算方法的研究框架,力求提高排放因子精度,改进核算模式和建立动态核算模型,对碳排放总量和结构进行预测,从而实现产业园区的低碳发展。  相似文献   

Based on the China high resolution emission gridded data (1 km spatial resolution), this article is aimed to create a Chinese city carbon dioxide (CO2) emission data set using consolidated data sources as well as normalized and standardized data processing methods. Standard methods were used to calculate city CO2 emissions, including scope 1 and scope 2. Cities with higher CO2 emissions are mostly in north, northeast, and eastern coastal areas. Cities with lower CO2 emissions are in the western region. Cites with higher CO2 emissions are clustered in the Jing-Jin-Ji Region (such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan), and the Yangtze River Delta region (such as Shanghai and Suzhou). The city per capita CO2 emission is larger in the north than the south. There are obvious aggregations of cities with high per capita CO2 emission in the north. Four cities among the top 10 per capita emissions (Erdos, Wuhai, Shizuishan, and Yinchuan) cluster in the main coal production areas of northern China. This indicates the significant impact of coal resources endowment on city industry and CO2 emissions. The majority (77%) of cities have annual CO2 emissions below 50 million tons. The mean annual emission, among all cities, is 37 million tons. Emissions from service-based cities, which include the smallest number of cities, are the highest. Industrial cities are the largest category and the emission distribution from these cities is close to the normal distribution. Emissions and degree of dispersion, in the other cities (excluding industrial cities and service-based cities), are in the lowest level. Per capita CO2 emissions in these cities are generally below 20 t/person (89%) with a mean value of 11 t/person. The distribution interval of per capita CO2 emission within industrial cities is the largest among the three city categories. This indicates greater differences among per capita CO2 emissions of industrial cities. The distribution interval of per capita CO2 emission of other cities is the lowest, indicating smaller differences of per capita CO2 emissions among this city category. Three policy suggestions are proposed: first, city CO2 emission inventory data in China should be increased, especially for prefecture level cities. Second, city responsibility for emission reduction, and partitioning the national goal should be established, using a bottom-up approach based on specific CO2 emission levels and potential for emission reductions in each city. Third, comparative and benchmarking research on city CO2 emissions should be conducted, and a Top Runner system of city CO2 emission reduction should be established.  相似文献   

Behavior of Po in fresh waters was examined in laboratory culture experiments using fresh water collected from a small pool, Xi river and Xiqing lake, showing formation of volatile Po compounds followed by emission to air. Addition of tryptone to the fresh water cultures increased the emission of Po considerably along with a growth of microorganisms, suggesting a connection of chemoheterotrophs to Po emission. Participation of photoautotrophs was also considered because Po emission was increased when NaHCO3 was added to the fresh water cultures. The emission behavior of Po and S in these experiments appeared in different ways. The quantity of Po emitted was comparable to the previous culture experiments (Momoshima, Song, Osaki & Maeda, Environ. Sci. Technol., 35, 2956-2960, 2001) in which artificial culture medium containing 3% NaCl was used and inoculated with sea sediment extract. The biological support for Po emission, thus, would be a general phenomenon in fresh water as well as a seawater environment and is possibly a source for atmospheric Po.  相似文献   

Databases have been compiled to derive parameter values relevant to the transfer of radionuclides from feedstuffs to domestic animal products to provide a revision to the IAEA Handbook on transfer parameters TRS 364. Significant new data inputs have been incorporated into the databases from an extensive review of Russian language information and inclusion of data published since the early 1990s. Fractional gastrointestinal absorption in adult ruminants presented in the revised handbook are generally similar to those recommended for adult humans by the ICRP. Transfer coefficient values are presented in the handbook for a range of radionuclides to farm animal products. For most animal products, transfer coefficient values for elements additional to those in TRS 364 are provided although many data gaps remain. Transfer coefficients generally vary between species with larger species having lower values than smaller species. It has been suggested that the difference is partly due to the inclusion of dietary dry matter intake in the estimation of transfer coefficient and that whilst dietary intake increases with size nutrient concentrations do not. An alternative approach to quantifying transfer by using concentration ratios (CR), which do not consider dietary intake, has been evaluated. CR values compiled for the handbook vary considerably less between species than transfer coefficient values. The advantage of the CR approach is that values derived for one species could be applied to species for which there are no data. However, transfer coefficients will continue to be used as few studies currently report CR values or give data from which they can be estimated.  相似文献   

The presence of erm genes was investigated among macrolide-resistant Gram-positive bacteria isolated from soil samples collected from four Danish farms that had been treated with animal waste. Soil samples were collected before, a few days after spread and 1 1/2 months and 5 months later. In 33% (9/27) of these isolates, an erm gene was detected using PCR. Eight isolates were positive for erm(B) and one isolate was positive for erm(C). No isolates contained erm(A), erm(D) or erm(F). The positive isolates were identified to genus level. Two erm(B) positive isolates were identified as Enterococcus spp., and the erm(C)-positive isolate as a Streptococcus spp., probably indicating survival from animal waste. The remaining six erm(B) positive isolates all belonged to the Bacillus cereus group. The erm(B) gene has not previously been identified in B. cereus but is frequently found among enterococci. This result could indicate horizontal transfer from bacteria of animal origin to indigenous soil bacteria.  相似文献   

The various options for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant exhaust gases are reviewed. An absorption-stripping system using amine solutions and dissolution of gaseous CO2 into deep ocean waters is a feasible choice with a marginal cost of electricity below 15%.  相似文献   

PAH emission from the incineration of three plastic wastes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A batch-type, controlled-air incinerator was used for the treatment of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polypropylene (PP) plastic wastes. The concentration and composition of 21 individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the raw wastes, flue gas (gas and particle phases), and ash were determined. Stack flue-gas samples were collected by a PAH stack-sampling system. Twenty-one individual PAHs were analyzed primarily by a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The CO concentration correlated well with the total PAH (R2 > .89), and thus can be used as a surrogate indicator for PAH emission. Excess amounts of air supply in the incineration of plastic wastes could decrease not only the concentration of the PAHs in the bottom ash but also the emission factor (EF) of the total PAH in the stack flue gas. Of the three plastic wastes, HDPE was found to have the highest mean EF of the total PAHs (462.3 mg/kg waste) from the stack flue gas. Incinerating PVC would result in a higher EF of PAHs (195.4 mg/kg waste) in the bottom ash. When PVC plastic wastes were incinerated, higher-ringed PAHs constituted a larger percentage in the bottom ash as compared to those from PP and HDPE plastics. By judging the output and input (O/I) ratio of the PAHs from the incineration trials of plastic wastes, the PAHs involved in incineration of three plastic wastes were almost entirely destroyed; and a low residual amount between 0.00018 and 0.00032 remained in the emission.  相似文献   

Indoor pesticide exposure is a growing concern, particularly for pyrethroids, a commonly used class of pesticides. Pyrethroid concentrations may be especially high in homes of immigrant farm worker families, who often live in close proximity to agricultural fields and are faced with poor housing conditions, potentially causing high pest infestation and pesticide use. We investigate levels of pyrethroids in the house dust of farm worker family homes in a study of mothers and children living in Mendota, CA, within the population-based Mexican Immigration to California: Agricultural Safety and Acculturation (MICASA) Study. We present pesticide use data and levels of pyrethroid pesticides in indoor dust collected in 2009 as measured by questionnaires and a GC/MS analysis of the pyrethroids cis- and trans-permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate and resmethrin in single dust samples collected from 55 households. Cis- and trans-permethrin had the highest detection frequencies at 67%, with median concentrations of 244 and 172 ng/g dust, respectively. Cypermethrin was detected in 52% of the homes and had a median concentration of 186 ng/g dust. Esfenvalerate, resmethrin and deltamethrin were detected in less than half the samples. We compared the pyrethroid concentrations found in our study to other studies looking at both rural and urban homes and daycares. Lower detection frequencies and/or lower median concentrations of cis- and trans-permethrin and cypermethrin were observed in our study as compared to those studies. However, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate and resmethrin were detected more frequently in the house dust from our study than in the other studies. Because households whose children had higher urinary pyrethroid metabolite levels were more likely to be analyzed in this study, a positive bias in our estimates of household pyrethroid levels may be expected. A positive association was observed with reported outdoor pesticide use and cypermethrin levels found in the indoor dust samples (rs = 0.28, p = 0.0450). There was also a positive association seen with summed pyrethroid levels in house dust and the results of a pesticide inventory conducted by field staff (rs = 0.32, p = 0.018), a potentially useful predictor of pesticide exposure in farm worker family homes. Further research is warranted to fully investigate the utility of such a measure.  相似文献   

The development of methods and strategies to reduce the emission of methane from paddy fields is a central component of ongoing efforts to protect the Earth's atmosphere and to avert a possible climate change. It appears from this investigation that there can be more than one strategy to contain methane emission from paddy fields, which are thought to be a major source of methane emission in tropical Asia. Promising among the mitigating options may be water management, organic amendments, fertilizer application and selection of rice cultivars. It is always better to adopt multi-pronged strategies to contain CH4 efflux from rice wetlands. Use of fermented manures with low C/N ratio, application of sulfate-containing chemical fertilizers, selection of low CH4 emitting rice cultivars, and implementation of one or two short aeration periods before the heading stage can be effective options to minimize CH4 emission from paddy fields. Among these strategies, water management, which appears to be the best cost-effective and eco-friendly way for methane mitigation, is only possible when excess water is available for reflooding after short soil drying at the right timing and stage. However, in tropical Asia, rice fields are naturally flooded during the monsoonal rainy season and fully controlled drainage is often impossible. In such situation, water deficits during the vegetative and reproductive stage may drastically affect the rice yields. Thus, care must be taken to mitigate methane emission without affecting rice yields.  相似文献   

Human impacts on methane emission from mangrove ecosystems in India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study deals with the emission of methane in relation to changing environmental conditions and human impact, in three mangrove ecosystems of south India. Time-varying fluxes of methane adopting the close chamber technique were used to estimate CH4 emission from an unpolluted site (Pichavaram mangroves) and two polluted sites viz. (1) Ennore Creek mangroves (affected by fertilizer effluents and crude oil discharges) and (2) Adyar estuary mangroves (affected by the discharges of organic and industrial wastes), covering monthly and seasonal variations. The results indicate annual average CH4 emissions of 7.4, 5.02 and 15.4 mg m−2 h−1 from the sediment–water interface of the Pichavaram, Ennore Creek and Adyar estuary respectively. Emission characteristics obtained at Pichavaram mangroves represent a natural variability with changing physico-chemical factors, whereas the emission characteristics at Ennore Creek and Adyar estuary mangroves show anthropogenic influence. Several environmental factors such as oxygen availability, organic matter, soil physical and chemical properties, in addition to human-mediated interventions have been identified as influencing emission rates in the mangrove ecosystems. Preliminary CH4 emission estimates for the mangrove ecosystems along the Indian sub- continent and the tropical and subtropical coastline of the world by linear extrapolation based on surface area range from 0.05 to 0.37 and 2.8 to 19.25 Tg CH4 year−1 respectively. Our results also highlight the impact of human activities on future emission of methane from the mangrove ecosystems. Received: 3 March 1999 / Accepted: 14 September 1999  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that residential exposure to livestock odors can affect the health and wellbeing of rural citizens. However, exposure–response models for this relationship have not been developed. One of the main challenges is to identify a compound that can be used as proxy for livestock odor exposure. In this paper we developed models that describe the relationship between long-term averaged outdoor residential ammonia (NH3) exposures and livestock odor annoyance experienced by rural residents, and investigated person-related variables associated with annoyance responses. We used emission-based atmospheric dispersion modeling data to estimate household-specific outdoor concentrations and survey data to characterize the study subjects. Binomial and multinomial logistic regressions were used for model development. Residential NH3 exposure was positively associated with moderate, high and extreme odor annoyance (adjusted odds ratio = 10.59; 95% confidence interval: 1.35–83.13, for each unit increase in LogeNH3 exposure). Specific characteristics of the exposed subjects (i.e., age, time per week spent at home, presence of children at home and job) act as co-determinants of odor annoyance responses. Predictive models showed classification accuracies of 67–72%. The results suggest that NH3 exposure in the residential outdoor environment can be used as a predictor of livestock odor annoyance in population studies.  相似文献   

气候变化问题已被公认为是全球范围内可持续发展面临的最大威胁,碳泄漏问题是目前气候变化领域的一个热点问题.欧盟等以存在碳泄漏为由欲对非减排国家征收碳关税.在此背景下,本文对碳泄漏问题进行理论分析和实证研究.理论分析认为,碳泄漏有三个主要渠道:化石能源的国际贸易、碳密集型产品的国际贸易和能源密集型产业的国际转移,其中,碳密集型产品的国际贸易一直是争论的核心.在此基础上,本文从碳密集型产品的国际贸易角度对中国与欧盟之间碳泄漏问题进行了实证研究.本文选取钢铁、有色金属、水泥、化肥、玻璃和玻璃制品、纸张和纸制品六个碳密集型产业为研究对象,以中国与欧盟碳密集型产品的进出口比率作为指标,考察欧盟实施温室气体减排措施(1992年)以来该指标的变化趋势,以确定中国与欧盟之间是否发生了碳泄漏以及程度如何.研究结果表明,中国与欧盟之间可能并未发生碳泄漏,或者即使发生了碳泄漏,其程度也很微弱,不足以成为欧盟征收碳关税的理由.  相似文献   

Particulate and gaseous emissions from indoor combustion appliances and smoking can elevate the indoor concentrations of various pollutants. Indoor pollutant concentrations resulting from operating one of several combustion appliances, or from sidestream tobacco smoke, were measured in a 27-m3 environmental chamber under varying ventilation rates. The combustion appliances investigated were gas-fired cooking stoves, unvented kerosene-fired space heaters, and unvented natural-gas-fired space heaters. Results showed elevated levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, and suspended particles from one or more of the pollutant sources investigated. Our findings suggest that, of the sources examined in this study, nitrogen dioxide from combustion appliances and particles from sidestream cigarette smoke are the most serious contaminants of indoor air, if we use existing standards and guidelines as the criteria. An emission rate model was used to quantify the strengths of the pollutant sources, which are reported in terms of the mass of pollutant emitted per energy unit of fuel consumed (in the case of gas and kerosene appliances) and per mass of tobacco combusted (in the case of smoking).  相似文献   

本文运用IPCC的二氧化碳排放量测算方法,在省际层面测度了我国家庭部门直接能源消费碳排放,并基于扩展的STIRPAT和Kaya模型,构建家庭部门直接能源消费碳排放影响因子动态面板数据模型,对我国2003-2012年分省面板数据样本及城乡子样本进行系统GMM估计。本文研究表明,第一,我国城乡家庭部门碳排放总量和人均碳排放在近十年都呈快速上升趋势,家庭部门碳排放的空间分布具有明显的地域差异特征,高碳排放地区主要集中在东、中部地区,西部地区的碳排放水平较低;第二,城乡家庭部门生活能源消费的上期碳排放量对本期碳排放产生重要的正向影响,这反映出我国家庭部门碳排放具有显著的惯性特征和路径依赖性,是一种动态自适应机制;人口规模、居民消费水平、能源消费结构、碳排放强度、能源消费强度和城镇化因素,都对我国居民能源消费碳排放总量及人均碳排放具有显著的影响,城乡之间的家庭能源消费碳排放驱动因素存在差异。本文研究得到如下启示及政策含义:家庭部门碳减排将是一个有步骤、分区域的渐进过程,我国碳减排政策应当兼顾消费升级和碳排放的双重目标,努力构建分层次碳减排的适应性预期机制。具体而言,一方面应着眼于引导和激励居民低碳消费,缓解人口规模增加、消费水平提升和城镇化对家庭部门碳减排的压力;另一方面要通过能源价格改革、财政政策和环境规制政策等优化我国能源消费结构,不断降低煤炭消费比重,提高清洁能源的消费。同时,通过技术创新、设备改造等科技手段提高煤炭利用效率,降低碳排放强度,这些政策将更有利于城镇家庭部门碳减排。  相似文献   

中国人口结构对碳排放量影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人口结构角度探讨碳排放问题,有利于正确判断和把握影响碳排放量的人口因素,有的放矢地制定碳减排政策,应对我国经济发展方式的转变有着重要的理论和现实意义.本文利用我国1995-2007年碳排放量、人口总数、人口的城市化率、老龄化率和反映人口消费结构的恩格尔系数第二产业从业人口比重等时间序列数据,运用协整理论、格兰杰因果检验和多元回归模型作为分析工具,对我国人口结构与碳排放量之间的关系做了实证分析.结果发现:①1995-2007年间,人口结构中的人口城市化率、人口的消费结构、第二产业从业人口比重对碳排放量均存在正向影响,而人口规模对碳排放量的影响在模型中却表现为负效应;②相对于人口规模,人口的结构特征对碳排放量的影响越来越大,其中人口的城市化率对碳排放量的正向影响最大,说明中国的碳排放量与城市化的进程存在着密切关系;③人口的老龄化对二氧化碳排放量具有负效应,人口老龄化的加快对长期碳排放有抑制作用,所以在未来实现碳减排会逐渐成为可能.最后,针对分析结果,探讨了未来我国的碳减排策略,以期能有效地控制人口因素对我国碳排放增长的影响.  相似文献   

由于以城镇化为重点的经济发展被视为对外直接投资的基本条件,且城镇化、跨国投资的碳排放效应在现有文献中已被证实,构建包含以上三者的一体化分析框架是本文的主要目标。在我国新型城镇化发展背景下,研究如何更好通过"走出去"来实现城镇碳减排和经济集约化发展,具有必要性和现实意义。基于此,本文采用2003—2012年间中国30个省份的面板数据,在探讨各城镇化阶段对外直接投资影响母国碳排放发生机制的基础上,通过构建城镇化面板门槛模型和碳排放拓展模型,对中国城镇化进程中对外直接投资的碳排放效应的阶段性差异及其产生原因进行实证分析。研究表明,对外直接投资的碳排放效应存在城镇化率门槛值的制约,处于中高城镇化阶段的地区通过对外直接投资降低城镇碳排放水平的效果较之于处于低城镇化阶段的地区更为显著。具体看来,在中游城镇化率区段,对外直接投资能实现过剩产能输出和产业链升级,规模效应和结构效应构成了对外直接投资的碳排放效应的传导路径;在高度城镇化率区段,对外直接投资能实现污染密集型产业输出和技术溢出,规模效应和技术效应则构成了对外直接投资的碳排放效应的传导路径。进一步对城镇化集聚成本门槛效应分析发现,对外直接投资的规模效应、结构效应和技术效应分别是高度城镇化人口拥挤成本、竞争加剧成本和环境治理成本阶段的碳排放水平下降的主要原因。这意味着,要想充分发挥对外直接投资对碳减排的作用,城镇化率较高的地区尤其需要"因势利导"加快传统产业资本输出,优化资源配置和推动结构升级,实施创新驱动发展战略。同时,城镇化率较低的地区则应在工业化过程中,注意避免沦为高碳产业资本的污染"避难所"。  相似文献   

Since arsenic is a significant compound of ores processed in the nonferrous metals industry, it is of interest to characterize and evaluate control strategies which have demonstrated the potential for lowering the emission rates of arsenic and other hazardous effluents from smelter operations. The Campbell Red Lake Mines Gold Smelter at Balmerton, Ontario, Canada, has developed and implemented a successful control strategy for arsenic emissions from a nonferrous smelting operation. The control system was designed and installed by Hatch Associates, Toronto, Canada. The Red Lake smelter uses cyclones and a hot electrostatic precipitator to recover metal values from roaster dusts with subsequent air quenching to condense (or desublime) arsenic trioxide which is recovered in a low-temperature baghouse. This paper is a review of a test program conducted at Red Lake designed to characterize the control systems and to evaluate the potential for transferring the technology to smelting operations in the United States.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization (N) is commonly known as a main source of direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from agricultural soils. An area of 38 % of the total land surface of Poland was covered by agricultural soils in 2009. In this paper, we aimed at analyzing data regarding the land exploitation for 13 selected subareas of Poland between 1960 and 2009. Seven out of the 13 subareas studied are located in the West (area A), and six subareas are located in southeast of Poland (area B). The total area covered by large farms (>20 ha) differed largely, between area A (10.6 %) and area B (0.9 %) in 2009. Both areas varied in terms of the amount of fertilizers used annually, average crop yield and crop structure. Average direct emissions of N2O from agricultural soils were 1.66 ± 0.09 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 for area A, 1.39 ± 0.07 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 for area B and 1.46 ± 0.07 kg N2O–N ha?1 a?1 for the whole country between 1960 and 2009.  相似文献   

昆明交通运输碳排放特征与问题解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通运输作为能源消耗重点领域,其二氧化碳排放对温室效应的贡献日益增大。针对昆明交通发展现状,根据IPCC国家温室气体排放计算清单指南,研究和修正昆明本地碳排放系数,估算昆明交通领域能源消耗及碳排放现状。目前,昆明交通运输存在问题是:交通运输以公路方式为主;交通能源消耗结构单一,碳排放以公路机动车为主;交通运输碳排放总量持续上升,人均碳排放量稳定增长;交通管理和保障系统不健全,现代交通意识薄弱。通过首次开展的昆明交通运输碳排放调查,将为昆明低碳交通、低碳城市建设提供数据支撑及合理化建议。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the data made available during the last decade on the subject of emission levels of wastewaters and solid residuals from the petroleum refininf industry. The data for both traditional and priority pollutants from a number of studies are considered. Specific organic compounds which are not traditional pollutants and are not on the priority pollutant list are presented for some cases. A discussion of accuracy, precision, variance, and some causes of variance is presented. Types of wastewater and residual samples for which data are presented include raw waste loadings from Class A through E refineries, loadings of various pollutants across several process units such as dissolved air flotation, activated sludge processes, carbon columns (powdered and granular), and clarifiers, and oily solids (tank bottoms, crude oil, bunker C, and waxy product).  相似文献   

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