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Lerche D  Sørensen PB 《Chemosphere》2003,53(8):981-992
Partial order theory and Hasse diagrams appears to be a promising tool for decision-making in environmental issues. Alternatives or objects are said to be partial ordered when it is impossible to find a mutual relationship (< or >) for all criteria. This is often the case in complicated real life situations. However, sometimes it is attractive to apply a total order, i.e. linear rank, and not just the partial order. Based on ranking probabilities and linear extensions it is possible to derive a total order. A linear extension is a projection of the partial order into a total order that comply with all the relations in the partial order. When all linear extensions are known the ranking probabilities can be found as the probability for an object to occupy a specific rank. However, the total number of linear extensions is proportional with the faculty of the number of objects in the partial order. Therefore it is practically impossible to identify all possible linear extensions for partial orders with more than around 20 objects. This study reviews and evaluates a method which estimates the ranking probability based on sampling of a minor random fraction of the linear extensions. Using standard statistics the necessary number of random linear extensions is described as a function of the ranking probability estimate and the restrictions on the confidence interval around the ranking probability. The analysis reveals a smaller systematic uncertainty, which occurs due to the random selection of ranking between two incomparable objects. The discrepancy appears to be dependent on the structure of the partial order. The method using random linear extensions thus appears as a valuable tool for analysing larger partially ordered sets, which are practically impossible to handle using the total set of linear extensions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM, AND SCOPE: Asymmetrical convective non-local scheme (CON) with varying upward mixing rates is developed for simulation of vertical turbulent mixing in the convective boundary layer in air quality and chemical transport models. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The upward mixing rate form the surface layer is parameterized using the sensible heat flux and the friction and convective velocities. Upward mixing rates varying with height are scaled with an amount of turbulent kinetic energy in layer, while the downward mixing rates are derived from mass conservation. RESULTS: This scheme provides a less rapid mass transport out of surface layer into other layers than other asymmetrical convective mixing schemes. DISCUSSION: In this paper, we studied the performance of a nonlocal convective mixing scheme with varying upward mixing in the atmospheric boundary layer and its impact on the concentration of pollutants calculated with chemical and air-quality models. This scheme was additionally compared versus a local eddy-diffusivity scheme (KSC). Simulated concentrations of NO(2) and the nitrate wet deposition by the CON scheme are closer to the observations when compared to those obtained from using the KSC scheme. CONCLUSIONS: Concentrations calculated with the CON scheme are in general higher and closer to the observations than those obtained by the KSC scheme (of the order of 15-20%). Nitrate wet deposition calculated with the CON scheme are in general higher and closer to the observations than those obtained by the KSC scheme. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: To examine the performance of the scheme, simulated and measured concentrations of a pollutant (NO(2)) and nitrate wet deposition was compared for the year 2002. The comparison was made for the whole domain used in simulations performed by the chemical European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Unified model (version UNI-ACID, rv2.0) where schemes were incorporated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was an experimental investigation and a statistical evaluation of the influence of various additives in feed mixtures of broiler chickens on fatty acids content and their ratio in breast and thigh muscles. First feed additive consisted of narasin, nicarbasin and salinomycin sodium, and other five additives were of phytogenic origin. In vivo experiment was realized on the poultry experimental station with deep litter breeding system. A total of 300 one-day-old hybrid chickens Cobb 500 divided into six groups were used for the experiment. The experimental period was divided into four phases, i.e. Starter, Grower 1, Grower 2 and Final, according to the application of commercial feed mixture of soy cereal type. Additive substances used in feed mixtures were different for each group. Basic feed mixtures were equal for all groups. Fatty acid profile of breast and thigh muscles was measured by the method of FT IR Nicolet 6700. Investigated additive substances in the feed mixtures did not have statistically significant effect on fatty acid content and omega-6/omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio in breast and thigh muscles. Strong statistically significant relation between omega-6 PUFAs and total PUFAs were proved by experiment. A relation between omega-3 PUFAs and total PUFAs was found only in the group with Biocitro additive.  相似文献   

Standardized test protocols are used in the regulatory context for identifying the hazardous properties of chemicals, wastes, and contaminated materials. This paper compares the relevance of two guidelines measuring effects on terrestrial plants, the OECD TG 208 and the ISO TG 22030 and presents the scientific basis for a recent decision of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) under the European chemicals regulation REACH. If there are no specific phytotoxicity alerts, both guidelines are considered suitable for assessing long-term hazards, providing that a sufficient number of species is included in the OECD protocol, the recommended minimum number is six, which offer a reasonably broad selection of species to account for interspecies sensitivity. The proposed methodology, based on a combination of probabilistic assessments using Monte Carlo analysis, can be adapted for supporting similar decisions under specific regulatory processes; for example, for assessing contaminated soils or pesticides’ applications.  相似文献   

Wichmann H  Kolb M  Jopke P  Schmidt C  Alawi M  Bahadir M 《Chemosphere》2006,65(10):1778-1783
Two different waste disposal sites in Jordan were investigated in order to determine the environmental situation in context with waste disposal techniques. One landfill, located at Marka/Amman, had been closed about 25 years ago and covered with soil. Here, the waste had been actively open combusted and openings in the cover, still emitting smoke, indicated that waste was still smoldering inside the landfill's body. The second disposal site close to Ekeeder/Irbid is still operated. On this ground, the solid waste is not intentionally burned, although spontaneous fires frequently come up. Samples of waste, soil, and entrained dust were collected and analyzed. From the solid samples, respectively, their eluates, sum parameters, ecotoxicological effects as well as contents of elements/heavy metals and organic pollutants (PAH, PCDD/F) were determined. In general, the Ekeeder-samples were low-contaminated. The investigation of the Marka-samples showed higher contamination of the site's center, clearly being influenced by combustion processes. A significant contamination of the landfill's vicinity by its emissions could not be derived from the analytical data. Ecotoxicological investigations, applying a bio-test battery, revealed correlations with the sum parameters but not with the trace pollutants. Thus, the Marka-samples with the highest measured values of sum parameters caused adverse effects on three different test species, whereas other samples from Marka and Ekeeder had small or no effects. The results of these investigations depict the influence of different disposal techniques on the contamination situation of a landfill and they shall contribute to assess the conditions of other disposal sites in (semi)arid regions.  相似文献   

Toxicity potentials are standard values used in life cycle assessment (LCA) to enable a comparison of toxic impacts between substances. In most cases, toxicity potentials are calculated with multi-media fate models. Until now, unrealistic system settings were used for these calculations. The present paper outlines an improved model to calculate toxicity potentials: the global nested multi-media fate, exposure and effects model USES-LCA. It is based on the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances 2.0 (USES 2.0). USES-LCA was used to calculate for 181 substances toxicity potentials for the six impact categories freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity, freshwater sediment ecotoxicity, marine sediment ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity and human toxicity, after initial emission to the compartments air, freshwater, seawater, industrial soil and agricultural soil, respectively. Differences of several orders of magnitude were found between the new toxicity potentials and those calculated previously.  相似文献   

Guibaud G  Comte S  Bordas F  Dupuy S  Baudu M 《Chemosphere》2005,59(5):629-638
This paper provides information on the metal complexation potential of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), extracted from activated sludges and from eight pure cultures of bacteria isolated from the same activated sludge. The EPS extracted from pure bacteria cultures are mainly composed of proteins and low quantities of polysaccharides and uronic acids in comparison with EPS extracted from activated sludges. The EPS studied present two apparent pK(a) and the IR spectra show the presence of the same functional groups on all the EPS studied. The ability of EPS to complex Cd, Pb and Ni, was studied at pH 7 with Chau and Ruzic's models using polarography titration. All of the EPS exhibited a greater ability to complex Pb than Ni, Cd showing the weakest affinity overall. The EPS extracted from the pure cultures of bacteria were less able to complex the metals than that extracted from activated sludges. Literature data, IR data and EPS phosphorous content, supported by the EPS pK(a), revealed that carboxylic and phosphoric groups may play a major role in binding to metals at pH 7. This study underlines the importance of metal exposure in order for bacteria to secrete or modify EPS. After exposure, the EPS then exhibit the greatest capacity to bind metal in order to protect bacteria from harmful effects of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of xenobiotics requires a comprehensive understanding of their transformation in the environment. As most of the transformation processes usually involve a redox reaction or a hydrolysis as the first steps of the transformation, we applied an approach that uses an electrochemical cell to investigate model “redox” reactions in aqueous solutions for environmental processes. We investigated the degradation of a variety of xenobiotics from polar to nonpolar and analyzed their degradation products by on-line coupling of electrochemistry with mass spectrometry (EC-MS). Furthermore, we evaluated possible binding reactions with regard to the generation of non-extractable residues with some model substances (catechol, phthalic acid, γ-l-Glutamyl-l-cysteinyl-glycine (GSH) and l-histidine) deduced from a natural organic matter (NOM) structure model and identified possible binding-sites.Whereas typically investigations in soil/water-systems have been applied, we used to our knowledge for the first time a bottom-up approach, starting from the chemicals of interest and different model substances for natural organic matter to evaluate chemical binding mechanisms (or processes) in the EC-MS under redox conditions. Under oxidative conditions, bindings of the xenobiotics with catechol, GSH and histidine were found, but no reactions with the model compound phthalic acid were observed. In general, no chemical binding has yet been found under reductive conditions. In some cases (i.e. benzo[a]anthracene) the oxidation product only underwent a binding reaction, whereas the xenobiotic itself did not undergo any reactions.EC-MS is a promising fast and simple screening method to investigate the environmental behavior of xenobiotics and to evaluate the potential risks of newly synthesized substances.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop the technique for mapping the air pollution in cities using measured and computed concentrations. It is based on the combined use of deterministic and stochastic modelling. Two different approaches are applied to extrapolate the measurements to the regular grid points covering the city. The first uses the method of the principal components, and the second is based on optimal interpolation or 'kriging' of meteorological fields. The results of the application of this model for the mapping of air pollution in the city of Pskov, Russia, are given.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of xenobiotics requires a comprehensive understanding of their transformation in the environment. As most of the transformation processes usually involve a redox reaction or a hydrolysis as the first steps of the transformation, we applied an approach that uses an electrochemical cell to investigate model “redox” reactions in aqueous solutions for environmental processes. We investigated the degradation of a variety of xenobiotics from polar to nonpolar and analyzed their degradation products by on-line coupling of electrochemistry with mass spectrometry (EC–MS). Furthermore, we evaluated possible binding reactions with regard to the generation of non-extractable residues with some model substances (catechol, phthalic acid, γ-l-Glutamyl-l-cysteinyl-glycine (GSH) and l-histidine) deduced from a natural organic matter (NOM) structure model and identified possible binding-sites.Whereas typically investigations in soil/water-systems have been applied, we used to our knowledge for the first time a bottom-up approach, starting from the chemicals of interest and different model substances for natural organic matter to evaluate chemical binding mechanisms (or processes) in the EC–MS under redox conditions. Under oxidative conditions, bindings of the xenobiotics with catechol, GSH and histidine were found, but no reactions with the model compound phthalic acid were observed. In general, no chemical binding has yet been found under reductive conditions. In some cases (i.e. benzo[a]anthracene) the oxidation product only underwent a binding reaction, whereas the xenobiotic itself did not undergo any reactions.EC–MS is a promising fast and simple screening method to investigate the environmental behavior of xenobiotics and to evaluate the potential risks of newly synthesized substances.  相似文献   

Traditionally, uncertainty in parameters are represented as probabilistic distributions and incorporated into groundwater flow and contaminant transport models. With the advent of newer uncertainty theories, it is now understood that stochastic methods cannot properly represent non random uncertainties. In the groundwater flow and contaminant transport equations, uncertainty in some parameters may be random, whereas those of others may be non random. The objective of this paper is to develop a fuzzy-stochastic partial differential equation (FSPDE) model to simulate conditions where both random and non random uncertainties are involved in groundwater flow and solute transport. Three potential solution techniques namely, (a) transforming a probability distribution to a possibility distribution (Method I) then a FSPDE becomes a fuzzy partial differential equation (FPDE), (b) transforming a possibility distribution to a probability distribution (Method II) and then a FSPDE becomes a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE), and (c) the combination of Monte Carlo methods and FPDE solution techniques (Method III) are proposed and compared. The effects of these three methods on the predictive results are investigated by using two case studies. The results show that the predictions obtained from Method II is a specific case of that got from Method I. When an exact probabilistic result is needed, Method II is suggested. As the loss or gain of information during a probability–possibility (or vice versa) transformation cannot be quantified, their influences on the predictive results is not known. Thus, Method III should probably be preferred for risk assessments.  相似文献   

The luminescent bacteria test according to EN ISO 11348 is frequently applied in (eco) toxicity testing and is applicable for a huge variety of environmental and industrial samples. A big disadvantage of this method is the very short exposure time, which is expressed in a low sensitivity in regard to substances with a delayed effect. Chronic effects, i.e. interference with cell growth, cannot be assessed with this conventional standard method. The goal of this research was to develop an automated testing system for long term toxicity towards the luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri by implementing microtitration-based instrumentation. The optimized method, hereinafter referred to as “kinetic luminescent bacteria test”, can be described as a miniaturized combination of the conventional short-term luminescence inhibition test according to EN ISO 11348 and the Photobacterium phosphoreum growth inhibition test (DIN 38412-37). The validation procedure included the evaluation of six reference compounds (3,4-Dichloroaniline, 3,5-Dichlorophenol, Chloramphenicol, Streptomycin sulfate, Potassium dichromate, Zinc sulfate heptahydrate) and three different endpoints that are acute luminescence inhibition (acute LI) after 30 min, chronic luminescence inhibition (chronic LI) after 24 h and growth inhibition (GI) after 14 h. The optimized method allows the assessment of acute and chronic effects within one test, by what a misinterpretation of the toxicity of substances with delayed bacterial toxicity can be prevented, without abandoning most of the advantages of the conventional short-term test. Therefore, the kinetic luminescent bacteria test is exceptional as an initial screening test for environmental samples or substances with unknown (eco) toxicological characteristics.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - We investigate the validity of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis for the NAFTA countries. In this investigation, we approach this...  相似文献   

The measurement of diffusive gels in thin films (DGT) has recently been developed to assess metal bioavailability in soils. The DGT-method is based on diffusion in a porous matrix. To test the predictive capabilities of the method with regard to metal bioavailability, a study was set up with 28 soils having a variety of textures and amounts of zinc salts added. Correlation and regression analyses were performed to compare DGT-extracted zinc levels to zinc concentrations obtained by extraction with 0.01 M CaCl(2) and 0.43 M HNO(3), digestion with aqua regia and the zinc concentration in pore water. The amount of zinc extracted with CaCl(2) correlated well with DGT-extracted zinc levels in all soils spiked with different amounts of ZnCl(2). A similar correlation was not found for zinc concentrations in soil samples collected in the field. Experiments were performed to compare zinc content in organisms and in soils. The organisms tested were plants (grass, lettuce and lupine) and the hard bodied soil dwelling isopod Oniscus asellus. Good correlations were found between zinc accumulation in grass and lettuce and the C(E) (effective concentration) measured by a DGT-device, CaCl(2) extracted zinc and the zinc content in the pore water of all soils. The correlation with C(E) was not significant for lupine, neither for spiked soils, nor for field soils (p< or =0.001). Zinc levels in the isopods were not significantly related to any set of zinc measurements. From a synthesis of all results obtained it is concluded that the DGT-methodology does not have an additional value in predicting bioavailability of zinc in terrestrial ecosystems as compared to conventional extraction methods.  相似文献   

Incurred and fortified salinomycin residues were extracted from chicken tissues and eggs by homogenization, vortexing and by microwave assisted extraction. The salinomycin residues were quantitated by liquid chromatography following postcolumn derivatization with either vanillin or 4-dimcthylamino-benzaldehyde and detected at 520 or 592 nm, respectively. Comparison of residue data indicated that microwave assisted extraction performed as well as the vortexing technique in extracting salinomycin residues in the tissues of laying chickens that were fed meal containing drugs at various level. In the present study, extracts from homogenizing could not be analyzed directly without clean up. Therefore, microwave assisted extraction appears to be a reliable, reproducible, and economical substitute for routinely used homogenization and vortexing extraction techniques.  相似文献   


Incurred and fortified salinomycin residues were extracted from chicken tissues and eggs by homogenization, vortexing and by microwave assisted extraction. The salinomycin residues were quantitated by liquid chromatography following postcolumn derivatization with either vanillin or 4-dimethylamino-benzaldehyde and detected at 520 or 592 nm, respectively. Comparison of residue data indicated that microwave assisted extraction performed as well as the vortexing technique in extracting salinomycin residues in the tissues of laying chickens that were fed meal containing drugs at various level. In the present study, extracts from homogenizing could not be analyzed directly without clean up. Therefore, microwave assisted extraction appears to be a reliable, reproducible, and economical substitute for routinely used homogenization and vortexing extraction techniques.  相似文献   

Complaints by the neighbourhood due to odour pollution from livestock farming are increasing. Therefore, some countries have already developed guidelines to address odour from livestock. These guidelines are in use to assess the necessary separation distance between livestock buildings and residential areas such that odour is not felt as an annoyance. In all these guidelines, the separation distance is calculated as a function of the rate of pollution. These are mainly power functions with an exponent between 0.3 and 0.5. The Austrian regulatory dispersion model, a Gauss model, is used to calculate the frequency distribution of the dilution factor for 12 classes of distances between 50 and 500 m downwind from the source. These data were fitted to an extended Weibull distribution of the dilution factor to determine the exponent of the power function describing the separation distance as a function of the emission. The exponent has a value of about 0.72. This result, achieved with a wind and stability statistics representative for the Austrian flatlands north of the Alps, indicates a stronger dependance of the separation distance from the odour emission than suggested by the guidelines.  相似文献   

An experiment combining the use of two ecosystem models was conducted to search for effective protection strategies for the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). Reference and scenario simulations were first run with a one-dimensional (1D) model for seven main basins of the entire Baltic Sea until steady state was achieved. The obtained basinwise distributions of inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), as well as sediment labile P, were then used to initiate 5-y simulations with a three-dimensional (3D) ecosystem model. The results suggest that relatively small local load reductions (the "Finland" scenario) would improve only the state of adjacent coastal waters significantly. This would be the case, even for runs covering several decades, which clearly exceed the residence times of nutrients in the Gulf of Finland. A significant decrease from a substantial loading source to the Gulf (the "St. Petersburg" scenario) would decrease cyanobacterial biomasses in the entire Gulf of Finland and also immediately outside it. A reduction in the current Polish nutrient loads would improve the situation in the whole Baltic Proper and cause an extensive decline in cyanobacterial biomasses in the Gulf of Finland, as well. However, it would take several decades until the improvement caused by reducing loads in the "Poland" scenario is seen, while in the "St. Petersburg" scenario the corresponding time lag would only be a few years. Our results suggest that the common water protection policy in the Baltic Sea region should have the largest nutrient sources as its primary target, regardless of their location and country.  相似文献   

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