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近年来,我国甲藻赤潮和水华经常发生,致使生态系统进一步恶化。根据国内外有关的研究报道,进行了综合评估分析,为在不同环境条件下,相应地采取生物、物理和化学等方法应急处置甲藻赤潮和水华提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,植物化感作用逐渐成为控制藻类暴发的一种新技术。根据国内外的研究成果,着重从水生植物化感作用、化感抑藻物质、应急处置藻类方法、海洋赤潮和淡水水华的应急处置及机理进行评述,并对该技术今后的发展予以展望。  相似文献   

从溢油应急管理体系、溢油应急物资、溢油应急处置技术、溢油综合评估、溢油预测预警和应急决策支持系统等方面,系统梳理了国内外海上溢油应急处置的研究现状,并对溢油应急管理作出展望。提出未来我国应在溢油风险防控、溢油综合应急平台、溢油应急处置和溢油生物修复等方面加强管理和技术研发工作,不断提升我国溢油应急综合能力。  相似文献   

溢油污染处置技术现状分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大规模的海洋溢油常常导致非常严重的环境污染事件和生态灾难,溢油事故应急是世界应急技术领域面临的重大技术难题。文章通过引用典型事故案例和国内事故概况说明了溢油事故的巨大风险及其危害,分析油品入水、扩散、漂移以及着陆四个不同事故演化阶段的污染特征,系统梳理溢油事故应急的物理、化学和生物处置方法,并通过对比各类方法的适用范围和优缺点,总结当前溢油应急处置技术、应急能力以及环境适应性等方面存在的不足,提出加强溢油应急处置能力应该在提高应急装备能力、开发新技术产品、建立全球联动机制等方面加强努力。  相似文献   

介绍了蓝藻病毒噬藻体的分类、命名,论述了蓝藻病毒噬藻体的感染特性,并分析了这类病毒在赤潮和水华生物防治方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

当前,我国土壤污染形势严峻,但尚欠缺专门立法,进行土壤污染防治立法迫在眉睫,势在必行。可在比较借鉴国内外立法经验的基础上,从总则、土壤污染防治的监督管理、各种防治措施、应急处置、严格的法律责任等方面对土壤污染防治进行规制。  相似文献   

以美国历史上最严重的石油污染环境事件———墨西哥湾溢油事件为例,分析研究了事故发生的过程、应急处置措施、对生态的影响、以及事故发生十年后的长期影响和补偿措施。研究结果表明,墨西哥湾溢油事件对整个墨西哥湾北部地区的鱼类、鸟类、底栖生物、珍稀濒危生物等均造成了生物生理、生态层面的长期影响,在采取多项补偿措施后,影响得到削减,但无法完全消除。  相似文献   

正上海市固体废物处置中心(以下简称"固处中心")隶属于上海市城市建设投资开发总公司,为政府投资建设、市场化运营的大型环保企业,是上海市固体废物环境污染防治的集约化处置基地。固处中心具备多项资质:"环境污染设施运营证(工业固体废物甲级)"、"上海市危险废物经营许可证(001号)"、"上海市科技经营证书"、"美国专业环境审计公司CHWMEG公司的废物处置环境资质认证",上海市环保部门授予的"上海市危险废物应急处置指定单位",ISO9001和ISO14001和OHSAS18001管理体系认证,SGS公司认证的中国危险废物处置行业服务认证企业。固处中心拥有雄厚的技术实力和完善的服务网络,可  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展,环境污染事故也呈现出上升的势头,环境污染事故不仅造成了环境危害,而且对人民群众的安全产生了重大威胁。鉴于环境污染事故的多发性、危害性,应急处置显然非常重要,而构建强大的应急处置信息系统有助于应急处置和分析决策的顺利进行。本文分析了环境应急处置需求,提出了建立环境污染应急管理信息系统的设计框架。  相似文献   

针对应急救援队伍在处置油气田勘探开发井喷失控方面的重要作用,文章围绕井喷失控应急救援队伍建设展开分析和论述,阐述应急救援队伍建设的必要性。分析了应急救援队伍建设存在的问题与不足,主要有相关的应急处置预案不完善,应急保障措施不全面、应急救援队伍能力不足,缺乏专业培训且演练流于形式等。在应对井喷失控方面,提出应急救援队伍建设的有效方法和举措,包括加强井喷失控应急救援体系的建设,加强投入、保障应急队伍专业化、安全化,加强井控培训管理体系建设,加强井喷失控专家团队建设,加强井喷失控应急处置团队建设,加强井喷失控应急实战演练等。  相似文献   

秦皇岛近海有害藻华发生特征及防治对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛近海有害藻华主要由微型及微微型藻类引起,产生的主要原因为水体营养盐,其发生时间主要集中在5~9月。结合秦皇岛地域特色,提出有害藻华的防控及应急治理需从政策、法律、机制、预案及方法等几个方面着手,建立科学的预防体系及有效的应急体系。  相似文献   

四川省2010~2019年突发环境事件时空分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东  范龙  王彬洁  石锦  胡鑫 《四川环境》2021,(2):204-207
近年来,四川省高度重视环境应急管理工作,环境应急处置能力不断提升,但环境风险形势依然严峻,突发环境事件时有发生。通过对2010~2019年四川省10年突发环境事件进行统计分析,浅析四川省突发环境事件的规律特点,以期为四川省生态环境风险防控提供科学依据。研究表明,四川省突发环境事件呈现多发高发态势,6~8月为突发环境事件高发期;安全生产事故和交通事故次生的突发环境事件是主要事件类型;成都市和广元市是突发环境事件的高发区域;油类污染物和酸碱类污染物是主要污染物类型;跨界流域突发环境事件发生频率较高。应从流域突发环境事件风险评估、企业环境安全主体责任、环境应急物质储备体系和突发环境事件联防联控等方面加强四川省环境应急管理。  相似文献   

邵玉玲 《四川环境》2022,(1):245-249
湄公河作为亚洲重要的国际河流,也是关系到我国发展的重要河流.由于人为和自然原因,湄公河水质不断恶化,对水资源的安全造成威胁.通过对湄公河沿岸各国关于水污染防治进行探讨分析,流域各国在湄公河水资源开发利用方面有着共同遵守的行为准则.基于此,立足湄公河流域水污染防治法律机制的基础上,通过分析该流域水污染的原因,以及湄公河污...  相似文献   

针对河道等自然流域的水体污染物进行生态治理,作者提出运用三个独立步骤而形成一道自然水体修复功能:第一步,优选良性微生物株群并持续发展与供给;第二步,运用河道功能增加水中的溶解氧;第三步,建立流域水体生物链,从而达到流域水体消纳污染物的自净效果。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Tidally influenced reaches of several coastal rivers in eastern North Carolina are suffering from very serious water quality problems — massive surface blooms of noxious blue-green algae, major fish kills from anoxic water, epidemics of red sore disease among fish, fresh water intrusion into estuarine waters, and declining commercial and sports fisheries. An intensive investigation of point source and nonpoint source inputs of nutrients was conducted in one of the eutrophic rivers, the Chowan River. Nonpoint source loading dominated the estimated annual flu of nutrients from the river basin. Automated water quality samplers were utilized to record nutrient levels in stormflow and baseflow from several small agricultural watershed in the basin. Levels of nitrate nitrogen and total phosphorus were from five to 40 times greater in these agricultural watersheds than levels in mostly forested watersheds. Existing water quality data in these eutrophic river basins implicate agricultural activities – particularly animal operations and cropland in watersheds with extensive drainage improvements – as the major contributing factor to the water quality problems.  相似文献   

无锡太湖水源地藻类爆发应急管理与处置体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对太湖蓝藻爆发事件的分析,揭示了我国水源地藻类爆发应急管理和处置体系存在预警、预案机制不完善,监测机制与预警机制脱节,公众信息系统不健全、公开透明程度欠缺等不足,并设计出一套水源地藻类爆发应急处理体系,包括监测检测、应急处理、长效治理和管理体系,以应对该类事件的再次发生。  相似文献   

Abstract: China has experienced a rapid land‐use/cover change (LUCC) during the 20th Century, and this process is expected to continue in the future. How LUCC has affected water resources across China, however, remains uncertain due to the complexity of LUCC‐water interactions. In this study, we used an integrated Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM) in conjunction with spatial data of LUCC to estimate the LUCC effects on the magnitude, spatial and temporal variations of evapotranspiration (ET), runoff, and water yield across China. Through comparisons of DLEM results with other model simulations, field observations, and river discharge data, we found that DLEM model can adequately catch the spatial and seasonal patterns of hydrological processes. Our simulation results demonstrate that LUCC led to substantial changes in ET, runoff, and water yield in most of the China’s river basins during the 20th Century. The temporal and spatial patterns varied significantly across China. The largest change occurred during the second half century when almost all of the river basins had a decreasing trend in ET and an increasing trend in water yield and runoff, in contrast to the inclinations of ET and declinations of water yield in major river basins, such as Pearl river basin, Yangtze river basin, and Yellow river basin during the first half century. The increased water yield and runoff indicated alleviated water deficiency in China in the late 20th Century, but the increased peak flow might make the runoff difficult to be held by reservoirs. The continuously increasing ET and decreasing water yield in Continental river basin, Southwest river basin, and Songhua and Liaohe river basin implied regional water deficiency. Our study in China indicates that deforestation averagely increased ET by 138 mm/year but decreased water yield by the same amount and that reforestation averagely decreased ET by 422 mm/year since most of deforested land was converted to paddy land or irrigated cropland. In China, cropland‐related land transformation is the dominant anthropogenic force affecting water resources during the 20th Century. On national average, cropland expansion was estimated to increase ET by 182 mm/year while cropland abandonment decreased ET by 379 mm/year. Our simulation results indicate that urban sprawl generally decreased ET and increased water yield. Cropland managements (fertilization and irrigation) significantly increased ET by 98 mm/year. To better understand LUCC effects on China’s water resources, it is needed to take into account the interactions of LUCC with other environmental changes such as climate and atmospheric composition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Successful stream rehabilitation requires a shift from narrow analysis and management to integrated understanding of the links between human actions and changing river health. At study sites in the Puget Sound lowlands of western Washington State, landscape, hydrological, and biological conditions were evaluated for streams flowing through watersheds with varying levels of urban development. At all spatial scales, stream biological condition measured by the benthic index of biological integrity (B‐IBI) declined as impervious area increased. Impervious area alone, however, is a flawed surrogate of river health. Hydrologic metrics that reflect chronic altered streamflows, for example, provide a direct mechanistic link between the changes associated with urban development and declines in stream biological condition. These measures provide a more sensitive understanding of stream basin response to urban development than do treatment of each increment of impervious area equally. Land use in residential backyards adjacent to streams also heavily influences stream condition. Successful stream rehabilitation thus requires coordinated diagnosis of the causes of degradation and integrative management to treat the range of ecological stressors within each urban area, and it depends on remedies appropriate at scales from backyards to regional storm water systems.  相似文献   

吴勇  刘娉 《中国环境管理》2024,16(1):145-153
为促进流域的司法保护,我国一些地方法院成立了专门的流域环境法庭。但从流域环境法庭和流域环境巡回法庭的实践情况来看,还不能满足流域整体性保护的需要,也不能适应流域法的发展需求。我国流域司法机制建设,宜从流域环境法庭逐渐转到流域环境法院。流域环境法院的建立在我国环境司法专门化进程中具有必要性和可行性。按照流域法的保护理念和环境司法专门化的要求,流域环境法院的建设首先要合理设置审判机构,其次要科学设计程序制度,为流域生态环境保护提供强有力的司法保障。  相似文献   

To achieve water quality goals and wastewater treatment cost optimisation in a river basin, a water quality management model has been developed through the integration of a genetic algorithm (GA) and a mathematical water quality model. The developed model has been applied to the Youngsan River, where water quality has decreased due to heavy pollutant loads from Kwangju City and surrounding areas. Pollution source, land use, geographic features and measured water quality data of the river basin were incorporated into the Arc/View geographic information system database. With the database, the management model calculated treatment type and treatment cost for each wastewater treatment plant in the river basin. Until now, wastewater treatment policy for polluted rivers in Korea has been, first of all, to construct secondary treatment plants for untreated areas, and secondarily, to construct advanced treatment plants for the river sections whose water quality is impaired and for which the water quality goal of the Ministry of Environment is not met. Four scenarios that do not use the GA were proposed and they were compared with the results of the management model using the GA. It became clear that the results based on the GA were much better than those for the other four scenarios from the viewpoint of the achievement of water quality goals and cost optimisation.  相似文献   

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