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T. Bowner 《Marine Biology》1982,69(3):281-290
The burrowing ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis (O. F. Müller) (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) colonises an extensive area and is a numerically dominant member of the macrofauna in Galway Bay on the west coast of Ireland. There, it has a discrete, relatively short annual breeding period, from June to September, with peak activity in the month of August. The breeding period approximates in timing those of other European populations. The oocytes of a particular year are laid down in the autumn of the previous year; they begin to develop in spring, with the period of fastest growth in May/June. Gonad growth corresponds quite closely to the annual rise in water temperature, with spawning taking place during the warmest months of the year. The species is polytelic, and it is suggested that the long-lived Galway Bay individuals may breed every year for several years. The relationship between spawning and population dynamics is discussed in the light of current, available literature concerning A. filiformis from other parts of Europe. The role of so-called ultimate factors in the process of ophiuroid maturation and spawning is discussed.  相似文献   

Longitudinal behavioral data generally contains a significant amount of structure. In this work, we identify the structure inherent in daily behavior with models that can accurately analyze, predict, and cluster multimodal data from individuals and communities within the social network of a population. We represent this behavioral structure by the principal components of the complete behavioral dataset, a set of characteristic vectors we have termed eigenbehaviors. In our model, an individual’s behavior over a specific day can be approximated by a weighted sum of his or her primary eigenbehaviors. When these weights are calculated halfway through a day, they can be used to predict the day’s remaining behaviors with 79% accuracy for our test subjects. Additionally, we demonstrate the potential for this dimensionality reduction technique to infer community affiliations within the subjects’ social network by clustering individuals into a “behavior space” spanned by a set of their aggregate eigenbehaviors. These behavior spaces make it possible to determine the behavioral similarity between both individuals and groups, enabling 96% classification accuracy of community affiliations within the population-level social network. Additionally, the distance between individuals in the behavior space can be used as an estimate for relational ties such as friendship, suggesting strong behavioral homophily amongst the subjects. This approach capitalizes on the large amount of rich data previously captured during the Reality Mining study from mobile phones continuously logging location, proximate phones, and communication of 100 subjects at MIT over the course of 9 months. As wearable sensors continue to generate these types of rich, longitudinal datasets, dimensionality reduction techniques such as eigenbehaviors will play an increasingly important role in behavioral research. This contribution is part of the special issue “Social Networks: new perspectives” (Guest Editors: J. Krause, D. Lusseau and R. James). An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

PSM in Böden:     
The fate of pesticides in soil is incompletely described by the analytical determination of applied pesticides because a differentiation between the processes degradation and sorption which determine pesticide concentration in soils is not possible. By analyzing corresponding metabolites, degradation can be confirmed. Detailed mass balances considering the mineralization and formation of non-extractable residues are set up in closed model systems applying radiotracer techniques. This complex laboratory data can only be transferred to field conditions by mathematical modeling.  相似文献   

The ocypodid crab Ilyoplax pingi, observed in Kanghwa I., Korea in 1992, builds a mound at the burrow entrance, by piling mud dug out from the burrow. The mounds were made by both waving and non-waving males, and by both ovigerous and non-ovigerous females. The burrow diameter at the widest part tended to be larger in crabs with mounds than in crabs without mounds, whereas the burrow depth was not different between them. The mound density increased in the late exposure period, when the crabs' surface activities declined. Mound removal and rebuilding experiments revealed that the presence of the mounds has the effect of keeping neighboring crabs away.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Food nanotechnology involves the study of interactions between oil, water, surfactants and various ingredients such as active compounds, gelling agents,...  相似文献   

Long-term ground-based measurements of ozone in Bavaria (Germany) are evaluated in respect of their trend during the last 20 years. First a method is described to characterize the measuring-sites in relation to the levels of precursors: The derived division in three classes proved its worth interpreting the results. Following, the trend of ozone-concentration are calculated by linear regression analysis and are tested in respect of their significance. Generally the Bavarian results fit in the trends of a long-term increase of ozone-concentrations observed at several central European stations. In detail, there are differences between stations situated at elevated sites or at other sites without traffic (class I) and stations situated at sites with significant influence of nearby traffic (classes II and III). At stations of class I an increase of ozone until the mid 80’s is recorded. Afterwards this trend seems to be stopped. But at the stations of classes II and III an increase of ozone is occuring only since the mid 80’s. The observed trends are correlated with the trends of NOx-emissions.  相似文献   

K. Wada 《Marine Biology》1987,95(2):299-303
The burrow living ocypodid crab Ilyoplax pusillus (De Haan, 1835) sometimes plugs the burrow of neighbors situated from 1.0 to 8.3 cm away with surface mud, while the neighbor, termed the pluggee, is in the burrow. Most pluggers were large males, whereas pluggees were smaller than pluggers and had a sex ratio close to 1:1. After being plugged, most pluggees usually reemerged on the surface within 5 min, but occasionally took up to 77 min to do so. The plugger always foraged or performed waving displays around the burrow of the pluggee while the pluggee stayed inside the burrow. Although the activity site of the pluggee was originally directed toward the burrow of the plugger or the adjacent area, after reemergence its activity site was oriented toward another direction. From these observations, it is suggested that neighbor burrow-plugging is a behavior adopted mainly by large males as a means of maintaining the area of their surface activities against smaller neighbors. My observations were made from June 1984 to June 1985 at Fukuro River Estuary, central Japan.  相似文献   

At a time when scientists contribute to and, at times, seem likely to be overwhelmed by an information explosion, one might pardonably question the need for another journal; particularly another journai of an ecological nature. Too often, however, land, sea and fresh water are treated as if they do not interact, and chemistry, although a driving force in ecological systems, is either viewed as an impact upon parts rather than the whole system, or ignored completely: an attitude which is the despair of chemists and a grave loss to ecologists. Indeed, i t would seem, particularly in the marine field, that biologists/ecologists are falling far behind the chemists and this is a loss to the scientific community as a whole. One outcome is a lack of the wider view and those attempts to theorise which are necessary to progress in the subject. While not forgetting that an understanding of the component parts is vital to an understanding of the whole, Chemistry in Ecology will seek to promote the wider view, and in so doing try to create “bridges” between studies which have not been allied hitherto, but may advantageously work together in the future.  相似文献   

Conserving Concepts: in Praise of Sustainability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Pyromancy: Reading Stories in the Flames   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  A consensus history of fire in the United States has emerged over the past decade. It correctly identifies fire suppression's liabilities, while probably over-enthusing about fire-science capabilities. What it lacks, however, is a context of the subject's larger, braided narratives. There is, first, the grand story of fire on Earth. Quite apart from active suppression, open fire is disappearing in competition with industrial combustion. Second, there is the peculiar narrative of the public lands, the prime domain for wildland fires. These lands, and the institutions for their management, are rapidly changing. They began as "imperial" institutions, but now are devolving, privatizing, and otherwise decolonizing. Fire will change with those reforms. Third, there is a national narrative, currently obsessed with the collision of the wild and the exurban. This will probably pass within 5–6 years. Finally, there is the evolving narrative of how we imagine fire. We need a truly biological theory of fire, one in which we can flourish as unique fire creatures.  相似文献   

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