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Cheng, Shin-jen, 2010. Inferring Hydrograph Components From Rainfall and Streamflow Records Using a Kriging Method-Based Linear Cascade Reservoir Model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(6):1171–1191. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00484.x Abstract: This study investigates the characteristics of hydrograph components in a Taiwan watershed to determine their shapes based on observations. Hydrographs were modeled by a conceptual model of three linear cascade reservoirs. Mean rainfall was calculated using the block Kriging method. The optimal parameters for 42 events from 1966-2008 were calibrated using an optimal algorithm. Rationality of generated runoffs was well compared with a trusty model. Model efficacy was verified using seven averaged parameters with 25 other events. Hydrograph components were characterized based on 42 calibration results. The following conclusions were obtained: (1) except for multipeak storms, a correlation between base time of the surface runoff and soil antecedent moisture is a decreasing power relationship; (2) a correlation between time lag of the surface flow and soil antecedent moisture for single-peak storms is an increasing power relationship; (3) for single-peak events, times to peak of hydrograph components are an increasing power correlation corresponding to the peak time of rainfall; (4) the peak flows of hydrograph components are linearly proportional to that of total runoff, and the peak ratio for the surface runoff to total runoff is approximately 78 and 13% for subsurface runoff to total runoff; and (5) the relationships of total discharges have direct ratios between hydrograph components and observations of total runoffs, and a surface runoff is 60 and 32% for a subsurface runoff.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Unit hydrographs derived by using two methods, linear programming and least squares, are compared. Test data comprise rainfall and runoff information from four storms over the North Branch Potomac River near Cumberland, Maryland. The mathematical bases of these methods for unit-hydrograph derivation are explained. The linear programming method minimizes the sum of absolute deviations, and the least squares method minimizes the sum of the squares of deviations. Computer subroutines are readily available for application of these methods. The unit hydrographs derived with the two methods are practically the same for storms 2 and 3, but differ somewhat for storms 1 and 4. However, the reconstituted direct surface runoff hydrographs are similar to those observed with the exception of the hydrograph for storm 4 which had a relatively more non-uniform rainfall excess of a considerably larger duration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Existing discrete, linear rainfall-runoff models generally require the effective rainfall of a given storm as the input for computing the runoff hydrograph. This paper proposes a method for estimating, simultaneously, the optimal values of model parameters and the rainfall losses frem the measured rainfall hyetograph and the runoff hydrograph. The method involves an ARMA model for the rainfall-runoff process and a nonlinear iterative technique. The number of model parameters to be estimated for the ARMA model is much less than the unit hydrograph model. Applications of the model to three different watersheds show that the computed runoff hydrographs agree well with the measurements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Discharge hydrographs computed from the theory of linear flow through topologically random channel networks are compared to actual discharge hydrographs for basins in semiarid regions of central Wyoming. The basins drained by the channel networks range in size from 0.69 to 10.8 square miles. Topological information consisting of stream-network magnitude and link -length distribution parameters are used in calibrating celerity values that ensure that the peak discharge and excess rainfall volume of the resulting computed hydrographs match the peak discharge and excess-rainfall volume of the actual hydrographs. Results indicate that, for a given peak discharge and excess-rainfall volume in a basin, the sensitivity of the calibrated celerity values to excess-rainfall duration is small if the ratio of excess-rainfall volume to peak discharge is at least 1.75 times the excess-rainfall duration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An analysis of storm runoff is presented, giving primary attention to deterministic-systemic relationships. So that system aspects can be emphasized, other aspects are kept simple; analysis is made for uniform rainfall on a strip of uniform width, limiting direct applicability to small areas. Two relationships between excess rain and time of concentration, one based on hydraulic parameters, the other on hydrologic characteristics, are combined in a solution for peak discharge. The hydraulic expression gives the interrelationship of time of concentration, excess rain, friction, length, and slope. The hydrologic relationship is achieved by converting ordinary intensity-duration curves to corresponding excess rain intensity-duration curves, thereby interrelating excess rain, time of concentration, and loss characteristics. The resulting solution for peak discharge allows for systemic feedback among both hydraulic and hydrologic parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effect of urbanization on alternative flood control strategies was investigated for a large developing watershed in Texas. Urban and rural areas were modeled separately using a geographically-referenced data base and the U.S. Corps of Engineers HEC-1 and HEC-2 programs, and results yielded a double-peaked hydrograph. Hydrograph input parameters were modified to predict the effects of a wide range of management alternatives including on-site storage, reservoirs, channelization, and development controls. Results indicated a combination of alternatives is required to protect existing and future developments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computerized geographic information system (GIS) was created in support of data requirements by a hydrologic model designed to predict the runoff hydrograph from ungaged basins. Some geomorphologic characteristics (i.e., channel lengths) were manually measured from topographic maps, while other parameters such as drainage area and number of channels of a specified order, land use, and soil type were digitized and manipulated through use of the GIS. The model required the generation of an integrated Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number for the entire basin. To this end, soil associations and land use (generated from analysis of Landsat satellite data) were merged in the GIS to acquire a map representing SCS runoff curve numbers. The volume of runoff obtained from the Watershed Hydrology Simulation (WAHS) Model using this map was compared to the volume computed by hydrograph separation and found to be accurate within 19 percent error. To quantify the effect of changing land use on basin hydrology, the GIS was used to vary percentages from the drainage area from forest to bare soil. By changing the basin runoff curve numbers, significant changes in peak discharge were noted; however, the time to peak discharge remained essentially independent of change in area of land use. The GIS capability eliminated many of the more traditional manual phases of data input arid manipulation, thereby allowing researchers to concentrate on the development and calibration of the model and the interpretation of presumably more accurate results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The dynamic relationship between stage and discharge which is unique to a particular flood for a selected station along the river can be determined via a mathematical model based on the complete one-dimensional equations of unsteady flow, i.e., the equations for the conservation of mass and momentum of the flood wave, and the Manning equation which accounts for energy losses. By assuming the bulk of the flood wave moves as a kinematic wave, the need for spatial resolution of the flood can be eliminated, and only the time variation of either the discharge or stage at the selected station is necessary for the computation of the other. The mathematical model can be used in river forecasting to convert the forecast discharge hydrograph into a stage hydrograph which properly reflects the unique dynamic stage-discharge relationship produced by the variable energy slope of the flood discharge. The model can be used also in stream gaging to convert a recorded stage hydrograph into a discharge hydrograph which properly accounts for the effects of unsteady flow. The model is applied to several observed floods at selected stations along the Lower Mississippi, Red, and Atchafalaya Rivers. The root mean square errors between observed and computed discharges are in the range of 3 to 7 percent, values well within the accuracy of the observations. A simple, easily-applied graphical procedure is also provided for estimating the magnitude of the effect of the unsteady flow on stage-discharge ratings. As a general rule, the dynamic effect may be significant if the channel bottom slope is less than 0.001 ft/ft (about 5 ft/mi) when the rate of change of stage is greater than about 0.10 ft/hr.  相似文献   

This study was performed to identify the transport pathways of pesticides from a sloped litchi ( Sonn.) orchard to a nearby stream based on a three-component hydrograph separation (baseflow, interflow, surface runoff). Dissolved silica and electrical conductivity were chosen as representative tracers. During the study period (30 d), 0.4 and 0.01% of the applied mass of atrazine and chlorpyrifos, respectively, were detected in the stream after 151 mm of rainfall. Baseflow (80-96%) was the dominant hydrological flow component, followed by interflow (3-18%) and surface runoff (1-7%). Despite its small contribution to total discharge, surface runoff was the dominant atrazine transport pathway during the first days after application because pesticide concentrations in the surface runoff flow component declined quickly within several days. Preferential transport with interflow became the dominant pathway of atrazine. Because chlorpyrifos was detected in the stream water only twice, it was not included in the hydrograph separation. A feature of the surface runoff pathway was the coincidence of pesticide and discharge peaks. In contrast, peak concentrations of pesticides transported by interflow occurred during the hydrograph recession phases. Stormflow generation and pesticide transport depended on antecedent rainfall. The combination of high-resolution pesticide concentration measurements with a three-component hydrograph separation has been shown to be a suitable method to identify pesticide transport pathways under tropical conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The unit hydrograph is a common tool in hydraulic design. Used correctly, it allows a design engineer to estimate a runoff hydrograph from a drainage basin given a rainfall event. The typical method for estimating a unit hydrograph for a gaged watershed is by deconvolution. However, distinct storms produce different unit hydrographs for a single watershed. Consequently, a design engineer usually develops a composite, or average, unit hydrograph based on several recorded storm events. Common methods for estimating this composite unit hydrograph include curve fitting, simple aggregation, and multistorm optimization techniques. This paper introduces a new method to perform aggregation of unit hydrographs. The method is an extension to the simple averaging technique, in which prior to averaging, the individual unit hydrograph time ordinates are normalized with respect to the average time to peak. The normalization method is compared to a simple averaging technique and two multistorm aggregation techniques at six rural watersheds in Alabama. The results indicate that on average the normalization method predicts runoff nearly as accurately as the multistorm techniques, and displays improvement for 60 percent of the storms tested when compared with the simple averaging technique.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The application of hydrologic models to small watersheds of mild topography is not well documented. This study evaluates the applicability of hydrologic models described by Huggins and the Soil Conservation Service to small watersheds by comparing the simulated and actual hydrograph for both gaged and ungaged situations. The annual maximum rainfall events plus storms exceeding 2.5 inches from 25 years of rainfall and runoff data for two small watersheds were selected for the model evaluations. These storms had a variety of patterns and occurred on many different watershed conditions. Simulated and actual hydrographs were compared using a parameter which contained volume, peak, and shape factors. One-half of the selected storms were used to calibrate the models. For both models, there were no significant differences between the simulated and actual runoff volumes and peak runoff rates. Parameters obtained during the calibration process and relationships developed to estimate antecedent moisture and to modify tabulated runoff curve numbers were used to simulate the runoff hydrograph from the remaining storms. These remaining storms or test storms were simulated only once in order to imitate an ungaged situation. In general, both the Huggins and SCS model performed similarly on the test storms, but the level of model performance was lower than that for the calibration storms. For both models, the two-day antecedent rainfall was more important than the five-day in determining antecedent moisture and modifying tabulated curve numbers. The time of concentration which resulted in good hydrograph simulations was about three times larger than that estimated using published empirical relationships.  相似文献   

The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-1) model was used to construct synthetic hydrographs for isolated interior urban floods. Flood peak and lag time were very well preserved in simulated flows. Total volume was not adequately expressed. Lag time varied inversely with both urban development and storm intensity. Peak discharge varied with storm intensity, but this variability was well defined only at very high urbanization levels. An 175% increase in storm intensity produced a change of about 15% in peak discharge. Claims for flood damage correlated well with estimates of peak flow and lag time combined. Other measures of flood experience also correlated with the two features. Within the range of storms utilized, urban development factors consistently outranked storm intensity as a determining factor in flood damage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A generalized unit hydrograph method is developed and evaluated for ungaged watersheds. A key component in this method is the value of a dimensionless storage coefficient. Procedures to estimate this coefficient are given using calibrated values from 142 rainfall-runoff events gaged in watershed located mainly in the Eastern US. Only limited success was obtained in predicting this storage coefficient. Thirty-seven, independent rainfall-runoff events were used to test the proposed technique. The generalized unit hydrograph predicted the observed runoff hydrographs fairly well with considerable improvement in accuracy over the SCS dimensionless unit hydrograph. Approximately one-half of test storms had percent errors in predicted peak flow rates that were less than 34 percent compared to percent error of 88 percent with the SCS method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A computer model was developed, based on the Green-Ampt infiltration equation, to computed rainfall excess for a single precipitation event. The model requires an estimate of parameters related to hydraulic conductivity, wetting front section, and fillable porosity of the soil layers. Values of parameters were estimated from soil textural averages or regression equations based on percent sand, percent clay, and porosity. Average values of effective porosity and wetting front suction were largely acceptable due to the relatively low variability and low model sensitivity to the parameters. Hydraulic conductivity was the most erratic constituent of the loss rate computation due to the high variability and the high sensitivity of the computed infiltration to the parameter. The performance of the Green-Ampt infiltration model was tested through a comparison with the SCS curve number procedure. Seven watersheds and 23 storms with precipitation of one inch or greater were used in the comparison. For storms with less than one inch of rainfall excess, the SCS curve number procedure generally gave the best results; however, for six of the seven storms with precipitation excess greater than one inch, the Green-Ampt procedure delivered better results. In this comparison, both procedures used the same initial abstractions. The separation of rainfall losses into infiltration, interception, and surface retention is, in theory, an accurate method of estimating precipitation excess. In the second phase of the study using nine watersheds and 39 storms, interception and surface retention losses were computed by the Horton equations. Green-Ampt and interception parameters were estimated from value sin the literature, while the surface retention parameter was calibrated so that the computed runoff volumes matched observed volumes. A relationship was found between the surface retention storage capacity and the 15-day antecedent precipitation index, month of year, and precipitation amount.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Unit hydrograph ordinates are often estimated by deconvoluting excess rainfall pulses and corresponding direct runoff. The resulting ordinates are given at discrete times spaced evenly at intervals equal to the duration of the rainfall pulse. If the new duration is not a multiple of the parent duration, hydrograph interpolation is required. Linear interpolation, piece-wise nonlinear interpolation and graphical smoothing have been used. These interpolation schemes are expedient but they lack theoretical basis and can lead to undesirable results. Interpolation can be avoided if the instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) for the watershed is known. Here two issues connected with the classic Nash IUH are examined: (1) how should the Nash parameters be estimated? and (2) under what conditions is the resulting hydrograph able to reasonably represent watershed response? In the first case, nonlinear constrained optimization provides better estimates of the IUH parameters than does the method of moments. In the second case, the Nash IUH gives good results on watersheds with mild shape unit hydrographs, but performs poorly on watersheds having sharply peaked unit hydrographs. Overall, in comparison to empirical interpolation alternatives, the Nash IUH offers a theoretically sound and practical approach to estimate unit hydrographs for a wide variety of watersheds.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed the transport of dissolved nutrients at the field scale under natural rainfall conditions. Hysteresis between dissolved nutrients and discharge behavior can complicate such assessments and this effect has only been examined qualitatively. In this study, we investigated factors contributing to short-term variations of dissolved cation (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) and anion (soluble reactive phosphorus [SRP], NO3, and SO4) concentrations in runoff water and developed a quantitative method to study their hysteretic behavior. Within-storm variations of dissolved nutrient concentrations were determined in two agricultural fields during four natural rainfall events along with discharge, sediment, antecedent soil water conditions, and nutrient contents. For each event, nutrient loads were plotted against discharge during the rising and falling limb of the runoff hydrograph. The resulting hysteresis curves were characterized by an index H, which is the ratio between the integrated areas under the rising and falling curves of the hydrograph. Results showed that nutrient concentrations increased with time during each event. Counterclockwise (H < 1) hysteresis, occurring when the falling limb had larger loads, was found when soils were initially dry whereas clockwise hysteresis (H > 1) was associated with prior wet soil conditions. Two hypotheses are suggested to explain these variations. First, suspended sediments could have acted as a sink for dissolved nutrients and the sensitivity of nutrients to hydrological conditions was determined by their preferential sorption on these sediments. Second, movement of nutrients into runoff occurred more readily as soils became wetter during an event.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study compared lag time characteristics of low impact residential development with traditional residential development. Also compared were runoff volume, peak discharge, hydrograph kurtosis, runoff coefficient, and runoff threshold. Low impact development (LID) had a significantly greater centroid lag‐to‐peak, centroid lag, lag‐to‐peak, and peak lag‐to‐peak times than traditional development. Traditional development had a significantly greater depth of discharge and runoff coefficient than LID. The peak discharge in runoff from the traditional development was 1,100% greater than from the LID. The runoff threshold of the LID (6.0 mm) was 100% greater than the traditional development (3.0 mm). The hydrograph shape for the LID watershed had a negative value of kurtosis indicating a leptokurtic distribution, while traditional development had a positive value of kurtosis indicating a platykurtic distribution. The lag times of the LID were significantly greater than the traditional watershed for small (<25.4 mm) but not large (≥25.4 mm) storms; short duration (<4 h) but not long duration (≥4 h) storms; and low antecedent moisture condition (AMC; <25.4 mm) storms but not high AMC (≥25.4 mm) storms. This study indicates that LID resulted in lowered peak discharge depth, runoff coefficient, and discharge volume and increased lag times and runoff threshold compared with traditional residential development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An approach is developed for incorporating the uncertainty of parameters for estimating runoff in the design of polder systems in ungaged watersheds. Monte Carlo Simulation is used to derive a set of realizations of streamflow hydrographs for a given design rainstorm using the U. S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) unit hydrograph model. The inverse of the SCS curve number, which is a function of the antecedent runoff condition in the SCS model, is the random input in the Monte Carlo Simulation. Monte Carlo realizations of streamfiow hydrographs are used to simulate the performance of a polder flood protection system. From this simulation the probability of occurrence of flood levels for a particular hydraulic design may be used to evaluate its effectiveness. This approach is demonstrated for the Pluit Polder flood protection system for the City of Jakarta, Indonesia. While the results of the application indicate that uncertainty in the antecedent runoff condition is important, the effects of uncertainty in rainfall data, in additional runoff parameters, such as time to peak, in the hydraulic design, and in the rainfall-runoff model selected should also be considered. Although, the SCS model is limited to agricultural conditions, the approach presented herein may be applied to other flood control systems if appropriate storm runoff models are selected.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A semi-distributed deterministic model for real-time flood forecasting in large basins is proposed. Variability of rainfall and losses in space is preserved and the effective rainfall-direct runoff model segment based on the Clark procedure is incorporated. The distribution of losses in space is assumed proportional to rainfall intensity and their evolution in time is represented by the φ-index; furthermore, an initial period without production of effective rainfall is considered. The first estimation of losses and the associated forecasts of flow are performed at the time corresponding to the first rise observed in the hydrograph. Then the forecasts of flow are corrected at each subsequent time step through the updating of the φ-index. The model was tested by using rainfall-runoff events observed on two Italian basins and the predictions of flow for lead times up to six hours agree reasonably well with the observations in each event. For example, for the coefficient of persistence, which compares the model forecasts with those generated by the no-model assumption, appreciable positive values were computed. In particular, for the larger basin with an area of 4,147 km2, the mean values were 0.4, 0.4 and 0.5 for forecast lead times of two hours, four hours and six hours, respectively. Good performance of the model is also shown by a comparison of its flow predictions with those derived from a unit hydrograph based model  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: New formulas and procedures under the framework of the Rational Formula are presented that are applicable to flood design problems for a small basin if the geometry of the basin can be approximated as an ellipse or a rhombus. Instead of making the assumption in the traditional rational formula that the rainfall is uniformly distributed in the whole duration (Dw) of a design storm, the new method modifies that assumption as: the rainfall is uniformly distributed only in each time interval CD) of the design storm hyetograph, thus extending the rational formula applicable to the case that the rainfall duration is less than the basin concentration time (Tc). The new method can be applied to estimate the flood design peak discharge, and to generate the flood hydrograph simultaneously. The derivation of the formulas is provided in detail in this paper, and an example is also included to illustrate how to apply the new formulas to the flood design problems in small basins.  相似文献   

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