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中国现代城镇化发育的能源消费   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城镇是现代社会财富积累的中心。矿物燃料为主的一次能源不仅是现代人类社会发展的基本动力来源,也是现代城镇化发育的基本动力来源。随着城镇化发育不断走向成熟,城镇的生存和发展对能源消费的依赖日趋强烈。这种消费需求不仅体现在总量增长方面,而且更体现在质量提高方面。世界和中国的实践均证明了这一点。所不同者,在产业发展政策和能源消费政策的作用下,中国现代城镇化发育的能源消费表现出明显的不尽人意:第一,能源消费总量增长迅速,甚至进入21世纪以来也是如此;第二,能源消费结构演进缓慢、特别是进入国家城镇化快速发育阶段后的表现更是如此;第三,能源产出效率提高有限,甚至出现一定程度的倒退。如此能源消费特征,对中国城镇化的持续发育构成了巨大挑战,因此,建议加快城镇产业结构调整、推进能源消费结构演进和提高城镇能源消费质量。  相似文献   

Today the resources are becoming scarcer, which should not be regarded as unexhausted any more. Correspondingly, the production would be constrained by the scarcity of resources clearly. Then the economic researchers would pay much more attention to reducing the consumption of natural resources in the future. Therefore this paper brings foreword the conception of elasticity ratio of resource consumption based on the concept of elasticity and analyzes the relationship between the parameters. For the certain relationships between the elasticity ratio of resource consumption and resource consumption, this paper will try to reveal, to keep economy growing while resource consumption reducing, what conditions should be met as to the relationships among resource productivity, its growth rate, energy saving efficiency, economic growth rate and elasticity ratio of resource consumption. This paper proves the relationship between the China's energy consumption and economy growth using statistic data from 1978 to 2003.  相似文献   

能源强度收敛:对发达国家与发展中国家的检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
能源强度是指一个国家或地区生产单位产值所消耗的能源量,它反映了经济系统对能源的依赖程度和能源的使用效率。许多国家的能源强度曲线在直观上表现出收敛的显著特征。为了对这一现象进行严格的证明和检验,该文依据时间序列协整概念,首先提出了能源强度收敛的定义,然后从一个包含能源投入的内生增长模型出发,从理论上证实了能源强度收敛的存在性。为了对能源强度收敛进行实证检验,选取24个国家,并划分组合为5组样本,分别对能源强度收敛进行了σ收敛检验和协整检验,结果表明:高收入国家、高中收入国家、中低收入国家、发展中国家和样本中所有国家都存在能源强度收敛现象;σ收敛检验还揭示出各组样本中能源强度收敛的时间段以及收敛程度的大小排序。  相似文献   

在西秦岭山地使用太阳灶和沼气。生态经济效益显著。1户1台1.5m^2太阳灶、1个80沼气池每年所得刭的热量等于773k标准煤。折合1353kg薪材。净收益为268元。一年内所替代的薪柴等于0.338hm^2有林地一年的生长量,可使0.042275m^2有林地免遭砍伐。农户从退耕还林中得到的收益为平均每年465元。与种植粮食比较,这些收益主要是不再种粮后所节省的生产成本。退耕还林以扩大林木增量为目标,应作为中长期的战略。稳步实施。使用太阳灶和沼气以保护林木存量为目标。是巩固退耕还林成效的有力措施和生态建设的必要手段。应加大投入和建设力度。  相似文献   

In this article, based on the data of the energy statistics from 1980 to 2004, we analyze the relationship between the primary energy structures, technique, management, and the energy use per unit of GDP based on the path analysis approach and present the degree of the direct, indirect, and the overall influences of the primary energy structures on the energy use per unit of GDP. The results show that the technical change and management level play a decisive role in the energy use per unit of GDP, and the ratio of oil consumption was the major limiting factor to energy use per unit of GDP. We then found the model of the energy use per unit of GDP and the structures of the primary energy consumption, eliminated the multicollinearity in the model with the path analysis result, and finally, analyzed the influence of the primary energy structure on the energy conservation.  相似文献   

农业发展问题是一个影响中国工业化、城市化和现代化建设的根本性问题。农以土为本,农地资源及其利用状况对于区域发展影响重大。文章以湖北省为例,从农地资源的自然属性、人口技术属性和经济属性等方面对瑚北省农地资源时综合质量进行评价。得出湖北省农地资源质量居中的基本结论;以农地利用分区为基础。对湖北省各分区农地资源的组合状况和综合质量进行了评价排名;最后又对湘北省农地资源利用状况进行评价,并根据各评价结论提出了湖北省合理利用农地资源。发展农业经济的基本策略。  相似文献   

中国建筑业能源效率省际差异及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国建筑业存在着高消耗、高污染和低能效等问题。提高建筑业能源效率、降低能源消耗对实现社会经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以中国区域建筑业为研究对象,在全要素能源效率的框架下,基于30个省份2005-2008年的面板数据,利用DEA方法对各省的建筑业能源效率进行测度和评价。结果表明:不同省份建筑业能源效率存在较大差异,其中黑龙江、上海和浙江效率最高,各年的效率值均为1,内蒙古和山东的效率最低,各年的效率值均不足0.3。在此基础上,本文从能源消费结构、产业发展程度、产业组织特征、辅助产业发展程度和科技水平5个方面选取10个变量,利用Tobit回归模型,分析了各变量对能源效率的影响。结果表明:能源消费结构、产业发展程度、产业集中度、市场化程度和外商投资等是导致能源效率省际差异的主要因素。本文建议,应通过提高电力等高效能源的消费比重、适度调整产业结构、提高产业集中度、加强外资引进等措施来提高建筑业能源效率。  相似文献   

南京地区农业资源的综合评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
客观、准确地评价地区农业资源,对于农业资源的开发和利用具有重要意义。本文从系统论观点出发,将地区农业资源分成自然资源和社会资源,在能够较好地反映系统结构特征、不同样点差异及满足易于收集、便于数量表示和定量处理等基本要求的基础上,选择了若干评价指标。利用综合指数法、区位商法等评价方法,对南京地区的主要农业资源(土地资源、气候资源与社会资源)进行了定量分析,并在此基础上,利用资源优势度分析法进行了综合评价。结果表明,南部小区的农业资源具有整体优势,南部和中部的资源利用较为合理,北部小区则具有较为丰富的后备资源。最后,根据各地资源要素的不同组合,简要给出了较适宜的开发途径,为该地农业资源的进一步开发与利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

Geothermal (ground source) heat pumps (GHP) and permeable pavement systems (PPS) have demonstrated their effectiveness in both industry and academic research during recent decades. To meet the rising demand for sustainable, recyclable and energy efficient techniques, research has focused on the combination of techniques to enhance existing or develop new applications.

This paper reports on an experimental programme that combined GHP with PPS for nutrient removal and system energy balancing. Experimental data collected over a 3-year period have provided evidence of highly efficient removal rates of up to 99% for ammonia–nitrate and biochemical oxygen demand; and 96% removal rates were obtained for orthophosphate–phosphorus. This paper also contains energy efficiency ratio (EER) and coefficient of performance (COP) calculations. Cyclic heat removal and heat rejection allowed for stable temperature and pump COP and EER sustainability. The results prove that PPS systems are appropriate for GHP installation, delivering high and stable pollutant removal with EER efficiencies between 1.5 and 5.5.

The combination of GHP with PPS has the potential to provide a new sustainable and eco-friendly practice.  相似文献   

In this paper,the author uses super-efficiency DEA model to measure the national and regional energy efficiency in China;using spatial econometric model and from the perspective of geo-spatial spillover,the author interprets the spatial characteristics of energy efficiency and extracts the main factors that influence the regional energy efficiency.The analysis results show that:(1) the national and regional energy efficiency is consistent with inverted U-shaped curve,and the nationwide energy efficiency gap is increasing;(2) energy efficiency has the obvious effect of the spatial external effect,and when the government makes energy saving strategies,inter-regional energy cooperation and the proliferation of advanced production technology should be given more priority;(3) energy efficiency has significant negative correlation with government intervention,industrial structure,ownership structure,the energy consumption structure,and resource endowments,and has positive correlation with the degree of opening-up and energy price.  相似文献   

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