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区域间产业结构的同构与异构取决于在市场调节和宏观调控中生产要素的结构与流动特征,其特征量的相似性导致产业结构的同构,产业同构在一定时空条件下具有合意性。随着区域经济一体化进程的加快,其非合意性愈显突出。区域产业同构优化的本质动力在于生产要素结构及其流动特征量的变化,通过不同层级区域产业规划战略和区域间经济合作实现生产要素的合理组合与流动,以产业集群化之路实现区域产业结构的高级化,使区域产业结构朝着优化、持续方向发展。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify key factors affecting energy-induced CO2emission changes from 34 industries in Taiwan, in order to have an integrated understanding of the industrial environmental-economic-energy performance and to provide insights for relevant policy making in Taiwan. Grey relation analysis was used in this paper to analyse how energy-induced CO2emissions from 34 industries in Taiwan are affected by the factors: production, total energy consumption, coal, oil, gas and electricity uses. The methodology was modified by taking account of the evolutionary direction among relevant factors. Furthermore, tests of sensitivity and stability, which are seldom discussed in most grey relation analyses, were conducted to ensure the reliability of outcomes. We found that values ranging from 0·3 to 0·5 are appropriate, and the analytical results with value of 0·5 offer moderate distinguishing effects and good stability. Results indicate that industrial production has the closest relationship with aggregate CO2emission changes; electricity consumption the second in importance. It reveals that the economy in Taiwan relied heavily on CO2intensive industries, and that electricity consumption had become more important for economic growth. The relational order of fuels is electricity, coal, oil then gas, accordant with their CO2emission coefficients in Taiwan. The positive relational grade of aggregate production implies that the aggregate industrial CO2intensity tended to decline. The total energy consumption had a smaller and negative relational grade with CO2emissions, and implies an improvement on aggregate energy intensity, while the CO2emission coefficient increased. For industries with significant influence on CO2emissions, the total energy consumption had the largest relational grades. It is important to reduce the energy intensity of these industries. Nevertheless, it is also critical to decouple energy consumption and production to reduce the impacts of CO2mitigation on economic growth.  相似文献   

District heating (DH) is an important part of the Swedish energy system and one of the most important climate measures at the municipal level. The Swedish planning system gives a large amount of power to municipalities, thus leaving the regional level weak. Despite this, the DH systems in Stockholm have developed into regional systems; how has this development occurred and what made it possible? Regional and municipal strategies concerning DH and energy from 1978 to 2010 have been studied through Regional plans and comprehensive plans. The conclusions show that the municipal DH systems have grown and become interconnected, thus fulfilling one of the most important regional strategies: to expand and interconnect the systems to be able to build combined heat and power plants. This is not entirely due to the regional strategies, however; the local importance of the system, economic reasons and supply security are other explanations. The study shows that regional importance generally has grown, and thus also the regional focus on DH. As environmental and climate issues have risen on the agenda, the importance of DH from the municipal perspective has become more evident, as well as a shift from supply orientation to more focus on energy efficiency.  相似文献   

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