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There is a lack of information on ammonia (NH3) emissions from cattle housing systems in Mediterranean countries, with most published data deriving from NW Europe. An investigation was carried out in NW Portugal to quantify NH3 emissions for the main types of dairy cattle buildings in Portugal, i.e. naturally ventilated buildings and outdoor concrete yards, and to derive robust emission factors (EFs) for these conditions and compare with EFs used elsewhere in Europe. Measurements were made throughout a 12-month period using the passive flux sampling method in the livestock buildings and the equilibrium concentration technique in outdoor yards.The mean NH3 emission factor for the whole housing system (buildings + outdoor yards) was 43.7 g NH3–N LU?1 day?1 and for outdoor concrete yards used by dairy cattle was 26.6 g NH3–N LU?1 day?1. Expressing NH3 emission in terms of the quantity of liquid milk produced gave similar values across the three dairy farms studied (with a mean of 2.3 kg N ton-milk?1 produced) and may have advantages when comparing different farming systems. In dairy houses with outdoor yards, NH3 emissions from the yard area contributed to 69–92% of total emissions from this housing system. Emissions were particularly important during spring and summer seasons from outdoor yards with NH3 emitted in this period accounting for about 72% of annual emissions from outdoor yards. Mean NH3 emission factors derived for this freestall housing system and outdoor concrete yards used by dairy cattle in Portugal were higher than those measured in northern Europe. In addition, values of animal N excretion estimated in this study were greater than official National standard values. If these emissions are typical for Portuguese dairy systems, then the current National inventory underestimates emissions from this source in NW of Portugal, because of the use of lower standard values of N excretion by dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Chalk stream headwaters are of high value for water supply, amenity, game fishing and fish farming. The water quality implications of modern watercress growing watercress beds are reflected in increasing concentrations of phosphorus and potassium downstream of the beds. Zinc concentrations in both suspended solids emanating from the beds and in sediments downstream of the watercress farms reach high levels in some cases. Ranunculus plants downstream of the watercress farms show elevated levels of zinc. Large amounts of suspended solids enter the receiving streams from watercress beds and in many cases the stream bed directly downstream of the farms has a high proportion of fine organic sediments derived from the watercress farms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Each year millions of liters of fire-retardant chemicals are applied to wildfires across the nation. Recent laboratory studies with long-term fire-retardant chemicals indicate a significant photoenhanced toxicity of products containing sodium ferrocyanide corrosion inhibitors. Our objective of this study was to determine the toxicity of fire-retardant chemicals to fathead minnows during exposure in experimental outdoor streams. METHODS: Stream tests were conducted to determine the potential toxicity of a pulse of exposure as might occur when fire retardant chemical is rinsed from the watershed by rainfall. Two artificial 55-meter experimental streams were dosed with different concentrations of Fire-Trol GTS-R, or uncontaminated for a control. Replicate groups of fathead minnows were added to screened containers (10 fish per container) and exposed to retardant chemicals in the recirculating flow of the stream for up to 6 hours. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Under field conditions toxicity of GTS-R only occurred in the presence of sunlight. When GTS-R was tested on sunny days, 100% mortality occurred. However, when tested during heavily overcast conditions, no mortality occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Lethal concentrations of cyanide were measured when GTS-R with YPS exposures were conducted under sunny conditions, but not under cloudy conditions, indicating that a minimum UV level is necessary to induce toxicity as well as the release of cyanide from YPS. The toxicity observed with GTS-R was likely associated with lethal concentrations of cyanide. Rainwater runoff following applications of this fire-retardant at the recommended rate could result in lethal concentrations in small ponds and streams receiving limited water flow under sunny conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: In addition to avoiding application to aquatic habitats, it is important to consider characteristics of the treated site including soil binding affinity and erosive properties.  相似文献   

Controlled releases of NH4-N and conservative tracers (Br- and Cl-) to five reaches of four streams with contrasting macrophyte communities have shown differing retentions, largely as a result of the way plants interact with stream flow and velocity. First-order constants (k) were 1.0-4.8 d(-1) and retention of NH4-N was 6-71% of amounts added to each reach. Distance travelled before a 50% reduction in concentration was achieved were 40-450 m in three streams under low-flow conditions, and 2400-3800 m at higher flows. Retention (%) of NH4-N can be approximated by a simple function of travel time and k, highlighting the importance of the relationship between macrophytes and stream velocity on nutrient processing. This finding has significant management implications, particularly with respect to restoration of riparian shade. Small streams with predominantly marginal emergent plants are likely to have improved retention of NH4-N as a result of shading or other means of reducing plant biomass. Streams dominated by submerged macrophytes will have impaired NH4-N retention if plant biomass is reduced because of reduced contact times between NH4-N molecules and reactive sites. In these conditions water resource managers should utilise riparian shading in concert with unshaded vegetated reaches to achieve a balance between enhanced in-stream habitat and nutrient processing capacity.  相似文献   

The influence of land use on water quality in streams is scale-dependent and varies in time and space. In this study, land cover patterns and stocking rates were used as measures of agricultural development in two pasture and one native grassland catchment in New Zealand and were related to water quality in streams of various orders. The amount of pasture per subcatchment correlated well to total nitrogen and nitrate in one catchment and turbidity and total phosphorous in the other catchment. Stocking rates were only correlated to total phosphorous in one pasture catchment but showed stronger correlations to ammonium, total phosphorous and total nitrogen in the other pasture catchment. Winter and spring floods were significant sources of nutrients and faecal coliforms from one of the pasture catchments into a wetland complex. Nutrient and faecal coliform concentrations were better predicted by pastural land cover in fourth-order than in second-order streams. This suggests that upstream land use is more influential in larger streams, while local land use and other factors may be more important in smaller streams. These temporal and spatial scale effects indicate that water-monitoring schemes need to be scale-sensitive.  相似文献   

Scope The German Federal Environmental Agency has put into operation a new modular mesocosm system consisting of eight outdoor and eight indoor ponds and streams in order to investigate fate and effects of chemicals and municipal wastewater in aquatic ecosystems. General design and special characteristics are given to demonstrate the wide range of possibilities for experimental research. - General design. Each of the 16 streams with riffle and pool sections can be varied in length up to 106 m. The streams can be run as circular or flow-through systems at a flow velocity of 0.02 to 0.6 m/s. Physico-chemical standard parameters are measured on-line. The 16 ponds, which can be connected to the stream systems, are equipped with drainage and pore water-sampling devices for simulating processes in the littoral zone including influent and effluent ground water flow. Perspectives Since the highly flexible and controllable construction also allows treating a wide range of hydrological and ecological experiments external institutions are invited to submit proposals.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Solar cells are considered one of the most important and widespread solar applications in the world. However, the performance of the PV modules is...  相似文献   

Offshore windmills and the effects of electromagnetic fields on fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ohman MC  Sigray P  Westerberg H 《Ambio》2007,36(8):630-633
With the large scale developments of offshore windpower the number of underwater electric cables is increasing with various technologies applied. A wind farm is associated with different types of cables used for intraturbine, array-to-transformer, and transformer-to-shore transmissions. As the electric currents in submarine cables induce electromagnetic fields there is a concern of how they may influence fishes. Studies have shown that there are fish species that are magneto-sensitive using geomagnetic field information for the purpose of orientation. This implies that if the geomagnetic field is locally altered it could influence spatial patterns in fish. There are also physiological aspects to consider, especially for species that are less inclined to move as the exposure could be persistent in a particular area. Even though studies have shown that magnetic fields could affect fish, there is at present limited evidence that fish are influenced by the electromagnetic fields that underwater cables from windmills generate. Studies on European eel in the Baltic Sea have indicated some minor effects. In this article we give an overview on the type of submarine cables that are used for electric transmissions in the sea. We also describe the character of the magnetic fields they induce. The effects of magnetic fields on fish are reviewed and how this may relate to the cables used for offshore wind power is discussed.  相似文献   

Episodic acidification of streams, identified in the late 1980s as one of the most significant environmental problems caused by acidic deposition, had not been evaluated since the early 1990s despite decreasing levels of acidic deposition over the past decade. This analysis indicates that episodic acidification of streams in upland regions in the northeastern United States persists, and is likely to be much more widespread than chronic acidification. Depletion of exchangeable Ca in the mineral soil has decreased the neutralization capacity of soils and increased the role of the surface organic horizon in the neutralization of acidic soil water during episodes. Increased accumulation of N and S in the forest floor from decades of acidic deposition will delay the recovery of soil base status, and therefore, the elimination of acidic episodes, which is anticipated from decreasing emissions.  相似文献   

General effects of climate change on Arctic fishes and fish populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Projected shifts in climate forcing variables such as temperature and precipitation are of great relevance to arctic freshwater ecosystems and biota. These will result in many direct and indirect effects upon the ecosystems and fish present therein. Shifts projected for fish populations will range from positive to negative in overall effect, differ among species and also among populations within species depending upon their biology and tolerances, and will be integrated by the fish within their local aquascapes. This results in a wide range of future possibilities for arctic freshwater and diadromous fishes. Owing to a dearth of basic knowledge regarding fish biology and habitat interactions in the north, complicated by scaling issues and uncertainty in future climate projections, only qualitative scenarios can be developed in most cases. This limits preparedness to meet challenges of climate change in the Arctic with respect to fish and fisheries.  相似文献   


Acute and subacute 2,4‐D toxicity to carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were investigated. Acute toxicity (LC‐ 50) was investigated in semi‐static test during a 24, 48, and 96‐ hours exposition. Subacute toxicity was investigated by exposing fish to different 2,4,‐D concentrations (150, 200, and 250 mg/L) for 14 days. Biochemical and morphological changes in certain organs and tissues were investigated.

LC‐ 50 values at 24 hours exposure was 310.0 mg/L, 295.0 mg/L for 48 hours, and 270.0 mg/L for 96 hours exposure.

Subacute toxicity tests show that 2,4‐D induce changes in the enzyme activities (AP, GOT, GPT) and morphological changes in the gills, liver and kidneys, but changes are of limited biological importance.  相似文献   

A laboratory screening method is presented which yields data on residue disappearance and conversion of 14C-labelled chemicals in the soil-plant-system. For 11 chemicals it is shown that a relative prediction resulting in a correct ranking for outdoor long-term behaviour is possible.  相似文献   

To detect effects of pesticides on non-target freshwater organisms the Species at risk (SPEARpesticides) bioindicator based on biological traits was previously developed and successfully validated over different biogeographical regions of Europe using species-level data on stream invertebrates. Since many freshwater biomonitoring programmes have family-level taxonomic resolution we tested the applicability of SPEARpesticides with family-level biomonitoring data to indicate pesticide effects in streams (i.e. insecticide toxicity of pesticides). The study showed that the explanatory power of the family-level SPEAR(fm)pesticides is not significantly lower than the species-level index. The results suggest that the family-level SPEAR(fm)pesticides is a sensitive, cost-effective, and potentially European-wide bioindicator of pesticide contamination in flowing waters. Class boundaries for SPEARpesticides according to EU Water Framework Directive are defined to contribute to the assessment of ecological status of water bodies.  相似文献   

Recent detection of fluoxetine in the aquatic environment and fish suggests a possibly high accumulation of fluoxetine; however, no report is available on the bioaccumulation of fluoxetine in aquatic organisms. Since bioaccumulation of fluoxetine was probably dependent on pH near the pK(a) value of 10.1, experiments were conducted approximately at pH 7, 8, and 9. Distribution coefficients between 1-octanol and water (D(ow)), and those between synthetic membrane vesicles (liposomes) and water (D(lip-wat)) were determined at pH 7, 8, and 9. The D(ow) and D(lip-wat) values increased significantly with increasing pH. Acute toxicity tests were performed using Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) prior to the bioaccumulation test, and 96-h LC(50) values were 5.5, 1.3, and 0.20mgl(-1) at pH 7, 8, and 9, respectively. In the bioaccumulation test, concentrations of fluoxetine and its major metabolite, norfluoxetine, in the fish body and liver were measured. The bioconcentration factors (BCF) of fluoxetine for Japanese medaka were 8.8, 3.0x10, and 2.6x10(2) in the body and 3.3x10(2), 5.8x10(2), and 3.1x10(3) in the liver at pH 7, 8, and 9, respectively. The BCF values were lower at pH 7 and higher at pH 9 mainly because of the increase in nonionized species with significantly higher hydrophobicity than the ionized species at pH values closer to pK(a). A similar trend was obtained for the concentration of norfluoxetine in the fish but the pseudo-BCF values (the ratio of the norfluoxetine concentration in the fish and the fluoxetine concentration in test water) were higher than the BCF value of fluoxetine at all pH conditions.  相似文献   

Samples of benthic invertebrates from four pairs of streams in southwestern Ontario collected monthly from May through August 1991, and once during the subsequent autumn and winter, demonstrated that conservation tillage practices have a remedial effect on the water quality of adjacent streams as indicated by biotic, rather than physical or chemical, parameters. One stream of each pair drained a basin under conventional tillage (CONV, mainly mouldboard ploughing), the other primarily under conservation tillage (CONS). The paired drainage basins were otherwise similar to one another in type of crops grown, as well as size, topography, soils and hydrology. CONS streams yielded a greater variety of Insecta but fewer taxa of Mollusca, Annelida and Crustacea than did samples from CONV streams. Both kick-net and Surber samples from CONS streams yielded significantly more taxa, more kinds of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, and lower Hilsenhoff Biotic Index scores than did samples from CONV streams. Kick samples from CONS streams were significantly more similar to expected reference communities in overall taxonomic composition. Surber samples from CONS streams contained significantly larger numbers of invertebrates. The relatively greater abundances of infaunal species, especially Tubificidae and Chironomini, in CONV streams suggest greater accumulation of fine sediment particles. Conditions during low flow appear to have the greatest influence on the composition of benthic invertebrate communities. The results of the study indicate that conservation tillage practices have a beneficial effect on the quality of surface waters.  相似文献   

This field study investigates the morphological indices (condition index, hepatosomatic index) and biochemical (catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferase (GST), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), metallothionein (MT), lipid peroxidation) parameters in liver, gills and kidney of common sole (Solea solea) originating from different sites of the Tunisian coast area impacted by different anthropogenic activities. Differences among sites and tissues for AChE, GST, CAT, MT and TBARS were found and possibly related to known sources of domestic and industrial discharges in the studied sites. Liver, gills and kidney CAT, liver and kidney MT and brain AChE were key biomarkers to discriminate fish of different sites. So, we suggest using these biomarkers in future biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Toxic substances in rivers and streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many of the toxic substances entering freshwaters today are those which were present several decades ago, but others have become significant recently. The effects of toxicants in flowing waters are modified by unidirectional transport and dispersion which afford the potential for a degree of 'self-purification'. The chemical quality of the receiving water also affects toxicity. Biological factors also contribute to the ultimate effect of pollutants. The potential for accumulation of toxic substances within tissues increases the significance of certain pollutants which may be present in water even though ambient concentrations are very low. The biota of flowing waters may be restored, following catastrophic entry of pollutants, by drift from unaffected regions upstream. The range of potential toxic substances is very extensive and includes inorganic poisons, organic poisons, heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs. Metals, pesticides and PCBs have the greatest potential for bioaccumulation. Few generalisations can be made regarding the effects of toxic substances on the biota. Each species tends to respond to different toxicants in different ways and even at different stages in its life-history. Toxicity tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions sometimes produce conflicting results: it is not then to be unexpected that field observations should sometimes vary widely. Determinations of toxicity in laboratory tests must be applied with caution to field conditions and it is not wise to extrapolate findings to other species or environments.  相似文献   

An automated, flow-through method has been developed to evaluate effects of toxic chemicals on the growth rate of juvenile rainbow trout. After 28 days exposure of fish to 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA) their growth rate was affected by DCA concentrations of 39 to 210 μg 1-1 and there was a clear relationship between dose and response.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to cause an increased frequency of extreme events such as heavy floods and major storms. Such stochastic events have an immediate impact on surface water quality, but the long-term effects are largely unknown. In this study, we assess long-term monitoring data from two Swedish headwater catchments affected by extreme weather events. At one site, where nitrogen effects in soil water, groundwater, and stream water were studied after storm-felling and subsequent forest dieback from bark beetle attack, long-term (>5 years) but relatively modest (generally <1 mg L?1) increases in ammonium (NH4-N) and nitrate (NO3-N) concentrations were observed in the various aqueous media. At the other site, where effects on benthic fauna were studied in a stream impacted by extreme geophysical disturbances caused by rainstorm-induced flashflood, only short-term (1 year) effects were revealed both regarding diversity and composition of species.  相似文献   

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