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欧盟是各个成员国之间为消除贸易的环境障碍,首先在环境保护的共同标准上进行协商和签订条约,所以乃是以环境为中心,覆盖资源保护问题。现在欧盟已成为超国家的地区主权的实体。欧盟的环境保护局已经成了一个大袋子,把环境保护、资源保护、自然保护甚至与工农业生产有关的问题都包括了进去。它的好处就是有利统一协调。欧盟的环境保护在40多年中,走过了从各成员国自行负责到形成共同的法律和行动,从工业环境为主到全面生态环境保护,从治理污染到主动预防,从国家到区域到全球行动,在环境保护行动中欧盟将变得更为活跃和日益重要  相似文献   

IntroductionWetlandisoneoftherichestbiodiversityareasintheearth .Biodiversityshouldincludefourlevels:hereditydiversity ,speciesdiversity ,ecosystemdiversityandlandscapediversity .Speakingfromcertainangles,theprotectionofecosystemdiversityandlandscapediver…  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, climate change has become an increasing concern for scientists, public opinions and policy makers. Due to the pervasive nature of its impacts for many important aspects of human life, climate change is likely to influence and be influenced by the most diverse policy or management choices. This is particularly true for those interventions affecting agriculture and forestry: they are strongly dependent on climate phenomena, but also contribute to climate evolution being sources of and sinks for greenhouse gases (GHG). This paper offers a survey of the existing literature assessing cost-effectiveness and efficiency of greenhouse gas mitigation strategies or the effects of broader economic reforms in the agricultural and forestry sectors. The focus is mainly on European countries. Different methodological approaches, research questions addressed and results are examined. The main findings are that agriculture can potentially provide emissions reduction at a competitive cost, mainly with methane abatement, while carbon sequestration seems more cost-effective with appropriate forest management measures. Afforestation, cropland management and bioenergy are less economically viable measures due to competition with other land use. Mitigation policies should be carefully designed either to balance costs with expected benefits in terms of social welfare. Regional variability is one of the main drawbacks to fully assess the cost-effectiveness of different measures. Integration of models to take into account both social welfare and spatial heterogeneity seems to be the frontier of the next model generation.  相似文献   

Wetland is one of the richest biodiversity areas in the earth. The main purpose of establishing wetland protected area is to protect biodiversity, and the protection of ecosystem diversity and landscape diversity is the key to protect biodiversity. In order to protect regional ecosystem and landscape, it is a good way to establish wetland comprehensive protected area which connected wetland nature reserves by habitat corridors. The Sanjiang Plain as a study area, its landscape evaluation index system on wetland protected area was studied, and some problems on landscape planning and ecology construction were further approached in this paper. It showed that establishing wetland comprehensive protected area is very important to protect regional wetlands, to maintain ecological balance,and to improve the sustainable development of agriculture and industry in this region.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地环境开发初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文讨论了鄱阳湖区湿地生态功能,分析了不合理利用造成的湿地资源衰退,水生生物难以恢复,据此提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

松嫩流域特大洪灾的醒示:湿地功能的再认识   总被引:51,自引:2,他引:51  
分析了1998年松嫩流域特大洪水发生与湿地丧失和退化的关系,根据湿地所具有的多种功能和效益,提出了松嫩流域水资源管理和防洪体系建设对策。近半个世纪以来,由于人口增长,人水争地,松嫩流域内湿地丧失达70%,湿地质量也发生明显的退化,使本区湿地具有的抵御洪水、调节径流、蓄洪防旱、控制污染、生物多样性保护等方面功能逐渐降低,生态环境趋于恶化。必须从全流域、大系统的角度出发,全面分析上、中、下游的自然、社会、经济条件与湿地的地位,统筹规划,分步实施,封山育林,保持水土,圈地分洪,保护湿地,加固堤防,疏浚河道,整治环境,合理开发,将区域的社会、经济发展建立在可持续的环境基础上。  相似文献   

Several international initiatives, including the European Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, promote the identification and mapping of ecosystems as basic tools for the conservation of biodiversity and related services. On coarse scales, the spatial representation of ecosystems is usually based on broad land cover categories that largely overlook important ecological and biogeographic features of the biotic communities they are meant to exemplify. This paper presents a nationwide ecosystem mapping approach that promotes a degree of thematic detail, which is more suited than that found in the continental maps to meeting biodiversity conservation targets in Italy. The approach is based on the rationale that current and potential vegetation cover are valuable proxies for outlining ecosystems. The resulting Ecosystem Map of Italy includes 43 types of forest ecosystems instead of the 5 woodland, forest and other wooded land types recognized at the European level. We outline the expected advantages of this enhanced thematic detail for a number of conservation purposes and highlight how the resulting maps may help to meet biodiversity conservation targets at the national level. In particular, we refer to the assessment of conservation status, the definition of restoration priorities, the planning of green infrastructure and the identification of collapse risks for the ecosystems identified. Comprehensively, the definition, characterization and assessment of ecosystem types represent the carrying structure of the recently launched national system of natural capital accounting.  相似文献   

NaturereserveconstructionanditscontributiontothebiodiversityconservationinChinamainland¥JiangMingkang;XueDayuan(NanjingInstit...  相似文献   

铁岭莲花湖湿地对减少铁岭市城市污水对辽河的污染、涵养水源、候乌与生物多样性保护等具有重要作用,随着铁岭市经济的发展和城市建设的加快,湿地保护和恢复的任务非常紧迫。在对该湿地生境概况的描述及其生态环境问题的分析基础上,提出生态保护的对策。  相似文献   

In the coming century, modern bioenergy crops have the potential to play a crucial role in the global energy mix, especially under policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as proposed by many in the international community. Previous studies have not fully addressed many of the dynamic interactions and effects of a policy-induced expansion of bioenergy crop production, particularly on crop yields and human food demand. This study combines an updated agriculture and land use (AgLU) model with a well-developed energy-economic model to provide an analysis of the effects of bioenergy crops on energy, agricultural and land use systems. The results indicate that carbon dioxide mitigation policies can stimulate a large production of bioenergy crops, dependent on the level of the policy. This production of bioenergy crops can lead to several impacts on the agriculture and land use system: decreases in forestland and unmanaged land, decreases in the average yield of food crops, increases in the prices of food crops, and decreases in the level of human demand of calories.
Steven J. Smith (Corresponding author)Email:

湿地公园是湿地与公园的复合体,体现了“在保护中利用,在利用中保护”的生态思想,其中植物景观起到了很大的作用。在湿地公园的设计中,对湿地植物的选择也尤为重要。上海崇明西沙湿地公园,是一个以自然保护为主的主体性公园。其保留了大部分的水生植物和湿生植物的构建模式,在保留层面有很大的优势,但同时也体现出一定的不足,希望通过对其优劣势的分析,对今后的湿地植物景观设计有更多的借鉴。  相似文献   

Natura 2000 is the core of the EU's biodiversity conservation policy. 50% of the overall protected area under Natura 2000 is forest. Yet, comparatively little is known about the implementation of the policy in forests. Building on a rich set of social and natural science data, and an inter- and transdisciplinary discussion process involving scientists from different disciplines as well as EU, national and local stakeholders, this paper identifies five important challenges related to the implementation of Natura 2000 in forests: (1) the balancing of biodiversity conservation and timber production, (2) the integration of conservation (science) and local stakeholders’ demands, (3) climate change, (4) lacking and less effective funding, and (5) conflicts related to other sectoral policies. Subsequently, five possible pathways to tackle these challenges are proposed: (1) a learning approach through better communication and transparency, (2) a pathway emphasizing the role of conservation science in developing management strategies and responding to climate change, (3) an approach of better integrating Europe's citizens in the design and implementation of the policy, (4) an approach highlighting the necessity of an effective funding strategy, and (5) the vision to work towards an integrated European land use and conservation policy. In conclusion, we emphasize, on one hand, the distinct character of the five pathways but, on the other hand, underline that probably all of them need to be followed in order to make the implementation of Natura 2000 in Europe's forests a success story.  相似文献   

In its Article 2, the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change policymakers gave themselves a long-term dynamic mandate under uncertainty. Taking the example of forestry activities in developing countries, the present article discusses whether land-based climate change mitigation measures in the context of compensation mechanisms for human-induced greenhouse gas emissions are covered under the UNFCCC's ultimate objective. Both the problem of climate change and human intervention act over long, yet finite timeframes. The article argues for taking a dynamic 100-year timeframe as reference for present-day activities. It concludes that increasing biotic carbon storage is legitimate for measures that contribute to biodiversity conservation, as long as it does not serve as a pretext for neglecting technological change. Among all forestry options, the list of priorities should be avoiding deforestation and devegetation, sustainable forest management, and afforestation. The problem of saturation can be encountered by the combination of forestry with the increased use of wood products and bioenergy. Concluding, the article gathers criteria for forest climate activities in the post-2012 regime. JEL Classification: Q23, Q54; Q57; Q58  相似文献   

典型海岛景观生态网络构建以崇明岛为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
人类活动的日益频繁使得海岛生物多样性保护压力不断增大,构建景观生态网络是缓解海岛生物多样性压力的重要途径。基于RS和GIS,运用最小阻力距离法和重力模型构建了崇明岛景观生态网络,结果显示:崇明岛景观生态网络由重要生态功能斑块和生态廊道构成;重要生态斑块共17个,面积170.6 km2,占崇明岛总面积的12%,其中东滩湿地为核心生态源地,东平国家森林公园附近区域为核心生态节点;生态廊道共25条,包括核心生态廊道17条,总长度分别为164.2 km和74.1 km,其中东滩湿地和北湖湿地之间廊道以及东风西沙周边廊道是崇明岛生态连接的关键;随着生态廊道宽度的增大,景观生态网络中最适宜景观比例相应减少,中等适宜景观和不适宜景观比例则有所增大,网络构建的难度也随之上升。  相似文献   

There is potential for synergy between the global environmental conventions on climate change, biodiversity and desertification: changes in land management and land use undertaken to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions can simultaneously deliver positive outcomes for conservation of biodiversity, and mitigation of desertification and land degradation. However, while there can be complementarities between the three environmental goals, there are often tradeoffs. Thus, the challenge lies in developing land use policies that promote optimal environmental outcomes, and in implementing these locally to promote sustainable development. The paper considers synergies and tradeoffs in implementing land use measures to address the objectives of the three global environmental conventions, both from an environmental and economic perspective. The intention is to provide environmental scientists and policy makers with a broad overview of these considerations, and the benefits of addressing the conventions simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of approaches to the conservation of woodland on private lands in England since 1949. In England, the majority of woodland sites important for nature conservation are small, isolated amongst open habitats, with a long history of management. Conservation of wildlife has since 1949 had a strong focus on private lands. Two approaches to protection have been adopted. Firstly about 80,000 ha of English woods are within statutorily protected sites; the degree of protection for these has increased through successive legislation in 1949, 1981 and 2001. Secondly, since 1985 wildlife protection has been achieved on private lands outside the protected sites through general statutory forestry policies. There has also been an increasing trend for active promotion of voluntary nature conservation through forestry incentives and grants, and the setting of targets as part of the government’s biodiversity action plan. The variety of ways in which woodland may be protected (to differing degrees) in England has enabled effective protection to be achieved over a greater area of woodland than would have been possible through nature reserves alone. These approaches may be relevant in other countries where woodland occurs as part of a cultural landscape.  相似文献   

We conducted a diagnosis of the environmental management system of the Brazilian auto parts industry, using the LIFE certification methodology (lasting initiative for earth) as a diagnostic tool. This certification recognizes enterprises that develop conservation actions for biodiversity for the purpose of minimizing and/or mitigating their own negative impact on the environment. Through this method, it was possible to quantify and qualify the environmental impact and investigate the existence of conservation actions, as well as evaluate them quantitatively and qualitatively. Therefore, we used this methodology to demonstrate its potential as an economic instrument of environmental management through its application within an EMS certified to the ISO 14001 series. It was shown that there are many benefits of using sustainable environmental resources (possibility to return to ISE-Corporate Sustainability Index-Bovespa) and for the final disposal of waste from production. The main results indicated that the LIFE methodology allows companies to incorporate actions to biodiversity conservation transversally into their EMSs, which can increase the efficiency of enterprise management. We believe that the use of this management model by other companies will enable the intensification of conservation actions in protected areas in their regions.  相似文献   

Due to its high biodiversity the Danube Delta, in Romania, is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Natural Site and it is listed as a RAMSAR wetland. The Danube River variable discharges have a great impact on the habitats and the overall ecological status of the delta. One of its most vulnerable parts, from both hydrodynamic and morphological point of view is the Sontea-Fortuna wetland located in the upstream of the Danube Delta. Sontea-Fortuna wetland is susceptible to both floods and droughts. On a long term, decision makers in the area need to know which measures to implement and how these will impact/improve the environment.This article presents how a 3D hydrodynamic model can be used as support for making sound decisions regarding the management of deltaic ecosystems. In particular, the methodology is applied on the Sontea-Fortuna wetland. The case study is part of a wider research in the area, which was developed within the EnviroGRIDS EU FP7 research project. EnviroGRIDS aimed at building capacity for scientists, decision-makers and the general public in the Black Sea Catchment, through collection and sharing of environmental data and models at the basin scale.  相似文献   

湿地资源研究进展与发展方向   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
湿地资源研究是对湿地资源类型与特征、数量与质量进行调查和评估,揭示湿地资源各要素间的相互作用以及人类活动对湿地资源的影响,协调湿地资源保护与合理利用关系。论文分析了湿地资源研究的现状与战略需求;国内外在湿地资源监测,湿地资源功能评价,湿地水资源与生态恢复,湿地生物资源保护,湿地与全球变化,城市湿地与城市湿地公园,湿地生态旅游,典型区域湿地动态演变与人类活动影响,以及新技术和新方法在湿地研究中的应用等领域最新进展。并结合国内外湿地资源研究发展趋势,指出了未来湿地资源研究发展方向。  相似文献   

In European nature conservation law, Natura 2000 sites are protected towards ensuring biodiversity through the conservation of natural habitat types and of wild fauna and flora. Anyone planning a potentially harmful activity needs to assess significant effects on a site's conservation objectives. While EU case law currently demands certainty provided by science, we will show that science can never rule out uncertainty. We distinguish three sources of uncertainty: ignorance (inadequate understanding), unpredictability of ecological system behaviour and ambiguity in the science–policy interface. Only ignorance can be solved by science alone. We will specify sources of uncertainty encountered in the significance decision procedure as part of the assessment of article 6 Habitats Directive. We will explore how they affect the use of knowledge during the three steps of the assessment process, i.e. identification of site conservation objectives, predicting the impact of the planned activity and assessing the significance of any effects on the Natura 2000 site. The claim that certainty has to be provided by science is unrealistic, because policy causes a good deal of uncertainty affecting how science can operate. This is discussed in the light of a common learning process by science and society. The European precautionary principle should not be limited to ignorance alone. Within the precautionary principle risk reduction measures can be allowed and thus uncertainties could be accepted, including those uncertainties caused by unpredictability and ambiguity. Finally we propose strategies to manage uncertainty in nature conservation and law planning.  相似文献   

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