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The past three decades have seen major changes in concepts of conservation, particularly the realisation that people living around ‘protected areas’ should play participatory roles in their management. Since 1974, the evolving biosphere reserve concept has foreshadowed these broader changes, most recently through the introduction of a periodic review process included in the 1995 Statutory Framework for the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR). This paper briefly outlines the development of the concept and its implementation, presents the periodic review process, describes its application in the United Kingdom (UK), and concludes with some implications for the future.  相似文献   

The progress of catalytic technologies in water purification: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Catalytic technologies have been paid increasing attention in refractory pollutants abatement due to its practical and potential values in water purification. As e ective and e cient approaches for water purification, Fenton’s reagent, ozonation, electrochemical and photocatalytic methods have been widely studied and applied in di erent aspects and have been reviewed by several articles. In recent years, some novel catalytic processes based on above processes have been developed for enhancing the e ciency of removing the organics from water. This review emphasized on the recent development of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation, electrocatalysis in respect of novel electrodes and electro-Fenton method, photoelectrocatalysis process and photoelectron-Fenton in water purification. It was also an attempt to propose general ideas about mechanism and principle enhancing the catalytic e ciency for the degradation and the mineralization of organics in water.  相似文献   

随着监测自然衰减技术的不断发展和日趋成熟,其在氯代烃污染场地修复领域中的应用越来越广泛和深入。本文在简要回顾监测自然衰减技术来源和发展的基础上,围绕主导氯代烃去除的生物自然衰减过程,综合探究了影响监测自然衰减效率的污染物、生物和环境因素,概述了评估氯代烃污染场地自然衰减能力的实地监测和数值模拟手段,并基于室内模拟实验和场地实际应用现状,分析了其与强化衰减技术联合应用的发展趋势。今后需要在复合污染体系的自然衰减特征、生物降解调控机理研究、数值模拟及同位素分析等手段的应用等方面进一步深入研究,以期为氯代烃污染场地的绿色修复提供参考。  相似文献   

膜曝气生物膜反应器研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
膜曝气生物膜反应器(MABR)是一种新颖的膜-生物处理组合工艺.在MABR中,曝气膜既提供曝气又兼做生物膜生长的载体.气相(曝气膜内腔)中的氧是通过膜/生物膜的界面扩散进入生物膜内,而液相(废水)中的底物是从生物膜/液相界面上进人生物膜.MABR突出特征是无泡曝气以及氧和底物的异向传质导致的生物膜功能活性层化,对高需氧...  相似文献   

TheconstructionandmanagementofnaturereservesinChinaJinJianmingNationalEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyofChina,Beijing100035,Chin...  相似文献   

As an effective, efficient, and economic approach for water purification, adsorbents and adsorption processes have been widely studied and applied in different aspects for a long time. In the recent years, a lot of novel adsorption processes have been developed for enhancing the efficiency of removing the organic and inorganic contaminants from water. This article reviews some new adsorbents and advanced adsorption methods that specialize in their compositions, structures, functions, and characteristics used in water treatment. The review emphasizes adsorption/catalytic oxidation process, adsorption/catalytic reduction process, adsorption coupled with redox process, biomimetic sorbent and its sorption behaviors of POPs, and modified adsorbents and their water purification efficiency.  相似文献   

白洋淀底泥化学性质在芦苇生境下的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
于2004年6月对白洋淀底泥进行了调查采样.化学分析的结果表明,底泥中氮、磷、有机质含量较高.重金属铜、锌、镉、铅呈现出不同程度的污染.通过原状土柱试验探讨了底泥在较长时间里发生的物质转变和演化规律,土柱内不同的pH值、C/N、灌水量对底泥演化的影响.结果表明,在pH值为7.3、C/N为12:1、灌水量为80L条件下处理有利于芦苇对底泥的无害化处理.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As)-contaminated wastewater and groundwater pose a pressing environmental issue and worldwide concern. Adsorption of As using TiO2 materials, in combination with filtration, introduces a promising technology for the treatment of As-contaminated water. This review presents an overview on the recent progress of the application of TiO2 for removal of As from wastewater and groundwater. The main focus is on the following three pressing issues that limit the field applications of TiO2 for As removal: coexisting ions, simulation of breakthrough curves, and regeneration and reuse of spent TiO2 materials. We first examined how the coexisting ions in water, especially high concentrations of cations in industrial wastewater, affect the efficacy of As removal using the TiO2 materials. We then discussed As breakthrough curves and the effect of compounded ions on the breakthrough curves. We successfully simulated the breakthrough curves by PHREEQC after integrating the CD-MUSIC model. We further discussed challenges facing the regeneration and reuse of TiO2 media for practical applications. We offer our perspectives on remaining issues and future research needs.  相似文献   

介绍了1996年沈阳市环境保护局建立季环境质量分析报告会制度与运行效果的总结和设想.  相似文献   

Cadmium contamination of soil is a global issue and in-situ remediation technology as a promising mitigation strategy has attracted more and more attention. Many nanomaterials have been applied for the in-situ remediation of cadmium-contaminated soil due to their excellent properties of the nano-scale size effect. In this work, recent research progress of various nanomaterials, including carbon nanomaterials, metal-based nanomaterials and nano mineral materials, in the removal of cadmium and in-situ remediation of cadmium-contaminated soil were systematically discussed. Additional emphases were particularly laid on both laboratory and field restoration effects. Moreover, the factors which can affect the stability of cadmium, main interaction mechanisms between nanomaterials and cadmium in the soil, and potential future research direction were also provided. Therefore, it is believed that this work will ultimately contribute to the myriad of environmental cleanup advances, and further improve human health and sustainable development.  相似文献   




截至2019年11月底,太原市强化监督定点帮扶已开展15轮次。在梳理工作、对比分析的基础上,本文采用双重差分方法量化分析了强化监督定点帮扶对空气质量改善的净效应。研究发现:对PM_(10)浓度改善的作用最为显著,降低PM_(10)浓度16.465μg/m~3,贡献率为25.9%。这主要与强化监督定点帮扶工作中对各类扬尘污染关注度极高有关;对NO_2浓度降低也有极显著影响,降低NO_2浓度3.621μg/m~3,贡献率为26.8%,这一结果可能因机动车和天然气广泛使用增加NO_x排放量而被低估;对PM_(2.5)、CO、SO_2浓度改善的作用较为明显,但影响还不显著;对臭氧8小时滑动平均值未起到有效控制作用。  相似文献   

固体表面改性用于防治生物污损研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过物理化学方法使固体表面性质发生改变的技术称为固体表面改性技术.改变固体的表面性质能够使细菌、硅藻等污损生物及其胞外聚合物质难以附着以达到防污的目的,是目前生物防污的主要手段.本文简述了生物污损的形成过程、形成机理及影响因素,并在此基础上综述固体表面改性技术在防治生物污损方面应用的研究进展.同时,结合多学科的交叉发展,对未来防污手段作了展望,为防污方面的固体表面改性技术研究提供参考.  相似文献   

第三产业排污申报登记是环境保护行政主管部门掌握污染源情况的一项重要法律手段。应从立法上规定预前申报制度并授予环境监理人员现场处置权等,环境保护行政主管部门和工商行政管理部门应同止办证,联合年检,以提高申报登记率。  相似文献   

太湖浮游植物生物量的周期性变化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
于2002年定点观测了太湖梅梁湾水体5个层位上的悬浮质和叶绿素含量,同时比较了太湖近6年的叶绿素和悬浮质检测结果.将叶绿素及其与悬浮质的比值的平均数作为对生物量的衡量指标.结果表明,浮游植物生物量呈现相同的多峰型变化,2个峰之间平均间隔约为50d.在太湖水华优势种微囊藻(Microcystis spp.)室内分解试验的基础上,检测到的生物量波动周期与微囊藻细胞分解和生长过程所需的时间之和(43~50d)是一致的.讨论了生物量波动周期与多种环境因子的相关性.  相似文献   

矿产资源开发生态补偿文献综述及实践进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产资源开发会造成严重的环境污染和生态破坏,影响矿区经济增长和居民生活,为了消除这种负外部性,必须给予相应的补偿。在概念界定的基础上,对矿产资源开发生态补偿的理论文献进行系统梳理,并对国内外实践进行总结。分析发现:现有研究在内容上尚存在一些不足之处,包括生态补偿契约设计问题、补偿资金分摊问题、差异化补偿标准问题、不同补偿模式交易成本测度及临界点问题等。这些问题是未来值得进一步深入研究的学术问题。我国矿产资源开发生态补偿起步较晚,在实践中暴露出一些问题,包括制度建设和监管体系等。相比较而言,美国、德国、英国等国家经过长期的实践,在法律体系建设、不同矿区分类补偿、进入和退出机制、资金保障制度、监管机制构建等方面具有丰富的经验,取得了非常好的效果。借鉴其他国家的先进经验,可以从几方面完善我国矿产资源开发生态补偿机制,包括健全法律法规体系、完善保证金制度、健全生态补偿税费制度、建立健全监管体系等。  相似文献   

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