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福州国家森林公园游客游览状况与其心理健康的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以福州国家森林公园为例,调查了公园游客在游览中的偏好和习惯,并结合其心境状况指标(POMS),分析了不同游览偏好与心境状况的关系。结果表明:超过60%的游客喜欢在春季游览森林公园;至少每月游览1~2次对身心健康有益,且每次游览的时间至少在2h以上为最佳;居住地距离福州国家森林公园0.5km以内的游客,心理健康状况显著优于距离0.5km以上的游客;愿意游览森林公园的游客其心理健康状况显著优于不愿意或无所谓的游客。最后,根据调查结果,对游客使用森林公园的方式以及公园管理等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

中老年游客是免费公园游客人群的主要群体,以上海市27座免费公园为例,分析中老年两年龄段游客行为特征,以及其对公园设施服务的重要性和满意度。结果表明:中年游客具有择园路程范围广,公共交通利用率高,来园频率低,入园时间晚,喜爱亲子活动,停留时间短等特征;而老年游客则表现出偏爱短距离公园,以步行为主,来园频率高,入园时间早,倾向运动健身,停留时间长等特征。两年龄段游客对公园满意度评价总体相近,均认为绿化、卫生状况和安全性,以及景点、厕所和无障碍设施设置是影响游客来园的关键因子,前3项令游客满意,而后3项却达不到期望。针对两年龄段游客不同的行为和满意度特征,对免费公园的经营管理提出建议。  相似文献   

公园游客管理概念的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要保护公园的生态、社会、经济和文化价值,游客管理具有根本的重要性.政府要求公园进一步在财政上自给自足正在制定一个更加完善的管理方法代替单纯地限制游客的数量这种方法鼓励公众参与公园的目标设定和游客满意度评价,并奖励胜任的财务管理.  相似文献   

由于旅游业迅速发展和游客数目不断增加,中国历史悠久的黄山风景区正在受到环境损害。问题包括:森林破坏;该地区的城市化趋势;水分配平衡的干扰;某些景点游客太多。本文提出了防止这一独特风景区进一步恶化的战略。  相似文献   

要保护公园的生态、社会、经济和文化价值 ,游客管理具有根本的重要性 . 政府要求公园进一 步在财政上自给自足 . 正在制定一个更加完善的管理方法代替单纯地限制游客的数量 . 这种 方法鼓励公众参与公园的目标设定和游客满意度评价 ,并奖励胜任的财务管理 .  相似文献   

为研究西藏林芝巴结巨柏自然保护区开展旅游活动后巨柏的生长状况及游客行为,通过实地调查和问卷调查,首先对保护区内游客行为特征进行研究,发现其旅游活动相对集中于较短的时间范围和景区入口处,旅游活动单一.其次,由于保护区开展旅游活动已有较长的时间,结合游客的行为特征,对区内旅游干扰进行了调查.进行保护区土壤调查时将保护区划分为四个样区,并在每个区域内设置对照采样点,对保护区内不同样区的游道两侧不同距离的土壤硬度、含水率、容重及pH值进行了测定和分析,发现随旅游干扰强度的增加,土壤的物理、化学性质发生了相应的变化.同时,将保护区沿主要游道划分为三个样区,调查巨柏受伤害状况,发现游客活动频繁的区域,巨柏受伤害的可能性越大且受刻画等级越高.最后探讨了土壤理化性质、巨柏受伤害程度的变化趋势与旅游干扰强度关系.  相似文献   

公园游客管理概念的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要保护公园的生态、社会、经济和文化价值 ,游客管理具有根本的重要性 . 政府要求公园进一 步在财政上自给自足 . 正在制定一个更加完善的管理方法代替单纯地限制游客的数量 . 这种 方法鼓励公众参与公园的目标设定和游客满意度评价 ,并奖励胜任的财务管理 .  相似文献   

公园游客管理概念的演变   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
要保护公园的生态,社会,经济和文化价值,游客管理具有根本的重要性,政府要求公园进一步在财政上自给自足,正在制定一个更加完善的管理方式代替单纯地限制游客的数量,这种方法鼓励公众参与公园的目标设定和游客满意度评价,并奖励胜任的服务管理。  相似文献   

新西兰国家公园和其它保护区管理政策的目的是达到游客使用和自然景色保护之间的平衡。新西兰自然保护部已制定了一项减少游客对环境的影响的战略草案。本文介绍了管理两个世界遗产点(菲沃德兰国家公园和蒂怀普纳姆)和同加里洛国家公园即新西兰建立的第一个国家公园的经验。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,城市化进程加快,城市面临着人口剧增、交通拥堵等一系列问题,人们渴望在城市内拥有更多的绿色空间,绿道的出现一定程度上满足了人们的游憩需求。目前,对绿道的研究基本停留在经验的介绍、绿道规划建设和绿道网络评价等方面,而对绿道使用者特征和满意度研究较少。文章采用资料收集、实地考察和问卷调查等方法,对增城绿道游客的人口学特征和行为特征进行研究,研究表明:增城绿道游客的男女比例相对均衡,年龄主要集中在22~40岁之间,主要以家庭出游、学生团体出游为主,外地游客占总数接近一半,游客得知增城绿道的信息途径主要是亲朋好友推荐,游客到达增城绿道的方式主要是自驾游和自行车,游客对增城绿道的满意度及推荐意愿均很高。结合广东增城绿道的特点,确定了影响增城绿道满意度的20个因子,运用重要性-绩效性分析法(IPA分析法)对增城绿道满意度进行了实证研究,结果表明增城绿道管理中需优先解决的事项有便捷的公共交通、沿线垃圾桶的设置、沿线公共厕所的设置、沿线治安管理、沿线急救服务、道路的宽度和道路的安全性,并建议从完善公共交通系统与交通信息发布、加强绿道服务设施建设、注重安全管理的宣传等3个方面改进增城绿道服务水平。  相似文献   

The politics of development includes subtexts of choice, as underpinned by community consensus (or lack of it), against the larger backdrop of a liberal democracy, with its intricate power structures that influence the choice of concepts and often lead to complicity rather than consent. A dilemma exists between the understanding of field-level practitioners and that of academics, whose understandings of progress differ. Progress can (and often does) imply long-term change across generations whereas development is often more a matter of crisis management and delivering tangible results to end-users. This makes it a bone of contention across political systems, irrespective of local or global dynamics. Development can emerge as a tool to be wielded for power and further political mileage at the expense of progress. Progress cannot be studied as a counterpoint to development as the sense of history is often missing in development interventions. Development tends to be piecemeal as its very logic often stems from the rationale of power. This is not to suggest, however, that development is only about politics; it is definitely more than the politics of everyday life and involves all of civil society that requires its critical and immediate attention. In this sense, it has become a priority for politicians with an underlying agenda designed to out-manouevre dissent and all statements of protest.  相似文献   

Abstract: Disruption of gene flow among demes after landscape fragmentation can facilitate local adaptation but increase the effect of genetic drift and inbreeding. The joint effects of these conflicting forces on the mean fitness of individuals in a population are unknown. Through simulations, we explored the effect of increased isolation on the evolution of genetic load over the short and long term when fitness depends in part on local adaptation. We ignored genetic effects on demography. We modeled complex genomes, where a subset of the loci were under divergent selection in different localities. When a fraction of the loci were under heterogeneous selection, isolation increased mean fitness in larger demes made up of hundreds of individuals because of improved local adaptation. In smaller demes of tens of individuals, increased isolation improved local adaptation very little and reduced overall fitness. Short‐term improvement of mean fitness after fragmentation may not be indicative of the long‐term evolution of fitness. Whatever the deme size and potential for local adaptation, migration of one or two individuals per generation minimized the genetic load in general. The slow dynamics of mean fitness following fragmentation suggests that conservation measures should be implemented before the consequences of isolation on the genetic load become of concern.  相似文献   

The macro-algae communities observed in the south lake of Tunis are characterized by the predominance of nitrophilous algae which are in the order of biomass importance:Ulva, Cladophora andEnteromorpha. We have noted seasonal changes of alga distribution. The wind appears to be one of the most important factors influencing this distribution. The total biomass reaches a maximum in the spring. Rapid decomposition of the biomass leads to a severe ecological imbalance, resulting in crises of anoxia and fish death. A restoration project has already started. It aims at removal of contaminated muds and the introduction of a new circulation system. The main objectives of this work were to collect information on the distribution and biomass of the phytobenthic communities as a first step in the constitution of a database for further comparison.  相似文献   

Harrewijn  Paul  Minks  Albert K.  Mollema  Chris 《Chemoecology》1994,5(2):55-73
Summary The production of volatile secondary plant substances during the evolution of terrestrial plants is reviewed in regard to the defensive systems of plants to microorganisms and herbivores. Plant volatiles can be produced by both anabolic and catabolic processes. Although attraction of pollinators is a well-studied phenomenon, functions of volatiles range from excretion of waste products to the production of compounds attracting natural enemies of herbivores. During the evolution of the angiosperms a diversity of volatiles were selected to defend generative parts against microorganisms. Many of these allomones were related to or even identical with sex pheromones of insects. As a result flowers of angiosperms became utilized as a mating site. Consequently insects visiting flowers became involved in pollination, facilitating the steps from anemophily to entomophily. The efficiency of entomophily was increased because of nutritional rewards.An evolutionary scenario for the impact of plant volatiles on insects is presented and the role of volatile allomones in the establishment of plant-insect relationships is emphasized by (1) their strong antimicrobial properties, (2) strategies to protect symbiotic microorganisms, (3) their function as repellents and deterrents, (4) the use of volatile allomones as kairomones. These facts speak for an adaptation of insects to plant physiology and a limited importance of phytophagous insects in selection pressure upon plants. Herbivorous insects have realized specific adaptations to be able to discriminate between complex odour blends, but the utilization of chemical groups among insect taxa is different.The main theories on plant chemical defence do not discuss the impact of volatiles on host plant selection and may be apt to revision when pheromones, allomones, kairomones and synomones are not taken into account.  相似文献   

An argument is presented in which areas of natural arsenic contamination of modern groundwaters throughout Asia have a common origin. Arsenic originally accumulated in oceanic ferro-manganoan sediments of the eastern Palaeo-Tethys. This was further concentrated through oceanic crustal extinction in what later became the south-east Chinese accreted mineralised terrain. Proto-Himalayan uplift of this area created the palaeo-drainage systems of the Ganges – Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Mekong, and Red Rivers, with consequent headwater erosion of arsenic-rich sediments. Their downstream deposition as immature and easily redistributed Neogene sandstones, silts, and iron-rich clays has created secondary and tertiary reservoirs of adsorbed and authigenic arsenic, from which the current arsenic-rich groundwaters have evolved. Considering river basins within the above palaeo-hydrogeological framework provides a basis for assessing the risk of arsenic in groundwater basins of south and south-eastern Asia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Non‐native invasive mammal species have caused major ecological change on many islands. To conserve native species diversity, invasive mammals have been eradicated from several islands not inhabited by humans. We reviewed the challenges associated with campaigns to eradicate invasive mammals from islands inhabited by humans and domestic animals. On these islands, detailed analyses of the social, cultural, and economic costs and benefits of eradication are required to increase the probability of local communities supporting the eradication campaign. The ecological benefits of eradication (e.g., improvement of endemic species’ probability of survival) are difficult to trade‐off against social and economic costs due to the lack of a common currency. Local communities may oppose an eradication campaign because of perceived health hazards, inconvenience, financial burdens, religious beliefs, or other cultural reasons. Besides these social challenges, the presence of humans and domestic animals also complicates eradication and biosecurity procedures (measures taken to reduce the probability of unwanted organisms colonizing an island to near zero). For example, houses, garbage‐disposal areas, and livestock‐feeding areas can provide refuges for certain mammals and therefore can decrease the probability of a successful eradication. Transport of humans and goods to an island increases the probability of inadvertent reintroduction of invasive mammals, and the establishment of permanent quarantine measures is required to minimize the probability of unwanted recolonization after eradication. We recommend a close collaboration between island communities, managers, and social scientists from the inception of an eradication campaign to increase the probability of achieving and maintaining an island permanently free of invasive mammals.  相似文献   

Estimates of species geographic ranges constitute critical input for biodiversity assessments, including those for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Area of occupancy (AOO) is one metric that IUCN uses to quantify a species’ range, but data limitations typically lead to either under- or overestimates (and unnecessarily wide bounds of uncertainty). Fortunately, existing methods in which range maps and land-cover data are used to estimate the area currently holding habitat for a species can be extended to yield an unbiased range of plausible estimates for AOO. Doing so requires estimating the proportion of sites (currently containing habitat) that a species occupies within its range (i.e., prevalence). Multiplying a quantification of habitat area by prevalence yields an estimate of what the species inhabits (i.e., AOO). For species with intense sampling at many sites, presence–absence data sets or occupancy modeling allow calculation of prevalence. For other species, primary biodiversity data (records of a species’ presence at a point in space and time) from citizen-science initiatives and research collections of natural history museums and herbaria could be used. In such cases, estimates of sample prevalence should be corrected by dividing by the species’ detectability. To estimate detectability from these data sources, extensions of inventory-completeness analyses merit development. With investments to increase the quality and availability of online biodiversity data, consideration of prevalence should lead to tighter and more realistic bounds of AOO for many taxonomic groups and geographic regions. By leading to more realistic and representative characterizations of biodiversity, integrating maps of current habitat with estimates of prevalence should empower conservation practitioners and decision makers and thus guide actions and policy worldwide.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of mancozeb in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruits was evaluated. Results indicate rapid dissipation of mancozeb and its metabolic conversion to ethylenethiourea (ETU), the carcinogenic metabolite. Treatment with mancozeb at flowering stage resulted translocation of ETU in newly emerged fruits indicating the systemic nature of ETU. ETU was detected within one hour of final spraying of mancozeb at the doses of 1.5 and 3?kg a.i./ha. The residue level of ETU increased up to 3-day for both the treatments, which then rapidly dissipated to safer metabolite ethyleneurea (EU) and reached the below detectable limit within 25 days. Cooking of fresh tomatoes caused decontamination of mancozeb residues, which was associated with simultaneous increase in ETU residues. The degradation pattern of ETU after application of mancozeb was slower as compared to the spraying of ETU as such on the crop. A pre-harvest interval of 25 days is recommended.  相似文献   

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