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Inbreeding has negative effects on individual and population performances. Therefore, enhancement of offspring genetic diversity is believed to play a major role in shaping mating systems. However, no study has clearly separated the direct effect of having multiple partners from the indirect effect of having more outbred offspring on the resulting reproductive success of individuals in the wild. In this study, we report significant associations between both multiple mating and within-individual genetic diversity of offspring, and an increased reproductive success of wild female Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Specifically, we found that females with a higher number of mates also have more outbred offspring (within-individuals), and that both of these characteristics increased their reproductive success expressed in terms of offspring surviving when combining all freshwater juvenile stages. Our findings also indicate that determinants of fitness are different among sexes as within-individual offspring genetic diversity was not a strong predictor of male reproductive success, while the number of mates was important. We also show that females mated with more outbred males than on average, which potentially increased their chances of producing outbred offspring. These results therefore suggest that there could be more important indirect genetic benefits of multiple mating for females than for males.Communicated by M. Abrahams  相似文献   

The uptake and depuration of the water-sol‐uble fraction (WSF) of hydrocarbons of crude petroleum by Atlantic salmon (Salmosalar) has previously been examined in terms of whole muscle. The hypothesis that the tainting WSF in the muscle was retained primarily by adipocytes has been investigated by the isolation of adipocytes and the subsequent analysis for hydrocarbons in adipocytes. After 96 h exposure of market-sized Atlantic salmon to 0.2 ppm WSF, adipocytes isolated from the belly flap region of the muscle tissue accumulated 14.3 times more WSF (59.4 ppm) than the dorsal white muscle (4.2 ppm), while 54% of the tainting WSF in the dorsal white muscle was found to be stored in associated adipocytes. When returned to clean seawater, WSF accumulated in the dorsal white muscle was released much faster than that in the adipocytes. These results indicated that the loose association of WSF with the nonlipid portion of white muscle, mainly muscle cells and intercellular fluid, is responsible for the rapid discharge of WSF from the dorsal muscle tissue in the early stages of depuration. After 4 d of depuration, the adipocytes became the principal storage site of residual WSF in white muscle and the depuration of WSF from muscle tissue then reflected the release of WSF from adipocytes in the muscle tissue. After 20 d of depuration, 10.7 ppm of tainting WSF in the form of high molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons (mainly C4-benzenes, naphthalene and alkylated naphthalenes) were still present in adipocytes, while in the dorsal white muscle only a trace of total WSF was detected. Increases in the number of aromatic rings and the alkylations on the rings enhanced the accumulation and retention of individual hydrocarbons in both adipocytes and white muscle. From these studies we conclude that it is the adipocytes in the muscle tissue which control the actual accumulation and release of hydrocarbons in the whole muscle tissue of Atlantic salmon. Received: 21 August 1996 / Accepted: 26 September 1996  相似文献   

Baltic salmons were caught from two Latvian rivers during the spawning seasons of 2010 and 2011 for the determination of seventeen 2,3,7,8-chlorine-substituted dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A partially automated clean-up procedure was used for sample preparation, followed by capillary gas chromatography hyphenated to high-resolution mass spectrometry. The concentrations of PCDD/F&;PCB-TEQ ranged from 6.6 to 18.2?ng?kg?1 fresh weight and this confirms the previous reports of relatively high concentrations of PCDD/Fs, and especially of dioxin-like PCBs in Baltic wild salmon, in most samples exceeding maximum recommended levels (MRLs) in toxicity equivalency quotients (PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) of the World Health Organization (WHO 1998) according to EC COMMISSION REGULATION No 1881/2006. The results suggest that high consumption of Baltic wild salmon could entail the risk of exceeding the TDI for adults and teenagers. Extra care must be taken when Baltic wild salmon is included in childrens's diet to avoid exceedance of the recommended TDI of 4?pg?kg?1 body weight for this group.  相似文献   

Prior residency advantages have been explained by an asymmetry between the ‘owner’ and the ‘intruder’ in fighting ability (resource-holding potential) or motivation (value asymmetry (VA)). Here, we tested for the extent of prior residence effects in individually tagged Atlantic salmon juveniles being released in two bouts (4 days apart) during spring along a natural stream, and recaptured 3 months later. A prior residency advantage was detected both in terms of body growth, energy density and male gonad size. As we controlled for effects of initial body size, which correlates with dominance, these findings are in accordance with the VA hypothesis. The growth advantage of first arrivals also increased with local shelter abundance in the stream, which can be expected if a higher resource value of the habitat results in a higher defence motivation. We also found a prior residence effect on spatial distribution, with the second arrivals within each release site being recaptured further downstream. No effect on apparent survival rates was found. The observed reduced growth and energy density may have fitness consequences for the second arrivals, both in terms of lower winter survival rates and later age at maturity. For mature male parr, both decreased body and gonad growth may give an additional disadvantage through reduced fertilization rates during breeding. These costs may help to explain the tendency for stationary behaviour of stream salmonids, as the potential benefits of moving into less crowded areas would be reduced by the risk of becoming an intruder. Prior residence effects may therefore have influenced the evolution of movement behaviour in these organisms.  相似文献   

Patterns of space use provide key insights into how animals exploit local resources and are linked to both the fitness and distribution of individuals. We studied territory size, mobility, and foraging behavior of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in relation to several key environmental factors in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada. The 50 study fish were all multiple central-place foragers (i.e., alternated among several sit-and-wait foraging stations) and showed great variability in territory size and the total distance traveled within the territories. Territory size increased with the mean distance traveled between consecutive foraging stations, the number of stations visited, and the mean foraging radius. Fish also varied greatly in how much of the total travel distance was associated with foraging at a station (14.8–91.8%) versus switching among stations (4.6–84.3%). As predicted, fish in slow-flowing waters, where drifting prey were scarce, used larger multiple central-place territories than individuals in faster, more productive waters. Interestingly, however, the most mobile fish did not inhabit slow-running waters as predicted but were found at intermediate (optimal) water current velocities. Hence, our study suggests that among some multiple central-place foragers, increased mobility may not only serve to increase prey encounter rate but may reflect an attempt to patrol territories in favorable habitats. Further studies are needed to determine the generality and the ultimate benefits of multiple central-place space use among stream-dwelling fish and other animals.  相似文献   

Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) larvae were collected from 10 monthly cruises (June–October 2003 and 2004) across the Straits of Florida to test (1) whether growth differed between the more productive western region near the Florida shelf, and the less productive eastern region toward the Bahamas, and (2) whether growth was related to prey consumption. Examination of larval sagittal otoliths revealed that instantaneous growth and daily growth during the first 2–3 weeks of life did not vary significantly between the two regions for either species. However, recent growth during the last two full days prior to collection was greater in the west for blue marlin larvae. Recent growth of blue marlin larvae <9 mm SL (primarily zooplanktivorous) was significantly related to prey composition (faster growth when higher proportions of Farranula copepods were consumed). Western larvae grew faster and had higher proportions of Farranula in their guts. Trends for sailfish larvae were not significant. In both species, comparison of early growth between <9 and ≥9 mm SL size groups indicated that growth trajectories diverged around 5–8 mm SL, the time when billfish larvae become capable of piscivory. Significantly faster growth of larger (older) larvae suggests that mortality was selective for fast growers and that the transition to piscivory may be a critical point in the early life of billfish.  相似文献   

马燕  李志萍  梁珂  刘明珠 《生态环境》2012,21(4):720-725
河流渗滤是一种自然净化过程,污染河水通过该过程在河流沉积层中发生各种物理、化学和生物作用,使得污染物浓度降低,河水水质得到净化,从而达到增加地下水开采量的目的。本项研究通过淋滤实验,利用自行设计的土柱实验装置和人工配制的淋滤液,模拟了BTEX污染河水在下渗通过河流渗滤系统的过程中发生的降解行为。实验历时48 d,获得了该过程中BTEX各组分和电子受体的质量浓度变化历时曲线,得出的结论包括:污染河水中的BTEX在通过河流渗滤系统时将发生两种环境行为—吸附和降解。其中,吸附作用对于BTEX的净化效果较为有限,当吸附达到饱和之后,在存在电子受体的情况下,BTEX能够发生厌氧微生物降解,降解作用能够更有效的去除BTEX污染物。其中去除效率最高的是间二甲苯,在以NO3-为电子受体的情况下平均去除率为85.5%,在以SO42-为电子受体的情况下平均去除率为82.4%,其次是乙苯、甲苯,去除率最差的是苯,在两种电子受体的系统中平均去除率分别为68.5%和63.5%。由于吸附作用的影响,微生物降解相对于BTEX浓度变化存在一个滞后期,BTEX各组分的土壤-水吸附分配系数Kd越大,总的降解效率也就越低。通过河流渗滤系统这一自然净化过程,可以有效地去除浓度较高的BTEX混合污染,各组分平均去除效率都超过了60%,最高去除率均超过了80%。对于持续不断入渗的污染河水,当土壤吸附达到饱和、微生物活性受到抑制,去除效率会大大降低,从而使BTEX穿透河流沉积层进入含水层,对地下水产生危害。  相似文献   

Competition for space changes species’ distributions and community organization on tropical rocky shores, and the presence of secondary metabolites in the tissues of non-indigenous species may aid them in establishing and expanding their range through negative competitive interactions. The aim of this study was to describe the range of chemical substances produced by the non-indigenous cup corals Tubastraea coccinea and T. tagusensis and to test whether they varied in the field when the corals were placed in proximity to two local competitors. Cholest-5-en-3β-ol and 9-octadecanoic acid were two common secondary metabolites found in the tissues of Tubastraea. In the competition interaction experiment, necrosis was detected on the tissues of the coral Mussismilia hispida, and this species induced variation in sterol, alkaloid, and fatty acid production in Tubastraea tissues. In contrast, a sponge overgrew Tubastraea colonies. These results indicate that chemical defense may contribute to the ability of these non-indigenous corals to invade native communities.  相似文献   

The Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima (Dillwyn, 1817), is a dominant member of the benthic community on the continental shelf from Georges Bank to North Carolina, USA. This bivalve has supported a major fishery, primarily off New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula, since the 1960s. Early papers documented that these populations were at historical lows in the mid-1970s owing to commercial harvesting and a hypoxic event off New Jersey. It was also shown that major recruitment took place off New Jersey in 1976 and off the Delmarva Peninsula in 1977. Because the size frequencies of surfclams from federal surveys do not show distinct year classes, there has been uncertainty about the number of year classes in these populations throughout the 1980s and 1990s. The present study describes changes in population age- and size-structure from 1978 to 1997 in federal waters (≥5.5 km from shore) of the USA. Given the 30 to 35 year life span of S. solidissima, these populations could be composed of many year classes. Yet, these populations were composed of only two to three year classes in 1978. Through annual recruitment, the number of year classes increased over time, and populations off New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula contained at least 19 year classes in 1997. This major change in population structure over time was not evident from examination of available size-frequency data, and could only be inferred from data on age-composition. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the surfclam fishery was supported by multiple year classes. The mean and variance of recruitment to the New Jersey region, as indicated by the abundance of 4-year-olds over time, was greater than that off Delmarva, particularly between 1980 and 1986. The instantaneous rate of adult mortality, which includes the effect of harvesting, was approximately 0.26 yr−1 in each region. Received: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Despite several decades of operations and the increasing importance of water quality monitoring networks, the authorities still rely on experiential insights and subjective judgments in siting water quality monitoring stations. This study proposes an integrated technique which uses a genetic algorithm (GA) and a geographic information system (GIS) for the design of an effective water quality monitoring network in a large river system. In order to develop a design scheme, planning objectives were identified for water quality monitoring networks and corresponding fitness functions were defined using linear combinations of five selection criteria that are critical for developing a monitoring system. The criteria include the representativeness of a river system, compliance with water quality standards, supervision of water use, surveillance of pollution sources and examination of water quality changes. The fitness levels were obtained through a series of calculations of the fitness functions using GIS data. A sensitivity analysis was performed for major parameters such as the numbers of generations, population sizes and probability of crossover and mutation, in order to determine a good fitness level and convergence for optimum solutions. The proposed methodology was applied to the design of water quality monitoring networks in the Nakdong River system, in Korea. The results showed that only 35 out of 110 stations currently in operation coincide with those in the new network design, therefore indicating that the effectiveness of the current monitoring network should be carefully re-examined. From this study, it was concluded that the proposed methodology could be a useful decision support tool for the optimized design of water quality monitoring networks.  相似文献   

Summary. In the present experiment the behaviour and endocrine status of males of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., (Salmoniformes: Salmonidae) were studied when males were kept in a stream tank with a nest digging female. Groups of mature adult males and precocious intact or anosmic male parr were placed with the nesting female so that the group resembled a natural spawning situation with big anadromous fish acting as dominant males and precocious parr acting as “sneakers”. A control experiment was also run with only males without a female present. In intact parr there were significant positive correlations between the per cent of the total observation time spent with a female, milt volume, and plasma concentration of 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. Anosmic parr had significantly lower volumes of strippable milt and gonadal steroid hormone levels compared with intact parr. However, no differences were found in the control experiment. Significantly fewer anosmic parr attended and courted the nesting female and those anosmic fish that attended the female had significantly lower plasma levels of gonadal hormones. Intact parr also displayed a greater number of agonistic acts against other parr without any difference in fighting ability. No differences in aggression occured in the control experiment. In adult males together with a female, post-experimental gonadal steroid hormone levels were higher than pre-experimental levels. Positive correlations between aggression and androgen hormone levels were observed in adult males. No differences in plasma hormone levels were observed between adult males and intact precocious males. The results show that olfactory occlusion results in low steroid hormone levels and milt volumes in precocious males placed in a spawning situation. The courting behaviour was also affected by anosmia. Odours from the nesting female may have caused the enhanced plasma hormone levels and stimulated the males to attend the female. Received 15 May 1997; accepted 29 June 1997.  相似文献   

S. Herke  D. Foltz 《Marine Biology》2002,140(1):103-115
The loliginid squids Loligo pealei LeSueur and L. plei Blaineville (both recently proposed for reclassification as Doryteuthis) are commercially important, similar in appearance, and sympatric throughout much of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. To investigate possible cryptic speciation and population structure, we examined samples (collected from 1995 to 1997) of both species for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in PCR products of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase (subunit I). RFLP haplotypes were further characterized by direct sequencing. In North American waters, cryptic speciation was rejected by the far greater nucleotide sequence divergence between species (~14%) versus within species (<1%). Each species displayed about a dozen RFLP haplotypes, but only three of their respective haplotypes were found among 90% of L. pealei specimens (n=356) and 97% of L. plei specimens (n=431). For L. pealei, a genetic break existed between the northern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean; among sample units within each population, gene flow was consistent with panmixia. The phylogeography of L. pealei is likely a consequence of the eastward currents of the Florida Straits, the elevated temperatures of those surface waters, and the restriction of this species to the continental shelf. For L. plei, a genetic break existed between longitudes 88°W and 89°W, with the northwestern Gulf of Mexico and the northeastern Gulf-Atlantic Ocean comprising separate populations; among sample units within each population, gene flow fit an isolation-by-distance model. If the genetic break found for L. plei represents resident populations separated by nearshore physical parameters (e.g. effects of the Mississippi River and the sediment boundary at longitude 88°W), the lack of structure within the Gulf for L. pealei might be due to its distribution farther from shore. However, the two populations of L. plei probably represent annual recolonization from the southwestern Gulf of Mexico and from the eastern Caribbean Sea, whereas the populations of L. pealei probably are permanent residents within their respective regions.  相似文献   

Large rivers are generally heterogeneous and productive systems that receive important inputs of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from terrestrial and in situ sources. Thus, they are likely to play a significant role in the biogeochemical cycling of the DOM flowing to the oceans. The asymmetric spatial gradient driven by directional flow and environmental heterogeneity contributes to the fate of DOM flowing downstream. Yet, the relative effects of spatial connectivity and environmental heterogeneity on DOM dynamics are poorly understood. For example, since environmental variables show spatial heterogeneity, the variation explained by environmental and spatial variables may be redundant. We used the St. Lawrence River (SLR) as a representative large river to resolve the unique influences of environmental heterogeneity and spatial connectivity on DOM dynamics. We used three-dimensional fluorescence matrices combined with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) to characterize the DOM pool in the SLR. Seven fluorophores were modeled, of which two were identified to be of terrestrial origin and three from algal exudates. We measured a set of environmental variables that are known to drive the fate of DOM in aquatic systems. Additionally, we used asymmetric eigenvector map (AEM) modeling to take spatial connectivity into account. The combination of spatial and environmental models explained 85% of the DOM variation. We show that spatial connectivity is an important driver of DOM dynamics, as a large fraction of environmental heterogeneity was attributable to the asymmetric spatial gradient. Along the longitudinal axis, we noted a rapid increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), mostly controlled by terrestrial input of DOM originating from the tributaries. Variance partitioning demonstrated that freshly produced protein-like DOM was found to be the preferential substrate for heterotrophic bacteria undergoing rapid proliferation, while humic-like DOM was more correlated to the diffuse attenuation coefficient of UVA radiation.  相似文献   

Concentrations of products of biotransformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PBPAH) were measured in bile of five fishes of nutritional, cultural and ecological relevance from the Athabasca/Slave river system. Samples were collected in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canada, during three seasons. As a measure of concentrations of PBPAHs to which fishes are exposed and to gain information on the nature and extent of potential exposures of people or piscivorous wildlife, concentrations of biotransformation products of two- and three-ringed, four-ringed and five-ringed PAHs were measured using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Spatial and seasonal differences were observed with greater concentrations of PBPAHs in samples of bile of fish collected from Fort McKay as well as greater concentrations of PBPAHs in bile of fish collected during summer compared to those collected in other seasons. Overall, PBPAHs were greater in fishes of lower trophic levels and fishes more closely associated with sediments. In particular, goldeye (Hiodon alosoides), consistently contained greater concentrations of all the PBPAHs studied.  相似文献   

The water quality of the River Rhine has improved and might again suit the critically endangered European sturgeon A. sturio L, which was extirpated from the river by 1950. This study describes the tracking of 43 juvenile hatchery-reared A. sturio, in the Dutch part of the Lower Rhine and Delta, originating from an ex situ measure of the River Gironde population. Observing in situ juvenile downstream migration could help to identify essential habitats and potential threats, before actual stocking. Fish were implanted with transponders of the NEDAP Trail® system and released in two batches, in May (n?=?13) and June 2012 (n?=?30). Detections collected (n?=?26) exhibited no upstream movement. Test-fish moved downstream with the flow. Because the historic estuary is disconnected from the North Sea by a sea lock “Haringvlietdam”, the migration of the fish followed the re-directed river discharge into the Port of Rotterdam (161 km). 96 % (n?=?19) of the detections was collected from the harbor in brackish water, where fish presumably acclimatized to higher salinities. 14 % (n?=?6) of the sturgeons were recaptured in coastal waters by beam trawlers, five within 1 month after release. It is concluded that sustainable coastal fisheries is a key-condition for rehabilitation of the European sturgeon. Adapted management of the sea lock will reconnect the estuary to the North Sea and create more favorable conditions for the species in the Lower Rhine and Delta.  相似文献   

Many species of marine fish are typified by large population sizes, strong migratory behavior, high fecundity, and pelagic eggs and larvae that are passively transported by ocean currents, all features that tend to increase gene flow, and hence reduce genetic partitioning, among localized populations. The plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, is a commercially important demersal species that exhibits all of these characteristics. We analyzed genetic variation at eight microsatellite loci in samples of spawning adults (N = 348) from the coasts of Ireland, Iceland, and, for the first time, from the Baltic Sea. Significant differentiation was observed between Iceland and Irish and Baltic Sea samples. However, there were no genetic differences between Irish and Baltic Sea samples, which contrast with the significant differentiation reported between Baltic Sea and North Sea/Atlantic populations of other flatfish species. To increase the data set, we carried out a cross-calibration exercise, allowing us to perform a joint analysis of data with an earlier study on adult and juvenile plaice (N = 480) collected over a broad geographic range, using six microsatellite loci in common to the two studies. Significant differentiation was observed between fish collected at the northern (Iceland, Faeroes, Norway) and southern (Bay of Biscay) parts of the species range. In contrast, the results showed little evidence of genetic structuring over much of the continental shelf of Europe. We believe that bathymetric and hydrographic barriers are the major factors shaping genetic structure, while lack of structure over much of the European continental shelf may be explained by a combination of past historical events, population structure, and dynamics of the species.  相似文献   

Summary Male river bullheads guard and care for egg masses during a single brood cycle every breeding season. A study of two bullhead populations demonstrated that nesting males show a strong reduction in food intake rate and that their physical condition deteriorates during parental care. The estimated weight loss for the average guarding male was 18.8% in one population and 13.5% in the other. This could in part be responsible for the peak of male mortality observed during the second part of the breeding season. A high incidence of egg cannibalism was observed in males guarding eggs. Analysis of the developmental stage of individual egg masses demonstrated that heterocannibalism is very rare in this species and that the observed rate of egg cannibalism is mainly due to guarding males preying upon their own eggs (filial cannibalism). In both populations the frequency of filial cannibalism was negatively correlated with the male's chance of getting other food items. The probability of a male cannibalizing its own eggs was also significantly influenced by the time elapsed since the beginning of parental care. The observed limited cannibalism of progeny in the river bullhead cannot be explained as a male's strategy for obtaining energy to be used in subsequent brood cycles, as suggested for other fishes which show filial cannibalism. Rather, it can be interpreted as a behaviour aimed at avoiding the risk of dying of starvation before the eggs hatch. The observed criteria of female mate choice, i.e. a preference for males in good physical condition and for males that already have eggs in their nests, are consistent with the prediction of Rohwer's filial cannibalism theory, although other hypotheses cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of oxygen reduction on the escape response of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, an integrative experimental approach was employed. The effect of hypoxia was tested on locomotor variables, i.e. cumulative distance (D), maximum swimming speed (V max) and maximum acceleration (A max). Behavioural variables, such as responsiveness (i.e. the proportion of individuals responding out of the total number of fish tested), response latency (i.e. the time interval between stimulus onset and the first detectable movement leading to the escape of the animal) and directionality (i.e. the proportion of escape responses in which the first detectable movement of the head was oriented away or towards the stimulus at its onset) were also considered. Four levels of oxygen were used: >85% (i.e. normoxia, the control treatment), 50, 20 and 10% of air saturation. Sea bass responsiveness decreased significantly at 10% of air saturation, while hypoxia did not have any effect on the response latency. At the onset of the escape response, the proportion of away/towards responses was random when oxygen was ≤50% of air saturation, suggesting an impairment of the left–right discrimination. Whatever the level of hypoxia, none of the locomotor variables (i.e. D, V max and A max) was significantly different from normoxia. Our study suggests that hypoxia may reduce sea bass elusiveness facing a predator by directly affecting its escape behaviour, possibly related to an impairment of the mechano-sensory performance and/or in the Mauthner cells involved in triggering the escape response.  相似文献   

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