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Studies on the population structure and dynamics of the stone centipede Monotarsobius curtipes C. Koch in soils of the northern Kola Peninsula have shown that, with respect to abundance and biomass, this species is a dominant of the soil macrofauna and, in particular, of the trophic group of zoophages. Life in high northern latitudes does not disturb the sex and age structure of populations but limits the reproductive activity of these centipedes. Specific biological features of M. curtipes at the northern periphery of its range include the absence of repeated breeding, completion of several developmental (age) stages within a short growing season, and long ontogeny involving several winterings.  相似文献   

Only two river basins in which the European pearl mussel has survived to date are known in Arkhangelsk oblast. These are the Solza and Kozha basins. The northeastern boundary of the European range of this species passes along the watershed between the basins of the Solza and the Shirshema (the Onega Peninsula) and then along the Onega-Northern Dvina watershed. The population density and the proportion of juveniles widely vary in different parts of the Solza Basin, and, therefore, the previously conclusion concerning the ageing of the population in the Kazanka River (Bolotov and Semushin, 2003) applies only to certain parts of this river. The highest density of the pearl mussel in the Solza Basin is 68 ind./m2. Fish cultivation contributes to the conservation of this pearl mussel population, as the release of Atlantic salmon juveniles ensures reproduction of the mollusk under conditions of regulated river flow.  相似文献   

To estimate the response of tree vegetation to recent climate warming in the Western Caucasus, the population state of several tree species at the upper limit of their distribution has been estimated in three mountain massifs in the Belaya River basin. For this purpose, the average and maximum stem diameters, vitality, and age of trees have been determined in the transitional zone between middle-mountain and high-mountain beech-fir forests (1400–1700 m a.s.l.) and in crooked birch forests growing at the upper timberline (1810–2025 m). The upper limits of Acer platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, Ulmus glabra, and Betula litwinowii have shown a tendency to rise. The upper limit of Abies nordmanniana has remained unchanged over the past few decades, which may be explained by a decrease in moisture supply during the warm season.  相似文献   

The results of comprehensive morphophysiological and population studies on Ajuga reptansL., a species of the nemoral floristic complex, at the northern boundary of its range (in the middle taiga subzone of the Komi Republic) are reviewed. Adaptations at the cell, organism, and biocenotic levels are revealed. The maintenance and survival of the species at the boundary of its range are provided for by its physiological plasticity, resistance to low temperatures, and multiple variants of ontogeny. Prognosis of Ajuga reptansfuture status under conditions of global climate change and expansion of anthropogenically disturbed areas is favorable.  相似文献   

The distribution of activity of bank voles along a live-trap line can be approximated by the normal law. The standard deviation is a stable characteristic of the sizes of regularly used space. Occurrence of an animal beyond a distance of three standard deviations from the center of activity is regarded as an expression of nonresidence. Different types of space use have been found: equilibrium and drifting home ranges, movements, and excursions. Formal criteria for distinguishing space use patterns are presented.  相似文献   

The distribution of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, Pb, and Ni in the organs and tissues (kidneys, liver, lungs, brain, heart, muscles, and feathers) of the European black vulture (Aegypius monachus) was studied. It was shown that heavy metals were not responsible for the mass mortality of these birds in southern Primorye in the winter of 2001–2002. The level of pollution with heavy metals of the range of European black vultures wintering in this region (northern China and western Mongolia) may be regarded as insignificant.  相似文献   

负外部成本内部化约束下的煤炭开采税费水平研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤炭开采中面临严重的代际负外部性和生态环境负外部性问题,分别运用使用者成本法和直接市场法测算了煤炭资源开采中的代际负外部成本和生态环境负外部成本。根据两个负外部成本充分内部化的要求,提出煤炭开采中税费水平的调整目标。以2008年为例,煤炭开采中资源税的征收标准应由目前的从量0.3-5元/t(约从价1%)提至从价10%;开采吨煤应交的生态环境费用标准应由目前的24元/t提至64.23-68.47元/t,即每吨提高40.23-44.47元。综合资源税和生态环境费用的提高幅度,煤炭开采活动中的税费水平应提高约21-22个百分点;通过比较现行税费制度下煤炭开采企业实交的资源税费、生态环境税费总额与企业应交的资源、生态环境费用总额之间的差距,指出目前我国政府对开采企业隐性税费补贴的规模水平,根据价差法计算得出取消此部分税费补贴将可以削减3 653.69万tCO2排放。  相似文献   

Data on the occurrence, abundance, and biomass of caddis fly larvae Aethaloptera evanescens in the Selenga during the ice periods of 1987–2005 are presented. These insect larvae prefer river stretches with a gravel-sand ground, flow rate of 0.3–0.4 m/s, and depth of 2–3 m. Probable factors determining their distribution in the Selenga in recent years are a considerable drop of water level in the river (1995–2005), the improvement of hydrochemical conditions, and the presence of suspended and drifting erosion materials entering the river as a consequence of sand-gravel mixture excavation between 1980 and 1990.  相似文献   

"多规融合"的国土空间规划兼具区域发展规划和环境规制的功能,是经济新常态下国家平衡经济增长和环境保护的有力政策工具,而各地普遍实施的国土空间规划能否促进重点开发区域的经济增长,有待实证检验。以武汉城市圈空间规划为例,本文利用2002-2012年间湖北省74个县(市、市辖区)域面板数据,采用双重差分倾向得分匹配方法研究国土空间规划对重点开发区域经济增长的影响。实证结果表明:第一,国土空间规划显著地促进了重点开发区域经济的增长,但对区域内不同行政级别的市辖区和县(市)的经济增长速度具有不同的推动作用,具体表现为分别提高市辖区和县(市)级GDP增长率2.4和1.1个百分点,这一结论在对研究方法的匹配技术进行稳健性检验后依然成立。第二,对国土空间规划推动重点开发区域经济增长实现机制的进一步分析表明,武汉城市圈空间规划实施后,由于区域经济一体化进程的加快和地区之间经济联系的加强,武汉作为区域经济增长极,对相邻市、县的经济溢出效应更加明显,从而推动相邻区域的经济增长。上述研究结论对目前广泛实施的国土空间规划具有重要的政策含义,鉴于国土空间规划推动市辖区经济增长的速度要明显快于县或县级市,今后规划政策的调整要在保持重点开发区域整体经济不断提升的同时兼顾地区间的协调发展,避免空间规划的实施导致内部区域发展差距拉大;在重点开发区域经济得到发展的同时,要逐渐形成其规模集聚效应,为农产品主产区和生态功能区的人口转移提供基础,进而带动整个国土空间的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Some specific features of the distribution of resident Chiroptera (10 forms) in the eastern East European Plain and adjacent areas (44°–65° N, 40°–60° E) are described. It is noted that in different seasons of the year,Myotis dasycneme, M. daubentonii, M. nattereri, M. mystacinus, M. brandtii, Plecotus auritus, Eptesicus nilssoni, andE. serotinus serotinus are found more often in upland areas with karst and other erosional forms of relief, whereasE. serotinus turcomanus andPipistrellus kuhlii display no preference for these types of relief.  相似文献   

农用地流转是充分发挥土地利用效益,实现农业规模化生产和产业化经营的一种积极探索,采用参与式农户评估法,以重庆市典型区(县)为例,对农用地流转的影响因素进行了探讨。分析结果表明:缺乏规范的操作程序与农用地流转中介组织、缺乏完善的社会保障体系以及区位条件的差异是影响重庆地区农用地流转的主要因素。建立健全农用地流转相关政策和农村社会保障制度,加速城镇化进程和加强农村基础设施建设对重庆地区的农用地流转具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

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