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Monitoring of the ocean environment in southern California, USA, has been conducted by a diverse array of public and private organizations with different motivations, working on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. To create a basis from which to integrate information from these diverse programs, we conducted an inventory of ocean monitoring activities in the Southern California Bight to address the following questions: (1) How much money is being expended annually on marine monitoring programs? (2) Which organizations are conducting the most monitoring? (3) How are resources allocated among the different types of monitoring programs? This inventory focused on programs existing, or those expected to be in existence, for at least 10 years and that were active at any time between 1994 and 1997. For each program identified for inclusion in this study, information was collected on the number of sites, sampling intensity, parameters measured, and methods used. Levels of effort were translated into cost estimates based upon a market survey of local consulting firms. One hundred fourteen marine monitoring programs, conducted by 65 organizations and costing US $31 million annually, were identified. Most of the effort (81 programs, 65% of samples, 70% of costs) was expended by ocean dischargers as part of their compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements. Federal programs (11 programs, 25% of samples, 10% of total expenditures) expended more than state or local government programs. More than one quarter of monitoring expenditures were conducted to measure concentrations and mass of effluent inputs to the ocean. The largest effort expended on receiving water monitoring was for measuring bacteria, followed by sediments, fish/shellfish, water quality, and intertidal habitats. The large level of expenditures by individual agencies has presented opportunities for integrating small, site-specific ocean monitoring programs into regional- and national-scale monitoring and assessment programs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1996, the Big Thompson Watershed Forum (BTWF) was formed “to assess and protect the quality of water” in the Big Thompson Watershed in northern Colorado. However, until 1999, water quality monitoring in the watershed was performed by many state, local, and federal agencies with no coordination among programs and with few efforts toward efficiency, data comparability, or information exchange. To better meet the needs of its stakeholders, the BTWF since 1999 has been actively pursuing the design and implementation of a cooperative water quality monitoring program. The program design involved consensus building among the funding participants, primarily drinking water providers. The final design included 38 parameters to be sampled 15 times per year at 24 stream and canal locations plus two reservoirs. Although the collaborative consensus based approach has been successful for the BTWF, this approach has its drawbacks; most notable among these are the time and labor this approach requires. Also, the BTWF struggled with achieving equal representation of all interests, since those agencies that provided funding had the greatest voice in the final product. While a collaborative approach may not always be best for monitoring program design, it should be appropriate for many watershed organizations that face the common problem of severe financial constraints.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality monitoring cannot address every information need through one data collection procedure. This paper discusses the goals and related procedures for designing water quality monitoring programs. The discussion focuses on the broad information needs of those agencies operating water quality networks. These information needs include the ability to assess trends and environmental impacts, determine compliance with objectives or standards, estimate mass transport, and perform general surveillance. Each of these information needs has different data requirements. This paper outlines these goals and discusses factors to consider in developing a monitoring plan on a site by site basis.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the US Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 303(d) listing and delisting processes, based on historical and current federal and state guidelines, to determine whether there are regional differences in water quality assessment criteria used by various states to determine impairment of a waterbody for inclusion in the 303(d) list. A review of almost 50 total maximum daily load (TMDL) and delisting documents revealed that the basis for listing or delisting a waterbody varies considerably and that, in many cases, determination of impairment was based on insufficient water quality information. Historical USEPA guidance on the 303(d) listing and delisting processes has been generally broad, resulting in wide interpretation of the assessment criteria by various states. This has led to unclear or conflicting listing methodologies among states, leading to inconsistencies in impairment determination. Common problems include inconsistent data quality and quantity, differences in frequency of monitoring, variable interpretation of narrative water quality standards, and differences in specificity of implementation and monitoring plans, resulting in significant difference in the basis for listing and delisting waterbodies. In response, several states have taken the initiative to provide much more specific guidance for their internal agencies. Listing and delisting criteria are generally clearer at the state level, but the development of differing state guidance documents has resulted in diversity in the development of the 303(d) lists and in the process of delisting a waterbody. While state guidelines are better able to address local considerations, such as variations in climate, landuse, and water quality objectives, as well as social and economic preferences, the variation in listing criteria has led to inconsistencies across state boundaries in the levels of attainment of national water quality objectives. For stakeholders that participate in the 303(d) listing process within a particular state, these types of discrepancies may not have a significant impact. However, these inconsistencies can lead to confusion for some stakeholders who participate in the process in multiples states, and must deal with differing and sometimes conflicting requirements depending on the location of their facilities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Adequate water supplies are critical to the maintenance of a community's health and economic well-being. Across the nation communities are struggling to meet an expanding demand for water from municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreation, water quality, and power generation users. As the demand grows and communities actively compete with one another for a limited water supply, states are being called upon to help solve the problem. One possible solution that is being used in many areas is the development and implementation of a water conservation program to stretch the limited supply as far as possible. using a mailed survey, state water conservation programs and some of the characteristics of the different programs were documented. Responses to the nationwide survey were obtained from all 50 states. The specific water conservation program elements on which information was received from the survey included laws and restricted use, community assistance, education, research, and other services. Recommendations for states developing or considering the development of a water conservation program are outlined.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the ocean environment in southern California, USA, has been conducted by a diverse array of public and private organizations with different motivations, working on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. To create a basis from which to integrate information from these diverse programs, we conducted an inventory of ocean monitoring activities in the Southern California Bight to address the following questions: (1) How much money is being expended annually on marine monitoring programs? (2) Which organizations are conducting the most monitoring? (3) How are resources allocated among the different types of monitoring programs? This inventory focused on programs existing, or those expected to be in existence, for at least 10 years and that were active at any time between 1994 and 1997. For each program identified for inclusion in this study, information was collected on the number of sites, sampling intensity, parameters measured, and methods used. Levels of effort were translated into cost estimates based upon a market survey of local consulting firms. One hundred fourteen marine monitoring programs, conducted by 65 organizations and costing US $31 million annually, were identified. Most of the effort (81 programs, 65% of samples, 70% of costs) was expended by ocean dischargers as part of their compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements. Federal programs (11 programs, 25% of samples, 10% of total expenditures) expended more than state or local government programs. More than one quarter of monitoring expenditures were conducted to measure concentrations and mass of effluent inputs to the ocean. The largest effort expended on receiving water monitoring was for measuring bacteria, followed by sediments, fish/shellfish, water quality, and intertidal habitats. The large level of expenditures by individual agencies has presented opportunities for integrating small, site-specific ocean monitoring programs into regional- and national-scale monitoring and assessment programs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Regulatory water quality monitoring has evolved to the point where it is a rather complex system encompassing many monitoring purposes and involving many monitoring activities. Lack of a system's perspective of regulatory monitoring hinders the development of effective and efficient monitoring programs to support water quality management. In this paper the regulatory water quality monitoring system is examined in a total systems context. The purposes of regulatory monitoring are reviewed and categorized according to their legal evolution. The activities of regulatory monitoring are categorized and organized into a system which follows the flow of information through the monitoring program. The monitoring purposes and activities are combined to form a monitoring system matrix - a framework within which the total regulatory water quality monitoring system is defined. The matrix, by defining the regulatory monitoring system and clarifying many interactions within the system, provides a basis upon which a more thorough approach to managing, evaluating, and eventually optimizing regulatory monitoring can be developed.  相似文献   

Extensive criticism of water quality monitoring programs has developed as costs are compared with the benefits produced by monitoring efforts. Collecting water quality data while developing understanding of the functional character of the environment will improve water quality monitoring data utility in environmental management. The environmental audit characterizes the attributes of the natural environment (that is, attribute type, intensity, and variability), providing a theoretical as well as practical foundation for data interpretation. In the view proposed here, traditional monitoring means the very narrow activity of collecting samples and perhaps analyzing them and storing the analyses. In the environmental audit, these activities are a mechanism to systematically improve environmental monitoring and assessment by improving the design and implementation of environmental programs. Major reasons why existing programs fail to meet the needs of legislators, regulators, and conservationists are identified.  相似文献   

Abstract: Multiple agencies in the Pacific Northwest monitor the condition of stream networks or their watersheds. Some agencies use a stream “network” perspective to report on the fraction or length of the network that either meets or violates particular criteria. Other agencies use a “watershed” perspective to report on the health or condition of watersheds. The agencies often use the same indicators and measurement protocols for data collection and often conduct monitoring in overlapping geographic regions. In these situations, agencies would like to combine data across different monitoring studies in a statistically sound manner to make regional estimates of condition. Three statistical survey design principles will facilitate combining such studies: (1) a clearly specified statistical target population of interest, including elements that comprise the population, (2) a consistent representation of that target population (such as a digital map of the stream network and watersheds), and (3) rules that incorporate randomization to guide the selection of the sample of sites on which measurements will be made. A case study illustrates the application of these design principles using two agency monitoring programs interested in combining stream channel data for different purposes: one for making network summaries and the other for evaluating watershed condition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Strategies for controlling nonpoint sources of water pollution are discussed in terms of three representative states and eighteen regional agencies. The programs in Virginia, New York, and Wisconsin are seen to exhibit control options which range from voluntary action to strict regulation. Four conclusions are drawn from the analysis. First, nonpoint sources of pollution are a major component of the overall water pollution problem in the three states. Second, technical controls are generally available to solve the problems. Third, existing controls programs are not necessarily technologically sound or cost effective. Finally, existing control programs are capable of instituting solutions to the problems if and only if specified actions take place within the respective states and regions in the future. Critical research needs are identified which will assist states and regions in developing cost effective programs to control nonpoint source pollution.  相似文献   

Is ISO 14001 just for the private sector? The answer is definitely “No.” The survey in this article was conducted to better understand how ISO 14001/Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) was being addressed by state agencies around the country. The survey goals were to determine where the focus on ISO 14001/EMSs is within state government, what the level of interest is, and how far states have progressed toward some form of use or recognition of ISO 14001. During the months that this survey was conducted, the progress at the state and federal levels was remarkable. Many states are aggressively moving forward and encouraging the investigation of ISO 14001 implementation. There is a well coordinated effort between several states (the Multi-State Working Group) to gather data on ISO 14001 effectiveness in a consistent manner. The cooperation between EPA and the states is beginning to solidify, with federal dollars going to state-managed pilot programs, and EPA has stepped forward with a more organized effort led by the Office of Reinvention.  相似文献   

An important goal of the Reagan administration has been to shift responsibility for many public programs from the US federal government to the states. This New Federalism seeks to restore a proper balance to the federal system and to ensure an effective working partnership between the states and the federal government. Such a partnership is especially important for many environmental laws because these laws often give states primary responsibility for the control and abatement of pollution.This research examines the extent to which the Reagan administration has succeeded in improving intergovernmental environmental relations in terms of state implementation of the Clean Water Act. Data from a 1985 survey of directors of state water quality control programs are compared with responses to a similar survey that the US General Accounting Office conducted in 1979. The latter survey found considerable dissatisfaction on the part of state directors with the quality of their relations with the US Environmental Protection Agency. Although some improvement can be noted between 1979 and 1985, the Reagan administration's efforts to improve intergovernmental relations appear to have been of limited consequence, to the possible detriment of effective implementation of the Clean Water Act.  相似文献   

The planning and execution of water quality management programs requires careful collection and analysis of data coupled with a systematic review and analysis of programmatic success. The environmental audit is a tool which facilitates improved water quality planning and management. This article demonstrates the utility of the environmental audit by reviewing portions of a comprehensive review of the water quality management program for the state of Idaho. The audit is a tool which forces careful design of a sampling program before data are collected. In the audit approach, program objectives are clearly stated prior to initiation of sampling. Stated objectives are also evaluated regularly to identify tension points, that is, conflicts between expectations and reality. In the example taken from Idaho, a management review team followed a directive to redesign the water quality monitoring program. We present a summary of the redesign as proposed by that team, to illustrate the results of a typical review of monitoring programs. That summary is followed by an example of how the proposed program would differ if the audit approach had been used. The two approaches offered both coincident and conflicting recommendations. Management review team and audit recommendations for lake sampling programs were similar even though a different process was used to develop the recommendations. The most striking contrast between the two results lies in the review team's approach to the problem. The directives followed, and the team's responses, concentrate on tools, such as increasing biological monitoring or reliance on monthly BWMP stations. In contrast, the audit results stress addressing management questions for which clear objectives have been stated, depending on specific tools only as needed to meet stated objectives. Although the audit does integrate externalities in its structure, it is little affected by economic or political influences. A major strength of the audit approach is its ability to provide defensible data for management decision making.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Existing ambient water quality monitoring programs have resulted in data which are often unsuitable for assessment of water quality trends. A primary concern in designing a stream quality monitoring network is the selection of a temporal sampling strategy. It is extremely important that data for trend assessment be collected uniformly in time. Greatly superior trend detection power results for such a strategy as compared to stratified sampling strategies. In general, it is desirable that sampling frequencies be at least monthly but not greater than biweekly; higher sampling frequencies usually result in little additional information. An upper limit on trend detectability exists such that for both five and ten year base periods it is often impossible to detect trends in time series where the ratio of the trend magnitude to time series standard deviation is less than about 0.5. For the same record lengths trends in records with trend to standard deviation ratios greater than about one can usually be detected with very high power when a uniform sampling strategy is followed.  相似文献   

A detailed nitrogen budget was devised for agricultural activities in the Florida peninsula, based on routine data published by state agricultural agencies. The model demonstrates that important unmonitored fluxes of nitrogen can often be calculated by mass balance on individual model compartments, and that the reasonability of poorly quantified fluxes can be assessed. The results of such models can be very useful in designing and assessing the results of field experiments and in prioritizing environmental monitoring programs.  相似文献   

/ Major responsibility for conserving forest biodiversity is often assigned to natural resource agencies. Often unknown is the appropriate administrative context for doing so, especially the organizational location for biodiversity programs in state government, suitable levels of financial and professional investment in biodiversity programs, processes useful for coordinating programs located in different administrative settings, and the effectiveness of biodiversity programs, especially conditions associated with programs judged to be very effective. Focusing on forests, a nationwide survey of 156 forestry agency and biodiversity program administrators in all 50 states was undertaken. Effective forest biodiversity programs were those with a long-range plan, administered as a single organizational unit, located in close organizational proximity to a state's forestry agency, actively providing management practice advice to landowners, administrators, and the public, and firm actions taken to ensure coordination with other natural resource programs.  相似文献   

Universities can provide a stable home for launching collaborative community research projects. Citizens' Environment Watch (CEW), an environmental monitoring initiative based at the University of Toronto, has made significant contributions to environmental education and stewardship in Ontario, Canada. Following dramatic cuts in provincial monitoring programs, citizens and youth have used chemical parameters and biological indicators to gauge water and air quality, and to identify areas requiring remediation and pollution prevention efforts. The relationship of Citizens' Environment Watch to government agencies, funders and other grassroots environmental groups has evolved over the past 5 years as CEW attempts to remain effective without taking on the investigative and enforcement roles to support the regulatory enforcement that has been largely abandoned by government. We explore the challenges inherent in developing and maintaining a volunteer organization that carries out rigorous and useful scientific work and we outline the ability of a university to help overcome these critical challenges. Finally, we present lessons learned for the benefit of other citizen and youth monitoring projects.  相似文献   

The protection of wetlands and riparian areas has emerged as an important environmental planning issue. In the United States, several federal and state laws have been enacted to protect wetlands and riparian areas. Specifically, the federal Clean Water Act includes protection requirements in Sections 301 and 303 for state water quality standards, Section 401 for state certification of federal actions (projects, permits, and licenses), and Section 404 for dredge and fill permits. The Section 401 water quality state certification element has been called the “sleeping giant” of wetlands protection because it empowers state officials to veto or condition federally permitted or licensed activities that do not comply with state water quality standards. State officials have used this power infrequently. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of state wetland and riparian programs. Contacts were established with officials in each state and in the national and regional offices of key federal agencies. Based on interviews and on a review of federal and state laws, state program effectiveness was analyzed. From this analysis, several problems and opportunities facing state wetland protection efforts are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An informal sample of 30 flawed monitoring projects was examined to identify the most common problems and to determine how they could have been prevented. Problems fall into two general categories: 70 percent of the sampled projects had design problems, and 50 percent of the sampled projects had procedural problems. Monitoring projects implemented by land‐management agencies tended to have a higher proportion of procedural problems than did university‐based programs (generally graduate student research), while the frequency of design problems was similar between agencies and universities. The most common problems were poorly trained or unmotivated field crews (37 percent of projects, a procedural problem), a sampling plan that was not capable of measuring what was needed to meet project objectives (30 percent, design), delays in analyzing data (27 percent, procedure), inadequate monitoring durations (27 percent, design), and absence of the collateral information needed to interpret results (20 percent, procedure). Most of the problems could have been avoided by submission of the study design to thorough technical and statistical review, active participation of the principal investigators in field data collection, and analysis of at least some of the data as soon as information was collected so that problems could be recognized early enough to be corrected.  相似文献   

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