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"社区研究"已有约150年的历史,社区的防灾减灾对策是一个综合性的科学问题。充分发挥社区的防灾减灾功能十分必要,确立社区防灾减灾最优对策在中国的现代化建设和可持续发展战略中具有重要意义。利用复杂性科学的理论和模型来处理社区的防灾减灾对策问题,是系统科学或复杂性科学中的一个有意义的发展方向。本文提出并分析了社区防灾减灾对策研究中的4个问题,即如何界定社区防灾减灾应急管理的角色和方向;何为防灾减灾安全社区;如何预警突发性灾难事件;社区防灾减灾系统是如何自组织的。本文引入复杂性科学理论对社区的防灾减灾对策进行了研究,讨论了复杂性科学应用于社区防灾减灾对策的理论框架。  相似文献   

结构式与非结构式减灾措施是构成洪涝灾害防治体系的两个相互补充、相互促进的子系统,基于2008—2018年的面板数据,构建中国洪涝灾害结构式与非结构式减灾措施耦合协调度评价指标体系,引入耦合协调度模型测度中国洪涝灾害结构式与非结构式减灾措施建设水平以及两者间的耦合度和耦合协调度,以期进一步提升我国洪涝灾害防治体系的防灾减...  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):177-193
This paper presents the findings of a study that explored public support for wildfire mitigation programmes implemented in Peavine Métis Settlement, an Indigenous community located in Alberta, Canada. Data were collected in a community-based study using interviews, focus groups and participant observation over a 4-year period. Results showed that support for the wildfire mitigation programme was influenced by local leadership, economics, community capacity and land and home ownership. The communal nature of land and home ownership on the settlement influenced support for wildfire mitigation that was conducted by the settlement at both the residential and community levels. Employment opportunities available in the community for settlement members for wildfire mitigation activities also increased support for the local wildfire mitigation programme. A local Aboriginal leader skilled in wildfire mitigation and existing community capacity was also seen as vital to settlement member support for the programme.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine completion of recommended wildland—urban interface (WUI) fire mitigation measures by residents adjacent to the heavily vegetated North Saskatchewan river valley and ravine system in the City of Edmonton, Alberta. A mail survey was distributed to a random sample of households adjacent to this natural area. Almost all homeowners were found to be completing some recommended mitigation measures and in many cases were willing to complete most but not all of the measures that they had not yet completed, despite mixed motivations to act. Perceived responsibility for reducing risks, social bonds, beliefs that emergency services would protect homeowners' property in the event of a fire, and perceptions of the effectiveness of recommended mitigation measures, were not significantly related to completion of a higher average number of recommended mitigation measures. Importantly, most mitigation measures were completed for reasons other than WUI fire mitigation. The implications of these results and recommendations for emergency managers and communicators are discussed.  相似文献   

李毅军 《灾害学》2001,16(4):22-26
依据中国地震局有关建设防震减灾示范项目大纲的要求,就大型企业如何建立防震减灾计算机信息系统进行了研究,给出了地震危险性分析、地震地质背景及震害预测和对策,为企业防震减灾工艺的信息化管理,提供了经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

讨论了保险的损失补偿职能和防灾减灾功能的关系,分析了巨灾保险框架下影响被保险人、保险人和其他利害方减灾积极性的多种因素,并基于美国的实践经验,从巨灾保险制度自身设计、政府支持和社会其他利害方的配合这三个角度剖析了调动防灾减灾积极性的各种手段和政策措施。这些经验对我国巨灾保险体系的构建具有一定的借鉴意义。研究结论表明,在合理的制度下,巨灾保险将发挥重要的防灾减灾功能。  相似文献   

减灾效益的获得离不开民众的参与,而其参与意识又与减灾效益的可见度有关。减灾效益越能迅速、明确地被人们见到或预见到,人们的减灾参与意识越高。在客观现实中,减灾效益的显现时间具有各种类型,而人们主观意识中“见”到的类型却又可能有质的差异。本文划分了减灾效益的显现类型并提出与论述了与其有关的一些问题,分析了其与主观意识之间的复杂关系,以及影响人们的减灾参与心理的作用机制。进而探讨了如何通过这些关系、机制的认识与把握,效益意识引导,对减灾见效时间意识的人为控制等途径提高民众的减灾参与意识与减灾效益。  相似文献   

易亮  张亚美  黄维  朱伟 《灾害学》2012,(1):125-129
社区是社会的细胞,是城市的基础组成部分,完善城市公共防灾减灾系统,必须从社区着手。通过对城市社区的分类介绍,对社区内常见公共防灾减灾资源进行了归纳分析,总结出社区防灾减灾资源与社区常见灾害事故的应对关系,构建了社区防灾减灾资源评价体系,并且利用层次分析法和专家打分,确立了各个评价指标的分值及权重系数,还对单项灾害防治资源进行评价打分,在此基础上提出了防灾减灾资源总体评价算法。  相似文献   

Thom.  FH 孙昭民 《灾害学》1994,9(3):91-94
本文系统分析和总结了美国在洪泛平原管理中的经验教训,研究了减灾措施、行为反应及国家长期减灾目标等方面的内容,从综合的角度提出了统一的国家减灾计划。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,农村减灾防灾投入不断加强,水利减灾措施对农业发展做出了巨大贡献。特别是2011年中央进一步强调加强水利基础设施建设的重要作用,决定在"十二五"期间加大水利投资,新一轮的水利建设正在全国全面展开。为了更有效地发挥水利综合减灾措施的作用,合理地进行投入,科学配置各种水利减灾资源,必须了解和掌握灾害承受体如水库、堤防等的承灾能力状况,以指导我们合理安排水利减灾投入。应用灰色关联分析法对各个减灾措施的效果进行了排序分析,并据此提出了对今后投入调整的建议。  相似文献   

北京城市灾害及新世纪安全战略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金磊 《灾害学》2000,15(2):23-28
在归纳分析北京城市灾害源的基础上 ,研究了北京城市综合减灾战略规划的指导思想、基本原则及技术路线。重点论述了城市科学减灾的研究模式及方法  相似文献   

GIS在城市防震减灾研究中的应用综述   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
综述了地理信息系统(GIS)在城市防震减灾中的应用概况。地理信息系统强大的空间操作、分析、管理等功能,以及易于与其它应用模型结合的开放环境是它在城市防震减灾应用中迅速发展的动力。  相似文献   

现代城市抗震减灾的若干问题及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国城市抗震减灾工作的现状,指出了其中存在的一些主要问题,并提出了相应的建议和对策。同时,论述了当前抗震减灾工作所涉及的新形势、新概念和新内涵,阐明了做好防震减灾工作的重要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

郭心 《灾害学》2012,27(3):122-125
对科普期刊在防灾减灾工作中的作用及重要性进行了阐述,并结合《城市与减灾》综合科普双月刊14年的办刊实践,总结了科普期刊的基本工作思路和方法.重点对今后如何进一步提高防灾减灾期刊编辑的质量进行了思考;认为办好防灾减灾期刊不仅是科普工作者的责任,而且是科技工作者的共同责任.优质服务是办刊的立足之本;期刊应走跨媒介的创新之路;按照文化产业的思路做大做强防灾减灾期刊.  相似文献   

Most disaster studies rely on convenience sampling and ‘after-only’ designs to assess impacts. This paper, focusing on Hurricane Harvey (2017) and leveraging a pre-/post-event sample of Greater Houston households (n=71) in the United States, establishes baselines for disaster preparedness and home structure flood hazard mitigation, explores household-level ramifications, and examines how preparedness and mitigation relate to health effects, event exposures, and recovery. Between 70 and 80 per cent of participants instituted preparedness measures. Mitigation actions varied: six per cent had interior drainage systems and 83 per cent had elevated indoor heating/cooling components. Sixty per cent reported home damage. One-half highlighted allergies and two-thirds indicated some level of post-traumatic stress (PTS). Three-quarters worried about family members/friends. The results of generalised linear models revealed that greater pre- event mitigation was associated with fewer physical health problems and adverse experiences, lower PTS, and faster recovery. The study design exposed the broad benefits of home structure flood hazard mitigation for households after Harvey.  相似文献   

防灾公园的减灾功能   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
地震灾害避难疏散的经验与教训表明 ,城市公园是重要的避难场所 ;防灾公园是减灾功能特别强的城市公园 ;城市公园改造成防灾公园或规划建设新的防灾公园可以提高城市公园的综合防灾减灾功能。发生城市突发事件时 ,防灾公园可以用作紧急避难所、灾害对策据点。防灾公园具有供居民避难以及确保避难人员基本生活条件的功能、防灾减灾功能、情报收集与传递功能、医疗与救护功能、运输基地功能等。强化防灾公园减灾功能的主要措施是广泛采用高新科学技术 ,并对防灾公园系统实施综合性的科学管理  相似文献   

基于W ebG IS的防震减灾系统研究与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开发基于新技术的防震减灾系统以更好地开展大中城市的防震减灾工作是地震工作者亟待解决的重要问题。详细介绍了所开发的基于W ebG IS和人工智能技术的防震减灾信息管理与智能决策支持系统。开发中,以A rcIM S为开发平台,建造了基于GM L(G eography M arkup L anguage)的3层B/S结构(客户端、服务器层、数据库层)的防震减灾W ebG IS体系;采用GM L描述空间数据,构建基于GM L的地理空间数据模型,实现异构数据间的互访;引入A gen t技术,构造出基于多A gen t的智能决策支持系统,通过一系列的A gen t来代替决策支持系统中的功能单元,并以“黑板”为中介,协同A gen t间的工作,以合作求解复杂问题,实现智能化的辅助决策。  相似文献   

石窟防震减灾与文物保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
石玉成 《灾害学》1998,13(4):90-94
针对石窟文物的特点,强调了防震减灾在石窟文物保护中的重要性.阐述了石窟的抗震防灾应从地震安全性评价、石窟地震稳定性分析、工程防护措施三个方面加以考虑,并就其中的一些关键问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Cyberspace, defined by William Gibson as a consensual hallucination, now refers to all computer-generated interactive environments. Virtual reality, one of a class of interactive cyberspaces, allows us to create and interact directly with objects not available in the everyday world. Despite successes in the entertainment and aviation industries, this technology has been called a 'solution in search of a problem'. The purpose of this commentary is to suggest such a problem: the inability to acquire experience with a hazard to motivate mitigation. Direct experience with a hazard has been demonstrated as a powerful incentive to adopt mitigation measures. While we lack the ability to summon hazard events at will in order to gain access to that experience, a virtual environment can provide an arena where potential victims are exposed to a hazard's effects. Immersion as an active participant within the hazard event through virtual reality may stimulate users to undertake mitigation steps that might otherwise remain undone. This paper details the possible direction in which virtual reality may be applied to hazards mitigation through a discussion of the technology, the role of hazard experience, the creation of a hazard simulation and the issues constraining implementation.  相似文献   

简要介绍了我国城市防震减灾规划的发展现状,并以福清市为例,详细介绍了该市土地利用、道路路网及避震疏散场地等防震减灾规划的主要内容和影响因素。最后,总结了上述3种防震减灾规划影响因素的要点,为城市防震减灾规划提供参考。  相似文献   

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