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Introduction: Cycling is one of the main forms of transportation in Denmark. However, while the number of traffic crash fatalities in the country has decreased over the past decade, the frequency of cyclists killed or seriously injured has increased. The high rate of serious injuries and fatalities associated with cycling emphasizes the increasing need for mitigating the severity of such crashes. Method: This study conducted an in-depth analysis of cyclist injury severity resulting from single and multiparty bicycle-involved crashes. Detailed information was collected using self-reporting data undertaken in Denmark for a 12-month period between 1 November 2012 and 31 October 2013. Separate multilevel logistic (MLL) regression models were applied to estimate cyclist injury severity for single and multiparty crashes. The goodness-of-fit measures favored the MLL models over the standard logistic models, capturing the intercorrelation among bicycle crashes that occurred in the same geographical area. Results: The results also showed that single bicycle-involved crashes resulted in more serious outcomes when compared to multiparty crashes. For both single and multiparty bicycle crash categories, non-urban areas were associated with more serious injury outcomes. For the single crashes, wet surface condition, autumn and summer seasons, evening and night periods, non-adverse weather conditions, cyclists aged between 45 and 64 years, male sex, riding for the purpose of work or educational activities, and bicycles with light turned-off were associated with severe injuries. For the multiparty crashes, intersections, bicycle paths, non-winter season, not being employed or retired, lower personal car ownership, and race bicycles were directly related to severe injury consequences. Practical Applications: The findings of this study demonstrated that the best way to promote cycling safety is the combination of improving the design and maintenance of cycling facilities, encouraging safe cycling behavior, and intensifying enforcement efforts.  相似文献   

Objective: Although intersections correspond to a small proportion of the entire roadway system, they account for a disproportionally high number of fatal pedestrian crashes, especially on rural roads situated in low- and middle-income countries. This article examines pedestrian safety at rural intersections and suggests applicable accident prevention treatments by providing an in-depth analysis of 28 fatal pedestrian crashes from 8 low-volume roads in southwest China.

Methods: The driving reliability and error analysis method (DREAM) is a method to support a systematic classification of accident causation information and to facilitate aggregation of that information into patterns of contributing factors. This is the first time that DREAM was used to analyze pedestrian–vehicle crashes and provide suggestions for road improvements in China.

Results: The key issues adversely affecting pedestrian safety can be organized in 4 distinctive thematic categories, namely, deficient intersection safety infrastructure, lack of pedestrian safety education, inadequate driver training, and insufficient traffic law enforcement. Given that resources for traffic safety investments in rural areas are limited, it is determined that the potential countermeasures should focus on low-cost, easily implementable, and long-lasting measures increasing the visibility and predictability of pedestrian movement and reducing speeding and irresponsible driving among drivers and risk-taking behaviors among pedestrians.

Conclusions: Accident prevention treatments are suggested based on their suitability for rural areas in southwest China. These countermeasures include introducing better access management and traffic calming treatments, providing more opportunities for pedestrian education, and enhancing the quality of driver training and traffic law enforcement.  相似文献   


Objective: Focusing on children (0–17?years), this study aimed to investigate injury and accident characteristics for bicyclists and to evaluate the use and protective effect of bicycle helmets.

Method: This nationwide Swedish study included children who had visited an emergency care center due to injuries from a bicycle crash. In order to investigate the causes of bicycle crashes, data from 2014 to 2016 were analyzed thoroughly (n?=?7967). The causes of the crashes were analyzed and categorized, focusing on 3 subgroups: children 0–6, 7–12, and 13–17?years of age. To assess helmet effectiveness, the induced exposure approach was applied using data from 2006 to 2016 (n?=?24,623). In order to control for crash severity, only bicyclists who had sustained at least one Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 2+ injury (moderate injury or more severe) in body regions other than the head were included.

Results: In 82% of the cases the children were injured in a single-bicycle crash, and the proportion decreased with age (0–6: 91%, 7–12: 84%, 13–17: 77%). Of AIS 2+ injuries, 8% were head injuries and 85% were injuries to the extremities (73% upper extremities and 13% lower extremities). Helmet use was relatively high up to the age of 10 (90%), after which it dropped. Helmets were much less frequently used by teenagers (14%), especially girls. Consistently, the share of head injuries increased as the children got older. Bicycle helmets were found to reduce all head injuries by 61% (95% confidence interval [CI], 10: +/? 10%) and AIS 2+ head injuries by 68% (95% CI, 12: +/? 12%). The effectiveness in reducing face injuries was lower (45% CI +/? 10% for all injuries and 54% CI +/? 32% for AIS2+ injuries).

Conclusions: This study indicated that bicycle helmets effectively reduce injuries to the head and face. The results thus point to the need for actions aimed at increasing helmet use, especially among teenagers. Protective measures are necessary to further reduce injuries, especially to the upper extremities.  相似文献   

Objectives: Every year, about 1.24 million people are killed in traffic crashes worldwide and more than 22% of these deaths are pedestrians. Therefore, pedestrian safety has become a significant traffic safety issue worldwide. In order to develop effective and targeted safety programs, the location- and time-specific influences on vehicle–pedestrian crashes must be assessed. The main purpose of this research is to explore the influence of pedestrian age and gender on the temporal and spatial distribution of vehicle–pedestrian crashes to identify the hotspots and hot times.

Methods: Data for all vehicle–pedestrian crashes on public roadways in the Melbourne metropolitan area from 2004 to 2013 are used in this research. Spatial autocorrelation is applied in examining the vehicle–pedestrian crashes in geographic information systems (GIS) to identify any dependency between time and location of these crashes. Spider plots and kernel density estimation (KDE) are then used to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of vehicle–pedestrian crashes for different age groups and genders.

Results: Temporal analysis shows that pedestrian age has a significant influence on the temporal distribution of vehicle–pedestrian crashes. Furthermore, men and women have different crash patterns. In addition, results of the spatial analysis shows that areas with high risk of vehicle–pedestrian crashes can vary during different times of the day for different age groups and genders. For example, for those between ages 18 and 65, most vehicle–pedestrian crashes occur in the central business district (CBD) during the day, but between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., crashes among this age group occur mostly around hotels, clubs, and bars.

Conclusions: This research reveals that temporal and spatial distributions of vehicle–pedestrian crashes vary for different pedestrian age groups and genders. Therefore, specific safety measures should be in place during high crash times at different locations for different age groups and genders to increase the effectiveness of the countermeasures in preventing and reducing vehicle–pedestrian crashes.  相似文献   

Introduction: Bicyclists are more vulnerable compared to other road users. Therefore, it is critical to investigate the contributing factors to bicyclist injury severity to help provide better biking environment and improve biking safety. According to the data provided by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a total of 8,028 bicyclists were killed in bicycle-vehicle crashes from 2007 to 2017. The number of fatal bicyclists had increased rapidly by approximately 11.70% during the past 10 years (NHTSA, 2019). Methods: This paper conducts a latent class clustering analysis based on the police reported bicycle-vehicle crash data collected from 2007 to 2014 in North Carolina to identify the heterogeneity inherent in the crash data. First, the most appropriate number of clusters is determined in which each cluster has been characterized by the distribution of the featured variables. Then, partial proportional odds models are developed for each cluster to further analyze the impacts on bicyclist injury severity for specific crash patterns. Results: Marginal effects are calculated and used to evaluate and interpret the effect of each significant explanatory variable. The model results reveal that variables could have different influence on the bicyclist injury severity between clusters, and that some variables only have significant impacts on particular clusters. Conclusions: The results clearly indicate that it is essential to conduct latent class clustering analysis to investigate the impact of explanatory variables on bicyclist injury severity considering unobserved or latent features. In addition, the latent class clustering is found to be able to provide more accurate and insightful information on the bicyclist injury severity analysis. Practical Applications: In order to improve biking safety, regulations need to be established to prevent drinking and lights need to be provided since alcohol and lighting condition are significant factors in severe injuries according to the modeling results.  相似文献   


Objective: The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of fatal crashes with bicyclists on Swedish roads in rural and urban areas and to investigate the potential of bicycle helmets and different vehicle and road infrastructure interventions to prevent them. The study has a comprehensive approach to provide road authorities and vehicle manufacturers with recommendations for future priorities.

Methods: The Swedish Transport Administration’s (STA) in-depth database of fatal crashes was used for case-by-case analysis of fatal cycling accidents (2006–2016) on rural (n?=?82) and urban (n?=?102) roads. The database consists of information from the police, medical journals, autopsy reports, accident analyses performed by STA, and witness statements. The potential of helmet use and various vehicle and road infrastructure safety interventions was determined retrospectively for each case by analyzing the chain of events leading to the fatality. The potential of vehicle safety countermeasures was analyzed based on prognoses on their implementation rates in the Swedish vehicle fleet.

Results: The most common accident scenario on rural roads was that the bicyclist was struck while cycling along the side of the road. On urban roads, the majority of accidents occurred in intersections. Most accidents involved a passenger car, but heavy trucks were also common, especially in urban areas. Most accidents occurred in daylight conditions (73%). Almost half (46%) of nonhelmeted bicyclists would have survived with a helmet. It was assessed that nearly 60% of the fatal accidents could be addressed by advanced vehicle safety technologies, especially autonomous emergency braking with the ability to detect bicyclists. With regard to interventions in the road infrastructure, separated paths for bicyclists and bicycle crossings with speed calming measures were found to have the greatest safety potential. Results indicated that 91% of fatally injured bicyclists could potentially be saved with known techniques. However, it will take a long time for such technologies to be widespread.

Conclusions: The majority of fatally injured bicyclists studied could potentially be saved with known techniques. A speedy implementation of important vehicle safety systems is recommended. A fast introduction of effective interventions in the road infrastructure is also necessary, preferably with a plan for prioritization.  相似文献   



Previous studies have shown that increased risk in darkness is particularly great for pedestrian crashes, suggesting that attempts to improve headlighting should focus on factors that likely influence those crashes. The current analysis was designed to provide information about how details of pedestrian crashes may differ between daylight and darkness. Method: All pedestrian crashes that occurred in daylight or dark conditions in Michigan during 2004 were analyzed in terms of the variables included in the State of Michigan crash database. Additional analysis of the narratives and diagrams in police accident reports was performed for a subset of 400 of those crashes—200 sampled from daylight and 200 sampled from darkness. Results: Several differences were found that appear to be related to the characteristic asymmetry of low-beam headlamps, which (in the United States) distributes more light on the passenger's side than the driver's side of the vehicle. These results provide preliminary quantification of the how the photometric differences between the right and left sides of typical headlamps may affect pedestrian crash risk.

Impact on Industry

The results suggest that efforts to provide supplemental forward vehicle lighting in turns may have safety benefits for pedestrians.  相似文献   

Introduction: One of the challenging tasks for drivers is the ability to change lanes around large commercial motor vehicles. Lane changing is often characterized by speed, and crashes that occur due to unsafe lane changes can have serious consequences. Considering the economic importance of commercial trucks, ensuring the safety, security, and resilience of freight transportation is of paramount concern to the United States Department of Transportation and other stakeholders. Method: In this study, a mixed (random parameters) logit model was developed to better understand the relationship between crash factors and associated injury severities of commercial vehicle crashes involving lane change on interstate highways. The study was based on 2009–2016 crash data from Alabama. Results: Preliminary data analysis showed that about 4% of the observed crashes were major injury crashes and drivers of commercial motor vehicles were at-fault in more than half of the crashes. Acknowledging potential crash data limitations, the model estimation results reveal that there is increased probability of major injury when lane change crashes occurred on dark unlit portions of interstates and involve older drivers, at-fault commercial vehicle drivers, and female drivers. The results further show that lane change crashes that occurred on interstates with higher number of travel lanes were less likely to have major injury outcomes. Practical Applications: These findings can help policy makers and state transportation agencies increase awareness on the hazards of changing lanes in the immediate vicinity and driving in the blind spots of large commercial motor vehicles. Additionally, law enforcement efforts may be intensified during times and locations of increased unsafe lane changing activities. These findings may also be useful in commercial vehicle driver training and driver licensing programs.  相似文献   

Aims: Traffic safety is a significant public health challenge, and vehicle crashes account for the majority of injuries. This study aims to identify whether drivers' characteristics and past traffic violations may predict vehicle crashes in Korea.

Methods: A total of 500,000 drivers were randomly selected from the 11.6 million driver records of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs in Korea. Records of traffic crashes were obtained from the archives of the Korea Insurance Development Institute. After matching the past violation history for the period 2004–2005 with the number of crashes in year 2006, a total of 488,139 observations were used for the analysis. Zero-inflated negative binomial model was used to determine the incident risk ratio (IRR) of vehicle crashes by past violations of individual drivers. The included covariates were driver's age, gender, district of residence, vehicle choice, and driving experience.

Results: Drivers violating (1) a hit-and-run or drunk driving regulation at least once and (2) a signal, central line, or speed regulation more than once had a higher risk of a vehicle crash with respective IRRs of 1.06 and 1.15. Furthermore, female gender, a younger age, fewer years of driving experience, and middle-sized vehicles were all significantly associated with a higher likelihood of vehicle crashes.

Conclusions: Drivers' demographic characteristics and past traffic violations could predict vehicle crashes in Korea. Greater resources should be assigned to the provision of traffic safety education programs for the high-risk driver groups.  相似文献   

Objective: It is well known that alcohol and drugs influence driving behavior by affecting the central nervous system, awareness, vision, and perception/reaction times, but the resulting effect on driver injuries in car crashes is not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the injury severities of unimpaired, alcohol-impaired, and drug-impaired drivers.

Method: The current article applies a random parameters logit model to study the differences in injury severities among unimpaired, alcohol-impaired, and drug-impaired drivers. Using data from single-vehicle crashes in Cook County, Illinois, over a 9-year period from January 1, 2004, to December 31, 2012, separate models for unimpaired, alcohol-impaired, and drug-impaired drivers were estimated. A wide range of variables potentially affecting driver injury severity was considered, including roadway and environmental conditions, driver attributes, time and location of the crash, and crash-specific factors.

Results: The estimation results show significant differences in the determinants of driver injury severities across groups of unimpaired, alcohol-impaired, and drug-impaired drivers. The findings also show that unimpaired drivers are understandably more responsive to variations in lighting, adverse weather, and road conditions, but these drivers also tend to have much more heterogeneity in their behavioral responses to these conditions, relative to impaired drivers. In addition, age and gender were found to be important determinants of injury severity, but the effects varied significantly across all drivers, particularly among alcohol-impaired drivers.

Conclusions: The model estimation results show that statistically significant differences exist in driver injury severities among the unimpaired, alcohol-impaired, and drug-impaired driver groups considered. Specifically, we find that unimpaired drivers tend to have more heterogeneity in their injury outcomes in the presence potentially adverse weather and road surface conditions. This makes sense because one would expect unimpaired drivers to apply their full knowledge/judgment range to deal with these conditions, and the variability of this range across the driver population (with different driving experiences, etc.) should be great. In contrast, we find, for the most part, that alcohol-impaired and drug-impaired drivers have far less heterogeneity in the factors that affect injury severity, suggesting an equalizing effect resulting from the decision-impairing substance.  相似文献   

Introduction: Reducing the severity of crashes is a top priority for safety researchers due to its impact on saving human lives. Because of safety concerns posed by large trucks and the high rate of fatal large truck-involved crashes, an exploration into large truck-involved crashes could help determine factors that are influential in crash severity. The current study focuses on large truck-involved crashes to predict influencing factors on crash injury severity. Method: Two techniques have been utilized: Random Parameter Binary Logit (RPBL) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Models have been developed to estimate: (1) multivehicle (MV) truck-involved crashes, in which large truck drivers are at fault, (2) MV track-involved crashes, in which large truck drivers are not at fault and (3) and single-vehicle (SV) large truck crashes. Results: Fatigue and deviation to the left were found as the most important contributing factors that lead to fatal crashes when the large truck-driver is at fault. Outcomes show that there are differences among significant factors between RPBL and SVM. For instance, unsafe lane-changing was significant in all three categories in RPBL, but only SV large truck crashes in SVM. Conclusions: The outcomes showed the importance of the complementary approaches to incorporate both parametric RPBL and non-parametric SVM to identify the main contributing factors affecting the severity of large truck-involved crashes. Also, the results highlighted the importance of categorization based on the at-fault party. Practical Applications: Unrealistic schedules and expectations of trucking companies can cause excessive stress for the large truck drivers, which could leads to further neglect of their fatigue. Enacting and enforcing comprehensive regulations regarding large truck drivers’ working schedules and direct and constant surveillance by authorities would significantly decrease large truck-involved crashes.  相似文献   

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