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中缅边境一带发展潜力巨大的魔芋新品种--珠芽魔芋   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了珠芽魔芋的基本生物学特性及其独特的生长方式,特别是地上植株"珠芽"小球茎生长及其籽种无性繁殖的特点,显著增加了魔芋的繁殖系数.该品种开发潜能大、种植风险低、经济效益高,是一种低成本且易产业化的魔芋优势种质资源.  相似文献   

珠芽魔芋弥勒种——从低产到优质高产作物的希望之星   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠芽魔芋是东南亚地区的特色野生魔芋种,适宜在高温高湿环境生长。以珠芽魔芋人工诱导开花进行规模化无性育种,可将魔芋繁殖系数从1位数提高到约330倍。采用催苗技术让种子及叶面球茎提早出苗,可显著延长魔芋生长周期,使魔芋种植周期由3年缩短为1年,实现当年种植收获商品芋,从而避免魔芋种植过程中种植材料反复休眠的固有特性,可使魔芋从低产作物提升为优质高产作物,显著降低种植风险,使魔芋总量大幅增长,市场推广前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

珠芽魔芋种子5苗接力生长当年形成商品芋技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次提出珠芽魔芋种子具有5苗接力生长的生物学特性。种子能在一个不间断的生长周期中积累最大生物产量,避免魔芋需反复"换头"种植3—4年才能收获商品芋的低产生长模式,使魔芋的膨大系数由块茎的低于10倍提高到种子最高约7000倍,所获地下球茎重量平均达1560g。采用种子种植当年即可获用于加工的商品芋,消除了魔芋种植过程中固有的风险,使魔芋由低产作物变成高产作物,魔芋多糖总量将实现跨越式增长。  相似文献   

苎麻的繁殖方法一般是用地下茎分蔸,繁殖系数低、速度慢。华东师大生物系与华中农学院农学系协作研究成功了嫩枝茎梢带叶水插繁殖技术,具有繁殖系数高、速度快的特点。从扦插到培养成稳栽苗只需15—20天,成苗快。他们从8个黄荆皮品种  相似文献   

东南亚珠芽魔芋多苗接力生长特性及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以珠芽魔芋人工诱导开花进行规模化无性育种,可将魔芋繁殖系数从1位数提高约330倍;采用催苗技术让种子及叶面球茎提早出苗,可显著延长魔芋生长周期,使魔芋种植周期由3年缩短为1年;魔芋种子1年生长最高膨大率超过5000倍,当年即形成1180g球茎;魔芋叶面球茎最大膨大率超过100倍,两者种植一季魔芋即可用于加工.突破了魔芋繁殖系数低、膨大率低导致种植周期长的双重困局,显著降低了病害风险,大幅度缩短了魔芋种植周期,从而突破魔芋传统种植区域的地理限制,使魔芋总产量超常规增长.  相似文献   

快速养育食用蛙新技术一种庭院高密度快速养有食用蛙的新技术日前试验成功。该技术是选用肉蛙精品种,采用庭院立体多层、投喂人工繁育的昆虫饲料,高密度、恒温、快速养育,打破了蛙类冬眠的生态常规,使其冬季正常繁育和生长,可繁殖幼蛙400~500只/m2,商品蛙150只/m2。该方法具有投资少、见效快、收益高、无天敌、易管理等特点,为发展庭院经济提供了一条新路,具有广阔的发展前景。(英子)玉米新品种——角质吨玉米角质吨玉米是由美国引进的玉米作父本与中国玉米作母本杂交育成的一种玉米新品种。该品种株高220cm,穗长23cm、稳粒数…  相似文献   

贵州木本食用油料资源及其开发利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
龙秀琴 《资源开发与市场》2003,19(4):243-244,247
对贵州野生特有和稀有的大宗木本食用油料的种类、分布、现状等进行了分析,提出了提高大宗食用木本油料经营水平,选择利用野生木本油料植物资源,加强特有和稀有资源的保护、驯化和繁殖等开发利用建议。  相似文献   

提高仓库器材管理水平,杜绝类似事故的发生。在仓库取样,36h内在异地实验室培养检疫,用扫描电子显微镜对航材仓库中霉菌的种类进行分析,针对该霉菌在仓库中的生长繁殖特点采取防霉措施。仓库中生长的主要为黑青霉、木霉和杆状毛霉三类,繁殖高峰期有两个。提高认识,遵守法规,并且要在繁殖高峰期来临之前进采取防霉措施,防止类似事故发生。  相似文献   

原油及产品对藻类毒性影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藻类具有种类繁多,个体小,生长繁殖迅速,对毒物的毒性敏感等特点,它长时间在水中生长,能客观地反映原油及产品对水体污染所产生的毒害综合效应。实验室中毒性研究通常采用纯种藻类培养来评价油的急性和早期毒性影响。经过实验室研究及原油泄漏现场调查研究表明:在含油的生态系统中油能刺激藻类的生长。在油污染过的水体中,原油中的轻烃和较易挥发的组分对藻类的毒性影响最大,原油泄漏的短期毒性影响和二次影响同等重要,油对藻类种群结构也具有重要的毒性影响。  相似文献   

开发保健食品——魔芋   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魔芋亦名鬼芋、南星 ,中药称“蛇六谷” ,为天南星科多年生草本植物 ,有暗红褐色肉质地下球状茎 ,原产于印度 ,在我国种植很早。魔芋块茎的粗蛋白质含量为 9 7%,比马铃薯高 1 6%;1 6种氨基酸总含量为 7 8%,比马铃薯高 59%;7种必需氨基酸总量为 2 5%,比马铃薯高 53 8%;能降  相似文献   

A decision framework for setting management goals for species at risk is presented. Species at risk are those whose potential future rarity is of concern. Listing these species as threatened or endangered could potentially result in significant restrictions to activities in resource management areas in order to maintain those species. The decision framework, designed to foster proactive management, has nine steps: identify species at risk on and near the management area, describe available information and potential information gaps for each species, determine the potential distribution of species and their habitat, select metrics for describing species status, assess the status of local population or metapopulation, conduct threat assessment, set and prioritize management goals, develop species management plans, and develop criteria for ending special species management where possible. This framework will aid resource managers in setting management goals that minimally impact human activities while reducing the likelihood that species at risk will become rare in the near future. The management areas in many of the examples are United States (US) military installations, which are concerned about potential restrictions to military training capacity if species at risk become regulated under the US Endangered Species Act. The benefits of the proactive management set forth in this formal decision framework are that it is impartial, provides a clear procedure, calls for identification of causal relationships that may not be obvious, provides a way to target the most urgent needs, reduces costs, enhances public confidence, and, most importantly, decreases the chance of species becoming more rare.  相似文献   

Summary This literature review indicates how little is known about the growth of introduced bacteria. The available data base is so sparse that one can only speculate on the environmental conditions and the physiological traits that are needed to permit bacterial growth. Although methods are available to label organisms so that their multiplication can be detected under natural conditions, those methods have not been used sufficiently often to provide a meaningful base of information to allow a definition of conditions that favor multiplication of particular species or the organisms that are likely to proliferate in particular environments. However, because methods exist to monitor microbial growth, and new and better methods can be developed easily, it should not be difficult—provided research funds are made available—to expand greatly the data base and provide adequate information to be used for predicting the behavior of genetically engineered organisms in nature.  相似文献   

济南地区直翅目昆虫资源及其开发利用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文报道了济南地区直翅目昆虫资源的种类组成,提出为害严重种类、优势种类、传统利用种类及易于捕捉或饲养种类共24种,可作为本地区开发直翅目昆虫资源的首选类群。根据资源的生物学特性,本文讨论了开发利用的途径与措施  相似文献   

The importance of the notion of resilience in determining the static and the intertemporal behaviour of jointly determined ecological-economic systems has long been recognized by ecologists. This notwithstanding, there are very few formal studies of such systems which explicitly analyse the ecological and the economic aspects of the problem. Consequently, this paper has two objectives. First, a new stationary probability-based method is proposed to characterize the notion of ecological resilience. Next, this characterization is used to study the problem of optimal species conservation.  相似文献   

Increasing public concern for the welfare of fish species that human beings use and exploit has highlighted the need for better understanding of the cognitive status of fish and of their ability to experience negative emotions such as pain and fear. Moreover, studying emotion and cognition in fish species broadens our scientific understanding of how emotion and cognition are represented in the central nervous system and what kind of role they play in the organization of behavior. For instance, on a macro neuro-architecture level the brains of fish species look dramatically different from those of mammals, while such a dramatic difference does not (always) occur at the level of emotion- and cognition-related behavior. Here, therefore, we discuss the evidence of emotion and cognition in fish species related to underlying neuro-architecture and the role that emotion and cognition play in the organization of behavior. To do so we use a framework encompassing a number of steps allowing a systematic approach to these issues. Emotion and cognition confer on human and non-human animals the capacity to compliment and/or override immediate reflexes to stimuli and so allow a large degree of flexibility in behavior. Systematic research on behavior that in mammals is indicative of emotion and cognition has been conducted in only a few fish species. The data thus far indicate that in these species brain-behavior relationships are not fundamentally different from those observed in mammals. Furthermore, data from other studies show evidence that behavior patterns related to emotion and cognition vary between fish species as well within fish species, related to sex and life history stage for example. From a welfare perspective, knowledge of such variability will potentially help us to design optimal living conditions for fish species kept by humans.  相似文献   

In spite of the considerable literature nowadays existing on the issue of the moral exclusion of nonhuman animals, there is still work to be done concerning the characterization of the conceptual framework with which this question can be appraised. This paper intends to tackle this task. It starts by defining speciesism as the unjustified disadvantageous consideration or treatment of those who are not classified as belonging to a certain species. It then clarifies some common misunderstandings concerning what this means. Next, it rejects the idea that there are different kinds of speciesism. Such an idea may result from confusion because there are (1) different ways in which speciesism can be defended; and (2) different speciesist positions, that is, different positions that assume speciesism among their premises. Depending on whether or not these views assume other criteria for moral consideration apart from speciesism, they can be combined or simple speciesist positions. But speciesism remains in all cases the same idea. Finally, the paper examines the concept of anthropocentrism, the disadvantageous treatment or consideration of those who are not members of the human species. This notion must be conceptually distinguished from speciesism and from misothery (aversion to nonhuman animals). Anthropocentrism is shown to be refuted because it either commits a petitio principia fallacy or it falls prey to two arguments: the argument from species overlap (widely but misleadingly known as “argument from marginal cases”) and the argument from relevance. This rebuttal identifies anthropocentrism as a speciesist view.  相似文献   

Why most conservation monitoring is, but need not be, a waste of time   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ecological conservation monitoring programmes abound at various organisational and spatial levels from species to ecosystem. Many of them suffer, however, from the lack of details of goal and hypothesis formulation, survey design, data quality and statistical power at the start. As a result, most programmes are likely to fail to reach the necessary standard of being capable of rejecting a false null hypothesis with reasonable power. Results from inadequate monitoring are misleading for their information quality and are dangerous because they create the illusion that something useful has been done. We propose that conservation agencies and those funding monitoring work should require the demonstration of adequate power at the outset of any new monitoring scheme.  相似文献   

The psychological literature about consciousness has been analyzed. It is argued that: 1) Only the higher symbolic cognitive powers like the ability to keep secrets, knowledge of self or self-consciousness, a long-term view on the future, the ability to determine long-term goals, and to freely plan future behavior, add positive fitness-value to consciousness. Without these higher intellectual abilities consciousness will have only negative fitness value and no positive one. The intellectual powers mentioned may therefore be considered as prerequisites for consciousness. Consciousness may therefore only be expected in those animal species that show these capacities in their behavior. So far these capacities have only been described for the anthropoid apes and humans. For the time being, they are therefore the only species in which consciousness may be expected. 2) Consciousness is not synchronous with real time. Human consciousness is, in as well in the perception of stimuli as in the experience of free will to act, most times running after the facts. 3) Consciousness has to be viewed as an instinct that has been developed late in evolution. It is partially based upon primarily innate neural circuits, fulfilling specialized cognitive functions by which information is interpreted and inferences are made, in a more or less automatical way. 4) Most information processing concerning daily decisions,is done by parallel non-consciously functioning neural modules using ‘sloppy logic’, and only the end-product of these modules can be pushed forwards to consciousness. For this reason consciousness will, most times, lack the necessary information to come to the correct inferences about the evaluations on which the decision is based. Therefore, only rarely will people have insight into their cognitive processes or the real sources of their behavior. When asked why they behaved as they did, they will produce confabulations. However, people's erroneous reports are not capricious, but regular and systematic in such a way that they will fit the pre-existing ideas and beliefs. The contents of these reports are therefore not based upon introspection, but, most times, on (sub)culturally accepted ideas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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