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Naturally spawned and fertilized eggs of Atlantic halibut,Hippoglossus hippoglossus L., were analysed for protein, free amino acids (FAA), ammonium ions and energy content. The chemical composition was found to be size-dependent but varied little during egg development. Ammonium ions did, however, accumulate during the late embryonic stage, and the trend in FAA content was downward during the same period. Rates of O2 uptake and NH3 excretion followed exponential patterns. A total of 1µmol O2 was consumed and 120 nmol NH3 excreted between the time intervals of fertilization and 1 d post hatch. Derived O:N ratios indicated that the dominant portion of the energy metabolism was lipid- or carbohydrate-based during the mid-development period but switched to FAA as hatch was approached.Correspondence should be addressed to: Zoological Laboratory, University of Bergen, Allégt. 41, N-5007 Bergen, Norway  相似文献   

Free amino acids (FAA) and protein have been measured in whole laboratory-readed halibut larvae and on dissected individuals separated into yolk and body compartments. At hatching both FAA and protein are mainly located in the yolk compartment. During the first 12 d of the yolk-sac stage more than 70% of the FAA pool disappeared from the yolk without any significant changes in the yolk protein pool. This suggests different uptake mechanisms for FAA and protein from the yolk, and a sequential utilisation of the endogeneous reservoirs of free and protein amino acids in Atlantic halibut larvae. The data suggest that in the early yolk-sac stage FAA enter the embryo from the yolk and are utilised both for energy and protein synthesis. Later on when the free pool cannot fulfil the nutritional requirements, additional amino acids are recruited from yolk protein. Of the total amino acids (free + protein amino acids) present at hatching ca. 60% will be used as precursors for body protein synthesis while the remaining 40% are used as fuel in the larval energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Eggs of halibut [Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.)] have a negative buoyancy in sea water of 35 S, in contrast to eggs of most flatfish species. The cause of this was investigated. The osmolality of the yolk is 350–420 mOsm during embryonic development. This is within the range for marine teleost serum and for yolk of pelagic eggs. Concentrations of major inorganic ions are comparable with those of pelagic plaice eggs [Pleuronectes platessa (L.)]. The values for Na+, K+ and Cl- are 6, 85, and 64 mmol · (1 H2O)-1 after fertilization, and at the time of hatching the corresponding values are 17, 11, and 80. Large amounts of other inorganic constitutents are excluded for osmotic reasons. Malfunction in the regulation of osmolality or of inorganic constituents is thus unlikely to be the cause of negative buoyancy. The relative dry weight of the chorion (egg shell) in halibut eggs is less than in several pelagic egg types, excluding the chorion as the main contributor of negative buoyancy. It is concluded that a high content of organic matter in the rest of the egg is the cause of the negative buoyancy.  相似文献   

The influence of some environmental parameters in the regulation of hatching of halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) embryos is reported. The progress of hatching was observed when light, oxygen and turbulence were varied. Environmental parameters influenced the induction of hatching, while the exit mechanism of halibut embryos was unaltered. Light arrests hatching of halibut eggs, and transfer of such eggs to darkness resulted in rapid and synchronous hatching. Hatching under different oxic conditions shows that better oxygen availability does not postpone the time of hatching in halibut. Oxygen seems therefore to have a minor role in the regulation of hatching in halibut. Induction of hatching was delayed under hypoxic conditions (15 mm Hg) compared to higher oxygen levels, but this probably reflects a minimal oxygen level needed for metabolism during hatching. Non-stationary water conditions delayed hatching for 1.5 d both in eggs incubated in turbulence, and in eggs subjected to turbulence at the time of hatching. Turbulence had an immediate inhibitory effect on hatching, but this inhibition was reversible under stationary conditions, under which hatching resumed after 150 to 250 min. We conclude that hatching in halibut occurs after sensory input from environmental factors which are integrated by the embryo before proceeding to hatch.  相似文献   

Rearing experiments on the halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.) were carried out using gametes from parents caught at a depth of 600 to 700 m off the Norwegian coast in February 1980. After fertilization, the average egg diameter was 3.08 mm, average dry weight 1 038 μg and neutral buoyancy was at 36.5‰ S. The eggs hatched after 20 d at 4.7°C, 18 d at 5°C and 13 d at 7°C. Survival to hatching was better when antibiotics were used. At hatching the larvae were 6.4 mm long, there were no functional eyes or mouth, but prominent neuromast organs were present. Resorption of yolk lasted 50 d at 5.3°C; the eyes and mouth were then functioning and the larva was about 11.5 mm long. The larvae were offered zooplankton as food, but with little success in initial feeding. A few larvae fed and grew in 2 500-litre plastic bags, one reaching a length of 24 mm after 90 d.  相似文献   

Fertilized Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) eggs in different developmental stages (Days 0 to 18) were sampled from plankton in North Norway in February 1986 and analysed for lipid classes and fatty acid content. In unfertilized ovulated eggs taken from ripe fish caught in 1983/1984, polar and neutral lipids comprised ca. 71 and 30% of the total lipids, respectively, decreasing and increasing to 67 and 33%, respectively, in Stage III (11 to 18 d old) fertilized eggs. Of the polar lipids, phosphatidylcholine decreased markedly from 62% in unfertilized ovulated eggs to ca. 40% in Stage I (0 to 3 d old) fertilized eggs, while phosphatidylethanolamine increased from ca. 7 to 33%. Triacylglycerols, the major neutral lipids, increased from ca. 13% in unfertilized ovulated eggs to 16% in Stage III fertilized eggs. The total lipid in Stage I fertilized eggs had relatively low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), with (n-3) PUFA accounting for only ca. 25% of the total fatty acids. The (n-3) PUFA increased to ca. 40% of the total fatty acids in Stage III, while the (n-3): (n-6) ratio increased from 4.1 to 7.0.  相似文献   

Large Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) off the eastern coast of Canada were tagged with pop-up satellite archival transmission tags (N = 17) to track movements, determine ambient depth and temperature, and infer spawning activity. Many halibut showed seasonal movements from deepwater slope areas in fall and winter to shallower feeding grounds on the Scotian Shelf and Grand Banks in summer. Halibut depths ranged between 0 and 1,640 m. Mean temperature of occupation was 4.7 °C. Multiple short-term vertical ascents from a consistent baseline depth, characterized as spawning rises, were identified in seven of the tagged halibut south of the Grand Banks. All presumed spawning rises occurred in multiples of 2–6 events at 2- to 9-day intervals between October and January, spanning an average vertical extent of 50–100 m at depths of about 800–1,000 m. Given the direction and velocity of the slope water currents and the duration of the pelagic stage, the calculated 300–500 km drift of the eggs and larvae would take them onto the Scotian Shelf, as well as into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Therefore, the location of the presumed spawning grounds is consistent with expectations based on migration compensation theory, the northeasterly migratory patterns of the juveniles, the relatively static distribution of the adults off southern Newfoundland, and the prevailing currents at depth.  相似文献   

We assessed the ontogenetic changes in protein content and free amino acids (FAA) in eggs and early larvae of Engraulis ringens (anchoveta) off central Chile on different dates during the spawning season. On all sampling dates, a reduction in embryonic yolk-sac volume, proteins and FAA concentrations occurred during development. Protein electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) of eggs and larvae showed at least 22 protein bands: 11 were consumed early and not detected after hatching. The proportion of essential FAA (EFAA) was higher than the proportion of non-essential FAA (NEFAA) in early eggs and in 7 day-old larvae (82.5-73% EFAA respectively). During egg development, the FAA pool was dominated by leucine, alanine and lysine, three amino acids contributing 35–44% of the total FAA in eggs. During larval development, histidine was the most abundant FAA. In July, total FAA constituted 13–18% of the egg dry weight. A similar proportion (45–51%) occurred in July between protein plus FAA and total lipids. The differences in egg size during the spawning season along with variability in batch composition suggests that the female spawning condition is a major factor determining egg quality and early offspring success.  相似文献   

Changes in the lipid class and fatty acid composition of developing eggs and unfed larvae of cod (Gadus morhua L.) were studied with the objective of determining probable requirements of cod larvae for dietary lipid. The eggs were collected on 24 March 1985 from holding tanks containing cod which had been caught off the northwest coast of Scotland. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) was the only lipid class to decline in absolute terms during embryogenesis. Catabolism of neutral lipid was initiated during the first week after hatching, and the rate of neutral lipid utilisation increased after the larvae had completely absorbed their yolk sacs. The quantity of triacylglycerol (TAG) remained constant during embryogenesis, but the percentage of 22:6(n-3) int TAG increased substantially during this period. It was calculated that ca. 33% of the 22:6(m-3) released during the process of PC catabolism was incorporated into TAG and sterol ester. The results suggest that PC, replete in appropriate essential fatty acids, should represent a major proportion of the lipid in artificial diets for fish and crustacean larvae.  相似文献   

Summary The energetic cost of guarding estrous females has been assumed to be a potentially major factor in limiting the duration of male consortships in a number of polygamous species. This issue has been examined in the present study by assessing changes in the usual activity budgets of 13 male and 20 female yellow baboons which occurred during their consortships.The percent of time adult males spent feeding was strongly related to their agonistic rank: Higher-ranking males fed proportionately more than lower-ranking males while not in consort, and they showed a relatively greater decrease in feeding time during consortships.The proportion of time females spent feeding was related to their agonistic rank and (to a lesser degree) to their parity. Higher-ranking females fed more than lower-ranking females outside of consortships, and showed a relatively greater decrease in time spent feeding while in consort. Nulliparous females tended to feed more than parous females while not in consort; during consortships, the feeding time of nulliparous females decreased, while that of parous females increased slightly.The activity of male and female consort partners was most coordinated during the fertile cycle stage of the female partner, and least coordinated once the female had passed the fertile stage.Although reductions in feeding time during consortships were generally much more pronounced in males than in females, neither males nor females appeared to attain the undisturbed optimal feeding level for their sex while in consort.  相似文献   

During a period of short-term (19 d) starvation, total lipid in the digestive gland of Euphausia superba Dana decreased from 21 to 9% dry weight. Total lipid per digestive gland decreased significantly during starvation compared to Day 0 individuals, falling from 1960 (±172) to 385 (±81) g. Polar lipid was the major lipid class utilised during starvation, falling from 1510 (±225) to 177 (±46) g per digestive gland (76 to 45%). Absolute levels of triacylglycerol fell from 300 (±41) to 76 (±5) g; however, relative levels remained unchanged. The relative level of free fatty acid increased significantly with starvation (4 to 39%) with absolute levels ranging from 79 (±1) to 156 (±20) g per digestive gland. Absolute levels of all fatty acids per digestive gland declined continually until the end of the starvation period. The long-chain polyunsaturated acids eicosapentaenoic (20:53) and docosahexaenoic (22:63), decreased with starvation from 37 to 26% and 15 to 10%, respectively whereas the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid (16:0), increased from 15 to 20%. Cholesterol, the major sterol in this organ, increased from 17 (±20) to 44 (±13) g per digestive gland by Day 3, and by Day 19 had returned to levels found in the digestive gland of Day 0 individuals. Desmosterol followed a similar pattern to cholesterol, increasing from 3 (±1) g per digestive gland on Day 0 to 11 (±4) g on Day 3, and falling to 2 (±1) g on Day 19. Other sterols in the digestive gland, predominantly of algal origin, fell from the levels found in Day 0 individuals to near zero amounts by Day 6. The digestive gland of E. superba plays a dynamic role during shortterm starvation in terms of lipid content and composition. The relative levels of polar lipids, free fatty acids and cholesterol in the digestive gland may provide reliable indices of the nutritional condition of E. superba in the field. Sterols in the digestive gland are indicative of recent dietary composition of krill, and may also be used to quantify dietary input from individual phytoplanktonic species.  相似文献   

Changes in the wet weights and lipid contents of muscle, liver and gonad were determined in male and female Mallotus villosus in Balsfjorden, northern Norway, in 1981, from January, when gonadal development becomes noticeable, until May when the fish are spawning. Fatty acid compositions of tissue lipids were also determined. Over 4 mo prior to spawning, the weight of muscle in female capelin decreased by 32% while the weight of the ovary increased exponentially by 830%. In males the weight of the muscle remained constant and that of the testis decreased slightly. The lipid contents of the muscle of both males and females decreased by 76% over the period and an inverse relationship existed between the water and lipid contents of muscle in both sexes. Male liver weight remained constant over the period of study whereas female liver weight increased transiently by 300% between January and March. 38% of the lipid lost from female muscle was accounted for by lipid deposited in ovary whereas negligible amounts of the lipid lost from male muscle was accounted for by lipid in the testis. Gonadal lipid was always richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids than muscle lipid and, immediately prior to spawning, 42% of the fatty acids in ovarian lipid were polyunsaturated. Muscle lipid of males and females showed a progressive increase in the percentage of the long-chain monoenes 20:1 and 22:1 between January and May. It is concluded that male capelin catabolise more of their muscle lipid reserves than females in the 4 mo prior to spawning and that most of the lipid catabolism in males is associated with physical activity. Conversely, females deposit much more of their muscle lipid in gonads than males, although considerable selectivity occurs in the mobilisation of fatty acids from muscle lipid into ovarian lipid. Additionally, biosynthesis of gonadal constituents accounts for a considerable proportion of the lipid catabolised in females.  相似文献   

We studied the lipid dynamics (lipid contents, classes and fatty acids) during oogenesis and early embryogenesis of 7 viviparous and 3 oviparous deepwater chondrichthyans. Mature pre-ovulated ovarian follicles of all species were high in lipid content, indicative of large energetic expenditure and high maternal investment. Larger lipid reserves were found in viviparous dogshark (28–36% wet weight, ww) compared to oviparous chimaeras (19–24% ww) and catshark, F. boardmani (18% ww). Neutral lipids and monounsaturated fatty acids were the main source of lipidic energy during vitellogenesis and gestation. For most species, there was a peak in total lipid content, levels of storage lipids and essential fatty acids at time of ovulation. Interspecific variation of total lipid yolk reserves and lipid class profiles was largely explained by differences in parity mode, reproductive (continuous vs. non-continuous oocytes development) strategy and depth-related physiological adaptations. Fatty acid profiles were less variable among species with the most important fatty acids including: 16:0, 18:1ω9, 20:1ω9, 20:4ω6 and 22:6ω3. These findings provide a greater biochemical understanding of different maternal-embryonic relationships among chondrichthyans, which can be used as a baseline for subsequent comparative studies.  相似文献   

木薯皮堆肥过程中酶活性的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以木薯皮为原料进行高温堆肥发酵,研究了堆肥化过程中理化性质和酶活性的变化情况.结果表明:在堆肥发酵过程中.温度变化呈先上升后下降趋势,到后期已趋近于初始温度;而含水率在堆肥处理过程中变化不大.各处理的pH值在发酵结束时为7.3~7.5.过氧化氢酶活性初期较高,随后迅速降低,并维持在较低水平.纤维素酶和脲酶活性在堆肥初期增加,之后逐渐降低.由于堆肥原料不同,不同处理的酶活性变化趋势表现出一定的差异.考虑到堆肥腐熟度受多方面因素的影响,判断堆肥腐熟度时应根据多种指标(包括生物学、化学、物理学指标)综合判断.  相似文献   

As part of a “European Sardine/Anchovy Recruitment Program” (SARP), sardine larvae (Sardina pilchardus) were sampled off the Atlantic coast of Spain through the spawning season from March to June. The larvae were analysed for carbon and nitrogen content as a measure of nutritional condition and survival potential. There was no significant diel variation in larval carbon content, but there was a small significant diel variation in nitrogen; the absence of a strong diel signal in elemental composition was ascribed to the overnight retention of the gut contents. There was an increase in carbon content with increase in body length which reached an asymptote at ∼40% carbon content at a larval length of 20 mm. It is argued that larvae with a carbon content of <25% of body weight were nutritionally stressed, with the smaller larvae (<10 mm in length) appearing to be more vulnerable to food limitation. Although larvae with the lowest age-specific carbon content (poorest condition) occurred on the cruise with the lowest food availability, there was no consistent relationship between carbon content and food availability. While the successive monthly estimates of carbon content revealed differences in potential recruitment between months, these were not related to the birth-date distribution of the surviving juveniles. Received: 23 November 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) on embryonic development (ED) and hatching success of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) eggs. Fertilized eggs from six females were exposed to five DO levels: severely hypoxic (10 and 20?%sat [percent saturation]), moderately hypoxic (35 and 50?%sat), and normoxic (100?%sat). Greenland halibut eggs were highly tolerant to hypoxia, with hatching occurring at levels as low as 20?%sat. In severely hypoxic conditions (10?%sat), ED was impaired and no hatching occurred. Lipid composition, during ED, changed as a function of female origin and DO levels. Phospholipids were the dominant lipid class in eggs. Although triacylglycerols were a minor lipid class in terms of abundance, they were only used under severe hypoxia. The results suggest that severe hypoxia (between 10 and 20?%sat) has detrimental effect on the early development of Greenland halibut and may result in reduced recruitment and lower population abundance if the decreasing trend in the DO levels observed in the bottom waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence continues in the future. Other species that share similar life histories may also be at risk.  相似文献   

Regular physical activity may be a tool in the prevention of sedentary behaviour, overweight, obesity, and obesity-related diseases and plays a fundamental role in health promotion. Moreover, it helps to educate, to develop tolerance and respect for others, to increase interindividual and international exchange, plays a role in social integration, and contributes to an increase in individual sustainable development (ISD). ISD is an extension of the concept of the sustainable development (SD). Its aim is to promote a long, healthy and autonomous life, in conformity with the physical and social environment and economic needs. ISD implies individual participation in the decision-making process, self-determination and freedom and/or responsibility in making individual choices.  相似文献   

The early stages of development of the carpospores and tetraspores of Hypnea muscilormis (Wulfen) Lamouroux have been investigated. Both types of spores germinated immediately after liberation. The spores segmented repeatedly into, 2, 3, 4 cells, etc. until a multicellular ball of cells was produced. The germination pattern was thus of the discal type, i.e., Typus discalis mediatus (Inoh, 1947) or the Dumontia-type in the terminology of Chemin (1937). Subsequently, a relatively expansive attachment holdfast was produced from each sporeling. This was followed by the development of up to 4 or more shoot axes arising from the basal disc. These findings are discussed with reference to an earlier study by the senior author on the developmental biology of other species of Hypnea Lamouroux.  相似文献   

A suite of characteristics is often used to assess egg quality as these properties potentially play important roles in progeny survival and growth. Our objective was to assess egg characteristics including lipid biocomposition of an iteroparous, batch-spawning teleost of wild origin. Maternal allocation to egg number was generally dome-shaped (5 of 8 females) and egg size declined over the breeding season for eight breeding pairs of wild Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) (n = 43 batches). Egg lipid composition ranged considerably among females and between egg batches within females (e.g., phospholipids 40–86 %; polar 47–87 % and neutral lipids 15–52 % of total lipids; polyunsaturated fatty acids 16–50 % of total fatty acids). Principal component analyses revealed significant inter-relationships among maternal traits, batch sequence and fecundity, and egg size and composition. Seasonal trends with regard to lipid deposition were variable; three females showed consistent declines in lipid parameters (μg egg−1) with both batch number and egg diameter, one female showed consistent increase and the four remaining females showed no trend. The three females that exhibited seasonal declines in egg lipid content were characterized as having high fertilization success (>75 %). Our findings highlight the variability in lipid allocation to eggs of batch spawners of wild origin and characterize the composition of endogenous reserves available during embryogenesis and yolk sac larval stages.  相似文献   

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