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段颀  章天乐 《绿叶》2012,(7):56-61
我国林地资源丰富,但既往产权不明晰、配套金融服务滞后等因素严重制约了林地资源的保护与开发。随着集体林权制度改革的深化,以林权抵押贷款为重要表现形式的林地综合金融体系开始逐步形成,而其进一步成熟需要构建林业信息服务平台、森林保险业务、林农合作组织等互补配套制度。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革后,农户林地经营规模的大小关系着其收入的高低,并影响着森林经营效率.结合在甘肃省天水市进行的问卷调查,从农户意愿出发,采用统计方法对结果进行分析.研究表明,家庭户均林地面积、家庭劳动力数量和农户的职业是影响农户期望的林地经营面积的重要因素.研究建议相关部门制定有针对性的改革配套政策,促进农户林地经营的适度规模化,以实现农户的增收和林区的和谐发展.  相似文献   

林地产权政策是决定资源配置效率的基础条件。对临安示范林地区研究基点河桥乡的林地产权政策、林地流转的基本情况及农户对林地产权的意愿进行了介绍,找出了现行政策存在的问题,并提出了一套科学合理的适合当地水平的林地产权政策方案。  相似文献   

我国发布中长期林地保护规划 经国务院审议并原则通过的《全国林地保护利用规划纲要(2010~2020年)》近日已由国家林业局正式印发。“纲要”是经国务院批准实施的我国第一个中长期林地保护利用规划,“纲要”提出,到2020年,我国林地保有量增加到31230万公顷,占国土面积的32.5光;森林保有量达到22300万公顷以上,比2005年增加4200万公顷;森林覆盖率达到23%以上。  相似文献   

正【环境新闻】新一轮森林资源核算研究启动国家林业局和国家统计局5日联合启动新一轮"中国森林资源核算及绿色经济评价体系研究"。开展新一轮森林资源核算研究,将为加快推进生态文明制度建设,实施领导干部自然资源资产离任审计制度和生态补偿制度等提供决策参考。据介绍,新一轮森林资源核算研究将以林地林木价值核算、森林生态服务价值核算、森林文化价  相似文献   

集体林地使用权市场制度的建立与完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
集体林地使用权市场将是我国南方集体林区土地市场发展的主要内容,它的健康发展需要一套制度来保障.在介绍集体林地使用权市场类型的基础上,分析了我国集体林地使用权市场制度的建设状况,并提出了今后急待建立和完善的林地使用权市场制度的主要内容.  相似文献   

绿色和平 《绿叶》2013,(3):90-100
绿色和平一直持续关注和研究云南天然林的保护,我们的调查显示,云南森林质量不容乐观。为此,我们呼吁云南省政府和全省各级林业部门加强对原生林保护规划,并提出以下建议:划定生态红线以保护珍贵的原生林;完善低产林改造政策并停止将天然林转换为人工林;落实《全国林地保护利用规划纲要》,严格控制征占用天然林林地。  相似文献   

厦门市污水林地生态处理工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了厦门市狐尾山原生生活污水林地生态处理工程依循“污水-土壤-植物”资源再生机制,提出了“截流井+氧化塘(调节池)+污水动力输送、管网投配+林地+城市景观林地”的基本模式。  相似文献   

林地评估探讨——以白云林场林地评估为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以白云林场林地评估为例,作者了林地评估中的几个特殊问题,并结合当前实际,提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

郊野游憩资源开发背景下的上海城市森林景观格局动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以上海郊野森林为研究对象,共选择森林样地64个,通过解译判读2000年、2006年和2012年的相航空遥感影像,分析了上海郊野森林12年来的景观空间格局及其动态变化特征。结果表明:林地始终是上海郊野森林的主体景观类型,且林地面积一直呈增加趋势,其他各景观类型面积随着时间的推移呈不同程度的增减;非林地景观类型的主要转出类型均为林地,且主要发生在新建的外环林地、外环公园和森林公园区域;森林景观的破碎化程度减弱,景观异质性下降,景观优势度和连接性增加,景观多样性降低。  相似文献   

选取吉林省抚松县为研究区域,采用能值分析方法,从生态安全、经济发展、社会接受方面建立评价指标体系,对吉林省抚松县生态经济系统进行定量和定性评价。研究结果表明:①2005--2009年抚松县生态经济系统能值投入量和能值产出量均呈增加态势,能值投入以本地资源为主,工业产值迅速增加(以林产品为主),而农产品产值持续减少。②抚松县经济发展水平在全国、全省范围内均属于较低水平,工业发展效率很低,居民生活质量不高。③生态环境压力逐年增大,主要原因是自然资源的大规模开发,但是与其他发达地区、我国西部地区相比,抚松县在生态环境承载力方面仍具有相对优势。据此,提出了通过大力发展旅游产业、绿色食品、林产品的深加工等增强系统开放性,深入挖掘优势资源的高价值形态,以达到山区县域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

岷江上游是成都平原的生态屏障和水源生命线。但几十年来,该地区植被的大量砍伐和土地的不合理利用引起了一系列生态恶化问题。在概述岷江上游生态环境现状的基础上,分析了其形成原因:地貌不稳定性、人口过度增长、土地资源的不合理利用。最后提出了实施有计划地退耕还林还草、综合农业措施改良、控制人口增长和推动剩余劳动力转移、构建自然资源可持续利用的战略体系、加强法制监督等可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

Well-being is a positive physical, mental and social state and has increasingly become an area of interest to researchers and policy-makers internationally. This paper presents results from research that analyses the well-being benefits gained by different sections of society through viewing, engaging with, and accessing woodlands and forests in Britain. We draw on 31 studies undertaken since 2001 and present a meta-analysis of quantitative data and a meta-synthesis of qualitative data to explore the range of benefits and associated activities in woodlands, and their social distribution. We also present a state-of-the-art typology of well-being benefits for woodlands in Britain. The findings illustrate the wide range of well-being benefits gained by different social groups through various forms of engagement with and activities undertaken in woodlands. We illustrate the wide range of meanings and values attached to trees and woodlands across different social groups. The evidence also illustrates how carefully designed and targeted interventions can be particularly effective in enabling and encouraging people to visit woodland sites, to participate or get involved in new activities and, therefore, to realise a range of well-being benefits.  相似文献   

A support tool system comprising risk and priority analyses was illustrated in a geographical information system environment and also tested with data from two forest protection areas for comparison of the system output. The system is recommended as a management monitoring tool for areas where village forest protection at a local level is taking place. The geographical area in the eastern part of India is subject to scarcity of forest resources and is representative in the context of widespread occurrence of local forest protection. Data used were topography, hectares protected, population census, distance to forest and other villages, degree of forest regeneration, presence of plantations, age of protection, surrounding forest resources, and population mix. Methods used were digitizing information for the systems' different layers, analyses of satellite information, field work, gathering of local information, and the application of five risk/priority analyses: erosion, ecological and institutional sustainability, conflict, and degree of dependency. Questions asked were how the different analyses should be interpreted and how the system could be kept updated. The results show that the system needs resource-demanding and field assistance to be kept dynamic. The system is also dependent on the interpretations of the analyses. The limits or levels of assistance for forest management depend on the resources available. The system illustrates how a tool can be utilized for decisions regarding input of resources. It can further be very useful in defining and comparing different areas in order to detect areas in need of assistance and the type of help needed.  相似文献   

Improving Benefit Transfer Demand Functions: A GIS Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methodologies for transfer of non-market, natural resource recreation benefits are an active research topic. This arises because of the appeal of modelling the impacts of possible changes in site quality or benefits at unsurveyed sites. However, successful benefit transfer must necessarily rely on development of reliable visitor demand functions that incorporate travel time, demographic and substitute factors. Previous efforts to include all of these elements in a single arrivals model are rare. By integrating data from numerous sources within a geographical information system (GIS) we have developed a model to predict the number of visitors to a recreational woodland in eastern England. Variables were classified into discrete groups that were combined into comparatively homogeneous zones from which to calculate visit rates. Poisson regression techniques were then applied in a stepwise procedure to assess the influence of each determinant. Our analysis highlighted both substantial promise and some caveats in using GIS for future benefit transfer work.  相似文献   

淡竹森林公园地处括苍山脉中部,保存有括苍山脉最好、最完整的常绿阔叶林,是浙中和浙东沿海区域原生性最强的原始次生森林。在系统调查的基础上,分析得出淡竹森林公园旅游资源的6大特点——风景资源品味较高,天然常绿阔叶林景观较典型,水体景观多姿多彩,山体和岩体景观奇妙,森林环境优异,山区风情较淳厚;提出了淡竹森林公园旅游开发的5条基本思路,即依法开发、保护为先,体现特色与周边景区互补相结合,突出重点与循序发展相结合,旅游产品应以自然性休闲型为主导,塑造主题旅游形象,强化宣传促销。  相似文献   

Overview of Contemporary Issues of Forest Research and Management in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With 207 million ha of forest covering 22% of its land area, China ranks fifth in the world in forest area. Rapid economic growth, climate change, and forest disturbances pose new, complex challenges for forest research and management. Progress in meeting these challenges is relevant beyond China, because China’s forests represent 34% of Asia’s forests and 5% of the worlds’ forests. To provide a broader understanding of these management challenges and of research and policies that address them, we organized this special issue on contemporary forest research and management issues in China. At the national level, papers review major forest types and the evolution of sustainable forestry, the development of China’s forest-certification efforts, the establishment of a forest inventory system, and achievements and challenges in insect pest control in China. Papers focused on Northern China address historical, social, and political factors that have shaped the region’s forests; the use of forest landscape models to assess how forest management can achieve multiple objectives; and analysis and modeling of fuels and fire behavior. Papers addressing Central and South China describe the “Grain for Green” program, which converts low productivity cropland to grassland and woodland to address erosion and soil carbon sequestration; the potential effects of climate change on CO2 efflux and soil respiration; and relationships between climate and net primary productivity. China shares many forest management and research issues with other countries, but in other cases China’s capacity to respond to forest management challenges is unique and bears watching by the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Introduced to Saskatchewan in the 1930s as a potential shelterbelt species, European buckthorn is now a prominent understory shrub in riparian woodland and shrub communities around Saskatoon. Locally, the Meewasin Valley Authority (MVA) is actively controlling buckthorn as part of its mandate to conserve natural heritage resources of the South Saskatchewan River Valley, with the goal of restoring the natural biodiversity of remnant patches of native vegetation. European buckthorn is normally dioecious, and MVA has chosen to treat only fruiting stems in an attempt to limit seed production. Two control techniques have been used. In one treatment, glyphosate was applied to stems after cutting; alternatively Garlon 4 Dow AgroSciences herbicide (active ingredient triclopyr) was applied as a chemical girdle directly to the stems using a streamline basal bark spray method. To date, more than 347,000 fruiting stems of buckthorn have been treated. Results indicate good initial progress in limiting seed production in dense buckthorn sites, but at a high cost. Although seed eradication is not a practical short-term goal for the Saskatoon buckthorn population, chemical girdling can substantially and strategically reduce seed and effectively limit spread. Field-tested strategies to reduce costs and improve efficiencies are discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of changes in land cover on the water balance in Spain’s Marina Baixa County, on the Mediterranean coast. To reveal how different land management strategies have affected the area’s environment, four municipalities within the same catchment were studied: Benidorm, Callosa d’en Sarrià, Beniardà, and Guadalest. In the municipalities of Callosa and Benidorm, the proportion of the area covered by woodland declined by 4.2% and 30.2%, respectively, and woodland was replaced by agriculture and urban development. The abandonment of farmland produced a 17% increase in the proportion of the area covered by vegetation in Guadalest and Beniardá, where frequent forest fires have exacerbated a decrease in the area of pine woodland. Tourism development in Benidorm has been accompanied by an increase in the transportation infrastructure and by an expansion of areas with an impermeable surface, with the lowest level of infiltration into the aquifer system. These changes have generated a net water deficit in Callosa and Benidorm of more than 6 Mm3/year, creating a high demand for water imported from other municipalities (Guadalest and Beniardá) or from outside of the county to maintain the sustainability of the current water management strategies. The Marina Baixa case study is representative of many of the world’s coastal areas that are undergoing rapid urban development based on an inappropriate understanding of human progress based mainly on economic development and thus provides insights into water management in other areas.  相似文献   

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