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This paper presents an integrated exposure monitoring system, based on an expansion of existing air quality monitoring systems using dispersion modelling. The system allows: (1) identifying geographical areas whose inhabitants are most exposed to ambient pollution; (2) identifying how many people in an area are exposed to concentrations of pollution exceeding air quality guidelines; (3) describing the exposure of population subgroups (e.g. children); (4) planning pollution abatement measures and quantifying their effects; (5) establishing risk assessment and management programs, and (6) investigating the short- and long-term effects of both pollutants and pollution sources on public health. The effect of pollution is rarely very large and in order to discover it, exposure estimation must provide data that reflects both spatial and temporal variations. Estimates of pollution exposure are obtained using an integrated approach that combines results of measurements from monitoring programs with dispersion calculations. These values can serve as estimates for individual short-term or long-term exposure. The grouped data allows the expression of ambient pollution concentrations as the spatial distribution of estimates such as the mean or 98th percentile of such compounds as SO2, O3, NO2, PM10 and PM2.5. This integrated approach has been combined into a single software package, AirQUIS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to indicate the significance of air quality monitoring and to determine the air quality fields for the assessment of air pollution health effects, with special attention to risk population. Radial basis function network was used for air quality index mapping. Between 1991 and 2005, on the territory of Nis, several epidemiological studies were performed on risk groups (pre-school children, school children, pregnant women and persons older than 65). The total number of subjects was 5837. The exposed group comprised individuals living in the areas with unhealthy AQI, while the control group comprised individuals living in city areas with good or moderate AQI. It was determined that even relatively low levels of air pollution had impact on respiratory system and the occurrence of anaemia, allergy and skin symptoms.  相似文献   

High-frequency, long-term monitoring of water quality has revolutionized the study of surface waters in recent years. However, application of these techniques to groundwater has been limited by the ability to remotely pump and analyze groundwater. This paper describes a novel autonomous groundwater quality monitoring system which samples multiple wells to evaluate temporal changes and identify trends in groundwater chemistry. The system, deployed near Fresno, California, USA, collects and transmits high-frequency data, including water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and nitrate, from supply and monitoring wells, in real-time. The system consists of a water quality sonde and optical nitrate sensor, manifold, submersible three-phase pump, variable frequency drive, data collection platform, solar panels, and rechargeable battery bank. The manifold directs water from three wells to a single set of sensors, thereby reducing setup and operation costs associated with multi-sensor networks. Sampling multiple wells at high frequency for several years provided a means of monitoring the vertical distribution and transport of solutes in the aquifer. Initial results show short period variability of nitrate, specific conductivity, and dissolved oxygen in the shallow aquifer, while the deeper portion of the aquifer remains unchanged—observations that may be missed with traditional discrete sampling approaches. In this aquifer system, nitrate and specific conductance are increasing in the shallow aquifer, while invariant changes in deep groundwater chemistry likely reflect relatively slow groundwater flow. In contrast, systems with high groundwater velocity, such as karst aquifers, have been shown to exhibit higher-frequency groundwater chemistry changes. The stability of the deeper aquifer over the monitoring period was leveraged to develop estimates of measurement system uncertainty, which were typically lower than the manufacturer’s stated specifications, enabling the identification of subtle variability in water chemistry that may have otherwise been missed.  相似文献   

Airborne particulates have a major influence on the quality of indoor environments, which in turn affects human health. Both allergens and proteases are major etiological factors in allergic disease. Thus, the monitoring of environmental protease particulates is very important for the management of allergic disease. Protease-monitoring systems have been introduced in industry, but have not been applied to domestic settings, probably because of the high cost and many complex steps involved in these systems. In this study, we developed an indoor protease-monitoring system which can easily detect protease particulates without need for pre-treatment of dust samples or complex measuring instruments such as fluorescent plate reader. As a protease substrate, gelatin thin film (GTF) was adopted to evaluate small amounts of house dust particulates. The principle of this assay is based on the hydrolysis of GTF. Protease molecules spread from a particulate to GTF can hydrolyze the gelatin, thereby producing a spot on the GTF. This hydrolyzed spot visualized by staining was much larger than the particulate size, making visible to naked eye. The GTF method facilitated the observation of a subtle increase in protease particulates fallen on the GTF after the turnover of a used bed-quilt. The newly developed GTF method seems to be a suitable tool for protease monitoring at home.  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring using fish and crayfish as bio-indicators requires an understanding of the state of pollution of waters, choice of bio-indicators, physiological and behavioral endpoints of fish and crayfish, and principles of the methodology and their potential applications. Here, we discuss telemetry, acoustic monitoring, vision-based monitoring, measures of ventilatory activity, electrocardiography, and fiber-optic plethysmography. Assessment of water quality must be based, not only on physicochemical characteristics of the current environment as determined by chemical analyses, but also on observations of the physiology and behavior of its inhabitants. Real-time biomonitoring is suggested as the most reliable method, since it incorporates living organisms into the system to serve as biosensors. The potential application of the methods discussed includes use at water treatment plants and water supply stations for prevention of hazardous toxicological events, and, for aquaculture, in ponds, lakes, and aquariums for monitoring growth, population size, and behavior traits.  相似文献   

Coral reef communities are threatened worldwide. Resource managers urgently need indicators of the biological condition of reef environments that can relate data acquired through remote-sensing, water-quality and benthic-community monitoring to stress responses in reef organisms. The FORAM (Foraminifera in Reef Assessment and Monitoring) Index (FI) is based on 30 years of research on reef sediments and reef-dwelling larger foraminifers. These shelled protists are ideal indicator organisms because: Foraminifers are widely used as environmental and paleoenvironmental indicators in many contexts; Reef-building, zooxanthellate corals and foraminifers with algal symbionts have similar water-quality requirements; The relatively short life spans of foraminifers as compared with long-lived colonial corals facilitate differentiation between long-term water-quality decline and episodic stress events; Foraminifers are relatively small and abundant, permitting statistically significant sample sizes to be collected quickly and relatively inexpensively, ideally as a component of comprehensive monitoring programs; and Collection of foraminifers has minimal impact on reef resources.USEPA guidelines for ecological indicators are used to evaluate the FI. Data required are foraminiferal assemblages from surface sediments of reef-associated environments. The FI provides resource managers with a simple procedure for determining the suitability of benthic environments for communities dominated by algal symbiotic organisms. The FI can be applied independently, or incorporated into existing or planned monitoring efforts. The simple calculations require limited computer capabilities and therefore can be applied readily to reef-associated environments worldwide. In addition, the foraminiferal shells collected can be subjected to morphometric and geochemical analyses in areas of suspected heavy-metal pollution, and the data sets for the index can be used with other monitoring data in detailed multidimensional assessments.  相似文献   

Measurements of fortnightly average concentrations of NO, NO2, SO2, H2S, NH3, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (aromatics = benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m + p-xylene, ethyl benzene; non-aromatics = nonane and octane) were carried out in the period from 26/10/05 to 24/11/05 at 20 points in the southern part of Kuwait as part of a baseline environmental impact assessment study requested by Kuwait National Petroleum Company. Two waves of triplicate diffusive passive samplers were used. A high volume air sampler was used to measure PM10 too. During the sampling period, the wind was observed to be mainly from the west and northwest with an average of 4.28 m/s. The consistency of the results allowed the production of spatial distribution maps of the pollutants measured and consequently the comparison between levels of air pollution at different locations. A comparison between the measured concentrations and the applicable air quality standards promulgated by Kuwait Environment Public Authority (KEPA) showed that those compounds had low concentrations compared to both industrial and residential KEPA standards. For other compounds which are not covered by KEPA standards, the results were compared with relevant limits of US Environment Protect Agency (USEPA) and US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The comparison showed that the measured compounds had low concentrations compared to the existing standards and, accordingly, no violation of air quality standards is reported.  相似文献   

The abundance of epiphytic green algae has been observed to correlate strongly with air quality in several studies. In contrast to lichens, the abundance of green algae is difficult to measure accurately by visual observation. A new method based on photography and digital image processing was developed to estimate the chlorophyll content of algae growing on the bark of pine. Calibration data for the method was collected from polluted areas by spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophyll density.  相似文献   

The hygienic quality of the water of the Kerava river, southern Finland, deteriorates occasionally. The purpose of the study was to design a real-time monitoring system that would inform the public using the river for recreational purposes about the changes in water quality. The system was constrained to consist of on-line sensing of water quality and quantity, and adjacent forecasting models. Four different system alternatives were analyzed and compared. The first alternative observes river flow in real-time; the second alternative also monitors water temperature, turbidity, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The data collected in this way are used to forecast Streptococcus and E. coli concentrations, using canonical correlation and regression analysis. The third configuration is a two-step procedure, where river flow is first predicted by an ARMAX model and the hygienic state is then based on the flow estimate, as in the first assemblage. The most expensive monitoring system, which at present is the least well-known, is to apply the Lidar system, where the hygienic status of the river quality is observed directly using laser technology, placing less emphasis on modeling. In this paper, the alternatives are formulated and a preliminary comparison is made, using the criteria of operational feasibility, prediction uncertainty, investment and maintenance costs, and suitability for in-situ monitoring.  相似文献   

In this study a new methodology is suggested to approximate the impact area downwind of an air pollution source, where air quality monitoring can be carried out to capture the maximum pollutant concentration. Hourly wind speed for a given month is grouped in to different wind speed ranges and the distance of pollutant travel is approximated from the average wind speed of that wind speed range. Since change in wind direction causes the impact distance to rotate, its rotation is approximated by the SD of wind direction change. Using this approach, area or region down wind of a source is determined and plotted. The pattern of monthly change of wind is better represented by the new type of diagram as compared to the wind rose diagram.  相似文献   

通过对当前环境监测质量管理体系日常运行及维护过程进行汇总分析,探讨质量管理体系具体实施过程中易产生疏忽的部分关键环节,对出现的一些共性问题进行归纳,并提出相应预防及纠正措施,为进一步规范环境质量监测活动提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The problems of developing and comparing statistical procedures appropriate to the monitoring of ground water at hazardous waste sites are discussed. It is suggested that these decision procedures should be viewed as quality control schemes and compared in the same way that industrial quality control schemes are compared. The results of a Monte Carlo simulation study of run-length distribution of a combined Shewhart-CUSUM quality control scheme are reported.  相似文献   

Urban Development and Air Quality in San Luis City, Argentina   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some factors such as the high population growth, along with insufficient housing, health and sanitary services, obsolete industrial technology and the lack of environmental management programs, give rise to contamination in Latin-American cities. Owing to the urban characteristics of San Luis, a detailed analysis of air quality was planned as part of a more comprehensive study, in order to make an environmental diagnosis of the city after the demographical and economic upgrowth over the last 15 years. It has been concluded that air pollution levels in San Luis are higher than those expected for a medium-size city. The reported high levels were attributed to important industrial activity, responsible not only for the direct of polluting gases to the atmosphere but also as the principal cause of the urban expansion. The levels of CO and SO2 (ppm) found in the city can be considered as high. Some weeks during the sampling measure values were appreciably higher than the maximum tolerance levels established. The urban area under study was separated into five defined areas, which allowed to make comparisons in order to identify specific contamination problems. The slopes corresponding to the plot polluting substances concentration vs. wind speed were lower than the expected values. Because of the urban area characteristics, different micrometeorological effects facilitating a low air exchange can be generated, and consequently increasing the contamination levels. Thus, it is correct to conclude that the degradation processes are not occurring in a single environmental plane. Accordingly, air contamination rate in San Luis city could be considered as evidence of other upper-scale regional environmental degradation processes.  相似文献   

Political and economical transition in the Central and Eastern Europe at the end of eighties significantly influenced all aspects of life as well as technological infrastructure. Collapse of outdated energy demanding industry and adoption of environmental legislation resulted in seeming improvements of urban environmental quality. Hand in hand with modernization the newly adopted regulations also helped to phase out low quality coal frequently used for domestic heating. However, at the same time, the number of vehicles registered in the city increased. The two processes interestingly acted as parallel but antagonistic forces. To interpret the trends in urban air quality of Prague, Czech capital, monthly averages of PM(10), SO(2), NO(2), NO, O(3) and CO concentrations from the national network of automated monitoring stations were analyzed together with long term trends in fuel consumption and number of vehicles registered in Prague within a period of 1992-2005. The results showed that concentrations of SO(2) (a pollutant strongly related to fossil fuel burning) dropped significantly during the period of concern. Similarly NO(X) and PM(10) concentrations decreased significantly in the first half of the nineties (as a result of solid fuel use drop), but remained rather stable or increased after 2000, presumably reflecting rapid increase of traffic density. In conclusion, infrastructural changes in early nineties had a strong positive effect on Prague air quality namely in the first half of the period studied, nevertheless, the current trend in concentrations of automotive exhaust related pollutants (such as PM(10), NO(X)) needs adoption of stricter measures.  相似文献   

The atmospheric transport of volcanic products are subject to several variables, mainly the height of the eruption column and wind direction, thus elements associated with the ashes are deposited in major or lesser degree depending on variables as latitude, wind and humidity. The lichens are able to reflect the atmospheric fallout. The present work evaluated the correlation between meteorological parameters, geographic locations, sulphur and other element concentrations in lichens genus Usnea affected by Puyehue–Cordón Caulle complex (North Patagonia Andean Range) eruption of June 4, 2011. Semiquantitative analyses of biological elements by scanning electron microscope methods, sulphur (S) by LECO and other elements by instrumental neutron activation were evaluated by principal component analysis. Elements as antimony, arsenic, barium, bromine, calcium, caesium, potassium, rubidium, selenium, and uranium correlated with distance to volcano, also calcium and potassium with longitude while bromine, rubidium, and potassium with humidity. Those results indicate that Usnea sp. is a good bioindicator of the atmospheric volcanic emissions in relation to environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - A good quality drinking water is essential for human survival. However, a large percentage of the populations in most developing countries (Nigeria...  相似文献   

Forty-nine superficial sediment samples used in this study were collected from eight sites in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, located in the Buenos Aires Province southwest, Argentina, in a period between April 2005 and March 2009, to assess the concentration levels, spatial and seasonal distribution, and putative input sources of 18 selected organochlorine pesticides (OCs), following UNEP-IAEA procedures. Average concentration levels in sediments ranged between 3.54 and 63.79 ng g???1, d.w. (mean = 15.99 ng g???1, d.w.), for ??OCs, and from nondetectable to 8.03 ng g???1, d.w. (mean = 2.16 ng g???1, d.w.), and from nondetectable to 3.20 ng g???1 (mean = 0.97 ng g???1, d.w.) for hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), respectively. Principal component analysis allowed the classification of sampling sites according to the main OCs inputs over the estuary. In comparison to other worldwide locations and to the world coastal sediment concentrations range, sediment DDTs and HCHs levels were in the low range; on the opposite, ??OCs average was in the medium range. OCs seasonal distribution was found to be highly correlated with the precipitations seasonality and sowing seasons in the adjacent agriculture fields. In addition, an ecotoxicological risk assessment pointed industrial and agriculture catchment zones with intermediate probability of adverse effects to biota, while the city sewage outfall was classified with none indication of an immediate threat. Data indicated that the estuary sediments were functioning as a sink for persistent OC pesticides (either in use or banned), however, it was found a declining trend on their environmental burden.  相似文献   

监测和评价浑江水质的底栖动物指标体系研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在浑江六个断面采集到底栖动物(4门、6纲、12目、34科、57属)84种,列出了相关名录。通过运用描述对比法、指示生物法、生物指数法对浑江采样水体的水质进行了底栖动物学综合评价。在此基础上建立了监测和评价浑江水质的底栖动物指标体系,并探讨了河流水体污染生态学中的底栖动物与水质状况的相关性和对水质状况的指示性及利用该体系监测评价浑江水质的实用性。  相似文献   

目前 ,我国重点城市都在开展环境空气质量日报或预报工作 ,开展这一工作的基本条件之一是必须建立环境空气质量自动监测系统。由于我国目前的研制水平有限 ,空气质量自动监测系统基本上是靠引进国外技术及设备来完成的。而引进设备往往与我国的具体实际结合不够 ,尤其是在系统结构、数据采集、远程控制与诊断方面同我们的实际要求相去甚远。为此本文将围绕国内环境监测共同关注的环境空气质量自动监测系统及其设计的问题展开讨论 ,内容包括目前国内自动监测系统的现状 ;国外发展情况及趋势 ;自动监测系统结构与要求  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring network design has historically tended to use experience, intuition and subjective judgement in locating monitoring stations. Better design procedures to optimize monitoring systems need to simultaneously identify significant planning objectives and consider a number of social, economic and environmental constraints. The consideration of multiple objectives may require further decision analysis to determine the preference weights associated with the objectives to aid in the decision-making process. This may require the application of an optimization study to extract such information from decision makers or experts and to evaluate the overall effectiveness of locating strategies. This paper assesses the optimal expansion and relocation strategies of a water quality monitoring network using a two-stage analysis. The first stage focuses on the information retrieval of preference weights with respect to the designated planning objectives. With the aid of a pre-emptive goal programming model, data analysis is applied to obtain the essential information from the questionnaire outputs. The second stage then utilizes a weighted multi-objective optimization approach to search for the optimal locating strategies of the monitoring stations in the river basin. Practical implementation is illustrated by a case study in the Kao-Ping River Basin, south Taiwan.  相似文献   

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