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The results are presented of a comparison of four different methods of interpolating observed hydrocarbon depths in monitoring wells, as well as a comparison of different methods of selecting sampling points for interpolation. The results provide criteria for selecting one interpolation method over another, under different scenarios. The methods analyzed are: (1) inverse-distance weighting; (2) punctual kriging; (3) minimum surface curvature; and (4) Akima's quintic polynomial.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance level of two advanced oil spill software systems in early transport and fate of oil spill through algorithms accepted in oil spill literature. To do this, the performance level of software systems mostly used in real cases have been compared. OILMAP (the oil spill prediction modeling system) and PISCES 2 (potential incident simulation, control and evaluation system) have been used for spill trajectory in the light of four spill scenarios. The findings reveal that the OILMAP has predicted a relatively larger area of spill. In addition, OILMAP has achieved closer results to the calculations of approaches adopted in the literature for evaporation calculations. Besides, OILMAP software has provided highly reliable results in the evaporation rates of oil compared to the calculations of PISCES 2. On the other hand, as for the determination of the risky area, both software systems have yielded results with high reliability values, which could be used in taking precautions against oil spill in such areas.  相似文献   

In March 2009, a cargo ship spilled 250 tons of heavy fuel oil off the Queensland coast of Australia. The pristine National Park Moreton Island, seven nautical miles to the east of the spill site, was most affected by the oil slick. Contamination of the island's shoreline was widespread, with freshwater wetlands particularly slow to recover as clean-up needed to be carefully managed to avoid damage to this sensitive ecosystem. During the clean-up process on Moreton Island a monitoring program was initiated using traditional chemical analysis in combination with bioanalytical techniques to assess the extent and variability in contamination at sites on the shoreline and freshwater wetlands. Water accommodated fractions (WAF) of oil residues from samples taken directly after the spill on the shoreline showed the same level of toxic potency as samples from the wetland while baseline-toxicity equivalent concentrations (baseline-TEQ) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin equivalent concentrations (TCDDEQ) were much lower in oil collected from the sandy beach. The umuC assay for genotoxicity and the E-SCREEN assay for estrogenic effects indicated the extracts were not genotoxic or estrogenic. PAH concentrations and toxicity in grab water samples were below detectable levels, however, extracts from time integrated silicone passive samplers deployed for several weeks at the contaminated sites gave measurable responses in the bioassays with TCDDEQ levels increased relative to the control site. The low levels of baseline-TEQ and TCDDEQ present after 8 months had further decreased 6 months later indicating satisfactory recovery of this pristine ecosystem after an oil spill.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical analysis of soil samples at an oil spill site in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria showed that the total hydrocarbon content of top soil layers ranged from 0.8 to 12.4 ppm in the heavy impact zone and the oil had penetrated to a depth of 7.2 m. Hydrocarbon concentration in the medium impact zone ranged from 0.02 to 0.40 ppm while hydrocarbons were not detected in 75% of samples from the unimpacted reference zone. Measurement of heavy metal concentrations in the soils revealed a significant build-up (p<0.05) of lead, iron and zinc in the heavy impact zone. Other parameters including electrical conductivity, exchangeable cations, available phosphorus and total nitrogen in impacted soils were comparatively low while the total organic carbon was high, compared with the reference site. Textural class of soil from the different depths showed a predominantly brown sand at the top soil, loamy sand at medium depths and grey coarse sand at greater depths.  相似文献   

Environmental genotoxicity and cytotoxicity effects in the gills of mussels Mytilus edulis, from the Baltic Sea areas close to the Būtingė oil terminal (Lithuania) before and after accidental oil spill in 31 January 2008 were studied. Mussels from the oil spillage zones were collected in 12 days, in 3 and 6 months after the spill to determine the effects of the spill. Mussels sampled in 2006–2007 were used for the assessment of the background levels of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in the Būtingė oil terminal area. Comparison of the responses in M. edulis before and after the oil spill revealed significant elevation of frequencies of micronuclei (MN), nuclear buds (NB) and fragmented-apoptotic (FA) cells. Environmental genotoxicity and cytotoxicity levels in mussels from the Palanga site before the accident (in June 2007) served as a reference. Six months after the accident, in July 2008, 5.6-fold increase of MN, 2.9-fold elevation of NB, and 8.8-fold elevation of FA cells were observed in mussels from the same site.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study in which integrated forensic oil fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques were used to characterize the chemical compositions and determine the source of the 2009 Sarnia (Ontario) oil spill incident. The diagnostic fingerprinting techniques include determination of hydrocarbon groups and semi-quantitative product-type screening via gas chromatography (GC), analysis of oil-characteristic biomarkers and the extended suite of parent and alkylated PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) homologous series via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), determination and comparison of a variety of diagnostic ratios of "source-specific marker" compounds, and determination of the weathering degree of the spilled oil, and whether the spilled oil hydrocarbons have been mixed with any other "background" chemicals (biogenic and/or pyrogenic hydrocarbons). The detailed chemical fingerprinting data and results reveal the following: (1) all four samples are mixtures of diesel and lubricating oil with varying percentages of diesel to lube oil. Both samples 1460 and 1462 are majority diesel-range oil mixed with a smaller portion of lube oil. Sample 1461 contains slightly less diesel-range oil. Sample 1463 is majority lubricating-range oil. (2) The diesel in the four diesel/lube oil mixture samples was most likely the same diesel and from the same source. (3) The spill sample 1460 and the suspected-source sample 1462 have nearly identical concentrations and distribution patterns of target analytes including TPHs, n-alkane, PAHs and biomarker compounds; and have nearly identical diagnostic ratios of target compounds as well. Furthermore, a perfect "positive match" correlation line (with all normalized ratio data points falling into the straight correlation line) is clearly demonstrated. It is concluded that the spill oil water sample 1460 (#1, from the water around the vessel enclosed by a boom) matches with the suspected source sample 1462 (#3, from the vessel engine room bilge pump). (4) From the n-alkane and PAH analysis, it appears that the oil in the spill sample 1460 is slightly more weathered in comparison with sample 1462. The minor differences in fingerprints of two samples were most likely caused by weathering effects. (5) Sample 1461 (#2, from the vessel engine room bilge) and sample 1463 (#4, from the vessel bilge waste collection tank) demonstrated significantly different fingerprints and diagnostic ratios of target compounds from that of spill sample 1460. This was caused most likely by percentages of diesel to lube oil in these two samples different from that in spill sample 1460.  相似文献   

Following a spill of 567 000 gallons of No. 2 fuel oil into the Arthur Kill in New York and New Jersey in January 1990 we studied the emergence and mortality of fiddler crabs. We (1) compared seven salt marsh creeks immediately adjacent to the oil spill with 23 creeks at varying distances from the spill; (2) examined the temporal pattern of emergence in one creek; and (3) compared mortality rate of crabs that emerged with those we dug up. Twice as many crabs emerged in the adjacent creeks compared to those that were only 4.5km away. There were significant differences in the number of crabs that emerged as a function of distance from the spill. Crabs continued to emerge until mid-March. For all the emerged crabs, the percentage of females ranged from 28 to 80, whereas the percentage of females in intact burrows was 64–65%. For all emerged samples, females died earlier than males. In the laboratory, all emerged crabs died within four weeks whereas over 90% of the controls were still alive eight weeks after the initiation of the experiment.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed imageries were used to analyze the response of desert vegetation to physiographic factors and accumulated precipitation in drier and wetter years within a region of >16,500 km2 sampled with 5,000 random pixels of 30 m. Vegetation development was indexed by the annual maximum values for greenness (SAVI) and canopy water content (NDII). Precipitation was interpolated from the 0.25° grid of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission satellite-based estimates, showing a regional average of ~55 mm in the wetter year. The vegetation indices were only weakly related to total precipitation, often in a negative sense. Terrain factors that most often affected the vegetation indices, in multiple regression models, were Topographic Wetness Index, elevation, and slope gradient; these often had different signs for SAVI and for NDII. Models for NDII on intrusive igneous rocks gave better results than on extrusive igneous rocks. The strongest patterns in vegetation development were the contrast among Pacific coast, Cordillera, and Gulf coast subregions and the generally stronger results for NDII than SAVI.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were determined in tissues of wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected at 17 stations along the Cantabrian coast (N Spain), from Navia (Asturias) to Fuenterrabía (Basque Country), in order to assess the extent of the environmental impact caused by the Prestige oil spill (November 13, 2002). Six sampling campaigns were carried out in April, June and November in 2003 and 2004. The comparison of PAH data with those obtained earlier in 2000 showed a widespread pyrolytic and petrogenic contamination and allowed an estimation, for the first time, of the background pollution in the region and identification of the chronic hotspots. The spatial distribution found in the first samples after the oil spill revealed the eastern area as the most affected due to the continuous arrival of fuel slicks since early summer 2003. Several stations in this area showed increased total PAH concentrations of up to 15 times the pre-spill levels, which did not recover until April 2004, more than one year after the accident. Molecular parameters within the aliphatic and aromatic fractions were determined to assess the presence of Prestige oil in these samples.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was applied for the detection of toxic metals in oil spill contaminated soil (OSCS). The OSCS samples were collected from Khursania Saudi Arabia along the coast of Persian Gulf exposed to oil spills in 1991 Gulf war. Environmentally important elements like Aluminum Magnesium, Calcium, Chromium, Titanium, Strontium, Iron, Barium, Sodium, potassium, Zirconium and Vanadium from the contaminated soil have been detected. Optimal experimental conditions for analysis were investigated. The LIBS system was calibrated using standard samples containing these trace elements. The results obtained using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) were compared with the results obtained using Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP). The concentrations of some elements (Ba and Cr) were found higher than permissible safe limits. Health risks associated with exposure to such toxic elements are also discussed.  相似文献   

On 27 July 2003, Tasman Spirit spilled 31,000 tonnes of crude oil into the sea at the Karachi coast. This disaster badly affected the marine life (Flora and Fauna.) Present research has been proposed to ascertain the level of Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination in different fisheries including Fishes, Crustaceans; Crabs and Shrimps, Mollusks and Echinoderms along with passing time. Heavier components of crude oil such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) appear to cause most damages as these are relatively unreactive and persist in water. High concentrations of toxic PAHs were observed in all the fisheries and shellfishes caught form oil-impacted area. In this study fishes were found most contaminated than shellfishes i.e. summation operator 16 PAH = 1821.24 microg/g and summation operator 1164.34 microg/g, respectively. Naphthalene was found in the range of 0.042-602.23 microg/g. Acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene and anthracene were detected in the range 0.008-80.03 microg/g, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene and chrysene 0.0008-221.32 microg/g, benzo(b) fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(a) pyrene 0.0005-7.71 microg/g, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.02-503.7 microg/g. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracenre was not detected in any specie.  相似文献   

Following the Prestige oil spill, six-monthly samplings (spring and autumn) of intertidal macroalgal assemblages were carried out from 2004 to 2006 in twelve locations along the Basque coast. Macroalgal species appeared to be little modified, but species richness, diversity, and algal cover were significantly lower in the first year of the study, so it cannot be ruled out that the arrival of oil on the Basque coast might have had a damaging effect on intertidal communities. On the other hand, no significant differences were detected between locations slightly and moderately affected by oil in any of the structural parameters considered. By contrast, significant differences were detected between locations within each oiling level that indicate that other natural environmental factors play a greater role in the differences between locations than the oiling level. Likewise, significant differences were detected between areas within each location which were not consistent with time, indicating that communities are highly heterogeneous in species richness, diversity and algal cover at the scale of tens of meters. The dominant Corallina elongata and most of the accompanying species did not show significant year-on-year differences in terms of cover. Also, there were no differences between the two oiling levels. Analyses revealed a high spatial variability at the scale of kilometers (locations) and tens of meters (areas) for most of the taxa. The results obtained provide detailed quantitative data on intertidal phytobenthic assemblages of the Basque coast at different spatial and temporal scales that were hitherto unavailable for the region.  相似文献   

The expert system described here is designed to aid regulatory personnel in their assessment of the potential for pesticides to contaminate the soil and groundwater environment. The expert system, known as EXPRES (EXpert system for Pesticide Regulatory Evaluation Simulations), consists of existing numerical models which are used to simulate the transport and transformation of pesticides in the unsaturated zone, coupled with a knowledge-based system that guides the user through the choice of all the necessary information for characterizing the physical, meteorological, hydrogeological, pedological and agricultural settings of typical agricultural regions across Canada, as required by the pesticide model. The expert system is designed to be used as a management tool to aid in policy decisions. Thus, its purpose is to provide an assessment of the potential hazards and to identify if further study is warranted.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 13 radionuclides (137Cs, 129I, 60Co, 152Eu, 90Sr, 99Tc, 241Am, 238Pu, 239,249Pu, 234U, 235U, 236U, 238U were examined in seven species of invertebrates from Amchitka and Kiska Islands, in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska, using gamma spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, and alpha spectroscopy. Amchitka Island was the site of three underground nuclear test (1965–1971), and we tested the null hypotheses that there were no differences in radionuclide concentrations between Amchitka and the reference site (Kiska) and there were no differences among species. The only radionuclides where composite samples were above the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) were 137Cs, 241Am, 239,249Pu, 234U, 235U, 236U, and 238U. Green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus), giant chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri), plate limpets (Tectura scutum) and giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) were only tested for 137Cs; octopus was the only species with detectable levels of 137Cs (0.262 ± 0.029 Bq/kg, wet weight). Only rock jingle (Pododesmus macroschisma), blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) and horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) were analyzed for the actinides. There were no interspecific differences in 241Am and 239,240Pu, and almost no samples above the MDA for 238Pu and 236U. Horse mussels had significantly higher concentrations of 234U (0.844 ± 0.804 Bq/kg) and 238U (0.730 ± 0.646) than the other species (both isotopes are naturally occurring). There were no differences in actinide concentrations between Amchitka and Kiska. In general, radionuclides in invertebrates from Amchitka were similar to those from uncontaminated sites in the Northern Hemisphere, and below those from the contaminated Irish Sea. There is a clear research need for authors to report the concentrations of radionuclides by species, rather than simply as ‘shellfish’, for comparative purposes in determining geographical patterns, understanding possible effects, and for estimating risk to humans from consuming different biota.  相似文献   

In order to assess the long-term lysosomal responses to the Prestige oil spill (POS), mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, were collected in 22 localities from Galicia and the Bay of Biscay (North Iberian peninsula) in July, and September 2003, April, July, and October 2004-2005 and April 2006. Lysosomal membrane stability (labilisation period, LP) and lysosomal structural changes (lysosomal volume density, Vv(L) and lysosomal surface-to-volume ratio, S/V(L)) were measured as general stress biomarkers. The most remarkable long-term effects after the POS were drastic changes in lysosomal size (lysosomal enlargement) and membrane stability (extremely low LP values) up to April-04. Later on, a recovery trend was envisaged all along the studied area after July-04, albeit membrane stability continued to be below 20 min throughout the studied period up to April-06, which indicates a "distress-to-moderate-stress" condition. Lysosomal Response Index (LRI) revealed that environmental stress was more marked in Galicia than in the Bay of Biscay, mainly in the first sampling year, although a "moderate-to-high-stress" condition persisted until July-05. Overall, although lysosomal size returned to reference values, membrane stability was not fully recovered indicating a stress situation throughout the studied period.  相似文献   

The Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) program was used during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as a strategy to monitor the effectiveness of sea surface dispersant use. Although SMART was implemented during aerial and vessel dispersant applications, this analysis centers on the effort of a special dispersant missions onboard the M/V International Peace, which evaluated the effectiveness of surface dispersant applications by vessel only. Water samples (n?=?120) were collected from background sites, and under naturally and chemically dispersed oil slicks, and were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (TPAHs), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and a chemical marker of Corexit® (dipropylene glycol n-butyl ether, DPnB). Water chemistry results were analyzed relative to SMART field assessments of dispersant effectiveness (“not effective,” “effective,” and “very effective”), based on in situ fluorometry. Chemistry data were also used to indirectly determine if the use of dispersants increased the risk of acute effects to water column biota, by comparison to toxicity benchmarks. TPAH and TPH concentrations in background, and naturally and chemically dispersed samples were extremely variable, and differences were not statistically detected across sample types. Ratios of TPAH and TPH between chemically and naturally dispersed samples provided a quantitative measure of dispersant effectiveness over natural oil dispersion alone, and were in reasonable agreement with SMART field assessments of dispersant effectiveness. Samples from “effective” and “very effective” dispersant applications had ratios of TPAH and TPH up to 35 and 64, respectively. In two samples from an “effective” dispersant application, TPHs and TPAHs exceeded acute benchmarks (0.81 mg/L and 8 μg/L, respectively), while none exceeded DPnB’s chronic value (1,000 μg/L). Although the primary goal of the SMART program is to provide near real-time effectiveness data to the response, and not to address concerns regarding acute biological effects, the analyses presented here demonstrate that SMART can generate information of value to a larger scientific audience. A series of recommendations for future SMART planning are also provided.  相似文献   

根据南方的气候特点,着重阐述了茂名石化公司炼油厂污水优化处理的两项新措施。其结果,降低了污水处理能耗,提高了污水处理效率。  相似文献   

In order to assess the biological effects of the Prestige oil spill (POS), mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, were collected in 22 localities along the North coast of the Iberian Peninsula over 3 years (April 2003-April 2006). Different tissue-level biomarkers including cell type composition (volume density of basophilic cells, Vv(BAS)) in digestive gland epithelium, structural changes of digestive alveoli (mean luminal radius to mean epithelial thickness, MLR/MET) and histopathological alterations (prevalence and intensity) of the digestive gland were analysed. Severe alterations in the general condition of the digestive gland tissue were observed all over the study area up to 2004-2005. High Vv(BAS) values were recorded mainly in Galicia but also to a lesser extent in the Bay of Biscay in 2003-2004. Atrophy of the digestive alveoli, measured in terms of MLR/MET, was detected all along the studied area up to 2006. Inflammatory responses cannot be related to pollution due to the POS: (a) prevalence and intensity of focal hemocytic infiltration were higher in the Bay of Biscay than in Galicia but they did not show a clear temporal trend; (b) high intensities of brown cell aggregates were only sporadically recorded; and (c) granulocytomas were more frequently recorded in the Bay of Biscay than in Galicia and especially in localities (i.e. Arrigunaga) subjected to chronic pollution. Likewise, Marteilia, trematodes, intracellular ciliates, unidentified eosinophilic bodies, R/CLO and Mytilicola did not follow any recognisable pattern that could be associated to the POS. In contrast, high Nematopsis intensities recorded in several localities in 2003 might suggest some response of local interest after the POS (i.e., in combination with particular factors/conditions). More data at a regional scale are needed before histopathology may provide a reliable ecosystem health assessment but the present results suggest that the approach is worthwhile. Overall, although Vv(BAS) returned to reference values by 2004-2005, MLR/MET values indicated that the mussel health condition was affected during the whole study period up to April 2006.  相似文献   

According to published reports, selected cell and tissue-level biomarkers revealed alterations in the health status of mussels collected after the Prestige oil spill (POS) in Galicia and the Bay of Biscay (2003-2006). Presently, univariate and multivariate analysis provides a comprehensive view of the whole data set. Correlation and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed using biomarkers corresponding to or derived from those data, say: induction, AOX(exp), and inhibition, AOX(eff), of Acyl-CoA oxidase enzyme activity; membrane labilisation period, LP, volume density, Vv(LYS), and surface-to-volume ratio, S/V(LYS), of digestive cell lysosomes; volume density of neutral lipids, Vv(NL); volume density of basophilic cells, Vv(BAS), mean luminal radius to mean epithelial thickness in digestive gland epithelium, MLR/MET; gonad index, GI; cumulative intensity of inflammatory responses, CI(IR) and parasitic infestation, CI(PI). The PCA results were used to classify sampling times and localities by means of hierarchical cluster analysis. Biomarkers were more frequently correlated with naphthalene than with total PAH concentration in mussel tissues. Many biological parameters were correlated with each other in agreement with their involvement in toxic processes or their role in the mussels' response against environmental insult. Naphthalene appears to be the most effective toxic herein, which supports that the reported effects may be mainly due to POS. According to the PCA, 4 groups of biomarkers explained 67.37% variability and the factors that most strongly contributed were S/V(LYS), CI(IR), Vv(BAS) and MLR/MET. These factors were used in the hierarchical cluster analyses carried out. The cluster analysis performed to classify sampling times discriminated 3 significantly different periods after POS: (a) a high affection period (until April-04); (b) the beginning of the recovery; and (c) an advanced recovery status in which geographical variability increased (from April-05 onwards). As regards the clustering of localities, major geographical differences were not detected but three outliers were identified: (a) early and highly impacted localities in Galicia and Bay of Biscay; (b) Agui?o that was characterised by extremely high Vv(BAS) during 2003; and (c) localities that were subjected to persistent chronic pollution.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from an oil polluted site in Niger-delta, Nigeria. Gas chromatographic analyses carried out on the samples revealed an abundance of n-alkanes within the n-C8n-C23 region. The pristane/phytane ratio of 5.70 obtained for the samples depicted a plant/terrestrial source input and a possible oxic depositional environment. The n-C17/pristane and n-C18/phytane ratios of 2.80 and 2.77, respectively, suggested that the spilled oil was only slightly weathered, as corroborated by the presence of peaks in the aromatic hydrocarbon fingerprints. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) fractions showed that the hydrocarbon fractions might have undergone combustion and/or that there was bush burning at the site prior to the oil spill incidence. This is supported by the abundance of high-molecular-weight PAHs which are pyrogenic in nature. High molecular weight PAHs are products of the combustion of petroleum or its products. The phenanthrene/anthracene ratio of 0.95, fluorathene/pyrene ratio of 2.23 and the ∑ (other three to six ringed PAHs)/∑ (five alkylated PAHs) ratio far greater than unity (4.10) also affirm this. On the other hand, the benzo (a) anthracene to chrysene ratio of 0.24 confirms the petrogenic origin of the spilled oil because chrysene which is highly abundant is a fossil PAH.  相似文献   

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