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机场建设对鸟类的影响及机鸟相撞防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴娜伟  贾生元 《四川环境》2009,28(3):105-108
机鸟相撞,轻则鸟死机伤,重则机毁人亡,一直是困扰着各国航空飞行安全的重大问题。根据近几年在机场类建设项目环境影响评价中的工作经验,本文就机场鸟类保护与机场建设及避免机鸟相撞问题做一探讨,认为机场鸟类保护与避免机鸟相撞首先在机场建设时要认真做好区域鸟类资源调查,避开候鸟迁徙通道,掌握鸟类活动规律,在机场营运期应积极采取生态措施、工程措施及有效的管理等措施避免鸟类对飞机的威胁,确保飞行安全。  相似文献   

Fluctuations of bird abundances in the Midwest region of the United States have been attributed to such factors as landscape change, habitat fragmentation, depredation, and supplemental feeding. However, no attempt has been made to estimate the collective role of landowner activities that may influence birds across a landscape. To investigate how landowners might influence birds when the majority (> 90%) of land is privately owned, we surveyed all 1694 private domestic landowners living on three breeding bird survey routes (120 km) that represent a continuum of rural-to-urban landscapes in Southeastern Michigan from October through December 2000. Our survey was designed to investigate (1) the proportion of landowners involved in bird feeding, providing bird houses, planting or maintaining vegetation for birds, gardening, landscaping, applying fertilizer, and applying pesticides or herbicides; (2) whether differences existed between urban, suburban, and rural landowner activities; and (3) whether landowners that carried out a given activity were sociodemographically different from those who did not. Of the 968 respondents (58.5% response rate), 912 (94%) carried out at least one of the activities on their land and the average landowner carried out 3.7 activities. A total of 65.6% fed birds, 45.7% provided bird houses, 54.6% planted or maintained vegetation for birds, 72.7% gardened, 72.3% landscaped, 49.3% applied fertilizer, and 25.2% applied pesticides or herbicides. Significant differences existed between the landscapes, with rural landowners having more bird houses and applying pesticides or herbicides in greater frequency. Similarly, urban landowners had a greater density of bird feeders and houses, but planted or maintained vegetation in the lowest frequency. Participation in activities varied by demographic factors, such as age, gender, and occupation. Scaling each activity to all landowners, including nonrespondents, across all landscapes indicates that between 14% and 82% of landowners may be engaged in a particular activity, with application of pesticides or herbicides having the least potential involvement (13.9%–55.4%) and gardening having the greatest potential involvement (40.1%–81.6%). Taken collectively, our results indicate that landowners are both intentionally and unintentionally engaged in a wide range of activities that are likely to influence bird populations.  相似文献   

During the 1980s, the exponential growth of laughing gull (Larus atricilla) colonies, from 15 to about 7600 nests in 1990, in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and a correlated increase in the bird-strike rate at nearby John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York City) led to a controversy between wildlife and airport managers over the elimination of the colonies. In this paper, we review data to evaluate if: (1) the colonies have increased the level of risk to the flying public; (2) on-colony population control would reduce the presence of gulls, and subsequently bird strikes, at the airport; and (3) all on-airport management alternatives have been adequately implemented. Since 1979, most (2987, 87%) of the 3444 bird strikes (number of aircraft struck) were actually bird carcasses found near runways (cause of death unknown but assumed to be bird strikes by definition). Of the 457 pilot-reported strikes (mean = 23 ± 6 aircraft/yr, N= 20 years), 78 (17%) involved laughing gulls. Since a gull-shooting program was initiated on airport property in 1991, over 50,000 adult laughing gulls have been killed and the number of reported bird strikes involving laughing gulls has declined from 6.9 ± 2.9 (1983–1990) to 2.6 ± 1.3 (1991–1998) aircraft/yr; nongull reported bird strikes, however, have more than doubled (6.4 ± 2.6, 1983–1990; 14.9 ± 5.1, 1991–1998). We found no evidence to indicate that on-colony management would yield a reduction of bird strikes at Kennedy Airport. Dietary and mark–recapture studies suggest that 60%–90% of the laughing gulls collected on-airport were either failed breeders and/or nonbreeding birds. We argue that the Jamaica Bay laughing gull colonies, the only ones in New York State, should not be managed at least until all on-airport management alternatives have been properly implemented and demonstrated to be ineffective at reducing bird strikes, including habitat alterations and increasing the capability of the bird control unit to eliminate bird flocks on-airport using nonlethal bird dispersal techniques. Because the gull-shooting program may be resulting in a nonsustainable regional population of laughing gulls (>30% decline), we also recommend that attempts be made to initiate an experimental colony elsewhere on Long Island to determine if colony relocation is a feasible management option.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the air quality impacts of airport operations. It considers a range of pollutants and identifies emission sources both within and surrounding airports as being important in contributing to the air quality experienced at an airport. These sources include aircraft operations, landside traffic, airside traffic and fuel-handling operations. The paper considers air quality impacts over the last 30 years and draws examples from a variety of European airports. The paper concludes with a forecast of likely changes in emission sources and strengths at airports over the next 15 years.Drs James Longhurst, Beth Conlan and David Raper are air quality scientists specializing in the study of airport impacts upon air quality. They are based in the Atmospheric Research and Information Centre of Manchester Metropolitan University.First submitted June 1994.  相似文献   

An extensive road system with rapidly increasing traffic produces diverse ecological effects that cover a large land area. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of roads with different traffic volumes on surrounding avian distributions, and its importance relative to other variables. Grassland bird data (5 years) for 84 open patches in an outer suburban/rural landscape near Boston were analyzed relative to: distance from roads with 3000–8000 to >30,000 vehicles/day; open-habitat patch size; area of quality microhabitat within a patch; adjacent land use; and distance to other open patches. Grassland bird presence and regular breeding correlated significantly with both distance from road and habitat patch size. Distance to nearest other open patch, irrespective of size, was not significant. Similarly, except for one species, adjacent land use, in this case built area, was not significant. A light traffic volume of 3000–8000 vehicles/day (local collector street here) had no significant effect on grassland bird distribution. For moderate traffic of 8000–15,000 (through street), there was no effect on bird presence although regular breeding was reduced for 400 m from a road. For heavier traffic of 15,000–30,000 (two-lane highway), both bird presence and breeding were decreased for 700 m. For a heavy traffic volume of ≥30,000 vehicles/day (multilane highway), bird presence and breeding were reduced for 1200 m from a road. The results suggest that avian studies and long-term surveys near busy roads may be strongly affected by traffic volume or changes in volume. We conclude that road ecology, especially the effects extending outward >100 m from roads with traffic, is a sine qua non for effective land-use and transportation policy.  相似文献   

Cat predation of birds in residential landscapes is ephemeral, unpredictable, and spatially dispersed, and thus requires many person-hours to observe. We sought to identify whether specific behaviors, traits, or feeding ecologies of birds contribute to their probability of cat-caused mortality around residences across temperate North America. In addressing this question, we evaluated citizen science data with respect to peer-reviewed species accounts (Birds of North America, BNA). Using information on cat predation from the BNA, we found that species that glean their prey from the ground or breed in nest boxes were three times more likely to be depredated by cats, while birds that hawk were over two times less likely to become cat prey than would be predicted by random chance. Data from citizen science sources also showed that birds using nest boxes had increased susceptibility to cat predation, as did those that use feeders and that glean from foliage. We caution that observations of predation by citizen science volunteers may be biased towards detection at feeders. Future research should focus on developing volunteer survey techniques for improving estimates of bird mortality rates and sources.  相似文献   

An extensive road system with rapidly increasing traffic produces diverse ecological effects that cover a large land area. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of roads with different traffic volumes on surrounding avian distributions, and its importance relative to other variables. Grassland bird data (5 years) for 84 open patches in an outer suburban/rural landscape near Boston were analyzed relative to: distance from roads with 3000–8000 to >30,000 vehicles/day; open-habitat patch size; area of quality microhabitat within a patch; adjacent land use; and distance to other open patches. Grassland bird presence and regular breeding correlated significantly with both distance from road and habitat patch size. Distance to nearest other open patch, irrespective of size, was not significant. Similarly, except for one species, adjacent land use, in this case built area, was not significant. A light traffic volume of 3000–8000 vehicles/day (local collector street here) had no significant effect on grassland bird distribution. For moderate traffic of 8000–15,000 (through street), there was no effect on bird presence although regular breeding was reduced for 400 m from a road. For heavier traffic of 15,000–30,000 (two-lane highway), both bird presence and breeding were decreased for 700 m. For a heavy traffic volume of ≥30,000 vehicles/day (multilane highway), bird presence and breeding were reduced for 1200 m from a road. The results suggest that avian studies and long-term surveys near busy roads may be strongly affected by traffic volume or changes in volume. We conclude that road ecology, especially the effects extending outward >100 m from roads with traffic, is a sine qua non for effective land-use and transportation policy.  相似文献   

The Lowbidgee floodplain is the Murrumbidgee Rivers major wetland in southeastern Australia. From more than 300,000 ha in the early 1900s, at least 76.5% was destroyed (58%) or degraded (18%) by dams (26 major storages), subsequent diversions and floodplain development. Diversions of about 2,144,000 ML year–1 from the Murrumbidgee River come from a natural median flow of about 3,380,000 ML year–1 providing water for Australias capital, hydroelectricity, and 273,000 ha of irrigation. Diversions have reduced the amount of water reaching the Lowbidgee floodplain by at least 60%, from 1888 to 1998. About 97,000 ha of Lowbidgee wetland was destroyed by development of the floodplain for an irrigation area (1975–1998), including building of 394 km of channels and 2,145 km of levee banks. Over 19 years (1983–2001), waterbird numbers estimated during annual aerial surveys collapsed by 90%, from an average of 139,939 (1983–1986) to 14,170 (1998–2001). Similar declines occurred across all functional groups: piscivores (82%), herbivores (87%), ducks and small grebe species (90%), large wading birds (91%), and small wading birds (95%), indicating a similar decline in the aquatic biota that formed their food base. Numbers of species also declined significantly by 21%. The Lowbidgee floodplain is an example of the ecological consequences of water resource development. Yanga Nature Reserve, within the Lowbidgee floodplain, conserved for its floodplain vegetation communities, will lose these communities because of insufficient water. Until conservation policies adequately protect river flows to important wetland areas, examples such as the Lowbidgee will continue to occur around the world.  相似文献   

The representativeness of ambient water samples collected from bridge crossings has occasionally been challenged because critics contend birds nesting on bridges elevate fecal indicator bacteria concentrations over samples collected from river reaches not spanned by bridges. This study was designed to evaluate the influence, if any, of bridge‐dwelling bird colonies on instream bacteria concentrations. Three bridges in central Texas were sampled under dry‐weather conditions for instream Escherichia coli. Two bridges were inhabited by migratory cliff swallows and one was devoid of birds. Numerous samples were collected from locations upstream, at the upstream bridgeface, and downstream of each bridge to determine whether significant increases in E. coli occurred in a downstream direction when birds were present. E. coli values increased significantly at bridgeface and downstream locations compared to upstream locations throughout the nesting season. During peak bird activity in May, bacteria geometric mean concentrations at bridgeface and downstream locations jumped from background levels <50 to >190 colony forming units (CFU)/100 mL, well above the state geometric mean criterion of 126 CFU/100 mL for primary contact recreation use. Results confirmed that under dry‐weather conditions bird colonies can have a significant impact on bacteria concentrations in the vicinity of the bridges they inhabit and therefore, to avoid this impact, monitoring should occur upstream of bridges.  相似文献   

National parks have mandates both to preserve and protect natural settings and to assist visitors in viewing and interacting with those settings. Considerable scholarship has examined the trade-offs between preservation and recreation goals, such as protection of a natural setting when some visitors want to experience it from noisy aircraft or ground vehicles. The current project expands on previous noise research that showed the presence of aircraft noise to be detrimental to aesthetic and affective environmental assessments. Participants rated 25 scenes under quiet conditions or while hearing 45 dB(A) or 60 dB(A) of either natural sounds (bird calls, breeze through foliage), natural sounds with aircraft sounds, natural sounds with ground traffic sounds, or natural sounds with human voices. Results indicated that the presence of any anthropogenic noise–air traffic, ground traffic, or voices–negatively impacted environmental assessments, and more so at louder levels, while the natural soundscape had little to no effect on assessments. Additionally, the presence of air traffic, ground traffic, and human voices significantly decreased participant ratings of serenity while also increasing ratings of hostility. These effects were strongest for scenes that were high in scenic beauty. Results are discussed in the context of sound quality management in national parks and other settings.  相似文献   

From February to March 2005–2006, we surveyed wintering waterbirds to test effects of terracing on coastal pond use before and after Hurricane Rita. Marsh terracing is intended to slow coastal marsh loss in the Chenier Plain by slowing marsh erosion and encouraging vegetation expansion. Terraces also increase marsh edge in ponds, possibly benefiting waterbirds. We monitored paired terraced and unterraced ponds in three sites within southwestern Louisiana’s Chenier Plain. Waterbirds were 75% more numerous in terraced than unterraced ponds. Waterbird richness was similar among ponds when corrected for number of individuals, suggesting terracing increased bird density but did not provide habitat unique from unterraced ponds. Birds were 93% more numerous following Hurricane Rita, mostly due to an influx of migrating waterfowl. Year round residents were similar in number before and after Hurricane Rita. Resident richness did not differ among years after correcting for number of observed individuals. Wading and dabbling foragers were more abundant in terraced ponds and these two guilds represented 74% of birds observed. We detected no difference among ponds for other guilds, i.e., probing, aerial, and diving foragers. Increasing proportion of mash edge increased bird density disproportionately: On average ponds with 10% edge had 6 birds observed and ponds with 30% edge had 16 birds observed. Terraces increased habitat interspersion and were an effective tool for increasing numbers of wintering waterfowl and wading birds. The extent to which terraces were sustainable following hurricane forces is unknown.  相似文献   

Characteristics of urban natural areas and surrounding landscapes were identified that best explain winter bird use for 28 urban natural areas in southern Ontario, Canada. The research confirms for winter birds the importance of area (size) and natural vegetation, rather than managed, horticultural parkland, within urban natural areas as well as percent urban land use and natural habitat in surrounding landscapes. Alien bird density and percent ground feeding species increased with percent surrounding urban land use. Higher percent forest cover was associated with higher percentages of forest, bark feeding, small (<20 g) and insectivorous species. Natural area size (ha) was related to higher species richness, lower evenness and higher percentages of insectivorous, forest interior, area-sensitive, upper canopy, bark feeding, and non-resident species. Higher number of habitat types within natural areas and percent natural habitat in surrounding landscapes were also associated with higher species richness. Common, resident bird species dominated small areas (<6.5 ha), while less common non-residents increased with area, indicative of a nested distribution. Areas at least 6.5 ha and more generally >20 ha start to support some area-sensitive species. Areas similar to rural forests had >25% insectivores, >25% forest interior species, >25% small species, and <5% alien species. Indicator species separated urban natural areas from rural habitats and ordination placed urban natural areas along a gradient between urban development and undisturbed, rural forests. More attention is needed on issues of winter bird conservation in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

There have been few studies examining noise and psychological disorders in children and the results are equivocal. The objective of this study was to examine exposure–effect relationships between aircraft and road traffic noise exposure and children's mental health. We conducted a cross-national, cross-sectional study assessing 2844 pupils, aged 9–10, from 89 schools around three major airports in the Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom matched within country for socio-economic position. We selected children on the basis of exposure to external aircraft and road traffic noise exposure. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) assessed child mental health, including emotional problems, conduct disorder, hyperactivity, peer problems and prosocial behaviour. Aircraft noise exposure was significantly associated with an increased score on the hyperactivity subscale (pooled B estimate 0.013 CI 0.007–0.019) after full adjustment. Road traffic noise was significantly associated with lower scores on the conduct problems subscale maintained after full adjustment (pooled B estimate 0.010 95%CI −0.020 to −0.001). There was no association between either aircraft or road traffic noise exposure and the SDQ total score. The hyperactivity results have been found in a previous UK study and may indicate that high aircraft noise exposure exacerbates hyperactivity symptoms in children although this finding requires further replication.  相似文献   

Soil and plant characteristics of landfill sites near Merseyside,England   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An ecological survey of the plant and soil characteristics was carried out on three landfill sites near Merseyside, England. It was discovered that bare ground at two of the landfill areas had high levels of methane contained in the soil air (Sefton Meadows landfill: 6–8% at 35 cm and 16–35% at 65 cm below soil surface; Coalgate Lane landfill: 1–24% at 35 cm and 39–45% at 40 cm below soils surface), causing the appearance of dark grey reduced regions in the soil, a phenomenon similar to flooded soil. The wellvegetated areas at the two sites had lower levels of methane (under 7%).In areas relatively free of methane, the concentrations of mineralized N and NO3 had significant correlations with the dry weights of vegetation (r = 0.71 withp<0.01;r=0.61 withp<0.02 accordingly), indicating the necessity of applying available nitrogen fertilizer.  相似文献   

Wind power generation is likely to constitute one of the most extensive human physical exploitation activities of European marine areas in the near future. The many millions of migrating birds that pass these man-made obstacles are protected by international obligations and the subject of public concerns. Yet some bird species are more sensitive to bird–wind turbine mortality than others. This study developed a simple and logical framework for ranking bird species with regard to their relative sensitivity to bird–wind turbine-collisions, and applied it to a data set comprising 38 avian migrant species at the Nysted offshore wind farm in Denmark. Two indicators were selected to characterize the sensitivity of each individual species: 1) relative abundance and 2) demographic sensitivity (elasticity of population growth rate to changes in adult survival). In the case-study from the Nysted offshore wind farm, birds of prey and waterbirds dominated the group of high priority species and only passerines showed a low risk of being impacted by the wind farm. Even where passerines might be present in very high numbers, they often represent insignificant segments of huge reference populations that, from a demographic point of view, are relatively insensitive to wind farm-related adult mortality. It will always be important to focus attention and direct the resources towards the most sensitive species to ensure cost-effective environmental assessments in the future, and in general, this novel index seems capable of identifying the species that are at high risk of being adversely affected by wind farms.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the true economic income for the Chilean mining sector, using the welfare foundations for the usual net domestic product (NDP) income measure of the traditional National Accounts System (NAS) provided by [Weitzman, M., 1976. On the welfare significance of national product in a dynamic economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 90, 156–162; Weitzman, M., 2000. The linearised Hamiltonian as comprehensible NDP. Environment and Development Economics. 5, 55–68]. The total depletion of natural capital caused by mining is calculated by estimating, on the one hand, the depreciation of resources (using the net price approach) and, on the other, the environmental costs provoked by mining activity. The results show that, correcting the usual GDP measure for man-made capital depreciation plus the total loss of natural capital, the standard mining GDP measure of the NAS overestimates by 31–36% the economic income generated by Chile's mining sector during the period 1985–1996.  相似文献   

Three Egyptian industrial wastewater management programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pre-treatment programme for wastewater from factories, representing three main industrial sectors in Egypt, has been developed. The first case study was a factory producing potato-chips. Wastewater discharged from this factory was characterized by high values of BOD, SS and oil and grease (6000 mgO2 l–1, 6577 mg l–1 and 119 mg l–1 respectively). Chemical treatment using lime and lime aided by polyelectrolyte achieved good results. Residual values of BOD and SS after treatment were 97 mg l–1 and 49 mg l–1, respectively. Oil and grease concentrations were reduced by 91 percent. Treatment via activated sludge at a detention time of 4 hrs produced good quality effluent. The second case study was an automobile company, representing the metal finishing industry. Analyses of wastewater samples from the degreasing, phosphating and painting departments, as well as the end-of-pipe effluent were conducted. The end-of-pipe effluent contained high concentrations of oil and grease (366 mg l–1), phosphorous (111 mg l–1) and zinc (81 mg l–1). Chemical treatment of end-of-pipe wastewater using ferric chloride aided by lime, produced high quality effluent. The third sector was the chemical industry. For this purpose a paint factory was selected. Characteristics of raw wastewater varied widely according to the production rate. Average values of COD and BOD were 1950 mg l–1 and 683 mg l–1. Oil and grease ranged from 63 to 1624 mg l–1. Chemical treatment using ferric chloride in combination with lime at the optimum operating conditions achieved good results. Residual values after treatment of COD, BOD and oil and grease reached 120, 36 and 8.6 mg l–1, respectively. An engineering design for each case study has been prepared.  相似文献   

Riparian areas link aquatic and terrestrial habitats, supporting species-rich bird communities, which integrate both terrestrial and aquatic processes. For this reason, inclusion of riparian birds in stream bioassessment could add to the information currently provided by existing programs that monitor aquatic organisms. To assess if bird community metrics could indicate stream conditions, we sampled breeding birds in the riparian zone of 37 reaches in 5 streams draining watersheds representing a gradient of agricultural intensity in central Italy. As a more direct indicator of water quality, stream macroinvertebrates were also sampled for computation of the Italian Extended Biotic Index (IBE). An anthropogenic index was calculated within 1 km of sampled reaches based on satellite-derived land-use classifications. Predictive models of macroinvertebrate integrity based on land-use and avian metrics were compared using an information-theoretic approach (AIC). We also determined if stream quality related to the detection of riverine species. Apparent bird species diversity and richness peaked at intermediate levels of land-use modification, but increased with IBE values. Water quality did not relate to the detection of riverine species as a guild, but two species, the dipper Cinclus cinclus and the grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea, were only observed in reaches with the highest IBE values. Small-bodied insectivorous birds and arboreal species were detected more often in reaches with better water quality and in less modified landscapes. In contrast, larger and granivorous species were more common in disturbed reaches. According to the information-theoretic approach, the best model for predicting water quality included the anthropogenic index, bird species diversity, and an index summarizing the trophic structure of the bird community. We conclude that, in combination with landscape-level information, the diversity and trophic structure of riparian bird communities could serve as a rapid indicator of stream-dwelling macroinvertebrates and, therefore, degradation of in-stream biotic integrity.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of neighborhood effects in the spatial distributions of selected bird species in Navarre, Spain. We employed a geographic information system (GIS) to organize the data on bird distributions and relevant environmental variables and to analyze their spatial patterns. Three bird species were selected for analysis: the European honey-buzzard (Pernis apivorus), the Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo), and the European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Selected environmental variables of the study area were digitized to create a comprehensive data base and logistic regression models were used to evaluate the significance of each variable in the spatial distribution. The spatial patterns of bird distributions were used to extract topological relationships and to identify neighborhood effects. Although all the selected species illustrate a pattern of positive spatial autocorrelation in their distributions, the significance of neighborhood effects varies from species to species. Among the selected species, neighborhood effects are most evident in the distribution of the European pied flycatcher and are significant for the Eurasian hobby. The distribution of the European honey-buzzard is not much affected by neighborhood effects. The results suggest that examination of neighborhood effects is a prerequisite for modeling bird distributions.  相似文献   

秦皇岛市空气质量指数AQI现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对秦皇岛市2012—2013年的空气质量对比分析,得出2013年空气质量优良率明显下降,由2012年的96.5%下降到59.4%,其中,1月份空气污染最为严重,其次是8月份。秦皇岛市出现频率较高的前三个首要污染物分别为PM10、PM2.5、O3。提高秦皇岛市的空气质量应着重控制颗粒物和臭氧的排放及形成,更需注重1月份和8月份的空气质量状况。建议通过对重污染企业限排、机动车限行以及增加道路洒水次数等方法提高秦皇岛市的空气质量。  相似文献   

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