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本文结合重庆市空气质量限期达标规划编制案例,介绍了城市空气质量达标规划编制中的几个关键技术及其具体应用,包括本地化污染源排放清单编制、污染物来源解析、污染物排放形势预测与减排潜力分析以及大气环境容量核算等。本地化污染源排放清单是城市空气质量达标规划编制的基础,针对现有污染源制定科学合理的减排方案是达标规划的核心内容。分析不同区域的污染物组分浓度特征、污染源贡献以及未来污染排放形势预测,有助于识别出制约未来空气质量达标的关键因素及污染源。基于污染源减排潜力和污染传输矩阵制定的污染源减排方案更具合理性和可行性,应用空气质量模型估算大气环境容量可为规划目标可达性提供依据。  相似文献   

京津冀地区重点耗煤行业大气污染物排放清单研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过京津冀地区各行业的年度煤炭消费量确定火电行业、钢铁行业和焦化行业为重点耗煤行业,以在线监测数据、污染源调查(现场调研、环评、验收)数据、排放因子数据为基础,自下而上建立了2013年京津冀地区重点耗煤行业大气污染物排放清单,分析研究了SO_2、NO_x和PM_(10)的排放量与污染贡献分布情况,掌握了京津冀地区重点耗煤行业大气污染物排放现状,为大气污染物减排提供数据基础。研究表明,2013年京津冀火电、钢铁焦化行业共排放SO_2 72.35万t、NO_x 131.99万t、PM_(10) 30.36万t。  相似文献   

基于2014年南充市大气污染源排放清单调查,通过实地调研、现场测试与统计年鉴等获得活动水平数据,采用排放系数法估算建立排放清单。结果表明道路机动车保有量为877 197辆,摩托车、载客汽车、载货汽车占比分别为61.8%、29.9%、8.3%。道路移动源CO 39 631.2t,NO_X26 448t、VOCs 20 544t、HC 3 648t、PM101 777t、PM_(2.5)1 600t、SO2391.7t,主要污染物为CO、NO_X和VOCs。柴油重型载货汽车、柴油轻型载货汽车、柴油大型载客汽车是NO_X、SO2、PM10和PM_(2.5)主要排放源,普通摩托车、其他燃料小型载客汽车是CO、VOCs主要排放源。普通摩托车和汽油中型载货汽车是HC主要排放源。非道路移动源污染物总量NO_X2 322t,CO 1 173t,HC 657.2t、PM 467.7t、PM_(2.5)252.9t、VOCs 179.8t。农业机械对CO、PM_(2.5)、PM、THC排放贡献率高,分别为49.5%、50.2%、48.3%、30.0%;工程机械对NO_X、PM_(2.5)、PM、THC的贡献率高,分别为51.4%、40.3%、38.9%、39.3%;船舶对VOCS排放贡献为90.3%。顺庆、高坪、嘉陵的CO、NO_X、THC、PM排放贡献率较高,蓬安VOCS排放贡献率较高。  相似文献   

顺酐生产过程排放的废气中含有大量未反应原料、副产物CO和挥发性有机物(VOC)等,对其进行处理使之达标排放,回收其中可利用的物质或能量有重要意义。吐哈石化厂顺酐装置采用CONSER公司工艺技术,新增部分尾气回收生产工艺路线,回收40%的尾气中的正丁烷,实现了蒸汽分阶利用,排放的废气中SO2、NOx、颗粒物等达到GB16297-1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》中二级标准。  相似文献   

2012年10月国务院批准的《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》明确提出:到2015年,重点区域S02、NOx、工业烟(粉)尘排放量分别下降12%、13%、10%,VOCs污染防治工作全面展开。石油石化企业不仅要承担天然气、清洁油品的生产供应压力,也面临着严格治理控制S02、NOx、烟尘、颗粒物(粉尘)、VOCs等主要大气污染物的客观要求。文章通过梳理石油石化生产过程产生的大气污染影响,结合国内目前石油石化企业大气污染治理现状,分析指出PM2.。治理的重点和难点,并提出国内石油石化企业开展PM2.5污染治理的对策建议。  相似文献   

通过2016年12月~2017年5月陕西省10个地级市6项常规大气污染物逐小时监测数据,分析陕西省冬春季大气污染现状和时空分布规律。结果表明:(1)冬季关中地区空气质量最差,陕南、陕北地区较好,进入春季后,关中地区空气质量有显著提高;(2)冬季延安市SO2浓度异常高于其它城市,各市冬春季大气污染以颗粒物污染为主;(3)关中城市全天颗粒物污染较重,温度变化对O3小时浓度变化影响最显著,各市O3污染高频时段集中在午后。建议关中地区应加强冬季大气颗粒型污染物浓度控制,延安市应加强对SO2污染物排放的监管。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《大气污染防治行动计划》,环保部会同国家质检总局近日发布了《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第五阶段)》(GB18352.5—2013)和《砖瓦工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB29620—2013)两项国家大气污染物排放标准。实施这两项新标准可大幅削减城市机动车尾气污染和农村地区砖瓦工业烟尘、二氧化硫污染,改善空气质量。  相似文献   

为使某焦化企业的焦炉烟气污染物排放数值符合GB 16171—2012中特别排放值要求,在烟气外排前新建一套"选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝+氨法脱硫"系统。针对企业情况,确定了"脱硝—换热—脱硫"的基本方案及具体工艺流程。改造后运行数据表明,利用该系统进行烟气脱硫脱硝后,烟气中SO2、NOx及颗粒物排放达标,SO2、NOx减排率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

长沙市空气自动站周边区域大气污染物排放源清单   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以长沙市空气自动站周边3 km为研究对象,基于统计年鉴和实地调查,获得了该地区2015年储存运输源、废弃物处理源、工艺过程源、化石燃料固定燃烧源、农业源、生物质燃烧源、扬尘源、移动源8个源类的活动水平数据。以大气污染物排放源清单编制技术指南为依据,建立了2015年长沙市空气自动站周边3 km区域NH_3、NO_x、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、SO_2、VOCs等6项污染物的源排放清单。结果表明,2015年长沙空气自动站周边3 km内,8类大气污染源排放的NH_3、NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_2、VOCs总量分别为53.65t、4 899.35t、1 846.09t、6 257.75t、989.49t、4 383.31t。NH_3、NO_x、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_2、VOCs排放量最大的源分别是农业源、移动源、扬尘源、扬尘源、化石燃料固定燃烧源和移动源,贡献率分别为98.45%、84.24%、60.82%、85.90%、97.33%、49.88%。优化道路交通、减少燃煤、减少建筑工地扬尘排放可促进长沙市空气自动站周边空气质量改善。  相似文献   

采用实地调研、资料收集等方式获得了2017年资阳市典型污染源的活动水平数据,参照城市大气污染物排放清单编制技术手册建立了基于排放因子法和物料衡算法的资阳市大气污染源排放清单,分析了主要污染物的行业排放特征和空间分布特征。结果表明,2017年资阳市SO2、NOX、CO、PM10、PM2.5、VOCs、NH3总排放量分别为3.58kt、13.91kt、94.91kt、25.51kt、8.67kt、23.84kt和46.44kt。SO2排放主要来自工业源;NOX排放主要来自移动源;CO排放主要来自工业过程及移动源;PM10和PM2.5、排放来自扬尘源和露天秸秆焚烧;VOCs主要来自溶剂使用源;NH3主要来自农业活动。资阳市主要污染物排放分布在工业点源较为集中的雁江区和安岳县,乐至县污染物排放量相对较小。  相似文献   

A method is presented here by which the actual numbers of individuals in the U.S. population who would be expected to suffer respiratory illness as a result of exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in excess of the Federally-designated ambient air quality standard can be estimated. At the same time we have attempted to quantify how these adverse health effects would be alleviated by various degrees of reductions in current ambient concentrations. In addition, the health benefit expected to be derived by various NOx emission control strategies will be examined utilizing the health benefit estimation method presented.It is estimated that there were approximately 33.2×106 excess cases of respiratory illnesses in the U.S. in 1973 associated with ambient NO2 concentrations in excess of the national ambient standard. A reduction of approximately 50 to 60 percent below 1973 NO2 levels is needed to essentially eliminate excess respiratory illness associated with ambient NO2 concentration.  相似文献   

A detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to quantify the contributions of various emission sources to ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and regional haze in the Southeastern United States. O3 and particulate matter (PM) levels were estimated using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system and light extinction values were calculated from modeled PM concentrations. First, the base case was established using the emission projections for the year 2009. Then, in each model run, SO2, primary carbon (PC), NH3, NOx or VOC emissions from a particular source category in a certain geographic area were reduced by 30% and the responses were determined by calculating the difference between the results of the reduced emission case and the base case.The sensitivity of summertime O3 to VOC emissions is small in the Southeast and ground-level NOx controls are generally more beneficial than elevated NOx controls (per unit mass of emissions reduced). SO2 emission reduction is the most beneficial control strategy in reducing summertime PM2.5 levels and improving visibility in the Southeast and electric generating utilities are the single largest source of SO2. Controlling PC emissions can be very effective locally, especially in winter. Reducing NH3 emissions is an effective strategy to reduce wintertime ammonium nitrate (NO3NH4) levels and improve visibility; NOx emissions reductions are not as effective. The results presented here will help the development of specific emission control strategies for future attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the region.  相似文献   

中三角区域已经是我国第四个国家级城市群,也将成为我国经济增长的"第四极"。在经济发展的同时,更需要以节能减排、资源环境等为重点,以实现经济建设与生态文明"双可持续"的协同发展。本文以二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘为主要大气污染物,对我国中三角区域大气污染物排放进行了详细的分析,并与京津冀、长三角、珠三角、"三区十群"等进行了多方位比较。结果表明,2013年中三角区域二氧化硫排放量为151.7万t,其中工业二氧化硫排放量为140.1万t;氮氧化物排放量为147.2万t,其中工业氮氧化物排放量为93.6万t;烟(粉)尘排放量为81.8万t,其中工业烟(粉)尘排放量为71.4万t。中三角区域二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘排放量均位于"四极"的第三。中三角区域二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘单位GDP排放强度分别为25.03t/亿元、24.29 t/亿元、13.50 t/亿元,分别位于"四极"的第一、第二、第二。同时,本文还从经济发展模式、产业结构调整、煤炭消费方式等方面对我国中三角等经济"四极"提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

长三角地区作为我国大气污染较为严重区域之一,如何在保持经济增长的同时减少CO2与大气污染物的排放已成为一个重要挑战。本研究基于2007年与2012年长三角区域间投入产出表,定量分析了长三角地区省市间贸易引致的二氧化碳和大气污染物排放转移特征和变化趋势。同时,运用产业关联系数法,从前向关联与后向关联双重视角分析了长三角地区减缓CO2和大气污染物排放的关键行业。研究结果表明,长三角的SO2、PM2.5排放总量表现为消费端大于生产端,CO2、NOx排放总量表现为生产端大于消费端。安徽省总体呈现为长三角地区贸易的SO2、NOx与PM2.5排放净调出地,而上海与浙江表现为多数污染物排放净调入地。CO2与大气污染物协同前向减排的关键行业为江苏省、浙江省和安徽省的电力、热力的生产和供应业,安徽省的煤炭开采和洗选业等,可以通过生产端技术革新和能源结构优化来促进减排;CO2与大气污染物后向协同减排的关键行业为江苏省、浙江省和安徽省的建筑业等,对于这些行业,调整消费结构是有效的减排措施。为更好地制定长三角地区减排与污染防治政策,应当综合考虑行业减排、协同减排等,以确保经济持续增长的同时达到减排目标。  相似文献   

Because of its large population and rapidly growing economy, China is confronting a serious energy shortage and daunting environmental problems. An increased use of fuels derived from biomass could relieve some demand for nonrenewable sources of energy while providing environmental benefits in terms of cleaner air and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. In 2003, China generated about 25.9 × 108 metric tons of industrial waste (liquid + solid), 14.7 × 108 metric tons/year (t/y) of manure (livestock + human), 7.1 × 108 t/y of crop residues and food-processing byproducts, 2 × 108 t/y of fuelwood and wood manufacturing residues, and 1.5 × 108 t/y of municipal waste. Biofuels derived from these materials could potentially displace the use of about 4.12 × 108 t/y of coal and 3.75 × 106 t/y of petroleum. An increased bioenergy use of this magnitude would help to reduce the emissions of key air pollutants: SO2 by 11.6 × 106 t/y, NOX by 1.48 × 106 t/y, CO2 by 1.07 × 109 t/y, and CH4 by 50 × 106 t/y. The reduced SO2 emissions would be equivalent to 54% of the national emissions in 2003, whereas those for CO2 are 30%. It is important to recognize, however, that large increases in the use of biomass fuels also could result in socioeconomic and environmental problems such as less production of food and damage caused to natural habitats.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine the impacts of SO2, NO x , SPM and RSPM, the most common air pollutants, generated mainly due to industries and vehicles, on some biochemical parameters and yield in wheat and mustard plants during 2006. The concentration of SO2, NO x , SPM and RSPM was determined at the polluted sites across the seasons, which ranged between 14.29–18.10, 20.81–22.43, 483.65–500.85 and 160.67–171.18 μg m−3, respectively. The wheat and mustard plants grown at polluted sites showed significant reduction in chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ‘b’, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, ascorbic acid, pH, relative water content and yield. The data were further analyzed using a two way ANOVA. It is concluded that the ambient air pollutants have a potential adverse impact on biochemical parameters, which further leads to a reduction in the yield of wheat and mustard crops.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the economic and environmental costs and benefits that would result if the Zorinsky Federal Building, located in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, converted its current lighting system to a more energy-efficient system (i.e., joined the EPA's Green Lights Program) was conducted. Lighting accounts for 20–25 percent of all electricity sold in the United States. Costs considered in the study included the cost of retrofitting the building's existing lighting system and the cost of disposal of the current lamps and ballast fixtures. Benefits included a reduction of electric utility costs and a reduction of emissions of SO2, NO x , CO2, and CO from electric utility power plants. Environmental and health issues for air pollutant emissions were also addressed. The results showed that significant reductions in utility bills as well as reductions in air emissions would result from a major building converting to a more energy efficient lighting system. The results showed that conversion of this large building would reduce SO2 emissions by 14.6 tons/yr and NO x emissions by 6.3 tons/yr. In addition, the conversion would reduce annual energy costs by approximately $114,000.  相似文献   

10 and SO2 levels to the WHO guideline would have resulted in a total of 48.309 × 1010 and 153.38 × 1010 Turkish lira savings in 1990 and 1993, respectively. These correspond to 0.12% and 0.08% of 1990 and 1993 GDPs, respectively.  相似文献   

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