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Wenhui Li Haidi Liu Shuangde Li Weiman Li Yunfa Chen Jiajia Gao Yaqun Cao 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2018,30(2):190-196
A co-current flow rotating packed bed was applied to remove volatile organic compounds(VOCs) by sodium hypochlorite(Na Cl O) and surfactant(sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate,SDBS) from air stream. Xylene was used as a model VOC herein. The effect of p H,concentration of Na Cl O and SDBS solution, liquid flow rate, gas flow rate and rotational speed on xylene removal efficiency and overall mass transfer coefficient(KGa) were discussed. Then, a correlation for KGa of the co-current rotating packed bed was proposed by fitting the experimental data of KGa and independent variables of liquid/gas ratio,rotational speed, p H, Na Cl O concentration and treatment time, which was in good agreement with the experimental data(the deviation ≤± 30%). 相似文献
为了防治医化行业挥发性有机废气(VOCs)环境污染,推动医化行业的可持续发展,本文通过全面调查VOCs的排放源头、排放方式、防治措施,对比分析了各种末端处理技术的优劣,确定了医化行业有机废气(VOCs)防治的有效方式。 相似文献
大气中挥发性有机物在线监测系统 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
一种新型的监测大气中挥发性有机物(包括含氧挥发性有机物)的在线监测系统被研制,即将超低温冷阱捕集-热解析装置与气相色谱-质谱仪联用.其分析方法是大气样品经除水、除O3后以60 mL·min-1的流速通过温度为-150℃的超低温冷阱捕集5min,然后样品在110℃下解析后进入GC-FID/MS系统进行分析,时间分辨率为1h.系统使用混和标气进行标定.目标化合物定量曲线的R2值为0.9137~0.9998,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于10%.将系统与相关商业化的VOC在线监测仪器进行比对,对于相同目标化合物进行分析,其相关系数r在0.7412~0.9620之间. 相似文献
Juexiu Li Xiaoping He Bing Pei Xianwei Li Diwen Ying Yalin Wang Jinping Jia 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2019,31(3):282-290
Iron ore sintering is a major source of gaseous and particulate pollutants emission in iron smelt plant. The aim of present study is to characterize the volatile organic compounds(VOCs) emission profiles from iron ore sintering process. Both sinter pot test and sinter simulation experiment were conducted and compared. Out results showed that sinter process produced large quantity of VOCs together with NOxand SO_2. VOCs and NO were produced simultaneously in sinter pot test from 3 to 24 min after ignition, flowed by SO_2 production from 15 min to the end of sintering. Total VOCs(TVOC) concentration in sinter flue gas was affected by the coal and coke ratio in sinter raw material. The maximum TVOC concentration was 34.5 ppm when using 100% coal as fuel. Sinter simulation experiments found that the number of VOCs species and their concentrations were found by sinter temperature. The largest VOCs species varieties were obtained at 500 °C. Benzene, toluene,xylene and ethylbenzene were major VOCs in sinter flue gas based on the results from both simulation test and sinter pot. It thus demonstrated that in addition to NO_x, SO_2 and metal oxide particles, sinter flue gas also contained significant amount of VOCs whose environmental impact cannot be ignored. Based on our work, it is timely needed to establish a new VOC emission standard for sinter flue gas and develop advanced techniques to simultaneously eliminate multi-pollutants in iron ore sinter process. 相似文献
IntroductionThevolatileorganiccompounds (VOCs)isoneofthefivemajorprimarygasouspollutants(particulates,SOx ,NOx ,VOCs,CO) ,inwhich 31VOCspollutantsincludingbenzene,acroleinandaliphatic ,aromatichalogenatedhydrocarbonsarelistedinall 1 2 9prioritypollutantsbytheEnv… 相似文献
挥发性有机物(VOCs)已经与氮氧化物(NOx)、颗粒物等成为我国典型城市群的主要大气污染物,其中工业源VOCs排放量大,是珠江三角洲地区影响最大的一类VOCs排放源。由于VOCs种类繁多,来源及转化生成臭氧的机制复杂,为解决此类复杂的VOCs污染问题,文章以东莞市作为珠三角典型区域代表,归纳总结了VOCs防控措施,分析了工业源VOCs治理的难点,有针对性地提出相关的有效对策建议,以期为大气环境质量管理和决策提供有益帮助,也为全国其他城市的VOCs污染防控提供借鉴。 相似文献
Dan Yao Guiqian Tang Yinghong Wang Yuan Yang Lili Wang Tianzeng Chen Hong He Yuesi Wang 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2021,33(6):169-181
High values of ozone (O3) occur frequently in the dry spring season; thus, understanding the evolution characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in spring is of great significance for preventing O3 pollution. In this study, a total of 101 VOCs from April 16 to May 21, 2019, were quantified using an online gas chromatography mass spectrometer/flame ionization detector (GCMS/FID). The results indicated that the observed concentration of total VOCs (TVOCs) was 30.4 ± 17.0 ppbv, and it was dominated by alkanes (44.3%), followed by oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs) (17.4%), halocarbons (12.7%), aromatics (9.5%), alkenes (8.2%), acetylene (5.3%) and carbon disulfide (2.5%). The average mixing ratio of VOCs showed obvious diurnal variation (high at night, low during daytime). We conducted a source apportionment study based on 32 major VOCs using positive matrix factorization (PMF), and coal + biomass burning (25.2%), diesel exhaust (16.0%), gasoline exhaust + evaporation (17.4%), secondary + long-lived species (16.7%), biogenic sources (4.3%), industrial emissions (9.3%) and solvent use (11.2%) were identified as major sources of VOCs. In addition to local emissions, most of the atmospheric VOCs were derived from long-distance air masses (65.7%), and the average mixing ratio of VOCs in the northwest direction was 29.4 ppbv. Combined with the results of the potential source contribution function (PSCF) indicate that research should focus on the local emissions of combustion, transportation sources and solvents usage to control atmospheric VOCs. Additionally, transmission of the northwest air mass is an important component that cannot be ignored during spring in Beijing. 相似文献
采用3种不同碳链长度的季铵盐表面活性剂CnTAB(n=8,12,16)为模板剂,分别合成8-MCM-41、12-MCM-41和16-MCM-41介孔分子筛,并以甲苯、邻二甲苯、均三甲苯为吸附对象,考察了介孔分子筛动态吸附VOCs的性能.结果表明,通过减少表面活性剂的碳链长度,可以成功地把MCM-41分子筛的孔径调变为4.1、3.2和2.4 nm.吸附实验结果表明,当MCM-41孔径减小时,其对低浓度甲苯、邻二甲苯的吸附量大幅上升,均三甲苯存在孔道扩散效应,其吸附量增加不明显.吸附等温线表明,在2.4 nm孔道内,3种芳烃分子均属于典型的Langmuir单分子层吸附;当孔径大于2.4 nm时,芳烃分子出现明显的多层吸附和毛细凝聚现象. 相似文献
Jiani Zhang Jingfang Xiao Xiaofang Chen Xiaoming Liang Liya Fan Daiqi Ye 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2018,30(7):155-165
As an effective pollution control method, emission allowance and allocation just implemented in volatile organic compounds(VOCs) control strategy of China in 2016. This article presents a possible way to set the emission allowance targets and establishes an allowance allocation model for the object year, 2020 and 2030, using 2010 as the reference year. On the basis of regression and scenario analysis method, the emission allowance targets were designed,which were 17.902 Tg and 18.224 Tg for 2020 and 2030, with an increasing rate of 28.75% and31.06% compared to 2010. From the perspective of industries, processes using VOCscontaining products, like machinery and equipment manufacturing, would continue to be the most significant industrial VOCs emission sources in the future of China. Four allocation indicators were selected, which are per capita GDP of each province, per capita industrial VOCs emission of each province, the economic contribution of industrial sector to regional economy of each province, and the emission intensity per land area of each province, respectively.Based on information entropy, the weights of the indicators were calculated and an emission allocation model was established, and the results showed that provinces like Shandong,Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Fujian were calculated to obtain more emission allowance while burden more reduction responsibility. Meanwhile, provinces like Guizhou, Ningxia,Hainan, Qinghai and Xizang were on the contrary. This paper suggests governments to enhance or ease to industrial VOCs reduction burden of each province in order to stimulate its economy or change its way of economy development. 相似文献
基于加热炉技术对石化企业VOCs进行直接燃烧处理,采用低温催化燃烧催化剂进行了相应试验。结果表明:催化燃烧法适用于于低浓度VOCs治理,热力燃烧法则适用于不同组成与浓度VOCs的综合治理;在温度≤320℃、空速≥12000 h-1的条件下,低温催化燃烧技术VOCs排放浓度可满足DB31/933—2015要求(≤70 mg/m^3);在VOCs浓度高达30000 mg/m^3情况下,经过750~850℃的热力燃烧技术处理后,VOCs排放浓度≤20 mg/m^3。 相似文献
Xiaoai Lu Junqian He Jing Xie Ying Zhou Shuo Liu Qiulian Zhu Hanfeng Lu 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2020,32(1):39-48
Carbon–silica materials with hierarchical pores consisting of micropores and mesopores were prepared by introducing nanocarbon microspheres derived from biomass sugar into silica gel channels in a hydrothermal environment.The physicochemical properties of the materials were characterized by nitrogen physical adsorption(BET),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and thermogravimetric(TG),and the adsorption properties of various organic waste gases were investigated.The results showed that microporous... 相似文献
YOU Ke-wei GE Yun-shan HU Bin NING Zhan-wu ZHAO Shou-tang ZHANG Yan-ni XIE Peng 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2007,19(10):1208-1213
The types and quantities of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) inside vehicles have been determined in one new vehicle and two old vehicles under static conditions using the Thermodesorber-Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (TD-GC/MS).Air sampling and analysis was conducted under the requirement of USEPA Method TO-17.A room-size,environment test chamber was utilized to provide stable and accurate control of the required environmental conditions (temperature,humidity,horizontal and vertical airflow velocity,and background VOCs concentration).Static vehicle testing demonstrated that although the amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) detected within each vehicle was relatively distinct (4940μg/m~3 in the new vehicle A,1240μg/m~3 in used vehicle B,and 132μg/m~3 in used vehicle C),toluene,xylene,some aromatic compounds,and various C_7-C_(12) alkanes were among the predominant VOC species in all three vehicles tested.In addition,tetramethyl succinonitrile,possibly derived from foam cushions was detected in vehicle B.The types and quantities of VOCs varied considerably according to various kinds of factors,such as,vehicle age, vehicle model,temperature,air exchange rate,and environment airflow velocity.For example,if the airflow velocity increases from 0.1 m/s to 0.7 m/s,the vehicle's air exchange rate increases from 0.15 h~(-1) to 0.67 h~(-1),and in-vehicle TVOC concentration decreases from 1780 to 1201μg/m~3. 相似文献
Chunmei Geng Jing Wang Baohui Yin Ruojie Zhao Peng Li Wen Yang Zhimei Xiao Shijie Li Kangwei Li Zhipeng Bai 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2020,32(9):121-129
Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) as precursors of ozone and secondary organic aerosols can cause adverse effects on the environment and human health.However,knowledge of the VOC vertical profile in the lower troposphere of major Chinese cities is poorly understood.In this study,tethered balloon flights were conducted over the juncture of BeijingTianjin-Hebei in China during the winter of 2016.Thirty-six vertical air samples were collected on selected heavy and light pollution days at altitudes o... 相似文献
Lu Sihua Liu Ying Shao Min Huang Shan 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China》2007,1(2):147-152
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured at six sites in Beijing in August, 2004. Up to 148 VOC species, including
C3 to C12 alkanes, C3 to C11 alkenes, C6 to C12 aromatics, and halogenated hydrocarbons, were quantified. Although the concentrations differed at the sites, the chemical
compositions were similar, except for the Tongzhou site where aromatics were significantly high in the air. Based on the source
profiles measured from previous studies, the source apportionment of ambient VOCs was preformed by deploying the chemical
mass balance (CMB) model. The results show that urban VOCs are predominant from mobile source emissions, which contribute
more than 50% of the VOCs (in mass concentrations) to ambient air at most sites. Other important sources are gasoline evaporation,
painting, and solvents. The exception is at the Tongzhou site where vehicle exhaust, painting, and solvents have about equal
contribution, around 35% of the ambient VOC concentration. As the receptor model is not valid for deriving the sources of
reactive species, such as isoprene and 1,3-butadiene, other methodologies need to be further explored. 相似文献
HUANG Zhi ZHOU Wen YU Ya-juan ZHANG Ai-qian HAN Shuo-kui WANG Lian-sheng 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2004,16(1):56-60
Enrichment of volatile organic compounds(VOC) and semi-volatility organic compounds(SVOC) in surface microlayer(SM) of three ddnking water sources were studied. The enrichment factor(EFs) were 0.67 to 13.37 and 0.16 to 136, respectively. The results showed some VOC and most SVOC could enrich in SM. Some EFs of SVOC was quite high. Suspension and temperature could affect EFs of SVOC, slim wind and water movement do not destroy enrichment of organic in SM. 相似文献
Three treatments were tested to investigate the release concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the bio-drying
of municipal solid waste (MSW) by the aerobic and combined hydrolytic-aerobic processes. Results showed that VOCs were largely
released in the first 4 days of bio-drying and the dominant components were: dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfide, benzene, 2-butanone,
limonene and methylene chloride. Thus, the combined hydrolytic-aerobic process was suggested for MSW bio-drying due to fewer
aeration quantities in this phase when compared with the aerobic process, and the treatment strategies should base on the key properties
of these prominent components. Malodorous sulfur compounds and terpenes were mainly released in the early phase of bio-drying,
whereas, two peaks of release concentrations appeared for aromatics and ketones during bio-drying. Notably, for the combined
hydrolytic-aerobic processes there were also high concentrations of released aromatics in the shift from hydrolytic to aerobic stages.
High concentrations of released chlorinateds were observed in the later phase. For the VOCs produced during MSW bio-drying, i.e.,
malodorous sulfur compounds, terpenes and chlorinateds, their release concentrations were mainly determined by production rates;
for the VOCs presented initially in MSW, such as aromatics, their transfer and transport in MSW mainly determined the release
concentrations. 相似文献
It is important to develop efficient and economic techniques for removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air. Heterogeneous TiO2-based semiconductors are a promising technology for achieving this goal. Anatase/brookite/rutile tricrystalline TiO2 with mesoporous structure was synthesized by a low-temperature hydrothermal route in the presence of HNO3. The obtained samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated by photocatalytic decomposition of toluene in air under UV light illumination. The results show that tricrystalline TiO2 exhibited higher photocatalytic activity and durability toward gaseous toluene than bicrystalline TiO2, due to the synergistic effects of high surface area, uniform mesoporous structure and junctions among mixed phases. The tricrystalline TiO2 prepared at RHNO3 = 0.8, containing 80.7% anatase, 15.6% brookite and 3.7% rutile, exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity, about 3.85-fold higher than that of P25. The high activity did not significantly degrade even after five reuse cycles. In conclusion, it is expected that our study regarding gas-phase degradation of toluene over tricrystalline TiO2 will enrich the chemistry of the TiO2-based materials as photocatalysts for environmental remediation and stimulate further research interest on this intriguing topic. 相似文献
Shuangchun Lu Qingling Liu Rui Han Miao Guo Jiaqi Shi Chunfeng Song Na Ji Xuebin Lu Degang Ma 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2021,33(7):184-203
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with high toxicity and carcinogenicity are emitted from kinds of industries, which endanger human health and the environment. Adsorption is a promising method for the treatment of VOCs due to its low cost and high efficiency. In recent years, activated carbons, zeolites, and mesoporous materials are widely used to remove VOCs because of their high specific surface area and abundant porosity. However, the hydrophilic nature and low desorption rate of those materials limit their commercial application. Furthermore, the adsorption capacities of VOCs still need to be improved. Porous organic polymers (POPs) with extremely high porosity, structural diversity, and hydrophobic have been considered as one of the most promising candidates for VOCs adsorption. This review generalized the superiority of POPs for VOCs adsorption compared to other porous materials and summarized the studies of VOCs adsorption on different types of POPs. Moreover, the mechanism of competitive adsorption between water and VOCs on the POPs was discussed. Finally, a concise outlook for utilizing POPs for VOCs adsorption was discussed, noting areas in which further work is needed to develop the next-generation POPs for practical applications. 相似文献
青藏高原背景站大气VOCs浓度变化特征及来源分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
采用大气预浓缩与气象色谱/质谱联用法,对2013-09-13到2013-10-14期间在国家大气背景站青海门源站所采集的大气样品进行分析.结果显示,本次研究共检测出38种挥发性有机物(VOCs),其中烷烃16种,烯烃11种,芳香烃9种,卤代烃2种.从组成成分来看,烷烃所占比例最大,达58.6%,烯烃和芳香烃分别占29%和10.5%,卤代烃所占比例最小,仅为1.7%.观测期间大多数VOCs物种呈现白天浓度低、夜晚浓度高的变化趋势,具有明显的高原站点特性,但异戊烷、异戊二烯、甲苯则呈现相反趋势.采用臭氧生成潜势(OFP)对VOCs各组分活性进行分析,各类VOCs中烯烃对OFP贡献最大.利用主成分分析VOCs物种,提取出4个因子,分别归类于燃烧源、天然气和液化石油气的泄露、工业源、生物源.结合HYSPLIT 4.0后向轨迹模型,进一步确定气团的来源与运输途径,发现来自南向的污染源贡献是门源地区VOCs物种浓度增加的主要原因. 相似文献
Advanced analytical determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and other major contaminants in water samples using GC-Ion Trap MS 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
IntroductionSignificantwaterqualitymanagementformitigationofenvironmentalpollutioncausedbyhazardouschemicalsisstillamatterofstringentenvironmentalconsiderationinJapan .Subsequently,regularon goingmonitoringareimplemented ,especiallyforsyntheticchemicals… 相似文献