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Extraction of crude oil from oil sand produces solid (sand) and liquid (water with suspended fine particles) tailings materials, called oil sands process-affected materials (OSPM). These waste materials are stored on the mine site due to a “zero discharge” policy and must be reclaimed when operations end. The liquid tailings materials are known to contain naphthenic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and have high pH and salinity. One method of reclamation is the “wet landscape” approach, which involves using oil sands tailings materials to form wetlands that would mimic natural wetland ecological function. This study investigated the effects of wetlands formed with oil sands tailings materials on the survival and growth of wood frog (Rana sylvatica) larvae. In spring 2007, in-situ caging studies were completed in 14 wetlands that were of four different classes; young or old, reference or reclaimed. Tadpole survival was different between types of wetlands, with young tailings-affected wetlands (≤7 years old) having 41.5%, 62.6%, and 54.7% higher tadpole mortality than old tailings-affected (>7 years old), young reference, and old reference wetlands, respectively. Since old wetlands created from OSPM showed effects on tadpoles similar to those of reference wetlands, which had markedly lower toxicity than young tailings-affected wetlands, we provide evidence that wetlands, at least 7 years old, can sustain amphibian life.  相似文献   

Predators can have significant nonlethal effects on prey by modifying prey behaviour through chemically mediated interactions. We examined behavioural responses of wood frog (Ranasylvatica) and American toad (Bufoamericanus) tadpoles to both direct and indirect chemical signals associated with a predatory odonate (Anaxjunius). In laboratory trials, tadpoles of both species responded strongly to water conditioned with Anax nymphs by decreasing foraging rates, becoming immobile, and moving away from the stimulus. The responses to water conditioned with starved Anax versus Anax that fed on conspecific tadpoles did not differ significantly; these results suggest that tadpoles rely primarily on direct signals to detect odonates. Rana did not respond to water conditioned with conspecific tissue extracts, while Bufo responded with behaviours that were indistinguishable from those of tadpoles exposed to Anax chemicals. In a field experiment, the responses of R. sylvatica tadpoles to Anax chemicals were similar to those of tadpoles observed in the laboratory. Collectively, our data indicate that tadpoles of both species use chemical cues to assess predation risk from other community members. Tadpoles can selectively distinguish members who pose a threat, and only evacuate food patches or reduce foraging rates when in danger. These behaviours appear to be adaptive and are consistent with the predictions of optimality theory. Received: 1 August 1997 / Accepted after revision: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

Kin recognition, the biased treatment of conspecific individuals based on genetic relatedness, is a widespread phenomenon in animals. The most common mechanisms mediating kin recognition are prior association (familiarity) and phenotype matching. Recognition based on prior association allows identifying familiar individuals. Recognition based on phenotype matching is an extension of prior-association-based recognition and allows identifying familiar and unfamiliar individuals due to a shared phenotypic trait. I investigated which of the two mechanisms is used by cannibalistic juvenile predatory mites, Phytoseiulus persimilis. Protonymphs that were associated with either siblings or non-kin discriminated familiar and unfamiliar larvae and preferentially cannibalized the latter irrespective of genetic relatedness. In contrast, despite previous association with either siblings or non-kin, protonymphs did not discriminate unfamiliar sibling and unfamiliar non-kin larvae. Association in the larval stage therefore mediated kin recognition based on familiarity, but not phenotype matching in cannibalistic P. persimilis protonymphs. Furthermore, in the presence of a familiar prey individual, sibling cannibalism occurred significantly sooner than non-kin cannibalism. This quick sibling cannibalism may have been the consequence of preferential association of siblings and/or may indicate the occurrence of an alternative cannibal phenotype. I discuss the adaptive significance of prior-association-based recognition for P. persimilis juveniles and emphasize the ability of P. persimilis to use multiple recognition mechanisms in dependence of the ontogeny and the ecological context.  相似文献   

Living with relatives can be beneficial to individuals via the evolution of kin-directed altruism, but this is tempered by the increased risk of inbreeding. Therefore, in social species, the ability to recognise relatives can be highly advantageous. This study focuses on kin discrimination in the Lake Eacham rainbowfish, Melanotaenia eachamensis, an endangered freshwater species from north-east Queensland, Australia. First, I examined kin recognition abilities when a combination of both chemical and visual recognition cues was available. When given a choice of shoaling with same-sex groups, females spent significantly longer with full-sibs rather than half-sibs, full-sibs rather than non-relatives and half-sibs rather than non-relatives. Males spent significantly longer shoaling with full-brothers versus half-brothers, but showed no other shoalmate preferences. Second, in the presence of only chemical cues, females did not discriminate among groups of different levels of relatedness, but males showed a non-significant tendency to associate with full-sibs rather than non-relatives. Male shoaling behaviour seemed to be more influenced by factors other than relatedness, e.g. intra-sexual competition. Finally, I found that the shoaling preferences of females changed when exposed to groups of males. Females preferred to associate with non-relatives rather than half-brothers and non-relatives rather than full-brothers. There was no significant difference in the time spent with half-brothers versus full-brothers. Taken together, my results suggest that females have very good kin recognition abilities. They prefer to shoal with female relatives but avoid male relatives, and so are able to balance the benefits of nepotism and the costs of incest. Received: 2 May 2000 / Revised: 26 July 2000 / Accepted: 30 July 2000  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, many prey rely on chemosensory information from injured (alarm cues) or stressed conspecifics (disturbance cues) to assess predation risk. Alarm cues are considered as a sign of higher risk than disturbance cues. These cues could be used by prey to learn potential new predators. In this study, we tested whether Iberian green frog tadpoles (Pelophylax perezi) exhibited antipredator responses to alarm and disturbance cues of conspecifics and whether tadpoles could associate new predators with alarm or disturbance cues. Tadpoles reduced their activity in the presence of disturbance cues, but only weakly when compared with their response to alarm cues. Also, tadpoles learned to recognize new predators from association with alarm or disturbance cues. However, the period of retention of the learned association was shorter for disturbance than alarm cues. Our results indicate that tadpoles are able to modify their antipredatory behavior according to (1) the degree of risk implied by the experimental cues (2) their previous experience of chemical cues of the predator.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting species range expansions is an important challenge in modern ecology because of rapidly changing environments. Recent studies have revealed that consistent within-species variation in behavior (i.e., animal personality) can be imperative for dispersal success, a key process in range expansion. Here we investigate how habitat isolation can mediate differentiation of personality traits between recently founded island populations and the main population. We performed laboratory studies of boldness and exploration across life stages (tadpoles and froglets) using four isolated island populations and four mainland populations of the common frog (Rana temporaria). Both tadpoles and froglets from isolated populations were bolder and more exploratory than conspecifics from the mainland. Although the pattern can be influenced by possible differences in predation pressure, we suggest that this behavioral differentiation might be the result of a disperser-dependent founder effect brought on by an isolation-driven environmental filtering of animal personalities. These findings can have important implications for both species persistence in the face of climate change (i.e., range expansions) and ecological invasions as well as for explaining rapid speciation in isolated patches.  相似文献   

Many prey assess predation risk through predator chemical cues. Numerous studies have shown that (1) prey sometimes respond to chemical cues produced by heterospecifics and (2) that many species are capable of associative learning. This study extends this research by focusing on predation risk assessment and antipredator behavior in environments containing chemical cues produced by multiple prey species. The results show that green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles (1) assess risk from the chemical cue produced during predation by a heterospecific (gray tree frog, Hyla versicolor, tadpoles) and (2) can exhibit similarly strong behavioral responses to a mix of conspecific and heterospecific cues compared to conspecific cue alone, depending on their conditioning environment. I then discuss how the prey choice of the predators and the relative abundances of the prey species should influence the informational value of heterospecific cues.  相似文献   

The activity level of prey reflects a trade-off between predation risk and foraging gain. A number of theoretical and empirical studies have shown that a prey's energetic state or the level of its resource should influence this trade-off (i.e., what the optimal activity level at a level of predation risk is). Here, I show that the energetic state of prey may also influence the duration of their antipredator behavioral response. Green frog tadpoles (Rana clamitans) reduced their activity level for a shorter time during exposure to the chemical cue of predatory larval dragonflies (Anax spp.) as their time since last feeding increased (i.e., as their energetic state decreased). Interestingly, the tadpoles strongly reduced their activity level upon cue exposure in all treatments. Thus, the relative activity level of tadpoles at different energetic states varied over time.  相似文献   

Toxicity of methyl parathion was studied on survival of Rana tigrina tadpoles. The LC50 values for short-term (upto 96 h) and long term studies (hatching to froglet) were determined. The LC50 values for 96 h and the total larval period were 4.36 and 1.30 ppm respectively. The toxicity of methyl parathion enchanced in relation to increase in concentration and duration. Teratological defects such as scoliosis and failure in emergence of fore limb were noticed. Safe levels were calculated for short-term (0.1 ppm) and long-term (0.03 ppm) studies. The present work stresses the neccessity of long term study especially for the developing amphibians.  相似文献   

Summary The evolution and maintenance of female choice based on purely genetic differences is still a controversial issue, not only for theoretical reasons, but also because of the practical difficulty of demonstrating the fitness consequences of preferences and heritability of and genetic variability in the chosen traits. We argue that hybrid systems (broadly defined) offer suitable models for studying mate choice according to genetic differences. We present such a study for European water-frogs of the hybridogenetic Rana lessonae/Rana esculenta complex (L/E complex). R. esculenta, originally a hybrid between R. lessonae and R. ridibunda, eliminates the L genome premeiotically and only produces eggs and sperm containing only the R. ridibunda (R) genome. Consequently, the hybrid will only persist when it lives and mates with R. lessonae in mixed populations where it can regain the lost L genome. In such mixed populations, there is strong selection against E x E matings. because these will produce no viable offspring. We tested whether females of the hybrid R. esculenta do indeed avoid their own R. exculenta males and choose males of the parental species R. lessonae instead. Eleven E females were offered a simultaenous choice between one L and one E male. Females exhibited a significant preference for L males that was determined by the type of male, rather than by its size or activity. This choice is in the direction predicted from genetics. The question of why L males agree to mate with E females, but L females only rarely mate with E males, is answered by a sexual asymmetry in the cost/benefit ratios of mating with the wrong type and the right size. Our results are consistent with the mating pattern found in natural populations, but further studies are needed to show that female choice really causes this pattern.Correspondence to: H.-U. Reyer  相似文献   

Many birds hatch their offspring asynchronously, and the adaptive significance of this trait, if any, is controversial. David Lack suggested long ago that by facilitating brood reduction when resources are scarce, hatching asynchrony provides relief from the effects of overcrowding. Some field workers interpret this to mean that the growth and survival of survivors should rise following partial brood loss. Here we show in a 6-year study of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) that the presence or absence of marginal offspring in experimentally manipulated broods had virtually no effect upon the growth of core offspring, whereas alterations of the size of core brood had strong and significant effects. Nestling growth was, not surprisingly, slower in broods with partial brood loss. Intriguingly, marginal offspring showed significantly greater variation in mass. Core offspring are less sensitive to, but not exempt from, the inimical effects of resource shortfall than are marginal offspring. The phenotypic handicap appears to marginal offspring a caste of high-variance progeny whose fitness prospects rest upon levels of parental input (stochastic resources) and the size of the core brood (stochastic development). Received: 21 June 1999 / Revised: 5 June 2000 / Accepted: 25 June 2000  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) of Lake Constance belong to two genetically different but sympatric populations and that local aggregations of juveniles and adults contain closely related kin. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure of pelagic perch larvae to investigate if kin-structured shoals already exist during early ontogenetic development or might be the result of homing to natal sites. Analysis of the gene frequencies at five microsatellite loci revealed that three out of five pelagic aggregations of larvae showed significant accumulation of kin. To investigate possible mechanisms of shoal formation, we tested if perch use olfactory cues to recognize their kin. Choice tests in a fluviarium showed preference for odours of unfamiliar kin vs unfamiliar non-kin. Additionally, we showed that perch could differentiate between the odours of the two sympatric populations and significantly preferred unfamiliar and unrelated conspecifics of their own over the foreign population. Our results present a behavioural mechanism that can lead to the observed formation of kin-structured shoals in perch. We further discuss if the ability to discriminate between their own and a foreign population can result in assortative mating within populations and thus form the basis of “socially mediated speciation” in perch.  相似文献   

Summary In comparison to paired unfamiliar unrelated age-mates, pairs of familiar littermate (sibling) spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) were more active in exploring a novel environment containing limited food resources and engaged in a greater degree of cooperative feeding or food sharing. When animals born in successive litters were tested, however, familiar siblings did not differ from unfamiliar nonsiblings on measures of food sharing even though subsequent data indicate that such siblings could recognize one another. Young animals were found to feed for longer periods of time than their older cagemate regardless of whether the latter animal was a familiar sibling or an unfamiliar nonsibling.  相似文献   

Summary Using the wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) as an example of a typical nocturnal migrant, we employed radio telemetry to follow breeding birds during the course of homing movements following displacements. Seven thrushes were displaced over distances of 6.5 to 17.3 km in a variety of directions from their nesting territories. The thrushes moved in a series of short flights (mean = 2.1 km) performed primarily at dawn. Consequently, the birds took several days to home from even these relatively short displacements. Thrushes flew under clear and solid overcast skies and even in light rain. The pooled individual flights of the birds were significantly oriented in the homeward direction (Fig. 2). Their orientation relative to home did not improve significantly as they progressed toward the goal. Three of the birds were documented to have returned to their home territories. The detailed tracks of the birds preclude the possibility that they homed by random search.  相似文献   

Individual Axiothella rubrocincta Johnson on the Californian coast live in U-shaped tubes, feed on the surface of the sediment, attain densities of 100 m-2, attain lengths of 140 mm, have maximum oocyte diameters of 220 μm and produce demersal larvae. Individuals from Washington populations live in vertical tubes, feed 10–15 cm below the sediment surface, reach densities of 5000 m-2, attain lengths of 60 mm, have maximum oocyte diameters of 385 μm and brood their young in their tubes to at least the 7-setiger stage. Individuals from California have a scalloped posterior margin of the cephalic plate, while individuals from Washington have entire margins. There are no other consistent morphological differences between populations. The population from Eagle Cove, Washington has individuals similar in size and oocyte diameter to individuals from California, but which maintain vertical tubes. A. rubrocincta represents a sibling species complex.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of affiliation, association, and aggression to inquire whether spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) can distinguish among various groups of maternal and paternal siblings. If so, and if these animals conform to predictions of kin selection theory, then behavioral interactions among hyenas should vary with relatedness. We also considered familiarity-based recognition and phenotype matching as mechanisms hyenas might use to recognize kin. Patterns of affiliative behavior indicated that hyenas favored full-sibling littermates over half-sibling littermates or any other group of half-siblings. Rates of dyadic aggression generally did not vary with kinship. Hyenas associated more closely with half-sibling littermates than with non-littermate half-siblings, and hyenas affiliated more with maternal half-siblings than with paternal half-siblings, suggesting that familiarity-based cues might mediate discrimination among these sibling classes. In addition, operation of a phenotype-matching mechanism was suggested by the preference hyenas demonstrated during affiliative interactions for full- over half-sibling littermates, and by their lack of preference in these interactions for half-sibling littermates over non-littermate half-siblings. Phenotype matching was also suggested by our observation that paternal half-siblings cooperated more, and fought less, than did non-kin. Our data indicate that hyenas can discriminate among various types of siblings, that their social behavior conforms to predictions of kin selection theory, and that they recognize kin using mechanisms of both familiarity and phenotype matching.Communicated by S. Alberts  相似文献   

Call matching in the quacking frog (Crinia georgiana)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Males of the quacking frog Crinia georgiana produce calls consisting of 1–11 notes. Playback experiments using synthetic calls showed that males tend to match the number of notes in 2-note and 4-note stimuli; however, males tended to produce more than 1 note in response to a 1-note stimulus and fewer than 8 notes in response to an 8-note stimulus. Successive playbacks of two, 4-note calls from separate speakers indicate that males are likely to match the combined number of notes in the calls of two neighbors, even if they are not equidistant from the focal male. The results are compared with the few other studies of matching in anurans, and interpreted in terms of hypotheses developed to explain matching in songbirds. One attractive and testable hypothesis for call matching in C. georgiana is that males are attempting to produce calls that are at least as attractive to females as those of rivals, without wasting energy. Received: 14 February 2000 / Received in revised form: 11 April 2000 / Accepted: 3 May 2000  相似文献   

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