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The San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) for Trace Substances is an innovative partnership among a regulatory agency, more than 70 regulated entities, and an independent scientific organization. The institutional arrangement behind the RMP has made the regulatory system increasingly responsive to emerging management needs, particularly with regard to the development of total maximum daily loads and ecosystem impairment assessment. Through multi-agency partnerships within and outside the RMP institutional structure, major information gaps for several pollutants of concern have been narrowed, resulting in a successful consensus-based regulatory approach to managing copper and nickel mass inputs into the Estuary. Short-term research efforts, based upon monitoring results, helped identify the most cost-effective control and remediation options for various bioaccumulative substances. Additionally, adaptive changes to the monitoring program documented the existence of widespread aquatic toxicity in the Estuary that is apparently due to pesticide runoff from agricultural and urban areas. One of the most important contributions of this collaborative monitoring program is the deliberate and systematic adjustment of management and research questions that serve to influence and add relevance to the overall research agenda related to San Francisco Estuary ecosystem assessment.  相似文献   

排污单位自行监测的质量管理,是环境管理部门关注的重点。针对排污单位自行监测工作中存在的质控措施不规范;监测结果公开不完整;样品交接记录、原始采样记录、样品分析原始记录不齐全;流量计未检定或过期等问题。从自行监测方案的制定、自行监测信息公开、企业手工监测、企业自动监测等4个方面提出:应实施具体的质控措施;将污染物排放方式及排放去向、未开展自行监测的原因等方面的内容全部公开;通过计量认证第三方环境监测机构制订相关的记录单;将流量计送至计量单位实验室检定或者请计量单位现场检定等建议,对今后促进排污单位提高自行监测工作水平有指导意义。  相似文献   

伴随着日本经济的高速发展,其水环境污染问题十分严峻,防治水污染成为日本政府在20—21世纪的重要工作之一。经过几十年的努力,日本水污染治理取得长足进展。目前日本水环境监测已经形成由水和土壤等方面组成的水循环监测体系,包括地表水、近海、湖泊、地下水和土壤等。在日本的重要环保法律法规中均有涉及水环境监测工作内容的明确法律条文,国家行政机关、地方政府和公立的科研单位在具体实施水环境质量监测过程中的职责和义务不同,水环境质量监测管理的国家行政机关以环境省为主,地方政府根据环境省制定的水环境质量标准、监测技术方法及规范,制定所辖地域的监测方案并实施监测,公立的环境科研机构在环境质量监测工作中起到重要的支撑作用。笔者概述了日本开展水环境质量监测的法律依据和监测管理情况等。  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响评价现状监测是环境影响评价的基础,环评结论是否可信,在很大程度上取决于环境现状监测的代表性、公正性和准确性。结合工作经验,本文提出当前环评现状监测时应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

在线生物毒性监测系统在饮用水源地水质监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对汞、镉、铬、铅和砷的生物毒性剂量效应分析,评估生物毒性监测方法在饮用水源地水质监测中的预警作用,结果显示,几种元素的生物毒性大小依次为:汞〉砷〉铅〉镉〉铬。结合南京上坝饮用水源地的生物毒性监测数据,建立动态报警限,用于评价水质安全。  相似文献   

环境监测实验室水中砷、汞监测能力考核结果评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
报道了全国环境监测系统136个实验室地表水中As、Hg监测能力考核的结果。采用四分位稳健统计法处理各实验室的测定数据,砷和汞结果均满意的实验室为101家。分析了各实验室质量管理体系运行中存在的问题,质控环节的问题是质量体系运行中较为突出的问题。提出了综合数据结果和质量体系运行情况进行结果评价的方法。  相似文献   

“十二五”期间,中国流域治理将由行政区管理向流域水生态管理转变、由水质达标管理向生态健康管理转变.在实施水生态功能分区的基础上,科学开展水生态监测和评价是实现流域水质目标的重要基础工作.对水生态监测技术路线选择与业务化运行关键问题进行研究,包括水生态表征及监测指标选择、水生态质量参照点的确定及评价分级标准的确定、水生态评价方法的确定以及水生态监测业务化运行体系构建.  相似文献   

对地表水水质自动监测站取水口直接采样和模拟水样,用自动监测和实验室方法监测相应的指标,对两者的监测结果进行比较,研究和分析两者之间差异的原因,评估自动监测数据,提出建议。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify the relative toxicity ofambient areas in the Chesapeake Bay watershed by using a suiteof concurrent water column and sediment toxicity tests at seventy-five ambient stations in 20 Chesapeake Bay rivers from1990 through 1999. Spatial and temporal variability was examinedat selected locations throughout the 10 yr study. Inorganicand organic contaminants were evaluated in ambient water andsediment concurrently with water column and sediment tests toassess possible causes of toxicity although absolute causalitycan not be established. Multivariate statistical analysis wasused to develop a multiple endpoint toxicity index (TOX-INDEX) at each station for both water column and sediment toxicity data. Water column tests from the 10 yr testing period showed that49% of the time, some degree of toxicity was reported. The mosttoxic sites based on water column results were located inurbanized areas such as the Anacostia River, Elizabeth River andthe Middle River. Water quality criteria for copper, lead,mercury, nickel and zinc were exceeded at one or more of thesesites. Water column toxicity was also reported in localizedareas of the South and Chester Rivers. Both spatial and temporalvariability was reported from the suite of water column toxicitytests. Some degree of sediment toxicity was reported from 62% of the tests conducted during the ten year period. The ElizabethRiver and Baltimore Harbor stations were reported as the most toxic areas based on sediment results.Sediment toxicity guidelines were exceeded for one or more of thefollowing metals at these two locations: arsenic, cadmium,chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc. At the Elizabeth Riverstations nine of sixteen semi-volatile organics and two of sevenpesticides measured exceeded the ER-M values in 1990. Ambientsediment toxicity tests in the Elizabeth River in 1996 showedreduced toxicity. Various semi-volatile organics exceeded the ER-M values at a number of Baltimore Harbor sites; pyrene anddibenzo(a,h)anthracene were particularly high at one of thestations (Northwest Harbor). Localized sediment toxicity was alsoreported in the Chester, James, Magothy, Rappahannock, andPotomac Rivers but the link with contaminants was not determined.Both spatial and temporal variability was less for sedimenttoxicity data when compared with water column toxicity data. Acomparison of water column and sediment toxicity data for thevarious stations over the 10 yr study showed that approximatelyhalf the time agreement occurred (either both suite of testsshowed toxicity or neither suite of tests showed toxicity).  相似文献   

水质监测是开展水生态环境评价、监管的基础性工作之一。随着对水生态环境保护与管理要求的提高,人工水质监测与自动水质监测相结合的模式应用越来越普遍。以船舶为载体的水质自动监测系统开展巡测,可实现高密度样品采集、检测及信息的实时传输,在长江泸州以下干流水域的实践中取得了良好效果。系统的应用可弥补常规监测断面间距过大、人工监测频次低、固定站房式水质自动监测站近岸取样等不足,对人工监测和自动监测形成有效补充;船载水质自动监测系统能够实现定点、定深、定时监测,可以在河流污染带监测、入河排污行为的监管以及偷排行为的溯源、水污染应急动态监测等工作中发挥有效作用,既可应用于长江干流等河道较宽且水质可能存在岸别差异的河流,也可应用于滇池、太湖、丹江口等大型湖泊、水库水生态环境监管。  相似文献   

为提升我国水环境监测与管理能力,介绍了欧盟水框架指令关于水环境监测的规定,举例介绍了捷克、波兰和意大利等欧盟成员国的水环境监测与评价方法,并对我国在该领域的工作提出了一些想法。  相似文献   

The Uluabat Lake is a reservoir of 125 km2 surface area, in the boundaries of Bursa province, Turkey. The results showed that Uluabat Lake was still contaminated by organochlorine pesticides and their residues despite the existence of bans over a long time. Considerable amounts of organochlorine pesticides (HCB, p.p-DDT, p.p- DDE, α -, β- and γ-BHC, Aldrin, Heptachlor epoxide, Endrin, Endosulfan I and II) were detected in water and sediment samples during one-year study in this lake. Samples of water and sediment were collected in different regions, (6 sampling point) of the lake between February 2002 and November 2002.The mean levels of organochlorine pesticides in water and sediments were determined. According to results, it was found that various environs in Uluabat Lake were contaminated by 11 different organochlorine pesticides. Residue analyses showed that higher organochlorine pesticides and their residues were generally more accumulated in the sediment samples.  相似文献   

科学合理地布设水质监测断面是全面准确获取水环境质量监测数据的前提条件。利用研究区域现有断面2014年的监测数据,结合水资源调度方式和水环境功能区划要求,划分为五大片区并采用聚类分析方法进行断面优化,通过F检验和t检验表明优化前后断面无显著差异。同时,提出了一种综合的水环境质量考核办法——区域水环境综合评价考核指标,该指标包括骨干河道、乡村河道两类考核断面,采用综合水质评价与单因子评价相结合的方法,设置适当的权重系数,评价结果较为全面、客观地反映区域水环境质量状况,基本满足对区域水环境质量考核评价的管理需求。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes sampling results from NOAA's National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program for marine environmental quality in Delaware Bay. A stratified-random design was used to determine the spatial extent of sediment contamination and toxicity in Delaware Bay from offshore stations in the coastal zone, the lower estuary, the upper estuary, the fresh/salt mixing zone, and tidal fresh areas. Sediment samples were taken for chemical analyses of major classes of environmental contaminants, a suite of toxicity bioassays, and benthic macrofaunal community assessment to identify patterns of resident species. The tidal-fresh areas and portions of the mixing zone of the study area were heavily contaminated. Contaminant concentrations were frequently above the 90th percentile of EMAP Virginian Province levels. PAHs in the sediment were higher than previously documented, with a major component of PAHs being pyrogenic in origin. Bioassay results were highly variable. Toxicity and contaminant levels were correlated when aggregated into indices, but were only marginally correlated with benthic community impacts. High and low abundance stations were found in all zones. Most of the tidal fresh stations were dominated by pollution tolerant species. Species diversity and abundance were generally lowest in the fresh/salt mixing zone.  相似文献   

A membrane extraction-gas chromatography method was developed fordetermination of organophosphorus pesticides and related compounds including methamidophos, DDVP, dimethoate, methyl parathion, parathion, thiophosphoric acid trimethyl ester, and thiophosphoramidic acid dimethyl ester in water samples. In thismethod, surface-modified acetic cellulose membranes were used to extract the target analytes in water samples, the extracted analytes were back-extracted into a small amount of methanol, andgas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) was used to determine the concentrations of targetanalytes in the extracts. The recoveries obtained for thetarget analytes spiked into the water samples ranged from 66to 94%. The method detection limit for each target analyte was 0.05 g L-1. The method developed in this study had shown the advantages of being cheap, simple, fast, and reliable. It had been used successfully to determine the concentrations of target analytes in river water samples.  相似文献   

The San Francisco Bay estuary isused by over one million shorebirds during springmigration and is home to several hundred thousandduring the winter. Most shorebird use occurs in thesouthern reach of the estuary (South Bay). Thereduced water circulation and discharge fromindustrial sources in the South Bay are responsiblefor the highest levels of some trace elements in theestuary. Wintering shorebirds have been found to havestrong site fidelity to areas as small as a fewkilometers in the South Bay, which may increase theirexposure to contaminants near local point sources. Inaddition, different shorebird species foraging at thesame site have been shown to have differentcontaminant burdens. Thus, our objectives were totest whether contaminant burdens differed by species,or whether contaminant burdens differed in shorebirdscollected at adjacent sites. We examined thecontaminant profiles of two species of shorebirds,long-billed dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus)and western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) thatforage together at two sites, Hayward and Newark,separated by 8 km in the South Bay. We usedmultivariate analysis of variance tests to compare thecomposition of 14 elemental analytes in their livertissues and estimated their molar ratios of Hg and Se. Composite samples were used for contaminant analysesbecause of the small body size of the shorebirds. Seven elemental analytes (Ag, Ba, Be, Cr, Ni, Pb, V)were below detection limits in a majority of thesamples so statistical analyses were precluded. Inthe measurable analytes (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Se, Zn),we found no significant intra-site differences ofcontaminant profiles for the two species. We pooledthe samples to examine inter-site differences andfound significant differences in contaminant profilesbetween shorebirds at the neighboring sites (P = 0.03). Shorebirds at Newark had higher (P < 0.05) concentrations of As, Cd, and Se than those at Hayward. Dowitchers at Newark had concentrations of Hg and Se which were highly correlated (P < 0.003) in a mean molar ratio of 1:19, similar tothat reported in other birds. In the larger dowitcherspecies, we also examined exposure to 20organochlorine compounds. Organic analyses showedthat the dowitchers had been exposed to DDE, PCBs,dieldrin and trans-nonachlor, but with no significantdifferences in concentrations between Hayward andNewark (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

水质自动监测参数的相关性分析及在水环境监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过水质自动监测数据与常规监测数据比较,表明了自动监测与常规监测数据的一致性;通过对自动监测数据分析,发现五参数可以更直接地反映水质变化,并且五参数之间以及五参数与其他监测指标之间都存在一定的相关性;典型污染事故预警监测案例的分析,更加凸显了五参数连续监测在预警监测中的重要性。  相似文献   

Marine sediment toxicity tests are widely applied in monitoring programs, yet relatively little is known about the comparability of data from different laboratories. The need for comparability information is increased in cooperative monitoring programs, where multiple laboratories (often with variable skill levels) perform toxicity tests. An interlaboratory comparison exercise was conducted among seven laboratories in order to document the comparability of sediment toxicity measurements during the Bight'98 regional sediment survey in southern California. Sediments from four stations in Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors were tested using a 10-day survival test of the amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius. All laboratories successfully performed the sediment test and associated reference toxicant test. Statistically significant differences were found in mean amphipod survival rates among some laboratories for the field-collected sediments, but there was little evidence of a consistent bias among laboratories. Although the reference toxicant test indicated a five-fold variation in test sensitivity among laboratories, these results were not accurate predictors of interlaboratory performance for the sediment tests. The laboratories demonstrated excellent concordance (Kendall's W = 0.91) in ranking the field-collected sediments by toxicity. Agreement on classifying the sediments into categories (nontoxic, moderately toxic, and highly toxic) based upon the percent of survival was best for highly toxic sediments. An analysis of test precision based upon the variance among replicates within a test indicated that the measured survival rate for a sample may vary by up to 12 percentage points from the actual response.  相似文献   

A nation-wide ecosystem science network for Canada was formed in 1994. At that time, mercury was a re-emerging issue in Canada and the Coordinating Office for the networksought collaboration to assess the issue. The key mechanismsby which the network has added value in addressing this issue are: 1) Information Dissemination, the network has organised, facilitated and co-hosted a number of regional,national and international mercury events (meetings, conferences and workshops) which have served to bring theexpertise together, the network also disseminates informationon it's web page, and the Coordinating Office hosts an annualNational Science Conference; 2) Collaborative Mercury Monitoring, network partners advocated the need for a singlehemispheric mercury network which resulted in the developmentof a compatible Canada–U.S. mercury deposition network, whichmay also be expanded into Mexico, and 3) Environmental Reporting, the network has collaborated with others to reporton current mercury findings through initiatives such as the 1998 Northeast States and Eastern Canadian Mercury Study, a 1999 Mercury Case Study and is presently a partner in the University of Quebec's proposal to form a Collaborative Mercury Ecosystem Research Network in Canada.  相似文献   

生态环境监测是生态文明建设的重要支撑。在设区市级环境监测监控能力普遍较弱、生态环境保护压力巨大的双重背景下,编制设区市生态环境监测监控规划具有重要意义。在调查了江苏省部分设区市环境监测监控规划的基础上,总结了规划编制在监测监控网络建设、监测监控能力建设、质量管理、大数据应用建设、人才队伍建设等方面的主要内容,针对规划中普遍存在的组织架构不清晰、特色发展定位不明确、环境监测监控融合发展谋划不足、项目建设可行性论证不够等关键问题,提出应理顺组织架构、明确特色发展定位、加强环境监测监控一体化发展谋划、加强项目建设可行性论证等对策建议,以期为今后的规划编制工作提供相关借鉴。  相似文献   

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