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Little is known about seasonal differences (ice-on vs. ice-off periods) and the sensitivity of in-stream processes to surface water quality constituents in rivers that have a persistent ice cover in winter. The goal of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of nutrient transformation processes on surface water quality, especially rivers in cold regions where ice-covered conditions persist for a substantial part of the year. We established a sensitivity analysis framework for water quality modelling and monitoring of rivers in cold regions using the Water Quality Analysis Program WASP7. The lower South Saskatchewan River in the interior of western Canada, from the Gardiner Dam at Lake Diefenbaker to the confluence of the North and South Saskatchewan rivers, is used as a test case for this purpose. The study reveals that parameter sensitivities differ between ice-covered and ice-free periods and biological model parameters related to nutrient-phytoplankton dynamics can still be sensitive during the ice-covered season. For example, sediment oxygen demand is an important parameter during the ice-on period, whereas parameters related to nitrification are more sensitive in the ice-off period. These results provide insight into important water quality monitoring aspects in cold regions during different seasons.  相似文献   

Changing the concepts of economic development and introducing new amendments can hardly decrease the accumulation in the soil of such pollutants as metals, remaining there for a long time. The predictive models for describing the balance of metals in the soil, which are based on the ‘atmosphere–plant–soil’ system and reflect the complicated physical–chemical nature of the metals’ migration, expressed by coefficients obtained in long-term observations in natural conditions, allow for evaluating long-term concentration of metals in the soil. The model BALANS evaluates self-purification of soil, taking into account the uptake of metals of aerogenic origin by the soil together with amendments, their physical–chemical migration and the type of microrelief determining its intensity as well as the absorbed biomass of plants and the removal of metals with crops. In this model, the half-period of metals’ washing out from the soil, found for the microrelief characteristic of low places, exceeds 200 years for Ni, Cr and Pb and makes 90 and 150 years for Zn and Cu, respectively.  相似文献   

The Republican River Basin of Colorado,Nebraska, and Kansas lies in a valley which contains PierreShale as part of its geological substrata. Selenium is anindigenous constituent in the shale and is readily leached intosurrounding groundwater. The Basin is heavily irrigated throughthe pumping of groundwater, some of which is selenium-contaminated, onto fields in agricultural production. Water,sediment, benthic invertebrates, and/or fish were collected from46 sites in the Basin and were analyzed for selenium to determinethe potential for food-chain bioaccumulation, dietary toxicity,and reproductive effects of selenium in biota. Resultingselenium concentrations were compared to published guidelines orbiological effects thresholds. Water from 38% of the sites (n = 18) contained selenium concentrations exceeding 5 g L-1, which is reported to be a high hazard for selenium accumulation into the planktonic food chain. An additional 12 sites (26% of the sites) contained selenium in water between 3–5 g L-1, constituting a moderate hazard. Selenium concentrations in sedimentindicated little to no hazard for selenium accumulation fromsediments into the benthic food chain. Ninety-five percent ofbenthic invertebrates collected exhibited selenium concentrationsexceeding 3 g g-1, a level reported as potentially lethal to fish and birds that consume them. Seventy-five percent of fish collected in 1997, 90% in 1998, and 64% in 1999 exceeded 4 g g-1selenium, indicating a high potential for toxicity andreproductive effects. However, examination of weight profilesof various species of collected individual fish suggestedsuccessful recruitment in spite of selenium concentrations thatexceeded published biological effects thresholds for health andreproductive success. This finding suggested that universalapplication of published guidelines for selenium may beinappropriate or at least may need refinement for systems similarto the Republican River Basin. Additional research is needed todetermine the true impact of selenium on fish and wildliferesources in the Basin.  相似文献   

Pumped-storage hydroelectric power plants are generally perceived as an environmentally respectful technology. Nevertheless, the pumping of water from a lower reservoir to an upper impoundment, and the return of that water during power generation, can strongly affect the water quality of the reservoirs. In particular, plant operation can alter their thermal structure, deep water mixing, and water circulation characteristics. The objective of this study is to quantify, through the use of 3D hydrodynamic modeling, the potential impacts of a pumped-storage hydroelectric plant on the thermal stability and mixing of two reservoirs in Galicia, northwest of Spain. To this end, three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations were conducted using the model Delft3D. Two different coupled models, one for each reservoir, were constructed and subsequently tested for several stratification scenarios, according to measured temperature profiles during the spring and summer season. Several reservoir minimum and maximum operation water levels were also considered. Model simulations demonstrated a high level of mixing in the vicinity of the intake-outlet structures, in particular during startup of the power plant, regardless of the water level in the reservoir. Beyond this area, the results showed a limited overall effect on stratification and mixing in the upper reservoir, owing to the relation between the inflow temperatures and the initial temperature profile of this reservoir. A more significant alteration of the thermal structure is expected in the lower reservoir due to its narrow shape and shallow depth at the structure location, as well as the temperature differences between receiving waters and inflow.  相似文献   

The atmospheric haze over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) was investigated by using the Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system with meteorological fields simulated by the Fifth-generation National Center for Atmospheric Research/Penn State University Mesoscale Model (MM5) from September 26th to September 30th, 2004. The model-simulated meteorological elements and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) were compared with observations at four air quality-monitoring stations. The results showed that MM5 successfully reproduced the diurnal variations of temperature, wind speed, and wind directions at these stations. The temporal variations of the simulated values were consistent with those of the observed (such as temperature, wind speed, and wind direction). The correlation coefficient was 0.91 for temperature and 0.56 for wind speed. The modeling results show that the spatial distributions of simulated PM10 were closely related to the source emissions indicating three maxima of PM10 over the PRD. The sea–land breezes diurnal cycle played a significant role in the redistribution and transport of PM10. Nighttime land breeze could transport PM10 to the coast and the sea, while daytime sea breeze (SB) could carry the accumulated PM10 offshore back to the inland cities. PM10 could also be transported vertically to a height of up to about 1000 m because of strong turbulence in the SB front. Process analyses indicated that the emission sources and the vertical diffusion were the major processes to influence the concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5).  相似文献   

Seasonal rivers are the main sources of discharge for many lakes and reservoirs. These rivers can deliver pollutants into these water bodies, especially during large events. The fate and distribution of these pollutants within lakes is difficult to predict. Here, a three-dimensional, finite-volume model for predicting lake water quality is used to account for internal advection and diffusion, including the impacts of the inflowing rivers on the velocity field. We used parsimonious sub-models for the source/sink terms for temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorous, phytoplankton, and zooplankton concentrations and tested the model predictions against field measurements from the Chahnimeh Reservoir in Iran. The modeled water quality parameters were in good agreement with the measured values. Results were notably poorer when the three-dimensionality of the model was removed. This study suggests that properly simulating three-dimensional advection is important to properly predict the distribution of pollutants within some lakes and reservoirs and that this model may be directly applicable to systems similar to Chahnimeh Reservoir.  相似文献   

Xia  Chenxi  Ma  Jingdong  Wang  Jing  Huang  Jing  Shen  Qing  Chen  Yuanlan  Jiang  Youfan 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2019,24(3):331-339
Environmental Modeling & Assessment - The health effects of air pollution on respiratory disease morbidity and mortality commonly vary with air pollutants’ intensity and latency after...  相似文献   

An efficient linear Kalman filter has been combined with a coupled atmospheric transport and soil–air exchange model to determine organochlorine pesticides emissions on the regional scale. In this study, results of -HCH emissions from the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence ecosystem, estimated from the coupled model, are presented and discussed. A source receptor technique is used to identify a priori the locations of emission sources of -HCH, the emissions are then updated through a Kalman filtering procedure which minimizes the weighted difference between the predicted mixing ratios from the coupled model and the measured concentrations over the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence river region. Two experiments using the inverse algorithm are carried out. In the first experiment, the coupled atmospheric transport and soil–air exchange model is implemented to predict -HCH air and soil concentrations. Emissions are then updated every 12 days using the updated soil concentrations and emission factors. However, the updated emissions are not input into the coupled atmospheric transport and soil–air exchange model. On the other hand, in the second experiment the updated emissions are fed back to the coupled model, so that the model is reinitialized in each 12 days. The results from the inverse technique for the year 1995 have been compared with grided -HCH emission inventory in Canada, generated by emission factors. It is shown that the estimated emissions of -HCH are consistent with the measured emissions. It is found that the St. Lawrence valley has larger emissions of -HCH than the Great Lakes region, indicating an opposite distribution to the emission usage inventory, but in agreement with the measured -HCH concentration.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of chemical andmicrobiological measurements of the water quality in theBuko Blato reservoir, the largest in Europe, in the period 1989 to 1998.The aim was to observe possiblechanges in water quality during the past decade and itsinfluence on the downstream section of the Cetina River andits numerous tributaries and reservoirs, where there are twolarge regional water supply systems. This reservoir wasbuilt in order to exploit the high hydro-electric potentialof small streamflows in the karst fields of south-westernBosnia. It has strongly influenced the hydrologicconditions of the downstream section of the Cetina River.Buko Blato is a relatively shallow reservoir with the meandepth of 5 m. It covers an area of 57 km2. The waterexchange in the reservoir is slow, occurring from one toseveral years. When the water inflow exceeds the hydroelectric plant demands the excess water is delivered by a reversible channel and pre-pumped into the Buko Blato reservoir. The total and carbonate water hardness in thereservoir is lower than in the Cetina River and in typicalkarst streamflows, since the water in this reservoir comesmainly from surface sources including numerous springs withhigh capacity oscillations, torrents and rainfall.Measurements, carried out during the past years, showed asignificant increase in nitrate content as well as in thecoli bacteria and a less significant increase in totalphosphorus content. The water quality was evaluated asmezotrophic according to the total phosphorus content basedon the Carlson index of trophic level, a lower quality thanin the Perua reservoir, upstream on the Cetina River. Thelatter contains a smaller phosphorus content and wasclassed between oligotrophic and mezotrophic. According tothese data, employing the Vollenweider equation, the totalphosphorus content in this water should not exceed the meanof 20 mg m-3 P. The results indicate that the water inthe Buko Blato reservoir did not deteriorate the waterquality on the downstream section of the Cetina River.  相似文献   

The chemical and size characterisation of aerosol in northern Italy was investigated by means of transport chemical aerosol model (TCAM) multiphase model long-term simulations performed within the frame of the CityDelta-CAFE exercise. The results show a high contribution of secondary inorganic compounds, in particular far from the Milan metropolitan area and in the large rural area of the Po valley where the major chemical fractions are ammonium and nitrates. The sulphate contribution is quite similar throughout this region, with the exception of areas close to SOx point emissions. Primary PM and organic compounds fractions, on the other hand, are greater close to major urban areas, in particular the Milan metropolitan zone. This work also presents a seasonal characterisation analysis of physical and chemical aerosol features. The results show that in winter, due to domestic heating emission of NOx and low temperatures, which favour the formation of secondary nitrate and organic aerosol, the PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations are higher than those in summer, in agreement with experimental data presented in several studies focussing on the same region.  相似文献   

This study deals with numerical simulation of flow fields and dispersion of model passive admixtures in the planetary boundary layer in a 10 × 10 km square area, centered on the Czech Republic’s Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. Numerical calculations of three-dimensional flow fields with eight basic wind directions given for the inlet boundary of the computational domain are performed using the FLUENT CFD code with the standard kε turbulence model. The resultant modeling of the flow fields provides information as to probable local directions and velocities of flow vectors on a horizontal scale of 100 m, which are consistent with the data given for the boundaries of the calculation area in the framework of a scale of 10 km. The modeled flow fields generate the input data for related Lagrangian simulation of the ground concentration and deposition fields of passive particles assumedly emitted at the site of the Temelín plant. Simulated plumes describe eight cases of potential ground-level distribution of model passive admixtures in the area.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to use both parametric and probabilistic approaches to analyze water column concentrations of both salinity (24,845 measurements) and boron (13,028 measurements) from numerous investigations conducted in the San Joaquin River watershed from 1985 to 2002 to assess spatial and temporal trends and determine the probability of exceeding regulatory targets during both the irrigation and non-irrigation season. Salinity and boron concentrations from 26 mainstem and tributary sites were highly correlated based on this 17 yr data set. Generally, salinity and boron concentrations were higher in winter/spring and lower in summer/fall; higher concentrations of both constituents were reported in tributary sites when compared with the mainstem San Joaquin River. Approximately half the sites showed showed a negative correlation between flow and both constituents. Concentrations of both salinity and boron were somewhat variable with flow conditions for the other sites. Both linear and curvilinear trends were inconsistent over time. The salinity 90th centiles for the 26 sites ranged from 143 to 7,559 micros cm(-1) with the highest 90th centiles in tributary sites. Probabilistic analysis of salinity 90th centiles by year for five sites with extensive data showed a significant decrease over time at two sites and no significant trend for the other three sites. The probability of exceeding the salinity targets during either the irrigation (700 microm cm(-1)) or non-irrigation (1,000 micros cm(-1)) season was greater than 19% for all but three sites. The boron 90th centiles for the 26 sites ranged from 0.41 to 13.6 mg L(-1) with the highest 90th centiles from tributary sites. Probabilistic analysis of the boron 90th centile values by year for the five sites with the most extensive data showed a significant decrease over time at two sites and no significant trend for the other three sites. The probability of exceeding the boron target during the irrigation season (0.80 mg L(-1)) and non-irrigation (1.0 mg L(-1)) season was greater that 18% for all but three sites. Results from this analysis have important regulatory implications as targets for both salinity and boron are frequently exceeded at various sites in the San Joaquin River watershed.  相似文献   

It is known that Brazil still has a privileged position of water quantity and quality, but water use has not proceeded in a responsible manner and often results in impairment of quality. This study aims to evaluate limnological parameters, parasites and bacteria, and concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Mn, Hg, and Zn) in surface water of Ribeirão Preto Stream. The Ribeirão Preto Stream is located in urban areas under anthropogenic influence. The results showed that the levels of dissolved oxygen values were lower than those established by the National Environmental Council (CONAMA Resolution No 357/2005). The reading of electrical conductivity showed values typical of impacted environments. The parasitological analysis revealed the presence of nematode larvae. The bacteriological analysis showed higher values for total coliform and Escherichia coli than those set by the Brazilian National Environment Council (CONAMA). The heavy metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Mn, Hg, and Zn showed concentrations in accordance with the guidelines established by CONAMA. The results provide data on the quality of these waters and showed the necessity to protect the watercourse from point sources of contamination, recommending their continued monitoring.  相似文献   

Opencast mining of uranium may lead to natural erosion of ore material due to overland flow of water accumulated from rainfall. The overland flow may ultimately reach the nearby surface water body. This process may lead to the release of 238U and its daughter products into the surface water body. A model is developed to assess the radiological impact of the erosion in terms of dose through drinking water pathway due to 238U and its progeny in the surface water body. The in-growth of progeny is taken into account using Bateman equations. The study brings out the importance of incorporating decay chain transport in the radiological impact assessment studies. It is also observed that 210Po, 210Pb, 226Ra, and 230Th together contribute to about 95.5 % of the total dose. The model is then extended to incorporate the uncertainty associated with the dose due to consumption of the reservoir water by employing Wilk’s Method. Such a model can be very useful in establishing regulations related to dose through drinking water pathway around an opencast mine. Wilk’s method is computationally less expensive as compared to the exact methods like Monte Carlo method. Wilk’s method is used to calculate a value greater than α percentile value for the dose to the public due to 238U and its progeny in the reservoir through drinking water pathway with confidence level β (α/β value). When applied to a hypothetical case using some literature data on surface water bodies, it is found that with increase in the value of α or β, the α/β value in general, shows an increasing trend as expected. Depending upon the nature of the problem under study, one can calculate an α/β value i.e. 95/95 value, 99/95 value etc., and that value can be helpful in establishing the regulatory limiting value. Also, the α/β value can be used to check whether dose due to a particular radioactive release is within the specified limits.  相似文献   

The transboundary River Nestos in the Balkan Peninsula is a surface water resource shared by Hellas and Bulgaria. The Public Power Corporation of Hellas (DEH) proceeded to the dams' construction of Thesaurus in 1997 and Platanovrissi in 2000, to satisfy the increased needs for power production and irrigation in the Regions of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace in the Hellenic Territory. DEH following the Ministerial Agreement of the Hellenic Parliament ‘`KYA 18492/19—09—1996’' funded a series of Research Projects concerned on the monitoring of the water quantity and quality data of Nestos from the Hellenic-Bulgarian borders to its estuaries in the Thracian sea. ‘`PERSEAS’' Research Group from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, carried out the research, design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of the ‘`R.E.MO.S.’' (Remote Environmental MOnitoring System) networks. Three REMOS networks have been installed in the areas of (a) the River Nestos deltaic channel, (b) Thesaurus dam-lake in the intramountainous valley and (c) Potamoi (Despat) and Pagoneri (Nestos) villages close to the borders between Hellas and Bulgaria. They record water level (H), water and air temperature (T), water conductivity (ECw), Redox potential (RP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) on a 24h basis, since the beginning of the year 2000. The research carried out in this paper, is focused on the REMOS station in the final course of Nestos in the deltaic area. The continuous monitoring and the data analysis yield useful results for the quality and quantity of the hydrologic regime of Nestos after the dams' construction, as well as for the trends detected of the quality parameters (ECw, RP and DO) and the water level, using the nonparametric Spearman's criterion. The best fitted model of time trend, for each variable, was chosen. The statistical sample of each one of the quality variables consisted of about 1000 values based on daily measures on a three years monitoring program (1/1/2000—31/12/2002). Further research and analysis for the other network stations of REMOS should provide useful results for the sustainable management of the transboundary River Nestos.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the spatial patterns of land occupation and their relationship to water quality in the Cuiabá River watershed, one of the main affluents of the Pantanal floodplain. The impact of farming and other land occupation forms were studied using a three year time series. Monitoring included 15 parameters at 21 stations with a total of 1266 different samples. Ten stations along the Cuiabá River were ordinated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). For an exploratory analysis in the spatial domain, sub-basins of the Cuiabá watershed were classified according to mean concentrations of selected water quality parameters. Supervised classification of digital Landsat ETM imagery and standard GIS techniques were applied to parameterize land use and occupation according to a watershed scale. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) was then used to evaluate impacts of environmental and socio-economic factors on water quality.A Cuiabá headwater station only shows slightly elevated total coliform counts and concentrations of nutrients in the river after it passes regions of extensive cattle farming. After the confluence with the Manso River, nutrient and COD concentrations increase significantly, receiving loads from sub-basins under intensive agricultural land use, with mean annual concentrations up to 1.74 mg/L of total nitrogen (Kjedahl). Sub-watersheds with intensive fishing culture activities were shown to have significant impact on nitrogen concentrations, reaching mean concentrations of 2.66 mg/L of total nitrogen in the affluents. Most serious biological and chemical water pollution can be observed at stream outlets in the urban agglomeration of Cuiabá/Várzea Grande. Affluent pollution is reflected in the water quality of the Cuiabá River: subsequent monitoring stations in the urban area are ordinated on a gradient of increasing degradation of chemical and biological water quality. The auto-depuration capacity of the Cuiabá River is intact, but elevated concentrations of Phosphorous and Chemical Oxygen Demand can be observed as far away as the Pantanal floodplain, about 120 km downstream from the urban agglomeration.  相似文献   

Glaciers have a very obvious feedback effect on the global water cycle and environmental change. The Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, also known as the “Water Towers of Asia,” provides an important source of freshwater resources derived from glacial meltwater. Changes in glaciers on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau are the most important aspect of the research related to global climate change. Because only a few input parameters are available, the degree–day factor model of glacier mass balance has been widely used on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Study of the spatial distribution pattern of degree–day factors for glaciers on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and the factors that influence glaciers is important scientifically. The study of degree–day factors is important to the calculation of the glacial grid mass balance on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, and this data can be used in the analysis of the response of glaciers experiencing climate change and for predicting future glacial trends. Through an analysis of the degree–day factors related to 24 glaciers on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, one can conclude that the mean value of glacial degree–day factors on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau is 8.14 mm day?1 °C?1. The glacial degree–day factor shows a longitudinal zonality with values ranging from high to low from east to west, a latitudinal zonality with values ranging from high to low from south to north, and a vertical zonal regularity along with the change of elevation. The spatial distribution pattern of glacial degree–day factors in the Tibetan Plateau is related to the fact that the climate environment across the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau is mainly affected by the Indian monsoon, the eastern monsoon, and the westerly winds. The climate gradually changes from cold-humid to warm-humid from northwest to southeast. The single-unit glacier of Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau—the Renlongba Glacier—is located in the southeastern portion of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau in a warm and humid climate; its degree–day factor is slightly large, averaging at 6.12 mm day?1 °C?1. Mountainous barriers exist in the eastern and western parts of the Renlongba Glacier. On the east side, the degree–day factor is small (5.63 mm day?1 °C?1) because of large mountains block weather systems. The glacial tongue is affected by valley wind, contributing to glacial ablation, so the degree–day factor is large on the tongue, averaging at 6.56 mm day?1 °C?1. The degree–day factor on the west side of the Renlongba Glacier increases gradually increasing radiation and elevation, presenting a vertical zonal feature. In general, the climate of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau is mainly affected by the Indian and eastern monsoons and by westerly winds. In dry and cold climatic conditions, the glacial degree–day factor in the Tibetan Plateau is small, while at warm and humid climate conditions, it is large, with latitudinal, longitudinal, and vertical zonality. In addition, the degree–day factor is also affected by blocking, topography, and other local microclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

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