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Cosmic vacuum energy decay and creation of cosmic matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the more recent literature on cosmological evolutions of the universe, the cosmic vacuum energy has become a nonrenouncable ingredient. The cosmological constant Λ, first invented by Einstein, but later also rejected by him, presently experiences an astonishing revival. Interestingly enough, it acts like a constant vacuum energy density would also do. Namely, it has an accelerating action on cosmic dynamics, without which, as it appears, presently obtained cosmological data cannot be conciliated with theory. As we are going to show in this review, however, the concept of a constant vacuum energy density is unsatisfactory for very basic reasons because it would claim for a physical reality that acts upon spacetime and matter dynamics without itself being acted upon by spacetime or matter.  相似文献   

It would be hard to find a cosmologist today who does not believe that the vast bulk of the Universe (95% or more) is hidden from our eyes. We review the evidence for this remarkable consensus, and for the latest proposal, that the mysterious dark matter consists of as many as four separate ingredients: baryons, massive neutrinos, new "exotic" dark matter particles, and vacuum energy, also known as the cosmological constant (L\Lambda ). Of these, only baryons fit within standard theoretical physics; the others, if their existence is confirmed, will mean rewriting textbooks. Fresh experimental evidence has recently appeared for and against all four components, so that the subject is in a state of turmoil and excitement. The past 3 years in particular have seen the fourth (vacuum) component come into new prominence, largely at the expense of the third (exotic dark matter). We conclude our review by exploring the possibility that the energy density of the vacuum is in fact so dominant as to leave little room for significant amounts of exotic dark matter.  相似文献   

A long-existing geochemical problem is the lack of a means of chemically defining non-stoichiometric complex minerals such as clays, which have no distinct composition and no clear compositional boundaries. We propose here a novel approach for describing the chemical nature of clay minerals using fuzzy logic. This non-conventional mathematical approach allows us to quantify compositional vagueness in such systems. We show that a clay mineral can be described in terms of how compositionally representative it is, of its own type ('belonging-ness') and to what extent it resembles other types (compositional overlap). Many clay minerals are seen to be far from the ideal, and most minerals are also to a lesser (and sometimes greater) extent, close to types other than their own. This has provided a means of grading such minerals, evaluating how 'good' a sample is, and defining the extent of transition to other phases. We have derived here the fundamental methodology for such computations, which could be a framework for the analysis of other complex chemical systems, especially in the fields of geology and metallurgy.  相似文献   

Immer nur Dinge?     
B.C. . Only with the experiment of Torricelli in 1644, however, did it become possible to distinguish questions of empty space clearly from implications of air pressure. The natural sciences subsequently developed on the basis of the ancient atomists‘ concept: the world is made up exclusively of unbreakable atoms and the empty space between them. In contrast to this, modern physics has confirmed another kind of ancient speculation to the effect that there cannot be empty space anywhere at any time. However, this approach has failed to answer the questions addressed with it. Beginning with a historical review, the article describes present-day answers to the ancient question of the void.  相似文献   

We study the general relativistic spacetime metrics surrounding massive cosmological objects, such as suns, stars, galaxies or galaxy clusters. The question addressed here is the transition of local, object-related spacetime metrics into the global, cosmological Robertson-Walker metrics. We demonstrate that the answer often quoted for this problem from the literature, the so-called Einstein-Straus vacuole, which connects a static outer Schwarzschild solution with the time-dependent Robertson-Walker universe, is inadequate to describe the local spacetime of a gravitationally bound system. Thus, we derive here an alternative model describing such bound systems by a metrics more closely tied to the fundamental problem of structure formation in the early universe and obtain a multitude of solutions characterising the time-dependence of a local scale parameter. As we can show, a specific solution out of this multitude is able to, as a by-product, surprisingly enough, explain the presently much discussed phenomenon of the PIONEER anomaly.  相似文献   

The riddle of “life,” a biologist’s critical view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To approach the question of what life is, we first have to state that life exists exclusively as the "being-alive" of discrete spatio-temporal entities. The simplest "unit" that can legitimately be considered to be alive is an intact prokaryotic cell as a whole. In this review, I discuss critically various aspects of the nature and singularity of living beings from the biologist's point of view. In spite of the enormous richness of forms and performances in the biotic realm, there is a considerable uniformity in the chemical "machinery of life," which powers all organisms. Life represents a dynamic state; it is performance of a system of singular kind: "life-as-action" approach. All "life-as-things" hypotheses are wrong from the beginning. Life is conditioned by certain substances but not defined by them. Living systems are endowed with a power to maintain their inherent functional order (organization) permanently against disruptive influences. The term organization inherently involves the aspect of functionality, the teleonomic, purposeful cooperation of structural and functional elements. Structures in turn require information for their specification, and information presupposes a source. This source is constituted in living systems by the nucleic acids. Organisms are unique in having a capacity to use, maintain, and replicate internal information, which yields the basis for their specific organization in its perpetuation. The existence of a genome is a necessary condition for life and one of the absolute differences between living and non-living matter. Organization includes both what makes life possible and what is determined by it. It is not something "implanted" into the living beings but has its origin and capacity for maintenance within the system itself. It is the essence of life. The property of being alive we can consider as an emergent property of cells that corresponds to a certain level of self-maintained complex order or organization.  相似文献   

The existence of a water-energy-food ‘nexus’ has been gaining significant attention in international natural resource policy debates in recent years. We argue the term ‘nexus’ can be currently seen as a buzzword: a term whose power derives from a combination of ambiguous meaning and strong normative resonance. We explore the ways in which the nexus terminology is emerging and being mobilised by different stakeholders in natural resource debates in the UK context. We suggest that in the UK the mobilisation of the nexus terminology can best be understood as symptomatic of broader global science-policy trends, including an increasing emphasis on integration as an ideal; an emphasis on technical solutions to environmental problems; achievement of efficiency gains and ‘win-wins’; and a preference for technocratic forms of environmental managerialism. We identify and critique an ‘integrative imaginary’ underpinning much of the UK discourse around the concept of the nexus, and argue that attending to questions of power is a crucial but often underplayed aspect of proposed integration. We argue that while current efforts to institutionalise the language of the nexus as a conceptual framework for research in the UK may provide a welcome opportunity for new forms of transdisciplinary, they may risk turning nexus into a ‘matter of fact’ where it should remain a ‘matter of concern’. In this vein, we indicate the importance of critique to the development of nexus research.  相似文献   

Overestimates of black carbon in soils and sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several recent reports suggest that black carbon (BC), which broadly encompasses charcoal, soot, and other forms of pyrogenic carbon, may constitute a significant proportion of the refractory carbon in soil and sedimentary organic matter. BC is a sink for biospheric and atmospheric carbon dioxide, and is intimately tied to the biogeochemical cycling of both carbon and oxygen through its role in organic matter cycling. Additionally, BC may represent a large fraction of the missing carbon sink in global carbon accounting. Here, we demonstrate that documented measurements of BC may be the result of methodological artifacts, which inadvertently overestimate the amount of BC. We found that a widely used thermal oxidative method can create a residue that falls under the operational definition of BC in samples that are relatively BC-free. Moreover, during this procedure, labile organic matter constituents are condensed into pyrogenic carbon, implying that the labile components are present in lesser quantities. These methodological deficiencies are promoting overestimates in the amount of refractory carbon in soil and sedimentary organic matter and may endorse inaccuracies in the rates of carbon fluxes, the mean residence times of terrestrial carbon, and organic matter burial rates in oceanic environments.  相似文献   

Varroa jacobsoni is an ectoparasite of honey bees which reproduces in capped brood cells. Multi-infestation is frequently observed in worker brood and can be interpreted as an aggregative phenomenon. The aim of this study was to determine whether the distribution of V. jacobsoni in worker brood cells relies on a random or an aggregative process. We studied the distribution of Varroa females in capped worker brood at similar age by comparing, by a Monte Carlo test, the observed frequency distribution of mites per cell to simulated distributions based on a random process. A complementary approach, using the "nearest neighbor distances" (NND) with Monte Carlo tests, was investigated to study the spatial distribution (a) between mites in different cells and (b) between infested cells in brood. The observed distributions did not differ significantly from that expected by a random process, and we conclude that there is no aggregation during invasion of V. jacobsoni in worker brood. Received: 29 April 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 26 August 1999  相似文献   

With more than 3,000 species, the fish family Cichlidae is one of the most species-rich families of vertebrates. Cichlids occur in southern and central America, Africa, Madagascar, and India. The hotspot of their biodiversity is East Africa, where they form adaptive radiations composed of hundreds of endemic species in several lakes of various sizes and ages. The unparalleled species richness of East African cichlids has been something of a conundrum for evolutionary biologists and ecologists, since it has been in doubt whether these hundreds of species arose by allopatric speciation or whether it is necessary to invoke somewhat less traditional models of speciation, such as micro-allopatric, peripatric, or even sympatric speciation or evolution through sexual selection mediated by female choice. Ernst Mayrs analyses of these evolutionary uniquely diverse species assemblages have contributed to a more direct approach to this problem and have led to a deeper understanding of the patterns and processes that caused the formation of these huge groups of species. We review here recent molecular data on population differentiation and phylogenetics, which have helped to unravel, to some extent, the patterns and processes that led to the formation and ecological maintenance of cichlid species flocks. It is becoming apparent that sexually selected traits do play an important role in speciation in micro-allopatric or even sympatric settings. Species richness seems to be roughly correlated with the surface area, but not the age, of the lakes. We observe that the oldest lineages of a species flock of cichlids are often less species-rich and live in the open water or deepwater habitats. While the species flocks of the Lake Malawai and the Lake Victoria areas were shown to be monophyletic, the cichlid assemblage of Lake Tanganyika seems to consist of several independent species flocks. Cichlids emerge as an evolutionary model system in which many fundamental questions in evolution and ecology can be tested successfully, yet for other fish species flocks the relative importance of alternative mechanisms of speciation is likely to differ from that in cichlid fish.Dedicated to Prof. Ernst Mayr  相似文献   

The movement of animals in groups is widespread in nature. Understanding this phenomenon presents an important problem in ecology with many applications that range from conservation to robotics. Underlying all group movements are interactions between individual animals and it is therefore crucial to understand the mechanisms of this social behaviour. To date, despite promising methodological developments, there are few applications to data of practical statistical techniques that inferentially investigate the extent and nature of social interactions in group movement. We address this gap by demonstrating the usefulness of a Hidden Markov Model approach to characterise individual-level social movement in published trajectory data on three-spined stickleback shoals (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and novel data on guppy shoals (Poecilia reticulata). With these models, we formally test for speed-mediated social interactions and verify that they are present. We further characterise this inferred social behaviour and find that despite the substantial shoal-level differences in movement dynamics between species, it is qualitatively similar in guppies and sticklebacks. It is intermittent, occurring in varying numbers of individuals at different time points. The speeds of interacting fish follow a bimodal distribution, indicating that they are either stationary or move at a preferred mean speed, and social fish with more social neighbours move at higher speeds, on average. Our findings and methodology present steps towards characterising social behaviour in animal groups.  相似文献   

In many cases in which climate change affects natural resources, impacts are uncertain and adaptation to climate change often involves collective action problems at the local level, which are embedded in multilevel governance regimes. Adaptive management (AM) is an emerging approach to deal with such uncertainty and complexity by promoting multilevel institutions that are robust to change and able to learn. Much of the literature evaluating AM in multilevel governance regimes, however, focuses only on the adherence to certain structural features said to make AM successful, leaving aside the question whether AM actually produces desired outcomes. This paper evaluates AM in multilevel regimes also in terms of the outcomes they produce. To this end, we first apply the Management and Transition Framework (MTF) in order to describe three multilevel regimes in Lesotho. For each regime we then observe whether it adheres to the structure features of AM. Finally, we evaluate the extent to which the outcomes, natural resource management projects, are conducive to Ostrom's (1990) ‘design principles’ for sustainable common-pool resource management. We find that, though no ideal ‘adaptive regime’ is found in Lesotho, the results confirm the AM hypotheses that decentralised decision-making, open information sources, and plurality of user interests lead to improved outcomes. Conversely, elements of the climate regime are found not to be adaptive. Our findings also confirm the appropriateness of AM as a governance approach to climate adaptation.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion regarding the potential environmental benefits and hazards associated with agricultural biotechnology. Some argue that it can eliminate the need for a wide range of material inputs such as pesticides and herbicides. Others argue that it will increase the demand for non-sustainable and potentially hazardous ‘agri-business' practices. We test these claims against the cleaner production approach. Although we found that pressures to accept this technology are strong enough to overcome initial resistance, we also found that biotechnology, as it applies to agriculture, is not consistent with a cleaner production approach due to the high level of risk. We suggest that this type of technology adds an additional dimension to the cleaner production argument.  相似文献   

邻单胞菌DLL-1对土壤中甲基对硫磷的降解   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 应用甲基对硫磷降解菌DLL-1对土壤环境中甲基对硫磷农药的降解进行了实验室研究和小区试验.结果表明,DLL-1对甲基对硫磷具有高效降解作用,不论是菌原液、菌体细胞还是离心去菌体的培养液都表现出很好的降解作用.DLL-1在土壤中有一定的移动性.当从土壤表面施加菌剂时,对0~6cm深的土层中的甲基对硫磷都有很好的降解效果.对土壤中一定含量的农药来说,降解菌的用量并非越多越好,存在一个最适菌量.  相似文献   

Atmospheric particulate pollution in China has attracted much public attention. Occasionally, the particle number concentration increases sharply in a short time period, which is defined as a “particulate matter explosive increase”. Heavy particulate matter pollution not only reduces visibility but also has an adverse effect on human health. Hence, there is an urgent need to discover the causes of particulate matter explosive increase. During this campaign, the particle number concentration and free radicals were measured at a tall building on the campus of Lanzhou University of Technology. Additionally, we examined a series of chemicals to reproduce the observed particulate matter explosive increase in a smog chamber to determine its potential factors. Then, we analyzed the mechanism of particulate matter explosive increase in the presence of free radicals. We found that, among the potential inorganic and organic sources analyzed, a mixture of organic and SO2 in the research region had a major effect on particulate matter explosive increase. Moreover, free radical oxidation has a large effect, especially in the formation of organic particulates.  相似文献   

Enhancing agro-ecosystem sustainability raises difficult challenges for environmental policy: it requires both increasing knowledge on these complex systems to design effective solutions and coordinating stakeholders with diverging interests. However, most existing environmental policies consider ecosystems’ desirable properties as given, leading ecosystem managers to favor “turnkey” solutions. How could public policy better support local collective initiatives aiming at reconciling agriculture and the environment? This paper presents an empirical case study from western France, in which a partnership between an agricultural cooperative and an ecological research center resulted in a collective design initiative. We conceptually model this initiative drawing upon recent design theories and Georgescu-Roegen’s ‘fund-flow’ model, defining ‘ecological funds’ as the starting point of a collective design process. The results highlight the importance of developing policy instruments that can better support local innovation processes through greater democratization. Adopting a design approach to sustainable agricultural landscape management could be particularly fruitful in situations where collective action is necessary but where there is no common good recognized as such, and no existing community identified.  相似文献   

低潮降雨及其径流能够扰动淤泥质潮间带表层沉积物并夹带极大量颗粒物输入潮间带水体,这一过程被视为潮间带物质循环的“热点”,近年来备受关注。本文综合1978年至2018年针对降雨及其径流扰动和输运淤泥质潮间带物质的文章,阐释降雨在淤泥质潮间带物质输运过程中的作用及其导致的生态效应。这些研究发现降雨之所以能扰动和夹带沉积物首先是因为低潮期的雨滴冲击可以破坏并排出黏性沉积物,而后续形成的径流则向下坡方向转移被扰动的沉积物;其次,低潮降雨通常导致淤泥质潮间带径流中悬浮颗粒物浓度增大两倍以上,最高甚至增大到100倍,而潮汐和浅水波扰动则不能产生类似的效应;再次,附着在颗粒物上的有机质和金属等物质成分会出现与颗粒物浓度相一致的响应过程;最后,被降雨扰动的颗粒物在潮汐的输送下可能通过潮沟-潮下带系统从潮间带净输出至近岸水体。总而言之,在全球变化大背景下极端降雨事件趋于增加,因此降雨及其径流对淤泥质潮间带物质循环的影响应更加引起人们的关注。  相似文献   

Differences in impacts of climate hazards across exposed units are determined by many factors including the severity of the hazard itself, the population that is exposed to the hazard and the coping capacity of the exposed units to the hazard. Coping capacity or adaptive capacity results from a combination of development status (generic capacity) and interventions pertinent to the hazard (specific capacity). This paper explores the extent to which the generic adaptive capacity may explain the variation in tropical cyclone impacts. Therefore this paper offers an empirical approach by which adaptive capacity may be measured and validated against actual outcomes. Results not only validate the role of generic adaptive capacity in explaining variations in impact but also reveal that general development indicators are not very important as far as predicting outcomes is concerned. Those indicators of development that can be linked to the impact process are significant in explaining and predicting impact. This can help identify those aspects of generic adaptive capacity which are important from the perspective of policy action for enhancing adaptive capacity to a particular climate hazard.
Anand PatwardhanEmail:

负压蒸发法处理生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对渗滤液蒸发处理的工艺发展,结合法国某填埋场的运行实践,着重对一种新型的渗滤液蒸发处理工艺——负压蒸发技术作了技术与特性分析,认为该工艺解决了传统蒸发工艺中普遍存在的设备腐蚀问题,同时所需的加热源能位较低、能量经济性好;负压蒸发出水水质可满足直接排入城市污水厂的要求,经膜处理后可达到回用水质水平。  相似文献   

Investigation at the scene of a crime begins with the search for clues. In the case of bloodstains, the most frequently used reagents are luminol and reduced phenolphthalein (or phenolphthalin that is also known as the Kastle–Meyer colour test). The limitations of these reagents have been studied and are well known. Household cleaning products have evolved with the times, and new products with active oxygen are currently widely used, as they are considered to be highly efficient at removing all kinds of stains on a wide range of surfaces. In this study, we investigated the possible effects of these new cleaning products on latent bloodstains that may be left at a scene of a crime. To do so, various fabrics were stained with blood and then washed using cleaning agents containing active oxygen. The results of reduced phenolphthalein, luminol and human haemoglobin tests on the washed fabrics were negative. The conclusion is that these new products alter blood to such an extent that it can no longer be detected by currently accepted methods employed in criminal investigations. This inability to locate bloodstains means that highly important evidence (e.g. a DNA profile) may be lost. Consequently, it is important that investigators are aware of this problem so as to compensate for it.
Fernando Verdú (Corresponding author)Email:

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