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The begging display of nestling passerine birds has become a model for examining the evolution of animal signals. A particular problem for nestlings when transmitting begging signals to parents may be interference from nestmates. The strategies used by nestlings to reduce signal interference have not been studied, yet potentially contribute to the design of these complex displays. In this study, we recorded the begging calls of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) when alone and with a begging nestmate, to determine whether nestlings changed the output, structure or timing of their calls in ways that would reduce acoustic interference. We found that nestlings increased their call rate in the presence of a begging nestmate, but did not alter the length, amplitude or frequency of their calls. They also appeared not to adjust the timing of their calls to avoid those of nestmates. Contrary to expectation, nestling calls became more similar in some aspects when nestmates called together. An increase in call rate in the presence of a begging nestmate should increase the likelihood that a parent detects an individual's calls. However, if all nestlings increase their calling rate in response to competitors, then the overall level of acoustic interference across the brood is potentially increased, an effect exacerbated by the tendency for call similarity to increase when calling together. We discuss how increasing call rate may improve detectability despite this effect and we also examine how an increase in rate and call similarity may serve to produce a strong brood signal.  相似文献   

In the meerkat (Suricata suricatta), a cooperative mongoose, pups follow potential feeders while the group is foraging and emit incessant calls when soliciting food from them. In contrast to a ’stationary’ brood of chicks, in which nestlings are fed at a fixed location, meerkat pups are ’mobile’ and become spread out. The question arises whether meerkat pups that experience different constraints to those facing chicks have evolved similar begging strategies. This paper describes the vocalisations that meerkat pups emit in the context of begging and investigates the influence of these calls on food allocation by older group members and on the behaviour of littermates. Meerkat pups use two types of calls when soliciting food from a potential feeder. The most common is a ’repeat’ call, which pups emit continuously when following an older forager over several hours a day. In addition, when a potential feeder finds a prey item, the pups next to it emit a bout of calls with increased calling rate, amplitude and fundamental frequency, termed ’high-pitched’ calls. Observations, together with playback experiments, showed that more prey was allocated to pups that called longer and more intensely. The pup closest to a feeder was almost always fed. The probability of emitting high-pitched calls did not depend on the time since a pup had received food, and the change from repeat to high-pitched calls occurred suddenly. The main function of the high-pitched call, therefore, does not appear to be to signal a pup’s hunger state. More likely, the two calls, in the context of begging, may be an adaptation to energetic constraints in a mobile feeding system. Pups, which are dispersed during foraging, may emit repeat calls over long periods to prevent potential feeders from eating all the prey themselves. At the moment a potential feeder finds prey, pups may give the more intense high-pitched calls to direct feeders to bring the food item to them and not to a littermate. Therefore, unlike the stationary feeding system where chicks emit one type of begging call when the feeder approaches the nest, meerkats, with a mobile feeding system, have evolved two discrete types of vocalisations in the context of begging. Received: 22 November 1999 / Revised: 1 July 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

We conducted playback experiments to examine how parent tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) use nestling begging calls to distribute feedings to individuals within broods. In a first study, we used a paired-choice test to determine if parents discriminated between the taped begging calls of nestlings deprived of food and those of nestlings that had been recently fed. Our results showed that parents directed their first feeding attempt towards model nestlings near speakers playing deprived calls significantly more often than to models near speakers playing fed calls. They also made more feeding attempts overall to models with deprived calls. In the second study, we varied call rate and amplitude to examine which call features parents might use to discriminate begging calls. Parents directed significantly more first feeding attempts and more feeding attempts overall towards non-begging nestlings near speakers playing high call rates than to nestlings near speakers playing low call rates. They did not, however, discriminate between calls differing in amplitude. Previous studies have shown that parent birds use begging calls to regulate overall feeding rates to the brood. Our results suggest that parent tree swallows also use begging calls when feeding individual nestlings and, in particular, prefer calls associated with increased levels of nestling hunger. Received: 14 February 2000 / Revised: 6 October 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

Researchers investigating social recognition typically measure only behavioural responses during discrimination tests - physiological changes have been largely ignored. We examined whether little blue penguin chicks (Eudyptula minor) could distinguish siblings from other chicks using auditory cues, by measuring behavioural and heart rate changes during playback experiments. Chicks were exposed to five treatments: the begging calls of siblings, neighbouring chicks and unfamiliar chicks, and two controls (heterospecific begging calls and music). We also determined if chicks developed distinctive begging calls, by using F-ratios to quantify inter- versus intra-individual variability in a range of acoustic parameters, and applying a discriminant-function analysis. Inter-individual variation was greater for pitch than for temporal or amplitude parameters, suggesting that call pitch may be important for individual recognition. The discriminant-function analysis showed each chick's calls were distinctive and could act as a vocal signature. Treatments did not instigate different behavioural responses. However, chick heart rates during playback of sibling calls were significantly higher than those recorded during stranger, but not neighbour, playback. A simple recognition system based on familiarity may allow this plesiomorphic and loosely colonial penguin to gain at least some of the benefits associated with more advanced sibling recognition systems (some highly colonial seabirds discriminate siblings from neighbouring chicks). Heart rate could be a useful measure of social recognition abilities, particularly in species where changes in behaviour are not always evident or are difficult to observe.  相似文献   

Mass differences between the sexes of dimorphic bird species often appear early in the nestling development. But how do adults know how much to feed a chick in a sexually dimorphic species? Do chicks of the heavier sex beg more? We studied begging in Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea, a species with heavier adult and juvenile males than females. We found that begging rates and call numbers were not different between male and female chicks, but parameters of begging intensity differed between the sexes in their relationship to chick body condition. For the same body condition, males had significantly higher begging call numbers and rates. Acoustical parameters, which were analysed semi-automatically, included the lengths of call and silence intervals, the minimum, mean and maximum frequency in a call and the number of frequency peaks within a call. We found no consistent differences of acoustic begging call elements between the sexes. Male and female chicks did not differ in the levels of the steroid hormones testosterone or corticosterone in the second quarter of the nestling period, and the mechanism leading to sex-related differences in begging rates for a given body condition remains unknown.  相似文献   

Why do brood parasitic Vidua nestlings mimic the intricate gape patterns of their hosts’ young so precisely? The classic explanation is that mimicry is the outcome of a coevolutionary arms race, driven by host rejection of odd-looking offspring. Selection favors parasitic nestlings that converge on the host young’s mouth markings, and simultaneously benefits hosts whose mouth markings diverge from those of the parasite. The outcome is highly elaborate mouth markings in host young that are accurately mimicked by parasite nestlings. Our review of recent work provides mixed support for this traditional view and, instead suggest that complex mouth markings function to stimulate adequate provisioning, rather than to signal species identity. Thus, similarly elaborate gape morphologies in hosts and parasites could have evolved through nestling competition for parental care. According to this view, and in contrast with existing hypotheses, it is host young that mimic parasitic offspring, in order to compete effectively for food.  相似文献   

Many species possess multiple sexually dimorphic traits, which incorporate different sensory modalities (e.g., acoustic, olfactory and visual), although their relative roles in sexual selection and in determining reproductive success are still poorly understood for most taxa. We assessed the role of multiple male traits, including one acoustic (dominant call frequency) and one visual (yellow throat patch) trait, in residency advertisement, contest behavior, and breeding success in barking geckos (Ptenopus garrulus garrulus). We show that male barking geckos maintain largely exclusive home ranges, with a trend for larger males to maintain larger home ranges. We also show that larger males have a lower dominant calling frequency. When aggressive behavior was elicited in the field using a recorded call of average frequency, resident males with low frequency calls were more likely to respond aggressively and charge the speaker compared to males with high frequency calls. However, body size and small relative throat patch size, rather than call frequency, were the best predictors of overall aggressiveness. Body size was also the best predictor of whether males bred. We suggest that call frequency in this crepuscular species constitutes an effective long-range signal of body size, used by males for remote rival assessment and to advertise home range boundaries in low-light environments.  相似文献   

Although it is well-established that nestlings of many altricial species beg when parents are away from the nest, we have a poor understanding of parent-absent begging in brood parasites, including the proximate factors that may influence begging frequency and intensity. In this study, I examined how parent-absent begging was influenced by competitive asymmetries between host and Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) nestlings under disparate levels of short-term need. Food-deprived cowbird nestlings begged more frequently and for a greater proportion of parent-absent period than when food-supplemented, with similar patterns observed in hosts of different sizes. In contrast, three metrics of cowbird begging intensity varied relative to host size but not due to differences in short-term need. Cowbirds consistently begged more frequently and intensively than host nestlings for a given level of short-term need, providing evidence that cowbird begging displays are more frequent and intense than non-parasitic nestlings during both feeding visits and parent-absent periods. In sum, the frequency of begging by cowbirds was only influenced by short-term need, whereas begging intensity during parent-absent events was only influenced by the host against which cowbirds competed. This study demonstrates that host size and short-term need had differing influences on the frequency and intensity of parent-absent begging in cowbirds, although both factors are likely important in limiting the evolution of parent-absent begging in cowbirds. Because it appears to provide no immediate benefits yet may decrease fitness, parent-absent begging should be included in future theoretical models investigating the evolution of begging displays in nestling birds.  相似文献   

Some avian brood parasitic nestlings are highly virulent, destroying all host eggs or nestmates, while others accept growing up together with host nestmates. The traditional idea was that all brood parasitic nestlings would benefit from being alone in the host nest. Thus, why do nestlings of some brood parasitic species accept the company of host offspring in the nest? The trade-off hypothesis suggests that brood parasites must balance the costs and benefits of killing host young because of two major potential costs: risk of nest desertion and loss of begging assistance. Here, we test this hypothesis in a non-evictor cuckoo species, the great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius and its main host, the magpie Pica pica, by manipulating brood size (1–3 nestlings) and brood composition (only cuckoo, only magpie or mixed) during three consecutive breeding seasons. None of the broods were abandoned by host parents, and cuckoo nestlings alone in the nest tended to grow faster (i.e. wing length). Thus, none of the predictions of the two potential costs on which the trade-off hypothesis is based apply to the great spotted cuckoo–magpie system. Our experimental study could not directly test why chick killing has not evolved in great spotted cuckoos, but the results point in the direction of several possibilities. We suggest that chick killing in great spotted cuckoos may not be adaptive mainly because another, less costly strategy (i.e. outcompeting host nestmates for food), is efficient for successful parasitism of magpie hosts.  相似文献   

The Horsfield’s bronze-cuckoo (Chalcites basalis) egg closely matches the appearance of its host fairy-wren (Malurus spp.) eggs. Mimicry of host eggs by cuckoos is usually attributed to coevolution between cuckoos and hosts, with host discrimination against odd-looking eggs selecting for ever better mimicry by cuckoos. However, this process cannot explain Horsfield’s bronze-cuckoo egg mimicry because fairy-wren hosts rarely reject odd-looking eggs from their nest. An alternative hypothesis is that cuckoos have evolved egg mimicry to disguise their eggs from other cuckoos. Female cuckoos remove one egg from the nest during parasitism and would potentially benefit by selectively removing any cuckoo egg that has already been laid in the nest because otherwise, their egg will be evicted by the first nestling cuckoo along with the host clutch. We used painted, non-mimetic eggs to test whether cuckoos selectively remove odd-looking eggs during parasitism. We found that they were no more likely to remove a non-mimetic egg from a superb fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus clutch than would be expected by chance. Thus, our study does not support the cuckoo egg replacement hypothesis to explain mimicry of host eggs by cuckoos.  相似文献   

We investigated the natural dynamics in a sexual signal that combines different call components and explored the role of call complexity in sexual selection using a neotropical frog. Male túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus, facultatively add up to seven short, multi-harmonic components (chucks) to the simple form of their calls (whines). Female túngara frogs are preferentially attracted to whines with chucks over whines without chucks, and males also call more in response to calls containing chucks. Because acoustic predators prefer complex calls, in the context of simple (no chucks) versus complex (any number of chucks) calls, the variably complex call appears to have evolved in response to the opposing selective forces of natural and sexual selection. There is no evidence, however, for the function of increasing the number of chucks within complex calls. We tested two aspects of increasing call complexity: natural patterns of use of call types in males and how both sexes respond to variation in multi-chuck calls. Males incrementally change call complexity by the addition or subtraction of a single chuck and usually do not produce more than two chucks. Variation in call complexity, for calls with at least one chuck, does not influence response calling in males or phonotaxis in females. Our results suggest that one reason for not increasing call complexity beyond a single chuck is the diminishing effectiveness on the responses of both sexes. This is a posthumous publication for A. Stanley Rand  相似文献   

When brood parasites are about to lay an egg, they have to decide which nest to parasitize. The best nest in which to lay will depend on the parenting ability of the host. We have studied selection of magpie (Pica pica) hosts by great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius). Great spotted cuckoos preferentially parasitize large host nests. Nest volume in magpies is a good indicator of territory quality, since there is a negative relationship between magpie nest size and breeding date, and timing of breeding in magpies is known to be positively related to territory quality. Moreover, magpies occupying high-quality territories have high breeding success. Therefore, nest size is positively related to the quality of magpies. Parasitized magpie nests were of greater volume than the nearest neighbouring nest not parasitized by the great spotted cuckoo. In order to test whether the great spotted cuckoos might select high-quality magpie hosts, we manipulated pairs of parasitized and non-parasitized nests with identical laying dates and habitats, introducing into each of the nests the same number of parasitic and non-parasitic eggs. The number of fledglings reared (magpie plus great spotted cuckoo chicks) in naturally parasitized nests was higher than in experimentally parasitized nests. Thus, the probability of survival of the parasite chicks increased if cuckoo eggs were laid in the nests of high-quality hosts originally chosen by the parasite.  相似文献   

Summary Anuran choruses are acoustically complex assemblages of calling males. Little is known about the behavior of males or females in such natural sound environments. I studied calling behavior of males of Hyla microcephala in nature by using an interactive computer-based system that allowed me to simulate call interruptions by a number of males. I also monitored the calling behavior of groups of four to six males. When a male is interrupted by the call of another frog, he increases the spacing between the notes of his call. Responses of this kind are strongest to the loudest neighbor, and some males may ignore interruptions by all but a single close male. Interruptions using synthetic calls with silent gaps indicated that males respond vocally to reductions in sound intensity as brief as 20 ms. This ability helps to explain how males can rapidly alternate notes during pairwise interactions. Amounts of acoustic overlap between pairs of males in the choruses were usually below 10% of an individual's total calling time during bouts. The time a male spent calling that was free of acoustic interference by any other male ranged from 34–92% of his total calling time. When group size was decreased, this unobstructed calling time increased. Previous research showed that females of H. microcephala discriminate against calls that overlap so that the call pulse-train structure is degraded. Here I show that a 6 dB difference in intensity between the overlapped calls is sufficient to reduce the degradative effect of call interference. Females were also given a choice between interfering calls broadcast from two adjacent and two widely separated speakers. An angular separation between speakers of 120° was insufficient to elicit a preference for the separated sources. Together, data on behavior of males and females indicated that males actively reduce acoustic interference with those loud individuals most likely to degrade seriously the temporal structure of their calls.  相似文献   

Males of the parapatically distributed myobatrachid frogs Geocrinia laevis and G. victoriana have highly divergent advertisement calls. Furthermore, the two species differ strongly in the complexity of their vocal repertoires, with males of G. victoriana possessing, and those of G. laevis lacking, a distinct territorial vocalization (encounter call). We investigated the territorial vocal behavior of males in a persistent natural hybrid population. Most hybrid males possessed encounter calls functionally equivalent to those of G. victoriana, that were produced following exposure to playback of recorded advertisement calls presented at >110 dB peak sound pressure level. The territorial acoustic responses were not associated with an index of hybridity derived from the structure of the advertisement call, suggesting genetic and functional decoupling of the two components of the vocal repertoire; i.e., advertisement calls and encounter calls. This decoupling may be the result of sexual selection favouring those hybrids with pronounced territorial behavior and the associated vocalization, regardless of the structure of their advertisement calls.Communicated by A. Mathis  相似文献   

Animals adopt different strategies to communicate by means of sound in noisy environments. Some animals increase, while others decrease, their vocal activity in the presence of interference. Anuran amphibians from diverse latitudes exhibit both kinds of responses. Recent studies have shown that males of Batrachyla taeniata and Batrachyla antartandica from the temperate austral forest do not call in response to the presentation of advertisement calls of sympatric congeneric species, but their responsiveness to other kinds of interference has not been tested. To explore the diversity in responsiveness to acoustic intrusion in a single species, we exposed males of B. taeniata to prolonged prerecorded natural abiotic noises of wind, creek, and rain and to a band-pass noise centered at 2,000 Hz, at 67 dB sound pressure level (SPL). The subjects drastically increased their call rate when exposed to all four sounds. Frogs also responded by augmenting their vocal activity to exposures of band-pass noise at increasing intensities (55–79 dB SPL). The increase in vocal activity in response to noise is strong relative to those of other anurans from the temperate forest studied previously under similar exposures. These results reveal a remarkable activation of vocal response to acoustic interference of continuous abiotic noise, which would allow compensating for limitations in the active communication space under background sounds. This strategy contrasts with the decrease in vocal output amid interference from heterospecific signals reported formerly for this frog, a tactic that would restrict energy expenditure to relevant acoustic competition with conspecifics.  相似文献   

Intensive and incessant arms races between a parasite and its host are generally expected to lead to parasite specialization. Nevertheless, some parasitic species still successfully attack wide spectra of hosts. One of the solutions to the evolutionary enigma of the long-term existence of generalist parasites is their specialization at an individual level, a phenomenon well known, e.g., in European common cuckoo. Over its range, it parasitizes a number of bird species; however, individual females are mostly specialists possessing adaptations to a particular host species. In this study, we test the possibility of individual specialization in generalist cuckoo bees, the insect counterparts of avian cuckoos. Females of cuckoo bees lay each egg into a single brood cell in the nests of other bee species. The host’s offspring is destroyed by the parasitic female or later by her larvae, which feed on pollen supplies accumulated by the host. Both studied cleptoparasitic bees (Sphecodes ephippius and Sphecodes monilicornis) are widely distributed in Europe, where they have been reported to use broad host spectra. We recorded several host species (including some previously unknown) for both cuckoo bee species, and confirmed that these parasites are indeed generalist even at a small local scale. However, we demonstrate that exactly as in the avian cuckoos, each female in both species of generalist bee parasites tends to attack just one host species.  相似文献   

Brood parasitism is costly to hosts, and, therefore, a number of anti-parasite defenses have evolved. Surprisingly, several high-quality hosts such as martins and swallows are rarely parasitized, raising the question why that is the case. We hypothesize that martins and swallows may avoid parasitism by breeding in close association with humans, and by building nests that are inaccessible for common cuckoos Cuculus canorus and other brood parasites. Here we show using egg rejection experiments that red-rumped swallows Hirundo daurica, house martins Delichon urbica, and barn swallows Hirundo rustica in Europe do not reject foreign eggs placed in their nests, while barn swallows in China often reject foreign eggs. The frequency of parasitism of barn swallows in Europe was significantly higher than in house martins relative to the expectation based on the abundance of the two species. Barn swallows in Europe that were parasitized by cuckoos more often placed their nests outdoors than expected by chance, suggesting that avoidance of cuckoo parasitism can be achieved by breeding indoors. These findings suggest that barn swallows in China have gained egg rejection behavior because they cannot avoid parasitism when breeding outdoors.  相似文献   

Acoustic duets—in which the female reveals herself to the advertising male—are a common means of establishing a temporary, pre-mating pair bond within Phaneropterinae katydids. Such duets, however, are especially susceptible to eavesdropping males that orient to signaling females and interrupt the established duet. It would therefore be advantageous for an advertising male to protect his investment in a duet from eavesdroppers. Male Scudderia pistillata katydids produce acoustic advertisement calls after which a conspecific female enters the duet by responding during a specific time-window with her own call, one or more acoustic ticks. We demonstrate here that when a duet is occurring in the presence of other calling males, the focal male produces a single acoustic tick that has a spectrum similar to that of the female’s tick and occurs during the time-window in which the female would respond to his advertisement call within the duet. The male acoustic tick may confound eavesdropping males if they have difficulty performing accurate phonotaxis to a female sound source when sounds arrive from two locations. We tested this hypothesis in laboratory arenas and determined that silent males eavesdrop on advertising male’s duets and accurately locate his female. Moreover, we found that the added acoustic tick produced by advertising males serves to mimic the female response and reduces the accuracy of eavesdropping males to localize the female. Therefore, male ticks appear to act as a form of pre-copulatory acoustic mate guarding of the calling male’s temporary pair bond with the female.  相似文献   

Some non-human primates produce acoustically distinct alarm calls to different predators, such as eagles or leopards. Recipients respond to these calls as if they have seen the actual predator, which has led to the notion of functionally referential alarm calls. However, in a previous study with free-ranging putty-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans martini), we demonstrated that callers produced two acoustically distinct alarm calls to eagle shrieks and leopard growls, but both alarm calls were given to both predators. We can think of two basic explanations for this surprising result, a methodological and theoretical one. Firstly, acoustic predator models may not always be suitable to test alarm call behaviour in primates, sometimes causing uncharacteristic behaviour. Secondly, referential alarm calling may not be a universal feature of primate alarm call systems. Considering the methodological and theoretical importance of these possibilities, we conducted a follow-up study using life-sized leopard, eagle, and human models on the same population and compared the resulting vocal responses to those given to acoustic predator models. We compared the alarm call series given to each of these predator model types and found a considerable degree of consistency suggesting that the mode of presentation did not affect anti-predator calling strategies. However, evidence for audience effects on calling behaviour was inconclusive. While it appears that predator class is reliably encoded by different call series types irrespective of the mode of presentation, observations of these same call series given in non-predatory contexts indicate that predator class is unlikely to be the relevant organising principle underlying the alarm-calling behaviour in this species. We conclude by offering an alternative, non-referential, account of the alarm-calling system exhibited by this species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Many mammals warn conspecifics with alarm calls about detected predators. These alarm calls are either functionally referential, urgency based, or they can have multiple functions, including predator deterrence. The taxonomic distribution of these alarm call systems is uneven, with primates providing the best-known examples for a functionally referential system and rodents most examples of an urgency-based system. Reports of different alarm call systems in lemurid primates prompted us to examine the anti-predator behavior of two additional lemur species. In an experimental field study we exposed adult redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) and white sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) to playbacks of vocalizations of their main aerial and terrestrial predators, as well as to their own alarm calls given in response to the presentation of these predators. We scored the subjects' immediate behavioral responses, including alarm calls, from video recordings made during the first minute following a playback. We found that both species gave specific alarm calls only in response to raptor playbacks and the corresponding alarm calls, whereas calls given in response to carnivores and the corresponding alarm calls were also observed in other situations characterized by high arousal. Other behavioral responses, such as gaze and escape directions, corresponded to the hunting strategies of the two predator classes, suggesting that the corresponding vocalizations were categorized correctly. These two lemur species, which represent different families, have therefore independently evolved a mixed alarm call system, characterized by functionally referential calls for diurnal raptors, but not for carnivores. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-001-0436-0 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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