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ABSTRACT: A key parameter in modeling two-phase flow phenomena is relative permeability. It is important to understand which variables influence relative permeability, especially since so few measurements of relative permeability have been made for typical contaminants at hazardous waste sites. This paper focuses on the effect of five variables on relative permeability: intrinsic permeability, pore-size distribution, viscosity ratio, interfacial tension, and wettability, by critically reviewing previously published relative permeability experiments. The wide variability in the functional relationship between relative permeability and saturation should be considered in attempts to model two-phase flow.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: a hydraulic transient model that is capable of simultaneously modeling open channel and pressurized flows is used to study active control of a deep tunnel stormwater collection system. The simultaneous occurrence of open channel flow and pressurized flow is termed mixed flow. This paper demonstrates the application of a mixed flow hydraulic model to the development of an active control scheme. It is shown that dynamic conditions can exist in a storm sewer system even under moderate inflow conditions and that these conditions, particularly at the time of full system pressurization, can influence the operation of the dynamic control, so that accurate hydraulic modeling is essential to proper control formulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Office of Saline Water, which has federal responsibility for developing low-cost, saline sources of fresh water, has recognized the need for an improved method of forecasting the future potential of desalting in this country. The magnitude of the role of desalting will influence the plans of federal, state, and local water resource agencies and the research and development programs of manufacturers. A dynamic simulation model has been developed by Arthur D. Little, Inc. under contract by OSW to translate relevant factors of water supply and demand into a forecast of desalting potential. The model projects the needs for desalting in 20 hydrologic regions of the U.S. Model performance has thus far been demonstrated by the development of a forecast and a battery of related sensitivity tests. Current results indicate the following potential desalting capacities: 225 MGD in 1980; 2,250 MGD in 2000; and 7,000 MGD in 2020. Significant improvements in desalting economics promise to increase these potentials by a factor of four or five by 2000-2020. Model inputs and results are continuing to be refined. When completed, OSW will have a dynamic tool with which to guide its R&D program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this study the estimation of parameters in water quality models represented by linear first order partial differential equations is investigated. Two sets of simulated input-output data, one with input noise and the other with output measurement error, were used. The parameters were estimated by a gradient technique (Bard's method) and a pattern search technique. The results indicate that the output measurement error significantly affects the values of parameter estimates as compared to the noise added to the input. Bard's method consistently gave results with a smaller sum of square value.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A three‐dimensional fractured medium flow model was developed for the Bear Creek Valley (BCV) S‐3 site of the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) using SWIFT III. The numerical modeling for this site focused on a conceptual model established through the analysis of heterogeneous geologic units and matrix fracture properties of the subsurface in the BCV area. The SWIFT III modeling analysis was based on the previous modeling studies that used MODFLOW and MODPATH. A rigorous calibration was obtained first by comparing simulated results with the existing data on ground water levels and then by comparing pumping test results with the simulated ground water levels. A satisfactory agreement between observed and simulated results was obtained. The calibrated model was used to determine sustained yield from a ground water interceptor trench. Different withdrawal rates were used to simulate the performance of the trench for the sustained withdrawal of ground water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The paper presents a spatially distributed model consisting of cells that are interconnected in a pattern similar to the major drainage network of the watershed. Each cell receives as input the rainfall excess for the area represented by the cell as well as inflows from cells located upstream. Outflow from the cell is derived by routing the total input through the cell assuming it to be a linear reservoir during the storm. The time constant of the cells is however allowed to vary from storm to storm so that the model may be described as a quasi-linear model. The model was tested with rainfall excess and direct surface runoff data available for a medium size watershed with satisfactory results. The time constant was found to be related to the rainfall excess of the storms studied, its value decreasing with the increase in the total rainfall excess.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive mathematical model (Urban Wastewater Management Model) has been developed to continuously simulate time-varying wastewater flows and qualities in complex metropolitan combined sewerage systems. The model serves three functions: (1) assessment of existing or planned system performance in relation to other wastewater discharges in either a metropolitan or river basin area; (2) determination of the optium operation or automatic control of existing or planned systems during rainstorms; and (3) determination of the most economically feasible combination of design alternatives for improving or expanding existing systems to meet specified performance criteria. The model provides an efficient engineering tool for evaluating and controlling pollutant discharges from combined sewerage systems (including treatment plants) to receiving waters, while considering the time and spacial variations of rainfall and dry-weather flows and qualities as well as economic constraints.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a method for determining the causes of salinization of surface waters, in this case the upper Colorado River and its tributaries in Texas. The analysis, which includes a combination of statistical analysis and graphical methods, indicates that among the sources of salt (e.g., saline ground water discharge into surface waters and storm runoff, both surface and shallow subsurface, and washing minerals into surface waters) the major contributor is saline ground water, which discharges into the river and streams. Data also points to salt plume intrusion into the river and streams from sources of salt in the aquifers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer System Analysis (GC RASA) study, data from 184 geophysical well logs were used to define the geohydrologic framework of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system in Mississippi for flow model simulation. Five major aquifers of Eocene and Paleocene age were defined within this aquifer system in Mississippi. A computer data storage system was established to assimilate the information obtained from the geophysical logs. Computer programs were developed to manipulate the data to construct geologic sections and structure maps. Data from the storage system will be input to a five-layer, three-dimensional, finite-difference digital computer model that is used to simulate the flow dynamics in the five major aquifers of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A one-dimensional hydraulic transient model has been designed for water resource studies of Lake Ontario and the Upper St. Lawrence River. The model simulates water surface profiles and flows in the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and the Moses-Saunders Power Dam under both open water and ice-covered conditions. Errors in water surface elevations were found to be less than 0.2 feet during quasi-steady conditions on the river. Comparable errors occurred during the ice-covered conditions. A sensitivity analysis found the model to be most sensitive to the roughness coefficients and the flow through the power dam.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Three basic principles of responsibility have influenced the Federal/non-Federal cost sharing rates for water resources programs (1) full payment by beneficiaries (2) exclusive Federal assumption of costs and (3) joint Federal/non-Federal sharing. The efforts to determine appropriate cost sharing rates have resulted in several hundred complex arrangements involving contributions, user charges and direct sales based on many variations of payment terms. This basic present value model was developed to determine the non-Federal cost shares which are expected to be paid for 32 different functional purposes emanating from Federal water resources programs and projects for both implementation and OMR stages. The model introduces the concept of a composite (implementation plus OMR) cost share as a focus developing appropriate cost sharing rates for the private, public and mixed outputs produced through public water resources investments. The model can be used as a focus for policy decisions on cost sharing which seek to achieve consistent and equitable cost shares for purposes provided while maintaining an efficient allocation of resources within water programs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Continuous measures of net productivity at discrete depths in standing waters may be obtained using diurnal free oxygen measurements and estimates of the vertical mixing. If oxygen concentration and vertical mixing are known in a laterally homogeneous water body, the only unknown term in the oxygen mass-balance equation is net productivity. If this is represented by a Fourier series, the equation may be solved and Fourier coefficients selected so that the sum of square errors between the oxygen measurements and predictions of the equation is minimized; the Fourier series then describes the diurnal variation of net productivity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to expedite assembly of input-data sets for a model of ground-water flow in the Middle Patuxent River basin in Howard County, Maryland. The model grid was developed with GIS and used to select attributes from GIS data coverages. These attributes were then output from GIS into the input-data sets, which included model boundaries, regolith thickness, bedrock-surface altitude, stream locations, stream length, stream-bottom altitude, and trans-missivity. The ability to change large sets of spatial data quickly and accurately with GIS enhances the model-calibration process. (KEY TERMS: GIS; ground water; Piedmont; Maryland; MODFLOW.)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive study was conducted to implement the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for urban areas in Kuwait. The updated version of the model designed to run on an IBM Personal Computer and compatibles (PCSWMM3.2C) was utilized. The study revealed that urban runoff simulation in arid areas by the SWMM model is a powerful and efficient tool in designing drainage systems and as such, a viable replacement of the commonly used rational method. It was found that only the streets and paved areas that are hydraulically connected to the drainage system contribute to runoff. Fine and coarse discretization approaches were used in the study. The difference between the hydrographs simulated by the two approaches were relatively small. The performance of the existing drainage system and the accuracy of the design method used were tested using a 25-year storm. The result of the simulation revealed that the storm sewers were oversized by factors ranging from 1.2 to 3.6. The SWMM model was used to estimate the storm water runoff volume collected from all urbanized areas in Kuwait City. The annual expected harvested runoff water was found to be significant; however, the quality of runoff water needs to be assessed before a decision is made on its reuse.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A simplified approach for modeling transmission losses in a stream is presented. A theory relating seepage from a channel with the depth of flow is simplified to a one-parameter relationship. A power relationship is then utilized for the stage-discharge relationship, which is coupled with the seepage relationship. This combined equation is integrated over the channel reach to arrive at a general model for seepage loss through the reach, with one parameter needing calibration. An example is provided showing the development of the relationship and the calibration technique for the parameter. The results are shown, emphasizing the use of the model for simulation of channel transmission losses at low and moderate flow conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic Transport Assessment System (HYTRAS) is a software package that models contaminant transport in rivers and streams, including volatilization, adsorption/desorption, sedimentation, settling, and resuspension. Biodegradation, photolysis, and any other process that can be modeled using a first‐order decay constant can be included as well. HYTRAS originally modeled the transport of radionuclides and has recently been expanded to include transport of chemicals. The transport of chemicals has been validated using data from an accidental release of the chemicals disulfoton and thiometon into the Rhine River in 1986. For these chemicals, sorption is not an important process. For the range of measured flow velocities, HYTRAS was found to bound the peak arrival times. For the range of measured degradation rates, HYTRAS was found to bound the peak concentrations within 400 km of the source and bound the peak concentrations within a factor of two out to 700 km.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An environmental simulation model of the Upper St. Johns River Basin, Florida, has been developed in order to predict hydrologic responses under proposed management plans. Land use projections for each of 19 hydrologic planning units are provided by a linear programming analysis of agricultural activities. Inputs to the model include rainfall, runoff, evapotranspiration (ET), aquifer properties, topography, soil types, and vegetative patterns. A water balance is developed in the uplands based on infiltration, ET, surface runoff, and groundwater flow. Valley continuity is based on stage-volume relationship for inflows and outflows and a variable roughness coefficient dependent on vegetative patterns. Land use changes form the basis for predicting hydroperiod variation under alternative management schemes. Plans are ranked according to two criteria, deviation from a natural hydroperiod and flood or drought control provided. Results indicate that (1) a single reservoir without irrigation and (2) floodplain preservation plans are superior to (3) multiple reservoir with irrigation and (4) uncontrolled floodplain plans with regard to both criteria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The BURP water-balance model was calibrated for 13 small (0.46 to 7.00 mi2), forested watersheds in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon where snowmelt is the dominant source of runoff. BURP is the model name and is not an acronym. Six of the 16 parameters in BURP were calibrated. The subsurface recession coefficient and three subsurface water-storage parameters were most sensitive for simulating monthly flow. Calibrated subsurface recession coefficients ranged from 0.988 to 0.998. The subsurface-water storage parameters were calibrated at between 20 to 120 percent of their initial values obtained from a category III soil survey. That reconnaissance-level survey was apparently too broad to accurately reflect subsurface-water storage in small watersheds. Tests of model performance showed BURP is capable of producing accurate simulations of monthly flow for mountainous, snow-dominated watersheds with shallow (< 4 ft) soils when calibrated with 2 to 4 years of streamflow data. A regression of observed versus simulated monthly flows with data from all watersheds combined showed that BURP accounted for 85 percent of the variability in observed flows, which ranged from 0.01 to 20.8 inches, but underpredicted high flow months, with a slope of 1.15 that is significantly different from 1.0 (p = 0.05). Without prior calibration, subsurface-water storage parameters appeared to be the greatest source of potential error.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of complex water resources System problems, particularly water pollution control, is aided by fizzy set theory. Public participation in large scale federally funded water resources and pollution control projects is now a federal requirement and practice of various planning agencies. However, no systems based model for quantifying and measuring the effectiveness of public participation is known to exist. In this paper, we report a fuzzy set based model developed for doing this in areawide water resources planning The model is essentially cascade in nature and employs the concepts of fuzzy pessimistic and optimistic aggregations to cluster and analyze the evaluations of the basic factors. Sample computations of the model are provided.  相似文献   

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