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The influence of bioturbation caused by common carp fry was treated in 24 transparent polythene jars (5?L each) in the laboratory and in outdoor vats (150?L), increasing the fertilizer value of phosphate rock in eight treatment combinations in triplicate. Input of water soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) was determined to quantify the effects of bioturbation, fish excrements and soil. The level of SRP in water was always lowest in the control series. Introduction of common carp fry resulted in a net increase of 0.009–0.010?mg phosphate g?1day?1 of SRP attributable to the effect of fish excrement. Bioturbation caused by common carp resulted in as high as a 64.8 to 90% influx of phosphate from bottom soil in the presence of phosphate rock but only about 6.3 to 7.2% in the absence of phosphate rock. The bioturbation that occurred in this treatment resulted in a significant release of phosphorous into the overlying water from an apatite source. The results confirm the environment friendly application of phosphate rock in fish-farming ponds at low cost.  相似文献   

杜彩艳  祖艳群  李元 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1710-1713
重金属的不同形态对于作物吸收重金属及受害具有十分密切的关系,通过施用石灰改变重金属的形态、毒性以及对作物的影响具有重要的意义。以大白菜(Brassica pekinensis)为研究对象,通过盆栽试验,探讨了在铅、镉和锌污染土壤上,施用石灰对土壤中不同形态镉、铅和锌含量及在大白菜中累积的影响。结果表明,施用石灰后,土壤中碳酸盐结合态Pb、Cd和Zn含量明显减少,铁、锰氧化物结合态和有机物结合态Pb、Cd和Zn含量明显增加;对大白菜吸收Pb、Cd和Zn均起到较好的抑制作用,石灰用量为5g·kg-1土时,对大白菜吸收Pb、Cd和Zn的抑制效果最好。  相似文献   

Since a considerable amount of fluoride (Fl) intake also takes place through the ingestion of foods that are grown in the contaminated soil and irrigated with elemental contaminated water, this may lead to higher risk from Fl-mediated toxicity. Therefore, in the present study, a systematic delineation and characterization of Fl in agricultural tube wells in Unnao District, India, were carried out to examine seasonal variations of this element using graphical and multivariate statistical approach. The results suggested that different natural hydro-geochemical processes such as weathering of silicates, carbonates, and various ion exchange processes are the key factors responsible for the geochemistry of the groundwater in addition to the alkalinity of water. Of the water sampled, 27.3% and 18.2% were contaminated with Fl exceeding the desirable limit of 1 mg/L as prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon season. Fluoride displayed a significant positive correlation during both seasons and the water type of the majority of the samples in both seasons was bicarbonate.  相似文献   

 The accumulation and depuration of Cs in the green mussels (Perna viridis) commonly found in the subtropical and tropical waters were studied under the laboratory conditions using radiotracer techniques. Following an initial rapid sorption onto the mussel's tissues, uptake of Cs exhibited linear patterns over a short exposure time (8 h) at different ambient Cs concentrations. The concentration factor was independent of ambient Cs concentration. The calculated uptake rate and initial sorption constant of Cs were directly proportional to the ambient Cs concentration. The calculated uptake rate constant from the dissolved phase in the mussels was as low as 0.026 l g−1 d−1. Uptake rates of Cs in the mussels were inversely related to the ambient salinity. Uptake increased about twofold when the salinity was reduced from 33 to 15 ppt. The effect of salinity on Cs uptake was primarily due to the change in ambient K+ concentration. The uptake rate decreased in a power function with increasing tissue dry weight of the mussels, although the initial sorption was not related to the mussel's body size. The efflux rate constant of Cs in the mussels was 0.15 to 0.18 d−1, and was the highest recorded to date among different metals in marine bivalves. The efflux rate constant also decreased in a power function with increasing tissue dry weight of mussels. A simple kinetic model predicted that the bioconcentration factor of Cs in the green mussels was 145, which was higher than measurements taken in their temperate counterparts. The bioconcentration factor also decreased in a power function with increasing tissue dry weight of mussels. Received: 27 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 June 2000  相似文献   

Sodium fluoride, used as a pesticide in agriculture, is also an ingredient of toothpastes which help to fight dental problems. In this study, Drosophila melanogaster, a non-target organism, is used to explore morphological changes in the adult compound eye as a function of exposure to fluoride at 20, 40, 80, 100 and 150 mg L?1, using scanning electron microscopy. The experimental concentrations were much lower than the ones used in the studies of the British Association of Community Dentistry. Distinct morphological alterations in the eye of the treated insects revealed ommatidial ridges and disoriented mechanosensory bristles which were most prominent in the 40 and 80 mg L?1 treatment groups. Since humans and Drosophila share homology in many genes that are involved in developmental pathways, the present findings raise concern on the use of sodium fluoride as a pesticide.  相似文献   

Yellow phosphorous is an important raw material in the chemical industry. However, during the production of yellow phosphorous, high concentrations of carbon monoxide and other impurities are released. Without appropriate purification and removal, this off gas has potential to cause severe pollution problems once released. Purified yellow phosphorous off gas can be beneficially reused as a raw material in chemical production for synthesis of high value-added chemical reagents. In this paper, the significance of purification and reutilization of yellow phosphorous off gas are explored. The principles, processes, and main characteristics of the technologies for purification and reuse of yellow phosphorus off gas (including technical measurements of impurity reduction, relevant engineering cases, and public acceptance of the technologies) are summarized. In view of the existing problems and scientific development requirements, this paper proposes several recommendations for green production based on the concept of recycle economics. We conclude that advanced purification and comprehensive reutilization can be an effective solution for heavy pollution resulting from yellow phosphorous off gassing.  相似文献   

选取面积为1 600 m2的小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)湿地进行小区域模拟试验。试验设割草区、1倍浓度区、静态对照区和2倍浓度区4个处理,研究N、P输入浓度,割草和输出径流对三江平原小叶章湿地生态系统净化N、P污染物的影响。结果表明,在小叶章生长期和成熟期,湿地生态系统对N、P保持较稳定的净化,N、P平均去除率分别为85.62%和85.94%。湿地水体中TN和NH4 -N的累积浓度显著相关。输入浓度、割草和输出径流都影响着湿地生态系统对N、P的净化和N、P在系统内的分配。输入浓度增大时,N、P去除率明显降低;割草会降低N去除率,但对P去除率影响不大;少量输出径流对N、P去除影响不大。三江平原小叶章湿地生态系统对输入的N、P具有显著净化作用,总净化率可达97.97%和99.05%。  相似文献   

三江平原小叶章湿地生态系统对氮磷的净化效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取面积为1600m^2的小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)湿地进行小区域模拟试验。试验设割草区、1倍浓度区、静态对照区和2倍浓度区4个处理,研究N、P输入浓度,割草和输出径流对三江平原小叶章湿地生态系统净化N、P污染物的影响。结果表明,在小叶章生长期和成熟期,湿地生态系统对N、P保持较稳定的净化,N、P平均去除率分别为85.62%和85.94%。湿地水体中TN和NH4^+-N的累积浓度显著相关。输入浓度、割草和输出径流都影响着湿地生态系统对N、P的净化和N、P在系统内的分配。输入浓度增大时,N、P去除率明显降低;割草会降低N去除率,但对P去除率影响不大;少量输出径流对N、P去除影响不大。三江平原小叶章湿地生态系统对输入的N、P具有显著净化作用,总净化率可达97.97%和99.05%。  相似文献   

Phosphate depleted Pyrocystis noctiluca (Murray) Schuett 1895 has at least one phosphomonoesterase (EC 3:1:3:1) which is triphasic between 0.1 and 222 mol P. The enzyme has a broad temperature range with maximum activity at 50 °C and a Q10 of 1.4 to 1.5. A break in the Arrhenius plot at 35 °C implies the enzyme is membrane-bound. Cytological staining of whole cells and cell fractionation studies (showing 26 times higher specific activity in the particulate compared with the cytoplasmic fraction) suggest the enzyme is plasmalemma-bound. The enzyme has an absolute metal requirement which would be satisfied by Mg++ but not Mn++, Zn++, Fe++, or Co++ at seawater concentrations. Alkaline phosphatase is a stable enzyme whose activity is not altered by inhibitors of protein synthesis. Orthophosphate inhibition of enzyme activity was largely eliminated in the presence of these inhibitors. Apparently, a protein induced by PO4 3-, rather than PO4 3- itself, inhibits alkaline phosphatase. Cell-free alkaline phosphatase can hydrolyze a variety of phosphate esters and linear polymers of inorganic phosphorus as well as disolved organic phosphorus from tropical oceanic waters. These same hydrolysable organic and inorganic phosphorus compounds support the axenic culture growth of P. noctiluca, suggesting that naturally occurring hydrolysable organic phosphorus compounds may also support the growth of this alga.  相似文献   

用开顶式熏气罩熏气的方法,研究了气源氟在水稻不同器官的分布及对糙米含氟量的影响。结果表明:气源氟主要分布于水稻叶片中,根含氟量不受气源氟的影响;籽粒含氟量取决于籽粒器官形成后空气氟浓度,与籽粒器官形成前的空气氟浓度无关;糙米氟含量与水稻抽穗齐穗后所暴露的氟剂量间呈极显著线性相关关系。  相似文献   

The present study is the first attempt to put forward possible source(s) of fluoride in the Dashtestan area, Bushehr Province, southern Iran. In response to reports on the high incidence of dental fluorosis, 35 surface and groundwater samples were collected and analysed for fluoride. The results indicate that dissolved fluoride in the study area is above the maximum permissible limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). An additional 35 soil and rock samples were also collected and analysed for fluoride, and rock samples were subjected to petrographic investigations and X-ray diffraction. The results of these analyses show that the most likely source for fluoride in the groundwater is from clay minerals (chlorite) and micas (muscovite, sericite, and biotite) in the soils and rocks in the area. We also note that due to the high average temperatures all year round and excessive water consumption in the area, the optimum fluoride dose level should be lower than that recommended by the WHO.  相似文献   

Arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater of Mexico   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Concentrations of arsenic and fluoride above Mexican drinking water standards have been detected in aquifers of various areas of Mexico. This contamination has been found to be mainly caused by natural sources. However, the specific processes releasing these toxic elements into groundwater have been determined in a few zones only. Many studies, focused on arsenic-related health effects, have been performed at Comarca Lagunera in northern México. High concentrations of fluoride in water were also found in this area. The origin of the arsenic there is still controversial. Groundwater in active mining areas has been polluted by both natural and anthropogenic sources. Arsenic-rich minerals contaminate the fractured limestone aquifer at Zimapán, Central México. Tailings and deposits smelter-rich fumes polluted the shallow granular aquifer. Arsenic contamination has also been reported in the San Antonio-El Triunfo mining zone, southern Baja California, and Santa María de la Paz, in San Luis Potosí state. Even in the absence of mining activities, hydrogeochemistry and statistical techniques showed that arsenopyrite oxidation may also contaminate water, as in the case of the Independencia aquifer in the Mexican Altiplano. High concentrations of arsenic have also been detected in geothermal areas like Los Azufres, Los Humeros, and Acoculco. Prevalence of dental fluorosis was revealed by epidemiological studies in Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí states. Presence of fluoride in water results from dissolution of acid-volcanic rocks. In Mexico, groundwater supplies most drinking water. Current knowledge and the geology of Mexico indicate the need to include arsenic and fluoride determinations in groundwater on a routine basis, and to develop interdisciplinary studies to assess the contaminant's sources in all enriched areas.  相似文献   

Radioactive waste disposal and nuclear testing concentrated in high latitudes in the northern hemisphere have resulted in the accumulation of radionuclides in Arctic marine ecosystems, but little is known of the consequences for marine biota in these waters. Under controlled laboratory conditions in May through September 1994, we examined the bioaccumulation in sea stars, Asterias forbesi (Desor), or the radionuclides 241Am, 57Co and 137Cs, all of which are important components of disposed radioactive wastes. Experiments at 2 and 12°C determined the relative importance of food (the bivalve, Macoma balthica) and water as sources of radionuclides and assessed the influence of temperature on radionuclide influx and efflux rates. The lower temperature greatly increased the retention of radionuclides ingested with food; for instance, the biological half-life (tb 1/2) of 241Am in the sea stars was 31 d at 12°C, but was virtually infinite at 2°C. Retention of ingested 57Co was also increased at 2°C (tb 1/2=41 d). 137Cs was not accumulated from food. Low temperature significantly reduced net influx rates of 137Cs from water, but did not affect net uptake of 241Am or 57Co. Temperature had little effect on the retention of all three isotopes obtained from the dissolved phase. These experiments suggest that extrapolation of results of previous radioecological studies, conducted at warmer temperatures, to polar or temperate winter environments may be problematic, and that nuclear waste isotopes obtained through trophic transfer may be retained far more efficiently in high latitude marine biota than by fauna from warmer ecosystems.  相似文献   


Health risks associated with excessive intake of fluoride through drinking water are one of the geoenvironmental health problems observed in many parts of the world, mainly in countries of the humid tropical belt, including Sri Lanka. Fluoride-related health problems are widespread in the dry climatic region compared to the wet climatic zone of Sri Lanka. The potential health risks of fluoride for communities in a river basin which drains through two climatic zones, viz. wet and dry zones, were investigated in this study. Sixty-three groundwater samples were collected from wells in the Walawe river basin during pre- and post-monsoon periods. From collected samples, ten selected samples were analyzed for their tritium (3H) levels to find out the approximate resident time of groundwater. In the river basin, the dry zone segment is characterized by elevated levels of fluoride (>?1.0 mg/L) in groundwater. Groundwater fluoride in the region was primarily of geogenic origin. The tritium values showed older groundwater contained higher fluoride levels, showing a increased dissolution of fluoride-bearing minerals. The hazard quotient (HQfluoride) showed that about 45% of pre- and 55% of post-monsoon groundwater samples in the dry zone area were unsuitable for drinking purposes for school children who are vulnerable to non-carcinogenic risks and dental fluorosis. This study emphasizes the need for continuous water quality monitoring and mitigation measures to ensure the health of residents.


Hypoxia due to the over enrichment of waters by nutrients is becoming a global problem. In mussels, enhanced byssus thread production is an important adaptation to the presence of crustacean predators and to energetic hydrodynamic regimes. Thread production is an energy-consuming process, so this study used the green mussel Perna viridis (L.) to examine the response to predator exposure combined with hypoxia. Hypoxia is common in sheltered bays in Hong Kong, and the mussels were collected in one such bay, Lok Wo Sha (latitude/longitude: 22o18′ N/114o10′ E) in January, 2009. The predator used in the experiments was the swimming crab Thalamita danae. Oxygen concentrations used in the 48-h experiments ranged from hypoxic to normoxic (1.5 ± 0.3 mg l−1, 3.0 ± 0.3 mg l−1 and 6.0 ± 0.3 mg l−1). Fewer byssus threads which were also shorter and thinner were produced at reduced oxygen levels, no matter if the predator was present or not; the frequency the mussels shed stalks was also lower. Mussels exposed to the predator, however, have enhanced byssus thread production at all oxygen levels when compared with the control. This has highlighted the significance of anti-predator responses for the survival of individuals even under a stressful environment in which energy supply is limited by aerobic metabolism. Interactive effects between oxygen level and predator exposure were observed for the byssus thread production (frequency of shed stalks, mean byssus thread length, cumulative byssus thread volume), with values obtained at 1.5 and 3.0 mg O2 l−1 being statistically indistinguishable for the control group without predator but not for the predator group. The lack of differences in the byssus thread production at lower oxygen levels in the absence of predator may indicate the minimum amount of byssus that is required for settlement on a substrate.  相似文献   

A novel environmentally friendly type of calcium carbonate, zinc (II) and iron (III) scale inhibitor Acrylic acid- allylpolyethoxy carboxylate copolymer (AA-APEL) was synthesized. The anti-scale property of the AA-APEL toward CaCO3, zinc (II) and iron (III) in the artificial cooling water was studied through static scale inhibition tests. The observation shows that both calcium carbonate, zinc (II) and iron (III) inhibition increase with increasing the dosage of AA-APEL. The effect on formation of CaCO3 was investigated with combination of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and fourier transform infrared spectrometer, respectively. The results showed that the AA-APEL copolymer not only influenced calcium carbonate crystal morphology and crystal size but also the crystallinity. The crystallization of CaCO3 in the absence of inhibitor was rhombohedral calcite crystal, whereas a mixture of calcite with vaterite crystals was found in the presence of the AA-APEL copolymer. Inhibition mechanism is proposed that the interactions between calcium or iron ions and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are the fundamental impetus to restrain the formation of the scale in cooling water systems.  相似文献   

R. Bochert  A. Bick 《Marine Biology》1995,123(4):763-773
The pelagic larvae of the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873) are newcomers among the meroplankton of the Baltic Sea, where they sometimes achieve an abundance of up to 21x106 ind m-3 near the coast, especially in late autumn and even in winter. Benthos samples were collected in the Darss-Zingst bodden chain from April 1992 to 1993 and used to ascertain the reproductive stages of individuals. Development from fertilized egg to benthic juvenile is described on the basis of field material. Details of the morphology of various pelagic stages and the young benthic worm are presented as drawings and scanning electron microscope photographs. In 1992, development of the gametes started in mid-May. The individuals reached maturity in late September after about 20 wk. The first planktonic stage was the fertilized egg. The larvae have initially one and later two pairs of black eyes and, in the 2nd segment, a ciliated pit. Gastrotrochs are present on the third and thereafter every alternate segment. Neuropodial setae develop once the 7-setiger stage is reached. Palps appear at the 10-setiger stage, and neuropodial bidentate hooks from the 10th to 11th setiger on. Metamorphosis into the juvenile benthic stage takes place at the earliest when the 15-setiger stage has been reached. The reproductive seasons of various populations of M. viridis and the developmental patterns of their larvae are discussed, and differences are compared with relevant findings for the spionids.  相似文献   

Invertebrates containing endosymbiotic dinoflagellate algae (zooxanthellae) retain excretory nitrogen, and many are able to take up ammonium from the surrounding seawater. However, the site of assimilation and role of nitrogen recycling between symbiont and host remains unclear. In the present study, ammonium uptake by the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis (Forskål) was examined by following the pathway of assimilation using 15N-enriched ammonium. Since zooxanthellae became enriched with 15N from ammonium at up to 17 times the rate of the host, they appear to be the primary site of assimilation. In the light, the rate of zooxanthellae enrichment at 20?M was twice that at 10?M, whereas the rate of host enrichment was not significantly affected by ammonium concentration. When anemones were incubated with [15N]ammonium in the dark, after 12?h without light the rate of enrichment was lowered in both zooxanthellae and host. However, while the enrichment of the host was significantly reduced when the light level was lowered from 300 to 150?μmol photons m?2?s?1, zooxanthellae enrichment was unchanged. Low molecular weight material from the zooxanthellae became enriched at 20 times the rate of that from the host, and enrichment was detected in the amino acids glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, alanine, glycine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, tyrosine, and leucine from zooxanthellae. In the zooxanthellae, amino acids accounted for 65% of the total enrichment of low molecular weight material. Of the amino acids detected in zooxanthellae, over 90% of the enrichment was accounted for by glutamate, glutamine and aspartate. The enrichment of the amide group of glutamine was greater than that of the amine group of glutamate or glutamine, consistent with the glutamine synthetase/glutamine 2-oxoglutarate amidotransferase cycle as the mechanism of ammonium assimilation. To examine the flux of 15N from zooxanthellae to host, anemones were pulse-labelled with [15N]ammonium and then transferred to an unlabelled chase. Over a 2?h period there was no evidence for a flux of nitrogen from zooxanthellae to host. However, during the chase period, the enrichment of low molecular weight material declined and that of high molecular weight material increased in both zooxanthellae and host, indicating that protein was synthesized using 15N from ammonium in both components of the symbiosis. Again by using a pulse-chase system, it was found that glutamate was metabolised most rapidly by zooxanthellae, followed by (in order of decreasing rate of turnover) aspartate, alanine, glycine and valine (no data are available for glutamine). Unlike these amino acids, nitrogen was transferred to the essential amino acids phenylalanine and threonine, increasing their enrichment during the chase period. While recycled nitrogen is clearly important to this symbiosis, the mechanism by which it is cycled remains to be resolved.  相似文献   

Anemonia viridis (Forskäl) were collected from south-west Scotland and south-west England in October 1988. When exposed to 0.05 and 0.2mg 1–1 copper in sea water, anemones did not take up the metal in proportion to external concentrations. Results suggested thatA. viridis regulated copper by expelling symbiotic algae (or zooxanthellae) which were shown to accumulate copper. The use of aposymbiotic (non-zooxanthellate) anemones in similar metal-uptake experiments indicated that other mechanisms may also be involved in metal regulation. Mucus was produced byA. viridis when the anemone was exposed to copper, and it is proposed that mucus may be involved in the regulation process. The implication of this work on the use of coelenterates as biological indicators of environmental metal levels is discussed.  相似文献   

Harland  A. D.  Davies  P. S. 《Marine Biology》1995,123(4):715-722
Dark respiration of the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis (Forskäl) was observed to increase by 34% when anemones were exposed to hyperoxic sea water (150% oxygen saturation) overnight, and by 39% after exposure to 6 h in the light at a saturating irradiance of 300 E m-2 s-1 at normoxia (100% oxygen saturation). No increase due to light stimulation was observed in aposymbiotic control anemones. In darkness, the oxygen concentration of the coelenteric fluid was hypoxic. However, within 10 min of anemones being illuminated, coelenteric fluid was hyperoxic, and it remained elevated throughout a 12 h light period. When measured over a 24 h period (12 h light: 12 h dark), the dark respiration rate increased gradually over the first 6 h of the light period until it was 35% above the dark night-time resting rate. It remained elevated throughout the remaining light period and for 2 h into the following dark period, after which it fell back to the resting rate. Gross photosynthesis (P gross) increased significantly when anemones were exposed to either hyperoxia (150% oxygen saturation) or 300 E m-2 s-1 at normoxia. This increase was not observed when symbiotic anemones were illuminated at a low-light intensity of 100 E m-2 s-1. The results of this study suggest that respiration in the dark is limited by oxygen diffusion and that normal respiration is restored in the daytime by utilisation of the oxygen released by photosynthesis. Furthermore, it appears that the increased respiration following exposure to high-light intensities provides a CO2-rich intracellular environment which further enhances the photosynthetic rate of the zooxanthellae.  相似文献   

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