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建设资源节约型农业的途径与模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建设资源节约型农业的根本途径是提高农业生产力。其中主要的措施有:科学利用气候资源,充分发挥气候生产潜力;十分珍惜每寸土地,努力提高土地生产率;大力推行节水措施,扩大农田灌溉面积;科学合理施肥,持续提高单产;提高能源利用率,解决农村能源短缺;实现人畜分粮,缓解人地关系;促进农产品商品流通,提高农业经济效益等。立体农业是发展资源节约型农业的最佳模式,也是中国式的高效益资源节约型农业的重要模式之一。  相似文献   

为评价农业生产过程对区域水资源的影响,在核算江苏省农业广义水资源量和农作物生产水足迹的基础上,构建基于水资源消耗和水足迹的农业生产水资源压力指标BWSI和GWSI进行1999~2013农业生产水资源压力评价。结果显示,江苏省农业广义水资源约为1 034.6×10~8 m~3,绿水占70.4%,苏南地区相对丰富;农作物生产水足迹为1 069.5×10~8 m~3(5.9%蓝水、74.6%绿水、19.5%灰水),苏北地区占61.6%且有随时间增大趋势。全省BWSI和GWSI分别为2.60与1.09,水资源压力较大,且有随时间微弱增大的趋势;农业生产水资源压力由南向北呈增大态势,且在时间上呈现苏南减低、苏中稳定、苏北增大的整体态势。引江水缓解了全省及各分区水资源压力,对BWSI的影响大于GWSI。BWSI和GWSI可以用于区域农业生产水资源压力评价,BWSI能揭示缺水地区的水资源稀缺性,而GWSI适合全面反映水资源丰富地区的用水状况。  相似文献   

The study was conducted to assess the potential of Norwegian agricultural ecosystems to sequester carbon (C) based on the data from some long-term agronomic and land use experiments. The total emission of CO2 in Norway in 1998 was 41.4 million metric ton (MMT), of which agriculture contributed only 0.157 MMT, or <0.4% of the total emissions. With regards to methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) gases, however, agricultural activities contributed 32.5% and 51.3% of their respective emissions in Norway. The soil organic carbon (SOC) losses associated with accelerated soil erosion in Norway are estimated at 0.475 MMTC yr–1. Land use changes and soil/crop management practices with potential for SOC sequestration include conservation tillage methods, judicious use of fertilizers and manures, use of crop residues, diverse crop rotations, and erosion control measures. The potential for SOC sequestration is 0.146 MMTC yr–1 for adopting conservation tillage, 0.011–0.035 MMTC yr–1 for crop residue management, 0.026 MMTC yr–1 for judicious use of mineral fertilizer, 0.016–0.135 MMTC yr–1 for manure application, and 0.036 MMTC yr–1 for adopting crop rotations. The overall potential of these practices for SOC sequestration ranges from 0.591 to 1.022 MMTC yr–1 with an average value of 0.806 MMTC yr–1. Of the total potential, 59% is due to adoption of erosion control measures, 5.8% to restoration of peat lands, 21% to conversion to conservation tillage and residue management, and 14% to adoption of improved cropping systems. Enhancing SOC sequestration and improving soil quality, through adoption of judicious land use and improved system of soil and crop management, are prudent strategies for sustainable management of soil, water and environment resources.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: bhaskarn ath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

The paper argues health risk management in Developing Countries cannot be sustainable unless it is conceived, planned, implemented and maintained by community-led multi-stakeholder groups using an integrated capacity building process with five components: (1) education and awareness raising; (2) strengthening information resources and decision making; (3) strengthening regulations and compliance; (4) improving basic sanitation infrastructure; and (5) stimulating the market for support products and services for health and environment sectors. Occupational and environmental health professionals with cross-disciplinary understanding are uniquely qualified to build much-needed bridges between stakeholders, risk science and policy. They should adopt a cost-effective mentality, adapting models/methods used in developed countries to developing country contexts, negotiating political obstacles and understanding cultural differences in risk sources, exposures and perceptions. Stakeholders – health professionals, community representatives, officials, NGOs/advocacy groups, industries, and providers of products/services – collaborate to detect needs, mobilize resources, design, develop, implement, consolidate and maintain interventions to priority problems. Field experience in Mexico supports the argument. This sustainability process is adaptable to other keystone development sectors like soil and water resources stewardship, biodiversity conservation, agriculture and energy.  相似文献   

The use and management of natural capital is critical in all nations, but especially so in poor nations. The role of institutions – chiefly, property rights and pricing systems for natural resources – is pivotal in achieving growth and improved distribution of income and wealth, in understanding environmental degradation, and in seeking improved policy. Particularly useful criteria and indicators of sustainable development relate to `green' output and productivity measures in which the depreciation of natural capital is being considered. Special management problems exist for `critical' components of natural capital to which variants of the precautionary principle must be applied to ensure that our heirs receive an undiminished patrimony.  相似文献   

Population growth and environmental degradation are closely linked. Increasing population has in many rural areas of Tanzania contributed to changes in land use/cover patterns, land fragmentation and livelihood insecurity. Increasing demand for food, energy and other environmental services has contributed to expansion of agriculture, including marginal areas, and deforestation often leading to environmental degradation. Increased reliance on natural resources for rural livelihoods, subsistence nature of the agricultural sector and limited economic opportunities in rural areas are among the factors leading to rural–rural and rural–urban migrations searching for better livelihood opportunities. The high urban demand for food and biomass energy from rural areas has also contributed to rural deforestation and overall environmental degradation. This paper addresses the linkages between population and environmental degradation in Tanzania. It argues that effective implementation of development and resources management policies can lead to environmental sustainability even with growing populations. It provides evidence from successful land management interventions such as HADO, HASHI and SECAP, which support the argument that with effective implementation of resource management initiatives even larger populations can be supported by the available resources. Such successful interventions ought to be emulated elsewhere with similar environmental problems.  相似文献   

Within the emerging concept of industrial ecology (IE) that belongs to the research and practical field of sustainable development (SD), the natural ecosystem evolution over time has been described as a metaphor that presents systems of type I, type II and type III ecology. Type I describes a situation when there was little life on earth and plenty of resources. In type II, the ecosystem starts to develop material cycles and energy cascades between organisms and species due to increasing amount of life and emerging scarcity of resources. In type III, the mature ecosystem stage, the system actors have developed nearly completely cyclic flows of matter, energy cascades and diverse interdependencies between them. This paper uses the metaphor in the three systems to develop practical models of type I, II and III industrial ecosystems for an economic system of heating energy and its evolution over time. First, the physical flows of matter and energy are described by using two contrasting case system characteristics, 'throughput' and 'roundput'. Throughput means linear material and energy flows. Roundput means material cycles, energy cascades and sustainable use of renewables, i.e., ecosystem type III. Second, the more structural and organisational features are considered with the characteristic of 'diversity' meaning diversity in resources, human involvement and economic actors and technology used. The case system development over time shown with our practical model of type I–III is radically different from the ecosystem evolution as described in the literature on the industrial ecosystem metaphor of type I–III. This conclusion as a research result, however, is tentative, because of the fuzzy and vague meaning assigned to a metaphor and its confusion with a practical model of industrial development in the industrial ecology literature.  相似文献   

以家庭均包制为主要经营特征的农村土地制度曾一度引致农户农业生产积极性的提高和农业生产效率的快速增长,但由此导致的细碎化小规模的农地经营特征和农业生产成本的上升却造成了农地经营的自我剥削现象普遍存在,加之传统的村庄惯习和土地占有关系诱致的农户对农地的禀赋效应,共同导致农户农地经营的自我剥削属性与土地的市场处置行为呈现出内在运行机制不一致性。为此,本文采用引入交叉项的Probit模型,并利用江西省丰城市和遂川县的706户农户调查数据经验分析了小农户的自我剥削和农地禀赋效应对农地流转潜在市场发育的影响。理论分析表明,农地经营的自我剥削特征与农地市场化具有一致性倾向,但农地的人格化财产属性引致的农户禀赋效应造成了农户农地经营自我剥削感知度的下降,并削弱了要素经营属性与市场配置行为的匹配。经验分析结果发现,小农户低效率农地经营导致的自我剥削与农地禀赋效应分别激励农地流转市场的潜在供给和需求。同时,农地禀赋效应弱化了自我剥削对农地流转潜在需求和供给的诱发作用。为此,本文认为降低农户的土地禀赋效应是欠发达地区小农户转型的总体方向,它为农地由小农户流向生产大户和培育部分小农户成为新型农业经营主体提供保障。文章主要从家庭决策的利益导向化、农地流转市场与劳动力市场发展的不一致性及农村制度供给等维度提出了经济欠发达地区小农户转变农业生产方式,跳出自我剥削陷阱的政策建议。具体措施包括:1切实保障小农户的基本权益,提高他们在家庭资源配置中的预期收益;2在初次规模经营补贴、农业基本补贴机制转变、经营者生产奖励、专业技能培训、市场信息供给等层面加大投入力度,同时完善农村社会保障体系,以降低小农户转型的难度与风险。  相似文献   

虚拟耕地资源被广泛认为是缓解国内耕地资源压力和促进农业经济增长的重要举措之一。在论证虚拟耕地资源贸易对农业经济增长作用机理分析的基础上,计算1996~2018年中国主要农产品虚拟耕地资源贸易量,并对虚拟耕地资源对农业经济增长中的贡献份额进行实证分析,为调整对外贸易战略及优化耕地资源策略提供参考。结果表明:虚拟耕地资源可以在更大范围内实现耕地资源的优化配置;主要农产品贸易的巨大逆差决定了中国是虚拟耕地资源净进口大国,其中,油料是虚拟耕地资源净进口量最大的品种;虚拟耕地资源对农业经济增长的贡献率为0.26%,观点得到了佐证。同时,还提出了要试点实施虚拟耕地资源,全力以赴做好贸易政策调整战略;充分利用国内外“两种资源、两个市场”,倒逼主要农产品进行结构调整;努力构建虚拟耕地资源管理新模式,推动农业“走出去”与市场多元化结合等政策建议。  相似文献   

A system of plant, soil, water and nutrient management for irrigated rice developed in Madagascar has been yielding 5, 10, even 15tha–1 on farmers' fields where previous yields averaged around 2tha–1. This is achieved using whatever variety of rice the farmer is already using and without having to utilize chemical fertilizer or other purchased inputs. This system, known as SRI, shows that alternative management practices, creating optimal growing conditions for plants, can bring out previously untapped genetic potential. It also shows that the practices farmers have used for centuries may not always be the best in agronomic terms.  相似文献   

基于复杂系统建模的水管理政策研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于Agent的建模方法(ABSS)通过自下而上的方式,考察系统中主体的不同状态和行为特征、主体与环境的作用、主体之间的作用,来表征系统的宏观特征,是进行复杂社会环境系统分析和政策研究的重要手段,在水资源、水环境管理系统中得到了有效的应用。本文在大量文献调研的基础上,讨论了ABSS建模方法的基本原理、主要特征、系统构成、分类方法和开发工具等特征,总结了其供水系统发展、水资源分配和流域水资源管理、农业土地和水资源利用、居民用水行为、农业污染控制及人类活动的水环境影响等方面的应用,分析了其在研究内容、研究方法、研究结果等方面的发展趋势,讨论了利用该方法研究我国水资源管理和水污染控制政策的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

借鉴Islam的研究思路,构建农业面源污染影响因素分解的理论模型。并利用1990~2010年省际面板数据进行实证研究,探讨农业面源污染演变的内在驱动机制,以期为农业面源污染控制和管理提供理论依据。主要研究结论如下:(1)农业面源污染演变受规模效应、结构效应和减污效应的共同影响;(2)规模效应对农业面源污染的影响为正,这说明农业生产规模和农村人口规模的扩大会增大农业面源污染的排放。结构效应的两个重要方面(经济作物比重的提高和畜禽养殖业产值比重的提高)都会导致农业面源污染的加剧。技术进步和经济发展的减污效应开始初步发挥,二者都能有效减少农业面源污染,这为实现农业生产与生态环境的协调发展提供了可能  相似文献   

Sustainable Agriculture in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most agricultural assessments of global environmental change made to date have not focused explicitly on sustainability issues, and have neglected the considerable impacts of shifting agricultural zones, alterations in commercial fertiliser and pesticide use, and changes in the demand for water resources. The current crisis in agriculture, with its economic, political, social and ecological dimensions, has arisen because of the pursuit of a productivity technology/policy model. This broad policy of agricultural ‘modernisation’ and development through the application of agricultural science and technology has shaped the direction of technological change in agriculture and the evolution of a complex agro-industrial food system.1 This paper focuses on England’s Rural Development Programme2 as it contributes to sustainable agriculture alongside the control of pollution.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

Delivering on the Promise of Agroforestry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agroforestry – the traditional practice of growing trees on farms for the benefit of the farm family and for the environment – was brought from the realm of indigenous knowledge into the forefront of agricultural research less than two decades ago. It was promoted widely as a sustainability-enhancing practice that combines the best attributes of forestry and agriculture. Based on principles of natural resource management and process-oriented research, agroforestry is now recognized as an applied science, that is instrumental in assuring food security, reducing poverty and enhancing ecosystem resilience at the scale of thousands of smallholder farmers in the tropics.Trees on farms provide both products and services: they yield food, fuelwood, fodder, timber and medicines, which farm families can use at home or take to market to bring in much-needed cash; they replenish organic matter and nutrient levels in soils and they help control erosion and conserve water. The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, and its partners, are working to integrate the functions of trees with policy and institutional improvements that aim at facilitating wide-scale adoption by farmers.Two examples described in this paper are replenishing soil fertility in sub-Saharan Africa using short-term improved tree and shrub fallows and the results of agroforestry research to support significant land tenure policy in southeast Asia.Although just one option in sustainable land-use, science-based agroforestry has the potential to produce economically, socially and environmentally sound results for the billions of people who depend on this ancient practice and modern science.  相似文献   

科学剖析农用地生态效率时空差异及影响机制,对实现农用地利用与资源环境协调发展以及制定农业可持续发展政策具有重要的理论与实践意义。将农用地面源污染、碳排放作为非期望产出纳入农用地生态效率评价指标体系,借助SBM-Undesirable模型对1990~2017年江西省农用地生态效率进行测度并对其时空差异特征进行分析,在此基础上运用Tobit模型探讨相关因素的影响机制。结果表明:(1)1990~2017年间江西省农用地生态效率呈现"先下降后上升"的变化趋势,均值为0.749,总体呈现上升的趋势;(2)各设区市农用地生态效率空间格局演变轨迹呈现先下降后上升的扁平"U"型特征,高效率地区由"连片"分布向"点状"分布再向"连片"分布变化,空间格局趋于非均衡化发展;(3)农村居民人均可支配收入、复种指数、农村劳动力文化程度和劳均播种面积对农用地生态效率产生显著正影响,城乡收入差距则产生显著负影响。最后,从优化资源要素配置、加强农业科技创新应用、健全农村土地流转制度、摒弃过度依赖资源要素投入与环境污染的粗放型发展模式、走"精耕细作"和可持续发展的农业生态文明发展道路等方面提出了提高农用地生态效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

The spectrum and frequency of cytogenetic aberrations in the reproductive (seeds) and vegetative (foliage) organs of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) have been studied in the vicinity of the LSK Radon facility for radioactive waste storage and processing and in a 30-km zone around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The results indicate that the pine populations of these regions are exposed to mutagenic factors. In contrast to the 30-km Chernobyl zone, the increased environmental mutagenicity in the vicinity of LSK Radon and in the center of the city of Sosnovyi Bor is mainly accounted for by chemical factors. The results of additional acute γ-irradiation have shown an increased radiation resistance of Scotch pine seeds from the LSK Radon and Sosnovyi Bor populations. Regression analysis demonstrated a significant increase in the cytogenetic aberration rate in plants from the experimental plots throughout the study period (1997–2002).__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 4, 2005, pp. 275–285.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Geras’kin, Vasil’ev, Dikarev, Udalova, Evseeva, Dikareva, Zimin.  相似文献   

我国乡镇工业企业的发展与环境、资源的协调问题已经成为我国发展与环境、资源关系方面的大问题。实行工农相对分离,组建乡村工业区,是提高乡镇工业企业素质、效益,强化乡镇工业企业优化组合、规模经营的有效途径;是保护环境,实现资源有效利用的基础工作之一;是提高农业劳动生产率,实现农业规模经营的基础工作之一。  相似文献   

For making rational and scientific land-use planning,an inventory indicator of land productivity subject to biophysical limitations and human disturbance is required.This study introduces agricultural land productivity(ALP)as the dynamic indicator to measure land productivity,involving factors that affect agricultural production,such as characteristics of climate,soil,and terrain.As a case study of this dynamic indicator,ALP was estimated at county level and aggregated into provincial level in the whole of China.The result shows that ALP increased during 2000-2010 in China,and the ratios of ALP to the actual grain yield were 65.40%and 66.38%in the years 2000 and 2005,respectively.The ALP is an effective dynamic indicator to estimate the land productivity and to represent the basic conditions about the supply of water,energy,nutrients,and the physical basis for plant growth,as well as the local input.ALP estimation could provide supporting information for policy-making about land production planning and land-use management.  相似文献   

从系统科学的视角出发,分析气候变化下水资源适应性系统脆弱性的内涵,基于脆弱性PSR分析框架,从胁迫性、敏感性、适应性3个维度构建了脆弱性评价指标体系,并采用熵值法和集对分析相结合的方法对脆弱性进行评价。结合2001~2010年鄱阳湖流域数据进行了实证研究,结果表明:10 a间鄱阳湖流域水资源适应性系统脆弱性的变化受胁迫性、敏感性和适应性的综合影响,脆弱性先明显增加后缓慢下降,但基本处于中等偏差水平。鄱阳湖流域水资源适应性系统脆弱性主要由降水量变化、自然灾害和经济发展产生的能源消耗、污染问题引发,提高系统适应性对缓解脆弱性有明显作用。根据评价分析,建议鄱阳湖流域未来从提高管理能力、经济及社会响应能力和加强环境生态治理等方面采取适应性对策;通过改善鄱阳湖流域发展方式和生态环境,减少脆弱性和提高可持续发展能力,更好地发挥鄱阳湖流域对国家生态安全的保障作用  相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地生态系统管理面临的威胁及应对策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统管理可以实现自然资源的多目标管理。洞庭湖湿地生态系统优越,区域内社会经济发达,但面临保护与发展的双重压力。其中,开展洞庭湖区湿地生态系统管理面临众多威胁,包括自然灾害频发、资源利用不当、工农业污染突出、自然保护能力不足以及季节性缺水等新老问题交织在一起,共同导致了洞庭湖湿地生态系统功能降低,包括生物多样性降低、调蓄能力减弱、洪渍涝灾害加剧、地下水位升高、垸老田低等现象日益突出,而且这种人类不合理活动的后效放大驱动将长期存在,危及到了湖区水产养殖的自然增殖以及自然资源基础的安全性,成为湖区社会经济发展的严重制约因素。为此,建议在遵循生态系统方法的前提下,洞庭湖地区应该加强管理体制机制创新实践,加快湿地保护的立法与执法进程,通过编制洞庭湖区中长期发展总体规划,促进各种利益相关方参与和共管洞庭湖湿地退田还湖等生态恢复工程的巩固、湿地资源合理利用、湿地产业的开发以及湖区湿地生态与环境建设,最终实现湖区生态美好、民生改善的“人地和谐  相似文献   

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