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Radioactive contamination of wood and its products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents research on radioactive contamination of the three most common kinds of wood in Croatia--beech, oak and fir as well as acorn. Gamma-spectrometric measurements carried out on the samples of bark and wood of beech, oak, fir and acorn have shown radioactivity contents ranging from 1.6 +/- 0.1 to 37.3 +/- 0.5 Bq/kg from deposited 137Cs, whose concentrations in the soil of Croatia have increased after the Chernobyl accident. Measurements have also shown the radioactivity originating from 40K and 214Bi, which are part of the natural composition of the soil. The distribution of the radionuclides in wood has been discussed, as well as the impact of radioactive contamination of wood by the artificial radionuclide 137Cs upon the forest ecosystem. According to the corresponding model, it has been calculated that a 10 h daily stay in a typical family house increases the annual radiation dose of the population, due to the deposited 137Cs in the structure or furniture, by 343 microSv.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at verifying the relevance of Ucides cordatus as a bioindicator of oil contamination and PAH bioavailability in mangrove sediments. For this, crabs and sediment cores were sampled from five mangroves, including an area suspected of contamination derived from an MF380 oil spillage, and analyzed for the 16 PAH in the USEPA priority list as well as for the five series of alkylated homologues. Concentrations in sediments varied from 35 microg kg-1 in the lower core layer of the control area to 33,000 microg kg-1 in the upper layer of the most contaminated area. Total PAH contents in crabs varied from 206 to 62,000 microg kg-1 and were closely correlated to that in sediments. In general, individual PAH profiles in both matrices were in good agreement. Phenanthrenes, however, were more predominant in crabs making up to 30-46% of the Total PAH. Accumulation factors found in the range of 0.7 to 35 were highly variable even after normalizing concentrations for organic carbon and lipid content. Survival in highly contaminated environment and reliable record of environmental contamination in the tissue provide evidence that U. cordatus is an excellent bioindicator for oil in mangroves.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is to bring out the cost effectiveness of cleaner production and the role played by cleaner production in minimizing the health hazards of pollutants in the workplace. Improvement in workplace health hazards due to implementation of cleaner production has been illustrated with the results of the study. This study was carried out in 16 Manufacturing units in two states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in India. The results clearly shows with the help of cost benefit analysis that cleaner technologies not only add to the bottom line of the company but also minimize exposure to toxic chemicals like Ammonia, phenol, carbon tetrachloride, toxic dust, etc. The main driving forces motivating the firms to go in for cleaner production are evaluated. It is found that in most of the units safety and health factors were ranked as one among the first four driving forces behind implementation of cleaner technologies. The paper ends with recommendations for the promotion of cleaner technologies.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to place some of the health risks in a modern society in perspective. Apparently objective assessments of health risks are often highly value-laden, and incorporate many social assumptions. Cancer is often considered by the public to be more “dangerous” than many other diseases. Cancer research workers may also be emotional in their reactions to new results, and this can easily destroy their credibility. The public often seems to be more concerned with industrial carcinogens, which are probably responsible for less morbidity and mortality than an unhealthy life style. The importance of a critical scientific attitude tempered by concern for individuals is emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to place some of the health risks in a modern society in perspective. Apparently objective assessments of health risks are often highly value-laden, and incorporate many social assumptions. Cancer is often considered by the public to be more “dangerous” than many other diseases. Cancer research workers may also be emotional in their reactions to new results, and this can easily destroy their credibility. The public often seem to be more concerned with industrial carcinogens, which are probably responsible for less morbidity and mortality than an unhealthy life style. The importance of a critical scientific attitude tempered by concern for individuals is emphasized.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe field of medical geology addresses the relationships between exposure to specific geological characteristics and the development of a range of health problems: for example, long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water can result in the development of skin conditions and cancers. While these relationships are well characterised for some examples, in others there is a lack of understanding of the specific geological component(s) triggering disease onset, necessitating further research.ObjectivesThis paper aims to highlight several important complexities in geological exposures and the development of related diseases that can create difficulties in the linkage of exposure and health outcome data. Several suggested approaches to deal with these complexities are also suggested.DiscussionLong-term exposure and lengthy latent periods are common characteristics of many diseases related to geological hazards. In combination with long- or short-distance migrations over an individual's life, daily or weekly movement patterns and small-scale spatial heterogeneity in geological characteristics, it becomes problematic to appropriately assign exposure measurements to individuals. The inclusion of supplementary methods, such as questionnaires, movement diaries or Global Positioning System (GPS) trackers can support medical geology studies by providing evidence for the most appropriate exposure measurement locations.ConclusionsThe complex and lengthy exposure–response pathways involved, small-distance spatial heterogeneity in environmental components and a range of other issues mean that interdisciplinary approaches to medical geology studies are necessary to provide robust evidence.  相似文献   

This article aimed at introducing the main physical properties and commercial/industrial uses of common liquid perfluoro-n-alkanes (including perfluoropentane, perfluorohexane, perfluoroheptane, perfluorooctane, and perfluorononane) and the environment and health hazards posed by their toxic decomposition products (especially in hydrogen fluoride and perfluoroisobutylene) because these perfluorocompounds are potent greenhouse gases, which have been blanketed into the Kyoto Protocol, but was rarely described in the National Inventory Reports by Annex I Parties. The environmental properties (including octanol-water partition coefficient, water solubility and Henry's law constant) of liquid perfluoro-n-alkanes were evaluated, and further discussed were its atmospheric implications according to the predicted properties and possible proposal for the formation of trifluoroacetic acid (CF(3)COOH) in the atmosphere by the ionized photolysis. These predicted values revealed that liquid perfluoro-n-alkanes tend to be hydrophobic and partitioned into organic matter, and they have exceptionally low solubility in water and extremely high vaporization from the water bodies, suggesting that it will sink into the atmosphere if it is released into the environment.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) which contain diverse organic groups, such as antibiotics, hormones, antimicrobial agents, synthetic musks, etc., have raised significant concerns in recently years for their persistent input and potential threat to ecological environment and human health. China is a large country with high production and consumption of PPCPs for its economic development and population growth in recent years. This may result in PPCP contamination in different environmental media of China. This review summarizes the current contamination status of different environment media, including sewage, surface water, sludge, sediments, soil, and wild animals, in China by PPCPs. The human body burden and adverse effects derived from PPCPs are also evaluated. Based on this review, it has been concluded that more contamination information of aquatic environment and wildlife as well as human body burden of PPCPs in different areas of China is urgent. Studies about their environmental behavior and control technologies need to be conducted, and acute and chronic toxicities of different PPCP groups should be investigated for assessing their potential ecological and health risks.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution and food safety are two of the most important issues of our time. Soil and water pollution, in particular, have historically impacted on food safety which represents an important threat to human health. Nowhere has that situation been more complex and challenging than in China, where a combination of pollution and an increasing food safety risk have affected a large part of the population. Water scarcity, pesticide over-application, and chemical pollutants are considered to be the most important factors impacting on food safety in China. Inadequate quantity and quality of surface water resources in China have led to the long-term use of waste-water irrigation to fulfill the water requirements for agricultural production. In some regions this has caused serious agricultural land and food pollution, especially for heavy metals. It is important, therefore, that issues threatening food safety such as combined pesticide residues and heavy metal pollution are addressed to reduce risks to human health. The increasing negative effects on food safety from water and soil pollution have put more people at risk of carcinogenic diseases, potentially contributing to ‘cancer villages’ which appear to correlate strongly with the main food producing areas. Currently in China, food safety policies are not integrated with soil and water pollution management policies. Here, a comprehensive map of both soil and water pollution threats to food safety in China is presented and integrated policies addressing soil and water pollution for achieving food safety are suggested to provide a holistic approach.  相似文献   

Surfactants are widely used in household and industrial products. After use, surfactants as well as their products are mainly discharged into sewage treatment plants and then dispersed into the environment through effluent discharge into surface waters and sludge disposal on lands. Surfactants have different behavior and fate in the environment. Nonionic and cationic surfactants had much higher sorption on soil and sediment than anionic surfactants such as LAS. Most surfactants can be degraded by microbes in the environment although some surfactants such as LAS and DTDMAC as well as alkylphenols may be persistent under anaerobic conditions. LAS were found to degrade in sludge amended soils with a half-lives of 7 to 33 days. Most surfactants are not acutely toxic to organisms at environmental concentrations and aquatic chronic toxicity of surfactants occurred at concentrations usually greater than 0.1 mg/L. However, alkylphenols have shown to be capable of inducing the production of vitellogenin in male fish at a concentration as low as 5 microg/L. More toxicity data are needed to assess the effects on terrestrial organisms such as plants.  相似文献   

Databases have been compiled to derive parameter values relevant to the transfer of radionuclides from feedstuffs to domestic animal products to provide a revision to the IAEA Handbook on transfer parameters TRS 364. Significant new data inputs have been incorporated into the databases from an extensive review of Russian language information and inclusion of data published since the early 1990s. Fractional gastrointestinal absorption in adult ruminants presented in the revised handbook are generally similar to those recommended for adult humans by the ICRP. Transfer coefficient values are presented in the handbook for a range of radionuclides to farm animal products. For most animal products, transfer coefficient values for elements additional to those in TRS 364 are provided although many data gaps remain. Transfer coefficients generally vary between species with larger species having lower values than smaller species. It has been suggested that the difference is partly due to the inclusion of dietary dry matter intake in the estimation of transfer coefficient and that whilst dietary intake increases with size nutrient concentrations do not. An alternative approach to quantifying transfer by using concentration ratios (CR), which do not consider dietary intake, has been evaluated. CR values compiled for the handbook vary considerably less between species than transfer coefficient values. The advantage of the CR approach is that values derived for one species could be applied to species for which there are no data. However, transfer coefficients will continue to be used as few studies currently report CR values or give data from which they can be estimated.  相似文献   

In the context of assessing potential risks of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs), life cycle thinking can represent a holistic view on the impacts of ENPs through the entire value chain of nano-enhanced products from production, through use, and finally to disposal. Exposure to ENPs in consumer or environmental settings may either be to the original, pristine ENPs, or more likely, to ENPs that have been incorporated into products, released, aged and transformed. Here, key product-use related aging and transformation processes affecting ENPs are reviewed. The focus is on processes resulting in ENP release and on the transformation(s) the released particles undergo in the use and disposal phases of its product life cycle for several nanomaterials (Ag, ZnO, TiO2, carbon nanotubes, CeO2, SiO2 etc.). These include photochemical transformations, oxidation and reduction, dissolution, precipitation, adsorption and desorption, combustion, abrasion and biotransformation, among other biogeochemical processes. To date, few studies have tried to establish what changes the ENPs undergo when they are incorporated into, and released from, products. As a result there is major uncertainty as to the state of many ENPs following their release because much of current testing on pristine ENPs may not be fully relevant for risk assessment purposes. The goal of this present review is therefore to use knowledge on the life cycle of nano-products to derive possible transformations common ENPs in nano-products may undergo based on how these products will be used by the consumer and eventually discarded. By determining specific gaps in knowledge of the ENP transformation process, this approach should prove useful in narrowing the number of physical experiments that need to be conducted and illuminate where more focused effort can be placed.  相似文献   

A review of published information on the arsenic contamination of groundwater in the Terai regions of Nepal showed that the source was mainly geogenic due to the dissolution of the arsenic-bearing minerals. Clinical observations of patients in the arsenic affected districts revealed chronic arsenic poisoning from drinking water. Half a million people inhabiting the region are believed to have been exposed to arsenic levels greater than 50 microg/L in their drinking water. Thirty-one percent of the population (3.5 million) in the region are estimated to have been exposed to arsenic levels between 10 and 50 microg/L. Iron assisted biosand filters currently distributed and in operation are a suitable alternative to mitigate the interim arsenic standard of 50 microg/L, as set by the Nepal Government. Arsenic biosand filters were also effective in removing bacteria and viruses from drinking water in laboratory and field tests. However, groundwater treatment targeting cluster communities in the Terai region is the sustainable way of mitigating the arsenic problem.  相似文献   

Lists of macrolepidopterans inhabiting the Southern, Middle, and Polar Urals have been used for analyzing the relationship between the species richness of these insects with that of the families of plants on which their larvae feed. The results have shown that this factor in the Southern Urals accounts for approximately 75% and 65% of variation in the species richness of lepidopterans on woody and herbaceous plants, respectively. In the Polar Urals, this correlation is markedly weaker. Latitudinal trends in trophic preferences of individual lepidopteran taxa have been revealed. Probable causes of changes in the relative abundance of lepidopterans north of the forest zone are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of a barrier coating in food packaging is primarily to increase the shelf life of the foodstuff contained within the packaging, preserve its colour, odour, taste and quality, and thereby reduce food wastage (both at retail outlets and households). While most publications hitherto have compared packaging and barrier-coating materials on the basis of their environmental impacts alone, this paper adopts a more holistic approach by factoring in the economic aspect as well. Four barrier material alternatives—starch, polyethylene, EVOH + kaolin and latex + kaolin are analysed. Two well-defined end-of-life handling scenarios, relevant to Sweden, are: one in which everything except starch is recycled, with starch being composted, and the other in which everything is incinerated. Among the several environmental impact categories which can be analysed, this paper considers only global warming. Two approaches are tested to combine the economic and environmental aspects—normalisation, weighting and aggregating on the one hand, and using the carbon tax to internalise the externality caused by GHG emissions on the other. For the set of weighting factors obtained thanks to a survey conducted by the authors (40.6% for environmental and 59.4% for economic), starch emerges as the most sustainable alternative, followed by polyethylene for both the end-of-life handling scenarios. This tallies with the result obtained by using the carbon tax for internalisation of the externality. The case study, methodology and results presented in this paper, will hopefully be a springboard for more detailed studies of this nature, under the umbrella of sustainability.  相似文献   

Green Public Procurement (GPP) is currently being used to influence the market to shift to a supply of goods and services to the public sector that have a reduced environmental impact. The food service sector plays a major role in the purchases made by the public sector and due to that relevance deserves attention. The GPP schemes reviewed were those that provide details of the specific environmental criteria used (or recommended) for public tendering of food products and catering services provision. The set of GPP schemes apply to distinct geographical zones within the EU, including national level (e.g. Italy), regional level (e.g. Barcelona) and also local level, as in the case of cities (e.g. Copenhagen) or schools (e.g. a school in Pisa, Italy). The criteria set covers services provision to schools, health and social care, higher education, government office canteens, sports and leisure arenas, prisons and defence services (e.g. army). European and worldwide GPP criteria were not covered by the review made. This exploratory study comprehends a total of 23 GPP schemes. This sample includes eight national schemes, three regional schemes and ten local schemes. The review focused on the scope, for the sector of applicability (e.g. education, healthcare) of the GPP set of criteria and for the type of food products covered. Moreover, this paper analyses the type of GPP criteria in use and how the environmental criteria cover the distinct life cycle stages of the whole food supply chain. Findings from the analysis show that for the majority of schemes the scope of criteria is simultaneously the provision of food products and catering services. Moreover, cities, municipalities and counties are the main public authorities reporting procurement activities for the education sector while national GPP activities are applicable for multiple sectors of activity. The main food products covered by the criteria are fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fish and seafood and meat. Finally, the findings show that the set of criteria from the schemes cover widely the life cycle stages of the food supply chain. The results allowed for a first identification of current practices in the use of GPP criteria within public purchasing of food products and catering services in Europe by national, regional or local governments.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of sorbent modification by synthetic, chemical/thermal weathering on the sorptive behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A clean sandy-clay-loam soil was subjected to Soxhlet extraction and PAH sorptive phenomena were evaluated based on quantity and quality changes in soil organic matter (SOM) and clay minerals. Critical changes in sorption capacity were found to depend on the initial PAH concentrations. Above 7 mg/l, weathering increased the PAH in comparison to that of unmodified soil, whereas it decreased when applied below this concentration. Similarly, less PAH was desorbed from the altered soil when PAH was applied above 7 mg/l. Therefore, when PAH was applied below 7 mg/l, quantitative reduction of sorbent amount (i.e., SOM and clay minerals) by soil weathering governed PAH sorptive behavior. However, when the PAH was applied above the critical limit, qualitative modifications in the sorbents facilitated an opposite trend. Sorbent swelling, removal of competing compounds, and possible changes in surface characteristics by Soxhlet extraction, together with increased concentration gradient effects were factors that resulted in dissimilar PAH sorptive phenomena, pivoting at the critical concentration.  相似文献   

Recent reviews have established benchmark values for transfer factors that describe radionuclide transfer from plants to animal food product such as milk, eggs and meat. They also illustrate the paucity of data for some elements and some food products. The present study quantified transfer data using indigenous elements measured in dairy, poultry and other livestock farms in Canada. Up to 62 elements are reported, with particular emphasis on iodine (I) because of the need to accurately assess the behaviour of 129I from disposal of nuclear fuel waste. There was remarkable agreement with the literature values, and for many elements the present study involved many more observations than were previously available. Perhaps the most important observation was that product/substrate concentration ratios (CR) were quite consistent across species, whereas the traditional fractional transfer factors (TF, units of d kg−1 or d L−1) necessarily vary with body mass (feed intake). This suggests that for long-term assessments, it may be advisable to change the models to use CR rather than TF.  相似文献   

Mollusks living in seas can accumulate heavy metals, and may serve as excellent passive biomonitors. During a period of 1 year, bioaccumulation of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn was examined in nine kinds of mollusks (Rapana venosa, Neverita didyma, Scapharca subcrenata, Mytilus edulis, Amusium, Crassostrea talienwhanensis, Meretix meretrix, Ruditapes philippinarum, and Mactra veneriformis), which were collected at eight coastal sites along the Chinese Bohai Sea. Metal concentrations were directly determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Two certified reference materials, dogfish muscle (DORM-2) and mussel (GBW 08571), were used to validate the methods, and the recoveries were within 83.72-112.30% of the certified values. Bioaccumulation of metals varied strongly among sampling sites and species. Statistical analysis (one-way ANOVA) indicated that different species examined showed different bioaccumulation of metals, and perhaps they could be used as potential biomonitors to investigate the contamination levels of heavy metals. Principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation analysis were used to study the relationships between these heavy metals. The results showed that, in nine mollusks' tissues, there are significant correlations between these elements in adjacent main group or subgroup in periodic table of elements.  相似文献   

Lyngbya majuscula is a benthic filamentous marine cyanobacterium, which in recent years appears to have been increasing in frequency and size of blooms in Moreton Bay, Queensland. It has a worldwide distribution throughout the tropics and subtropics in water to 30m. It has been found to contain a variety of chemicals that exert a range of biological effects, including skin, eye and respiratory irritation. The toxins lyngbyatoxin A and debromoaplysiatoxin appear to give the most widely witnessed biological effects in relation to humans, and experiments involving these two toxins show the formation of acute dermal lesions. Studies into the epidemiology of the dermatitic, respiratory and eye effects of the toxins of this organism are reviewed and show that Lyngbya induced dermatitis has occurred in a number of locations. The effects of aerosolised Lyngbya in relation to health outcomes were also reported. Differential effects of bathing behaviour after Lyngbya exposure were examined in relation to the severity of health outcomes. The potential for Lyngbya to exhibit differential toxicologies due to the presence of varying proportions of a range of toxins is also examined. This paper reviews the present state of knowledge on the effects of Lyngbya majuscula on human health, ecosystems and human populations during a toxic cyanobacterial bloom. The potential exists for toxins from Lyngbya majuscula affecting ecological health and in particular marine reptiles.  相似文献   

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