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秦皇岛近海有害藻华发生特征及防治对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛近海有害藻华主要由微型及微微型藻类引起,产生的主要原因为水体营养盐,其发生时间主要集中在5~9月。结合秦皇岛地域特色,提出有害藻华的防控及应急治理需从政策、法律、机制、预案及方法等几个方面着手,建立科学的预防体系及有效的应急体系。  相似文献   

秦皇岛近海养殖区域夜光藻种群动态与环境温度的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对秦皇岛近海养殖区夜光藻的调查,分析研究了夜光藻种群的动态与温度变化的关系。结论:夜光藻在秦皇岛近海养殖区内出现在3月份,并在7月份出现密度高峰,9—10月份偶有出现,11—2月份则未出现。夜光藻最高密度出现的温度为25—26℃,夜光藻在秦皇岛近海的出现及7月份的密度高峰与水温的变化密切相关。  相似文献   

正为进一步加强化工园区有毒有害气体环境风险预警体系建设,切实提高应急防范能力,近日环境保护部在青海省西宁经济技术开发区组织开展化工园区有毒有害气体环境风险预警体系应急演练,环境保护部、省政府应急办等相关部门负责人参加演练活动,全国环保系统应急部门相关人员观摩演练。西宁经济技术开发区有毒有害气体环境风险预警体系建设试点,是环境保护部2012年4月批复的全国第一家预警体系建设试点。从2014年11月至今已完成四期预警项目建设,共建成  相似文献   

去除淡水浮游藻类方法的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
边归国 《四川环境》2004,23(6):66-70
在春至秋季,由于环境污染的影响,我国许多湖泊和水库中经常发生水华现象。由于浮游藻类的存在以及在生长繁殖和死亡过程中所释放出的各种藻类毒素,对水生生物和人畜安全造成严重的影响。因此,必须采取科学的方法对浮游藻类予以去除。去除浮游藻类主要有物理除藻、化学除藻、生物除藻等方法。  相似文献   

2009年初以来,在福建省九龙江北溪的支流和干流连续发生了拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis penardii)水华。经检测,拟多甲藻水华没有明显的生物毒性,但其所形成的深褐色水色和轻微藻腥味对该流域的龙岩、漳州和厦门三城市的生产和生活是造成了一定的影响。研究结果表明,在甲藻水华的防治与应急处置过程中,必须进一步加强组织体系建设,明确各职能部门职责,并根据不同水域的实际情况和季节变化,采取相应的物理、化学和生物方法予以防治和应急处置。  相似文献   

分析了中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中国石油)大陆业务面临的安全环保突发事故风险,介绍了中国石油应急体系的应急组织、应急救援队伍、应急预案体系、应急物资保障、应急技术支持情况。阐述了中国石油在井控、管道应急抢维修、消防、海上(溢油)方面的应急队伍组织结构及突发事故发生后的应急体系运行机制。通过采取自主型突发事件应急体系,主要依靠自有力量完成事故应急工作。  相似文献   

近年来,工业园区突发环境事件高发频发,危及公众生命、健康和财产安全,威胁生态环境,为有效应对和妥善处置突发环境事件,法律规定政府部门和企事业单位应当加强突发环境事件应急演练工作。针对目前国内突发环境事件应急演练存在的问题及工业园区突发环境事件发生的特点和高危性,以环保部举办、青海省环境保护厅承办的工业园区有毒有害气体环境预警体系应急演练为例,提出了工业园区突发环境事件应急演练的思路。  相似文献   

2015年8月12日至28日于秦皇岛西浴场浒苔暴发区共鉴定浮游植物3门20属26种,主要由硅藻和甲藻组成,优势种为尖刺拟菱形藻、中肋骨条藻、旋链角毛藻和浮动弯角藻,与历史资料相比,浮游植物种类没有发生明显变化,调查海域浮游植物平均细胞丰度为40.38×10~4cells/L,多样性指数为1.78,均匀度指数为0.38。浒苔等大型藻类对单细胞浮游植物的化感作用导致浮游植物群落多样性与稳定性都出现了显著下降。  相似文献   

近年来,植物化感作用逐渐成为控制藻类暴发的一种新技术。根据国内外的研究成果,着重从水生植物化感作用、化感抑藻物质、应急处置藻类方法、海洋赤潮和淡水水华的应急处置及机理进行评述,并对该技术今后的发展予以展望。  相似文献   

船舶压载舱中环境因子对夜光藻生长的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用正交实验法分别从气液接触面积与液体体积比、温度和初始浓度3个影响因子4个水平对夜光藻的生长变化率进行研究。研究结果表明,在实验范围内,气液接触面积与液体体积比为0、温度为17℃、初始浓度为10×106cell/L时,藻细胞浓度递减速率最大;影响夜光藻细胞浓度变化速率因素的强弱顺序是:初始浓度〉气液接触面与体积比〉温度。  相似文献   

无锡太湖水源地藻类爆发应急管理与处置体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对太湖蓝藻爆发事件的分析,揭示了我国水源地藻类爆发应急管理和处置体系存在预警、预案机制不完善,监测机制与预警机制脱节,公众信息系统不健全、公开透明程度欠缺等不足,并设计出一套水源地藻类爆发应急处理体系,包括监测检测、应急处理、长效治理和管理体系,以应对该类事件的再次发生。  相似文献   

Increased interest in water quality in coastal and marine areas stemming from the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive has led to important questions in relation to policies that address nutrient loadings. This paper presents the results from a choice experiment study to assess the recreational damage associated with algal blooms caused by nutrients flows into Varna Bay, Bulgaria. Varna Bay is an important beach destination on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. Algal bloom events have been experienced frequently in the area. A choice experiment questionnaire was developed and applied in the Varna Bay area to assess the extent to which the quantity of algal blooms and the duration of the bloom affect recreational activities. The amount of bloom was found to be important, as respondents were on average willing to pay a one off tax of 18.97 Leva (€9.73) for a program that provides beaches free from algal blooms.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed permitting ballast water discharges—a benefit of which would be to reduce the economic damages associated with the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species. Research on ship-borne aquatic invasive species has been conducted in earnest for decades, but determining the economic damages they cause remains troublesome. Furthermore, with the exception of harmful algal blooms, the economic consequences of microscopic invaders have not been studied, despite their potentially great negative effects. In this paper, we show how to estimate the economic benefits of preventing the introduction and spread of harmful bacteria, microalgae, and viruses delivered in U.S. waters. Our calculations of net social welfare show the damages from a localized incident, cholera-causing bacteria found in shellfish in the Gulf of Mexico, to be approximately $706,000 (2006$). On a larger scale, harmful algal species have the potential to be transported in ships’ ballast tanks, and their effects in the United States have been to reduce commercial fisheries landings and impair water quality. We examine the economic repercussions of one bloom-forming species. Finally, we consider the possible translocation within the Great Lakes of a virus that has the potential to harm commercial and recreational fisheries. These calculations illustrate an approach to quantifying the benefits of preventing invasive aquatic microorganisms from controls on ballast water discharges. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

Toxic blooms of golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) have caused substantial ecological and economic harm in freshwater and marine systems throughout the world. In North America, toxic blooms have impacted freshwater systems including large reservoirs. Management of water chemistry is one proposed option for golden alga control in these systems. The main objective of this study was to assess physicochemical characteristics of water that influence golden alga presence, abundance, and toxicity in the Upper Colorado River basin (UCR) in Texas. The UCR contains reservoirs that have experienced repeated blooms and other reservoirs where golden alga is present but has not been toxic. We quantified golden alga abundance (hemocytometer counts), ichthyotoxicity (bioassay), and water chemistry (surface grab samples) at three impacted reservoirs on the Colorado River; two reference reservoirs on the Concho River; and three sites at the confluence of these rivers. Sampling occurred monthly from January 2010 to July 2011. Impacted sites were characterized by higher specific conductance, calcium and magnesium hardness, and fluoride than reference and confluence sites. At impacted sites, golden alga abundance and toxicity were positively associated with salinity‐related variables and blooms peaked at ~10°C and generally did not occur above 20°C. Overall, these findings suggest management of land and water use to reduce hardness or salinity could produce unfavorable conditions for golden alga.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) diminish the utility of reservoirs for drinking water supply, irrigation, recreation, and ecosystem service provision. HABs decrease water quality and are a significant health concern in surface water bodies. Near real-time monitoring of HABs in reservoirs and small water bodies is essential to understand the dynamics of turbidity and HAB formation. This study uses satellite imagery to remotely sense chlorophyll-a concentrations (chl-a), phycocyanin concentrations, and turbidity in two reservoirs, the Grand Lake O′ the Cherokees and Hudson Reservoir, OK, USA, to develop a tool for near real-time monitoring of HABs. Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery from 2013 to 2017 and from 2015 to 2020 were used to train and test three different models that include multiple regression, support vector regression (SVR), and random forest regression (RFR). Performance was assessed by comparing the three models to estimate chl-a, phycocyanin, and turbidity. The results showed that RFR achieved the best performance, with R2 values of 0.75, 0.82, and 0.79 for chl-a, turbidity, and phycocyanin, while multiple regression had R2 values of 0.29, 0.51, and 0.46 and SVR had R2 values of 0.58, 0.62, and 0.61 on the testing datasets, respectively. This paper examines the potential of the developed open-source satellite remote sensing tool for monitoring reservoirs in Oklahoma to assess spatial and temporal variations in surface water quality.  相似文献   

Schwierzke, Leslie, Daniel L. Roelke, Bryan W. Brooks, James P. Grover, Theodore W. Valenti, Jr., Mieke Lahousse, Carrie J. Miller, and James L. Pinckney, 2010. Prymnesium parvum Population Dynamics During Bloom Development: A Role Assessment of Grazers and Virus. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):63-75. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00391.x Abstract: The toxic haptophyte Prymnesium parvum is a harmful alga known to cause fish-killing blooms that occur worldwide. In Texas (United States), P. parvum blooms occur in inland brackish water bodies and have increased in frequency and magnitude in recent years. In this study we conducted three consecutive field experiments (Lake Whitney) to investigate the influence of zooplankton and viruses on P. parvum bloom dynamics during the time of year when blooms are still typically active in Texas (early spring). A localized P. parvum bloom developed during our study that involved increasing levels of toxicity (based on Pimephales promelas and Daphnia magna bioassays). Only in our last experiment, during later stages of bloom development and under highly toxic conditions, did the presence of grazers show a statistically significant, negative effect on P. parvum population dynamics. During this experiment, a rotifer-dominated zooplankton community emerged, composed mostly of Notholca laurentiae, suggesting that this species was less sensitive than other grazers to toxins produced by P. parvum. Microzooplankton may have also been important at this time. Similarly, only our final experiment demonstrated a statistically significant, negative effect of viruses on P. parvum. This exploratory study, resulting in observed impacts on P. parvum populations by both grazers and virus, enhances our understanding of P. parvum ecology and highlights direction for future studies on resistance of zooplankton to prymnesin toxins and algal-virus interactions.  相似文献   

Excessive nitrogen (N) loading to N-sensitive waters such as the Neuse River estuary (North Carolina) has been shown to promote changes in microbial and algal community composition and function (harmful algal blooms), hypoxia and anoxia, and fish kills. Previous studies have estimated that wet atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (WAD-N), as deposition of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN: NO3-, NH3/NH4+) and dissolved organic nitrogen, may contribute at least 15% of the total externally supplied or "new" N flux to the coastal waters of North Carolina. In a 3-yr study from June 1996 to June 1999, we calculated the weekly wet deposition of inorganic and organic N at eleven sites on a northwest-southeast transect in the watershed. The annual mean total (wet DIN + wet organics) WAD-N flux for the Neuse River watershed was calculated to be 956 mg N/m2/yr (15026 Mg N/yr). Seasonally, the spring (March-May) and summer (June-August) months contain the highest total weekly N deposition; this pattern appears to be driven by N concentration in precipitation. There is also spatial variability in WAD-N deposition; in general, the upper portion of the watershed receives the lowest annual deposition and the middle portion of the watershed receives the highest deposition. Based on a range of watershed N retention and in-stream riverine processing values, we estimate that this flux contributes approximately 24% of the total "new" N flux to the estuary.  相似文献   

结合秦皇岛市沿海旅游城市的实际情况,指出了环境应急管理中存在的机构不健全、人员不固定、设备和经费缺乏等问题,并从队伍、装备、预案、演习、应急指挥、危险化学品运输等10个方面提出了对策,以期为环境应急管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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